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Stargate's doctors and scientists - The Labcoat Love discussion

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    Originally posted by Celestial
    (((Hey Arlessiar))) Hope you had a great holiday/vacation, and welcome back! As promised, here's my contribution to the CB/PM LCLA, and as usual chanting the LCLA chant as Priestess Celestial chants for all the scientists and doctors of SG and SGA.
    Hi Celestial, thanks for welcoming me back and thanks for your wonderful contribution to the LCLA! Great pics!
    Oh yes, I'd love to hear you chanting! Do we have an official hymn or something like that yet?
    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
    And pray what is wrong with shrinkage. The tighter the better unless, there is room enough for two!
    Yeah A, just doing my bit for the LCLA.
    You're doing great! Thanks for putting images of some special men wearing very tight lab coats in my mind, you can do that anytime, ol' gutter girl!

    I'm sorry to hear you deleted your pics by accident! That's a personal nightmare for me, crashed hard drives and such stuff. The next backup is necessary, I fear...

    Bye, A.
    I'm having my hands full with my godchildren today (twins, 5 years old), so I see you later girls!
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      Originally posted by Arlessiar
      Hi Celestial, thanks for welcoming me back and thanks for your wonderful contribution to the LCLA! Great pics!
      Oh yes, I'd love to hear you chanting! Do we have an official hymn or something like that yet?
      Still working on it. I seem to be hitting a blank wall and having mental blanks everytime i see a PM/CB pic All I can come up with is....see, a mental block again
      But will definitely get back to you on that. Any suggestions or help from anyone would be appreciated too

      EDIT: I've got a chant.....may sound a bit corny to some, but this is what I personally feel when I see a Thunkable pic....Priestess Celestial chanting....

      (insert name, eg. CB/JS) *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
      So those who wish to chant along with me.....
      (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
      (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
      (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
      Last edited by Celestial; 22 August 2005, 04:36 AM. Reason: Figured my chant :)
      Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
      and Captain Jack Harkness
      Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
      Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
      Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
      I live here.....Calling All Australians?
      My other home...Stargate Down Under
      My Life on LiveJournal


        Do any of the other scientists wear labcoats? Zalenka? Kavanagh? And I think we need an epi where some of the adorable military guys are in know, maybe an injured Sheppard steals Beckett's labcoat because they took his clothes away so he wouldn't escape from the infirmary. I think that other dark-haired cutie, Major Lorne, would look adorable in a labcoat, too!


          Originally posted by kimaken
          Do any of the other scientists wear labcoats? Zalenka? Kavanagh? And I think we need an epi where some of the adorable military guys are in know, maybe an injured Sheppard steals Beckett's labcoat because they took his clothes away so he wouldn't escape from the infirmary. I think that other dark-haired cutie, Major Lorne, would look adorable in a labcoat, too!
          Well Vala-the-archeologist (hope I spelt that right?) did knock up one of Lt Col John Sheppard that she was nice enough to post here. And I am nice enough to grab and re-post.

          I so love this pic. Geek John! Thanks V.


            Originally posted by Celestial
            EDIT: I've got a chant.....may sound a bit corny to some, but this is what I personally feel when I see a Thunkable pic....Priestess Celestial chanting....
            (insert name, eg. CB/JS) *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            So those who wish to chant along with me.....
            (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            (insert name)*sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
            Hehe, funny chant! I can already see all the members of the LCLA standing in front of our lab coat collection and chanting together with you! After that we all fall to the ground in a big *thunk*.
            Too bad we don't have a musician in the LCLA yet. We need someone for a hymn!

            Bye, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              Sorry but I refuse to chant. I have said it before elsewhere but when they started that chanting thing in the Jonas thread I had to leave and have found it very hard to return there since. So go ahead chant but I will be remaining quiet and in the Lab-Coat closet. Hmm, that don't sound bad at all!


                Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                Sorry but I refuse to chant. I have said it before elsewhere but when they started that chanting thing in the Jonas thread I had to leave and have found it very hard to return there since. So go ahead chant but I will be remaining quiet and in the Lab-Coat closet. Hmm, that don't sound bad at all!
                Yeah, I remember, you said something about that before. Whapt happened on the Jonas thread? Did it become too silly?
                Don't worry, I don't think we'll really chant here, that could get strange. I think it's more like a formality that we have a chant! And I was just joking in my last post, I just liked the image!
                But Celestial just needs to have a chant she can use when she is thunking over lab coats, after all she's our priestess!

                Bye, A.
                ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                  Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                  Well Vala-the-archeologist (hope I spelt that right?) did knock up one of Lt Col John Sheppard that she was nice enough to post here. And I am nice enough to grab and re-post.

                  I so love this pic. Geek John! Thanks V.
                  Amazing pic! I love it!!! John the Geek! Rodney is going to be VERY jealous to have position threatened!
                  On fighting:
                  Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                  Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                    Sorry but I refuse to chant. I have said it before elsewhere but when they started that chanting thing in the Jonas thread I had to leave and have found it very hard to return there since. So go ahead chant but I will be remaining quiet and in the Lab-Coat closet. Hmm, that don't sound bad at all!
                    Sorry to hear that. What happened in the Jonas thread?

                    Anyway, this is just my personal "priestess" chant as Arlessiar said. And it's actually more an image of me when I see a Thunkable pic of PM/CB or JF/JS
                    Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                    and Captain Jack Harkness
                    Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                    Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                    Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                    I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                    My other home...Stargate Down Under
                    My Life on LiveJournal


                      Just a quickie...3 coats, with people!

                      On fighting:
                      Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                      Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                        Originally posted by Lida
                        Just a quickie...3 coats, with people!
                        They look good.
                        The people.
                        Quite nice.
                        And the lab coats look absolutely fantastic!!!

                        I wonder when my lab coat obsession will start to appear in my dreams at night.

                        Bye, A.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          Originally posted by Arlessiar
                          They look good.
                          The people.
                          Quite nice.
                          And the lab coats look absolutely fantastic!!!

                          I wonder when my lab coat obsession will start to appear in my dreams at night.

                          Bye, A.
                          If you DO start to dream about white labcoats, please contact me ASAP. I'm a trained professional and can help.
                          On fighting:
                          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                            Originally posted by Lida
                            If you DO start to dream about white labcoats, please contact me ASAP. I'm a trained professional and can help.
                            Help what? Do that dream control thing and fill those coats? Oh and yes I realize my error Drwho'srose, (I may need to see Celestial to get in tune with my inner labbie) and BTW I've stocked the washroom with those portible tide things, should lighten the load on our wash staff. Yes that includes me. What are you implying? You saying i'm lazy?


                              Originally posted by Lida
                              Just a quickie...3 coats, with people!


                              Wow that is a mighty long stethoscope! Very bright stiff Lab-Coat.


                                Originally posted by Lida
                                Just a quickie...3 coats, with people!


                                Beckett's got quite the Clint Eastwood thing goin' on in that pic, doesn't he!
                                Labcoat as cowboy dustercoat.....Carson'll see ya'll at HIGH NOON with his six-guns!


