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Vala-Dictorians: For everyone who wants Vala to stay

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    Originally posted by TheCorpulent1
    It would definitely get tiresome after a while, but I have to admit, I'm looking forward to how Carter and Vala deal with each other in tomorrow's episode.

    For some reason, I have a feeling that they're not going to deal with each other--in other words, I'm not convinced they'll even be in any scenes together. I'm not sure if that's just me or if I read it somewhere...

    Either way, I'm shivering with antici.........Pation!


      I think Vala is great and that she should stay. I've enjoyed her very much in the first five eps. It'll be sad to see her go after Beachhead


        Originally posted by Ancient 1
        I think the clash of personalities with Carter would be intersting for an ep or 2, but it would tend to stagnate; as the character of Vala is doing. TPTB have made her so 0ne-dimensional that there is no room for growth. I do however think that CB is doing the best thing she can do with the character; which is to say: play it "over the top," and embrace the character for what it is: shallow, manipulative, and carefree.
        One dimmensional??? Re-watch The Powers That Be episode or better we'll talk about it again after tomorrow's episode...


          Originally posted by Kalliope
          One dimmensional??? Re-watch The Powers That Be.
          What, In the Powers that Be, amounted to more than one dimension to Vala, or more importantly, went beyond the character we already know?

          She's written as the sexualized rogue thief, a la Silk from David Eddings for those who are familiar with the Belgariad, a la Han Solo in Star Wars, a la Chiana from Farscape. Leering, greedy, but when push comes to shove not willing to severely harm others and/or stand by and let people be killed. It's a cliche based on the Hermes archetype from Greek mythology, but without quite so much meat.

          I know this is likely to become a case of curiosity mangled the cat, but if you could limit yourself to the content of the programs in contrast with the cliche I've sketched here, rather than referring to a variety of Claudia Black fandom articles, promotional materials of dubious merit, and/or merely swoonish excesses, I'd be appreciative.

          Moreover, you might very well have some very good examples, because I could have overlooked some aspect of character development.. the last few eps didn't do much for me, so my attention wandered. For example, Ms. Black's wardrobe was more interesting than the character they gave her to play. Not everybody could wear that sort of stuff without looking bad in addition to way out there!


            I was a bit perplexed by the Qetesh outfit myself. It looks more like a nightgown that some overzealous counter-culture chick took a pair of scissors to than any kind of godly attire... I did like Vala in the episode, though.
            Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
            Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
            Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
            Jack: ... They're lying.


              Obviously they shiped her off to a far off place and hope to pull her back at some point..Personaly I am not to happy to see her go, and a little uphappy at how tonights epsiode ended, I knew it was comming but I realy liked the way her caracter spiced things up and I am sry to see her offed to the other galixy for an unknown time.


                Originally posted by Brady
                Obviously they shiped her off to a far off place and hope to pull her back at some point..Personaly I am not to happy to see her go, and a little uphappy at how tonights epsiode ended, I knew it was comming but I realy liked the way her caracter spiced things up and I am sry to see her offed to the other galixy for an unknown time.
                HI Bradly,
                I think you should post in Season 9 thread or Claudia Balck/Vala thread....


                  Which Episode they filming now? and someone know if Vala will be back this season? if she will coming back at all...

                  Edit to add - it was great to see Carter again. i didnt know how much i missed her till i see her. Welcome Back!!!
                  Last edited by valaCB; 20 August 2005, 02:06 AM.


                    Originally posted by RJ-45
                    So Carter is coming back. I don't mind that, but I wish Vala would stay on SG-1 and they would just let Sam stay behind at Stargate command. She's getting old and now that her dad's gone, Jack's gone, Pete's gone, there really isn't anything left for her character other than technical exposition which could be left back at base.

                    Teal'c still has an interesting character with the whole free Jaffa nation he has to work on and now we have Mitchell and Vala's characters. I like Mitchell's enthusiasm and Vala has a whole character that could be explored; and I love her and Daniel's mischievous banter. It's entertaining and bring's a new freshness to the group. I hope they don't kill Vala off. That would suck.

                    i 100% agree with ya.

                    too bad sam and vala didn't interact at all only 2-3 times in beachhead


                      Well, I must admit that other than a few scenes here and there (not including PU and Avalon I), I rather enjoyed Vala and will miss her. I really think if they toned her down a bit like they did in Avalon II, Origin, TPTB, and Beachhead, she could become a great recurring character.

                      While wasting a few opportunities, the writers did a pretty fair job overall of fleshing her out a bit and making her more palatable. This coming from someone who hated her in PU and Avalon I is high praise indeed.


                        There should be RESCUE VALA TEAM organized as soon as possible to get her out of the Ori galaxy... BRING BACK VALA!!!
                        Last edited by Kalliope; 20 August 2005, 03:44 AM.


                          Originally posted by ValaMalduran
                          I want Vala (smart, witty, funny, sexy, ambiguous).

                          I want Sam (smart, witty, funny, sexy, reliable).

                          I'm with you! I was going to read all the posts first, but it won't change my mind. I am going to miss Vala after 6 episodes more than I would Sam if she were not to return. Frankly I want my cake and to eat it too. How about she comes on full time regular character next season along with Sam?

                          You know, Vala figured out what had to be done and actually did it while the team sat debating the thing. She could add something to the team on a regular basis, and the universe has become a place where the wiliness of a Vala type character could be quite handy!!


                            Originally posted by Apogeal Alpha 01
                            You know, Vala figured out what had to be done and actually did it while the team sat debating the thing. She could add something to the team on a regular basis, and the universe has become a place where the wiliness of a Vala type character could be quite handy!!
                            Agree completely. They need her more they're able to realize. BTW, there's ASK JOE MALLOZZI thread here, grill Joe about it a little bit...


                              Originally posted by Apogeal Alpha 01
                              I'm with you! I was going to read all the posts first, but it won't change my mind. I am going to miss Vala after 6 episodes more than I would Sam if she were not to return. Frankly I want my cake and to eat it too. How about she comes on full time regular character next season along with Sam?

                              You know, Vala figured out what had to be done and actually did it while the team sat debating the thing. She could add something to the team on a regular basis, and the universe has become a place where the wiliness of a Vala type character could be quite handy!!
                              I post in some old posts that i want Vala as a Recurring. I change my mind. she need to be regular character !


                                Oh wow I was on the scifi forums and everyone is hating on vala I couldn't stand them anymore. They bring up the most illogical reasons why they dislike her well some of them are alright I mean she is sleezy and what not but I believe she adds energy to the show from such a serious moment in time which is the defeat of the Goa'uld. Anyways I hope she'll come back if not a permanent character then a reoccuring one like Jacob.
                                We are followers of eternal Hathor!!

                                "We are the queen of the Gods, we are the mother of all Gods."

