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Anti-Vala thread - For complaints about the character ONLY!

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    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
    I don't necessarily want to see Vala gone permanently. I think she'd be interesting to see a few times a year maybe. See...I'm a Sam fan (duh) but I see potential in Vala...

    And why exactly would one dictate the other? Even if I hated Sam, what the heck difference does that make with regard to my impression of Vala? They are BY ALL COUNTS completely unrelated topics...and I'll confess to being irked that the "Sam fan" label somehow pigeonholes me into a perceived fanbase that must then dislike Vala. Please give me a break.
    Labels on anything but clothes is just wrong...and sometimes it's just wrong on clothes as well (they can be so irritating).

    Is this all back to that stupid Farscape vs. Stargate nonsense? That if you appreciate one show and its actors you must then not like the other? Well, I do like both shows. Correction. I liked Farscape. I adore Stargate. As for the actresses, both Amanda and Claudia are delightful and extremely talented women. But trying to judge their characters against each other is ridiculous. We've had 8 years to get to know Sam...and only a few episodes to learn about Vala. There's no way that I could or would want to compare these diametrically opposed personalities, especially since one of them hasn't been fully fleshed out yet. Is it not possible for people to understand that I could actually appreciate both characters? That I don't have to pick one over the other?
    I adore both shows. Always have, always will. With the advent of DVDs I'll never have to choose one or over the other. Ok...I admit it, I kinda do now...but that's only because I haven't been able to afford getting SG on DVD, yet. All my FS DVDs were gifts from my ex.

    I totally understand that you appreciate both characters...I'm the same way. I think it's stupid that some people want everyone to pick and choose which character is better.

    This sentiment isn't toward aimed you Droops I agree with you on what you said...I too want to see more depth in her character. I have believed that there was more there and that the over the top sexualization of her wardrobe and dialogue was the defensive mechanism that Jackson said it was. And then I felt sucker-punched when she turned it into a joke. So hopefully she was being sincere at first but felt uncomfortable discussing things like that and chickened out by making it all one big joke.
    I'm sure were Claudia to be on more eps (who knows what tomorrow brings) we'd see the depth developed a bit slower, but atm, I think they (the writers/directors/actors) are trying to hurry the depth development along. I do believe that the comments Vala made revealing the pain she's lived through over the years, was sincere, but then she (and Daniel possibly) realized how vulerable that made she did what she does best, she turned it into a joke. Defense mechanism in action.

    I just have to believe that there's more to her character than the leather and one liners.

    I want to see for instance how she and Sam interact. After all they have something in common...they both hosted a the length of time and their experiences were completely different of course, but both suffered disasterous outcomes. Sam won't be flustered by Vala the way Daniel is...and I'd personally like to see if Sam is able to force Vala into coming to terms with a painful past.
    I'm with you there! I'd love to see them interact. Not sure Sam would be all that 'warm' towards Vala at first...but I think eventually, they'd form some kind of relationship.

    But whether that happens or not, I truly expect that we'll learn more about what makes Vala tick...I'm still hoping that DEEEEEEEEP beneath the surface, she actually has some character and honor. Something redeemable.
    I think eventually (given Claudia's schedule and that of SG's schedule) we might. I do think there is some character and honor and definately something redeemable in Vala. It's just a matter of time before we see it. I don't think any one person on SG-1 will bring about her redemtion, I think it will be something each member does, says, gives to Vala that will help her redeem herself. One can not redeem someone else. One can only redeem oneself, imho.
    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


      Originally posted by WhatFateAlmondRoca
      Yeah, they seem to be treading water until the race starts....Frankly, though, I would have liked to see more of how Mitchell relates to the other characters. He seemed to get short shrift considering he's the new SG-1 leader.
      yes. he and landry were the main reasons i went ahead and watched the sam-less eps. oh, and to know what the hayhoo was going on for when sam returned.

      i said in a previous post that i loved marimba's reasoning for how vala was being written (and i squeed about it), but then with posts like this, i'm reminded how unfair that is to all the other characters.

      i think it was another sam fan that said she/he would have loved to have seen more sam scenes in the eps after avalon 1, and as much as i would have loved that, it wasn't *needed*. but mitchell character time was. waaay more than landry or lam too in my opinion. it wouldn't have taken much and could have evened out that overwhelming daniel-vala feel. and poor teal'c.

      i truly want to know mitchell. avalon 1 gave me a *very* interesting glimpse into what makes this man. i wish, over these first five eps, we'd have gotten 'more'. (i didn't care for him much, though, in 'the ties that bind')

      The thing with the Vala character for me is the complete suspension if disbelief the writers are asking me for. I mean, I have a hard time buying that the US military would team up with an intergalactic thief who stole our ship, and that they would have her in the meeting with the Senate appropriations guy.

      This seemed gratuitous and forced to me, but it did lend to the comedy of the ep. Not only is her character too much in every ep and for 6 in a row but they seem to be warping the show around her in ways that I find very un-SGC like. For me, the show has lost that "hey, this could be happening now" feeling because the verisimilitude factor has seriously dipped (not that it was always 'on' but at least they made an effort to represent the military appropriately). This is not a bad thing per se, its just different from what my experience with SG up to this point.
      when i saw mitchell and daniel dressed in leather, and daniel 'still' without his glasses... i felt i was watching another show. or a show that was lowering it's standards. they could have still had daniel and mitchell dressing sexy-LIKE, but being so obvious turns me off. like, how 7of9 walked around in a cat suit, even though all the other members of the voyager crew dressed appropriately. uh, why? and 7 was a good character!

      k, i'm done, bye.




        Originally posted by majorsal
        when i saw mitchell and daniel dressed in leather, and daniel 'still' without his glasses... i felt i was watching another show. or a show that was lowering it's standards. sally
        Hi Sally - couldn't green you at this time but have to say you hit the nail on the head with the above point about a show that is lowering it's standards - my main problem with this show (whatever it is called but it ain't Stargate SG1 IMO) is how they are lowering the quality of what was once a well written, strong and intelligent show with friendship, drama, approrpiate comedy, etc. Now it's, at least for the past episodes, and it does not look good for episode 5, IMO, a cartoon and the characters (at least those that are appearing on screen the majority of the time) are caricatures. They really haven't had much of Teal'c so he hasn't been totally flayed yet - we'll see though.

        I fear that when TPTB and the actors say in interviews etc., that this season it is a new show with a new direction that they hope the fans will like it actually means we are now doing comedy and I hope you like it (and not just comedy - cheesy, low quality comedy). Where is the danger Cooper said the earth would face in S9? He saids it was goign to be too dangerous for any more "romps". Seems they have reverted right back to the romps Cooper said they did not have time for anymore. Unless, of course, as showrunner, Cooper just did not know what he was in for with this season (sarcasm button please).


          What I can't understand is why do TPTB feel the need to put the focus on Vala? She has probably had more air time than Cam, Landry, and Tealc combined. I was looking forward to meeting the new commander of SG-1, but he hasn't shown up yet.

          I guess Beachhead is the real Season 9 premier, I don't know what you call the previous 5.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Rogue
            I guess Beachhead is the real Season 9 premier, I don't know what you call the previous 5.
            A nice dose of really fresh air?


              Probably because they only have CB for a limited amount of time. They probably figured that AT's maternity leave left them with CB for the first 5 episodes, so why not make the most of it?
              Thornbird: I'm Major Robort Thornbird. And you are?
              Jack: Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
              Thornbird: Your dog tags say otherwise.
              Jack: ... They're lying.


                Originally posted by Kalliope
                A nice dose of really fresh air?
                Yep, after I sprayed them all with air freshener.

                Seriously though, I have to echo posters who think we've had way too much of Vala and not enough of everyone else. Regarding the old cast, we saw plenty of Daniel, a smattering of Carter (to be expected due to RL), but what about Teal'c? The political turmoil of the Jaffa could be quite interesting. And where in the hell did Jack go? Never explained, poorly done. Regarding the new cast, what's going on with Cam? He is supposed to lead SG1 right? What about Landry or Lam? Unfortunately, I currently have little interest in them because I know next to nothing about all of them. And these are the people that may end up carrying the SG1 torch, so TPTB better get their act in gear.

                Since TPTB have focused so much on Vala, spending a quarter of the entire season predominantly on her, I worry that once she leaves we're going to see a sizeable drop in viewers. I feel like viewers just haven't been encouraged to care about the other remaining cast members.


                  Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                  Yep, after I sprayed them all with air freshener.

                  Seriously though, I have to echo posters who think we've had way too much of Vala and not enough of everyone else. Regarding the old cast, we saw plenty of Daniel, a smattering of Carter (to be expected due to RL), but what about Teal'c? The political turmoil of the Jaffa could be quite interesting. And where in the hell did Jack go? Never explained, poorly done. Regarding the new cast, what's going on with Cam? He is supposed to lead SG1 right? What about Landry or Lam? Unfortunately, I currently have little interest in them because I know next to nothing about all of them. And these are the people that may end up carrying the SG1 torch, so TPTB better get their act in gear.

                  Since TPTB have focused so much on Vala, spending a quarter of the entire season predominantly on her, I worry that once she leaves we're going to see a sizeable drop in viewers. I feel like viewers just haven't been encouraged to care about the other remaining cast members.
                  Yes I agree with you ToasterOnFire ... Well Said.

                  As far as the actors/writers/ whoever else would like to believe that Sam fans = antiVala is not true. I hate it when people try to pit one fan base against another. What does that prove or how does that help the situation? I loved SG-1 because of the team dynamics and the great chemistry between the actors. Sam hasn't returned yet, so there obviously isn't that interactions. But what about the characters that are there ...we haven't seen Mitchell, Daniel, and Teal'c interact except for snippets here and there. So I don't really have a good feeling about S9 so far.

                  I think Claudia Black is a talented actress that has not had a chance to display the range of acting she is capable of. The cheesy one liners and innuendos have made for a very shallow character and show IMO. If the writers could tone down the jokes and actually develop the character. I know I would be happier. Do I look forward to Sam’s return? Absolutely. But that doesn’t make me an AntiVala fan. I think the if they would develop the character then I would like to see some Vala and Sam interacting and keeping the boys on their toes, but not in the manner the writers are giving us now.


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    i also have no doubt that michael shanks is enjoying the vala character. besides the fact that claudia is a great person, i'm sure he's enjoying his character getting all this screen time.

                    What actor wouldn't enjoy that?


                      I haven't seen all the posts, but was anyone posting here, at the Creation Con in question? Because if either MS or CJ said that about the people who don't care for Vala, then it was an appalling comment, designed to fracture even further a fandom that is already too often at odds (or even if one or the other of them raised the issue by asking for a show of hands. There was *no* reason to introduce the Sam-factor into the question. Neither of them are stupid individuals; whoever asked/said that had to know exactly what they were suggesting.)

                      "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                        Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                        I haven't seen all the posts, but was anyone posting here, at the Creation Con in question? Because if either MS or CJ said that about the people who don't care for Vala, then it was an appalling comment, designed to fracture even further a fandom that is already too often at odds (or even if one or the other of them raised the issue by asking for a show of hands. There was *no* reason to introduce the Sam-factor into the question. Neither of them are stupid individuals; whoever asked/said that had to know exactly what they were suggesting.)

                        Yep. And I'm still waiting for a link to that con report.


                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                          Yep. And I'm still waiting for a link to that con report.
                          There was a small report in the S/J thread from someone who attended. That's the only one I've read. You'll have to look back several pages to find it.

                          As I recall from *that* report CJ did the whole poll thing when someone in the audience asked when Vala was going to be killed. Way to phrase a question there.

                          Although it does tie nicely into the name of this thread "End Vala".

                          ETA: Who I don't want to "End" btw.
                          Last edited by keshou; 11 August 2005, 03:59 PM.
                          Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                            Well for my two cents: I could care less about pro-Vala, anti-Vala, pro-Sam, or anti-Sam. I love SG-1. All the characters. Period. Full Stop. I can understand why some people feel it's too much Vala or Daniel, but being a "Daniel" fan, I'm not complaining. I too wish there was more Teal'c interaction with Daniel, but whatever. As for Mitchell, he can wait another episode until Sam comes back, then I think everything will start to mesh.

                            I dont' believe that SG-1 is lowering it's standards. It doesn't bother me one iota that Vala is scantilly clad. Heck, I see worse going out my front door on the way to the beach. As for Daniel and his glasses. Never understood why he keeps wearing them. For one thing - contacts. For another, he's been in the sarcophogus so many times, you'd think it would have cured his vision problems. Lastly, you would think after bein an ascended being, they could have dropped him on that planet with no clothes and 20/20 vision. I like when I can see those baby blues. I liked Daniel with glasses for the first couple of seasons, I don't think it's necessary for him to wear them and not still be "Daniel."

                            I also love the new season. For one thing, I felt that the character of Daniel was at least more serious. Last season, it felt like the writers had to make every comment between Daniel and Jack a comedic thing. I missed those serious moments between their two characters. So, for me, I'm enjoying the banter, the moodiness, ect., and the comedy. Although, I don't think all the episodes were all comedy. Avalon Part II and Origin certainly weren't.

                            So here's my take (for what it's worth to anyone) on what I've read on this thread:

                            1. I love Vala and I love Sam. Period.
                            2. I don't think MS meant to insult, instigate, misrepresent, or upset anyone. If he did, indeed, say whatever. If fans are splitting into camps, it's the fans that are doing it. Me, I'm not in any camp. I'm in ALL the camps: Pro Sam, Pro Daniel, Pro Tealc, etc.
                            3. If you're tired of the Vala/Daniel thing; it will be ending after tomorrow night. One more episode. Personally, I am REALLY going to miss her and them together.
                            4. I'm really looking forward to seeing Sam again NEXT week.
                            5. I'm also very much looking forward to seeing the team come together, and I agree, it has to wait until Sam comes back.

                            In closing, I love this show, and I love this new season. Bring on the next episode.


                              Originally posted by Maxum
                              1. I love Vala and I love Sam. Period.
                              2. I don't think MS meant to insult, instigate, misrepresent, or upset anyone. If he did, indeed, say whatever. If fans are splitting into camps, it's the fans that are doing it. Me, I'm not in any camp. I'm in ALL the camps: Pro Sam, Pro Daniel, Pro Tealc, etc.
                              3. If you're tired of the Vala/Daniel thing; it will be ending after tomorrow night. One more episode. Personally, I am REALLY going to miss her and them together.
                              4. I'm really looking forward to seeing Sam again NEXT week.
                              5. I'm also very much looking forward to seeing the team come together, and I agree, it has to wait until Sam comes back.
                              I totally agree with everything you said above, although I'm not sure I LOVE Vala. They're going to have to give her some depth over and above her oneliners for me to be invested in what happens to her. But she has a ton of potential.

                              Extra kudos on your comment about the fans.
                              Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                                Originally posted by ToasterOnFire
                                Yep, after I sprayed them all with air freshener. :
                                Can I borrow your air freshener - I've run out . . . .

