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Anti-Vala thread - For complaints about the character ONLY!

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    Cheap humour and/or angst about
    her evil magic baby.
    That could very well be possible... and definitely not for me.


      Originally posted by ReganX
      I'd be afraid that poor Daniel is going to end up as little more than a foil for whatever supposedly "funny" sexual comments Vala chooses to dish out.

      If Mitchell said half the things to Sam that Vala has said to Daniel, there'd be an outcry and few would condemn Sam (or Teal'c, Daniel or Jack) for punching him - why is it okay for Vala to torment Daniel?
      That's a good point. They keep saying that they're going to tone all that down, but I did read an article that was an interview with Michael Shanks and he said that
      in one of the new episodes, Daniel and Vala go to dinner and talk about her "personal growth".... and that there will be those innuendos and whatnot *rolls eyes*


        Wow I just notced this thread You mean I can complain about how much I hate, loathe, detest (well you get my meaning) this character without getting into an arguement or having people tell me how wonderful she is. Phew I think I've found a happy place

        my fanfic


          Welcome, Mandy! Yep, that's right. It's so great that this place exists - I've been flamed by Vala lovers, too... not on this site, but on another popular SG-1 forum.


            Originally posted by JessM
            Welcome, Mandy! Yep, that's right. It's so great that this place exists - I've been flamed by Vala lovers, too... not on this site, but on another popular SG-1 forum.
            It doesn't take much to get dinged or flamed by them does it?

            Many great points being made here. I didn't care for Vala in PU, but took comfort in it being only one episode. Then when she came back I thought they'd have to tone her down and might actually develop her character. She had 5 or 6 episodes, she couldn't stay one note could she? Oh, but she could. Silly me.
            I don't think the show, the original characters , or CB are being well served by this character. I can only hope for an improvement in S10. But I'm not holding my breath.


              I used to watch the the reruns of the new seasons as soon as they came on (heck I still watch the reruns of s1-8) But S9 I couldn't even stand to watch the first episodes once I found them that bad, I mean why didn't they just bring back Tok'ra Spice for those shows anyone would have better than Vala And I agree I found PU unwatchable, one episode I don't watch the rerun when it's on either.

              my fanfic


                If her character is toned down, I might actually like her. I tolerate her for now. I don't find her crude jokes and skimpy outfits 'refreshing'.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55
                  It doesn't take much to get dinged or flamed by them does it?

                  Many great points being made here. I didn't care for Vala in PU, but took comfort in it being only one episode. Then when she came back I thought they'd have to tone her down and might actually develop her character. She had 5 or 6 episodes, she couldn't stay one note could she? Oh, but she could. Silly me.
                  I don't think the show, the original characters , or CB are being well served by this character. I can only hope for an improvement in S10. But I'm not holding my breath.
                  Hi jckfan55! Yup, sadly it doesn't take very much. And some of them are big CB fans as well, who take any criticism of her character personally, as well as a bash of the actress herself. One of them was causing trouble for quite a few people on that forum and was banned, thankfully.

                  I couldn't agree more. And it worries me that the character's full-time status will result in the splitting up of the team (especially the original characters team). So far, in spoilers for two episodes (I'd say three, but it seems that they are eventually brought back together by the end of one of the eps), it seems that she will be off somewhere with Daniel while Sam, Teal'c, and Mitchell are somewhere else. If it happens rarely to serve a plot, then I guess it's okay, but I don't want it to be a common occurrence. Just because she has some kind of "history" with Daniel doesn't mean that they have to be together in every single scene. I'd like to see him interact with the other characters as well.

                  I guess I have a sort of wait-and-see attitude about the season, but I'm not holding my breath either.


                    Originally posted by Mandysg1
                    I used to watch the the reruns of the new seasons as soon as they came on (heck I still watch the reruns of s1-8) But S9 I couldn't even stand to watch the first episodes once I found them that bad, I mean why didn't they just bring back Tok'ra Spice for those shows anyone would have better than Vala And I agree I found PU unwatchable, one episode I don't watch the rerun when it's on either.
                    Same here... I avoid the first 5 or so episodes if I watch S9 reruns. Lol, as much as I wasn't crazy about Tok'ra Spice, I'd rather have had her back.


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      If her character is toned down, I might actually like her. I tolerate her for now. I don't find her crude jokes and skimpy outfits 'refreshing'.
                      Yeah, the "leather ensemble" is pretty ridiculous. I don't know if I want her toned down that much, though.... especially if it means a romantic pairing between her and Daniel (I am remembering that scene from ... Ties that Bind, maybe? where
                      they're in the VIP room and she gets all weepy and Daniel starts to feel bad for her. We get that icky shippy music until it's revealed that she's putting Daniel on.
                      ). I just don't like the idea of them paired together... just my humble opinion.


                        Originally posted by JessM
                        Yeah, the "leather ensemble" is pretty ridiculous. I don't know if I want her toned down that much, though.... especially if it means a romantic pairing between her and Daniel (I am remembering that scene from ... Ties that Bind, maybe? where
                        they're in the VIP room and she gets all weepy and Daniel starts to feel bad for her. We get that icky shippy music until it's revealed that she's putting Daniel on.
                        ). I just don't like the idea of them paired together... just my humble opinion.
                        ah but you see if they don't pair Daniel with Vala, the writers won't know what to do with him??? He might end up in the backround of every scene reading the walls

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                          If her character is toned down, I might actually like her. I tolerate her for now. I don't find her crude jokes and skimpy outfits 'refreshing'.
                          i personally find them rather juvenile and trying

                          when she quips off and sexually harrasses daniel i just roll my eyes and shake my head.

                          I do enjoy how the character helps MS lighten up. TO ME, MS kinda gets stiff when he acts, rather aware that there's a camera in front of him, but when vala is in the scene, he seems distracted enough that he chills out, relaxes and acts more naturally. so i do like that effect upon daniel.

                          but for him to continually be the butt of her ribald jokes????? ick. boring and demeaning.

                          vala could have been so much more had they just not taken the easy way out and made her so much 'fun'. she's really a bit of a joke now and i'm not sure if the writing pertaining to her events in s10 will be up to par enough to adequately explain any rapid changing of ways on her behalf
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1
                            ah but you see if they don't pair Daniel with Vala, the writers won't know what to do with him??? He might end up in the backround of every scene reading the walls
                            at least he'll have good company with sam and teal'c
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Originally posted by Mandysg1
                              ah but you see if they don't pair Daniel with Vala, the writers won't know what to do with him??? He might end up in the backround of every scene reading the walls
                              Lol... well, I meant paired romantically... I think he can pretty much hold his own without her - of course that's just my opinion...


                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                at least he'll have good company with sam and teal'c
                                There ya go! And then there'd actually be a chance of him interacting with them instead of looking back once in a while and wondering who those other two people are...

