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Cameron - Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tcpike
    Hi! It's "newbie" here! I joined this forum at the beginning of this season because I wanted to see how SG1 fans reacted to Browder & Black. I now mostly "lurk" because of the negativity. About the only two threads I do go to read are this thread and the Mitchell thunk thread because I've kind of gotten tired of the negative stuff said about Browder and his character. That said, I am grateful for this little oasis of kindness. Thank you! I enjoyed the banter between Cam and Daniel in this latest ep. I'd comment about other parts of the ep I enjoyed but since this is a Cameron thread, I'll stick to that. I am REALLY looking forward to next week's ep after seeing the previews. Looks like we may get to see a bit more of "Shaft!" Again, thanks for keeping this thread alive!
    Hi TCPIKE.... welcome!

    PLEASE keep delurking... this is a safe haven for discussing and appreciating Ben and his work. It'd be wonderful to have new posters come in and give their insight into the character and the show. I'm looking forward to seeing the Cam/Daniel interaction tomorrow night (I'm in the UK) but like you... I'm so looking forward to Collateral Damage. I understand from Mallozzi that this is going to be a much 'darker' episode than SG is used to and we know how well Ben does dark! I have seen the preview on the SciFi site for CD and that alone is making next week not come soon enough.


      Originally posted by Kas
      Time does play a part and I feel that as the series progresses with more incorporation of Ben, then we'll find more positives arising. It takes some people longer to realise that RDA is not coming back, he's not going to be progressing storylines if he does any odd cameo and that the show does now include new characters that are now part of the verse. The stories are going to be around these characters and by this time next year, they'll probably be very well loved.
      I certainly does.

      For example, Joe Flanigian in an interview or the commentary of 'Rising' (I don't remember which one) said that at the being of the series people were saying Sheppard was to much like Jack. But as the season went on, they stopped saying this.

      I have my fingers crossed that is true Ben/Cameron.


        Originally posted by HirogenGater
        I have to say that Cam is fast becoming my favorite character. I was afaird he was going to be similar to his Farscape character, and in a way he is, but I think it really works for the team dynamic. I seems like there is a friendship building between him and Danial. I feel like SG-1 is like a fresh new show now.
        Having the new characters on a permanent basis does refreshen the show enormously. It allows the writers to have new character aspects, backstories and different ways of leading/reacting in situations. Couple that with interaction with the long-term characters, new threats etc then I believe the show has been refreshened but I also feel that it's heart and basis is still Stargate. I'm enjoying it... just as much as I love rerunning the earlier seasons.


          Now that I've responded so some posts, my opinions...

          Of course, I loved it. I LOVED the banter between Daniel and Mitchell. The timing was exquisite. Then the recipe "exchange". Hee. I'm sure the prior didn't have clue what he was talking about [hmmm, shades of FarScape?]. Loved it. Mitchell was so relaxed and in charge this episode - and Daniel looked to him to take the lead - naturally and acceptingly. It was great.

          About Orlin: I actually thought his plodding speech made sense in this episode. He was losing the memories and deductive reasoning that he was trying to hold on to and trying to not let others realize it. It seemed that he was talking slowly and trying to think of each word before he said it, so that he would get it right - for himself and for anyone else so they wouldn't know how far he had gone in losing his thoughts. The problem was: I think in the first half this was due to the poor child trying to remember all the technical lines, so it doesn't really seem like an acting choice in this half to emphasize the panic and pressure he was feeling. Maybe it's because I saw the first half a while ago, but I thought the slow, deliberate, plodding speech worked in the second half.

          Lam's "big" reveal: Yeah, I get that she couldn't be in the room with her father or get him isolated from the others to have a private conversation and that maybe her being in a different room was supposed to show how distant she feels from her father and her somewhat unemotional reading was due to her still feeling some resentment, --but the bottom line is that I spent her entire speech coming up with these reasons and not listening to what she was saying. So, if trying to understand the symmetry of the scene keeps the viewer from feeling the emotional impact of it, then it becomes a disservice to the scene.

          I leave you with this not-exact wording of my favorite part of the show:
          The prior says something about the Ori punishing them.
          Mitchell: I'm not feeling anything. You?
          Daniel: No. [pause] I'm a little thirsty.
          Mitchell: That doesn't count.
          Daniel: No.

          It's all in the delivery, which was perfect!
          [I'll get the correct wording for my chronicle!]


            Originally posted by jckfan55
            Mitchell is slowly growing on me. Next week's episode looks like a Mitchell episode, but I hope to see some good interaction with the rest of the team. I think that's one of the best ways to bring long time fans along. Of course my bias is "team" episodes anyway.
            I really believe that it is being played deliberately so that we journey along with new character Mitchell as he develops his relationships and style. As this season progresses and certainly by the end of S9, I expect to see all those relationships in place and sizzling! I think this is the season of 'team' as in the building of Mitchell's unit and his relationship with them. JMO.


              Originally posted by tcpike
              Hi! It's "newbie" here! I joined this forum at the beginning of this season because I wanted to see how SG1 fans reacted to Browder & Black. I now mostly "lurk" because of the negativity. About the only two threads I do go to read are this thread and the Mitchell thunk thread because I've kind of gotten tired of the negative stuff said about Browder and his character. That said, I am grateful for this little oasis of kindness. Thank you! I enjoyed the banter between Cam and Daniel in this latest ep. I'd comment about other parts of the ep I enjoyed but since this is a Cameron thread, I'll stick to that. I am REALLY looking forward to next week's ep after seeing the previews. Looks like we may get to see a bit more of "Shaft!" Again, thanks for keeping this thread alive!
              Welcome, tcpike! We love discussing Mitchell here, so please join us in the conversation!


                Originally posted by HirogenGater
                I have to say that Cam is fast becoming my favorite character. I was afaird he was going to be similar to his Farscape character, and in a way he is, but I think it really works for the team dynamic. I seems like there is a friendship building between him and Danial. I feel like SG-1 is like a fresh new show now.
                Cool! It's great to find more Mitchell fans! SG-1 is different and fresh in many ways. Sometimes, it's nice to relax and enjoy the changes and to let go of the past.


                  Originally posted by jckfan55
                  Mitchell is slowly growing on me. Next week's episode looks like a Mitchell episode, but I hope to see some good interaction with the rest of the team. I think that's one of the best ways to bring long time fans along. Of course my bias is "team" episodes anyway.
                  Team episodes are definitely the best. Next week it looks like we might see some great interaction between Mitchell and Sam. I'm looking forward to that. And I love in the preview where it looked like the rest of the SG-1 is standing up to defend Mitchell. That might not be what is happening, but until I see the ep and am proven wrong, I'm going with that!


                    Are we allowed to link to another post without the author's permission? If not, let me know, if so, check out this reply by "Margaret" in yet another "Why is Mitchell the leader" post.


                    Wow. Just wow. and thank you to Margaret!


                      Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                      Are we allowed to link to another post without the author's permission? If not, let me know, if so, check out this reply by "Margaret" in yet another "Why is Mitchell the leader" post.


                      Wow. Just wow. and thank you to Margaret!
                      As it's another post on the open GW forums, I don't see why not. Perhaps you could drop her a quick PM and mention you've posted the link to her post so that she could check it out.

                      I second that Chillin. What a great post... really well considered. Thanks Margaret and thanks for the link Chillin.


                        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                        LOL! I can certainly imagine Mitchell fixing breakfast [fantasies of mine aside...] and maybe being somewhat efficient in rudimenary food preparation, but baking a pie? Nope, don't see that. I related the pie line to Mitchell's Sunday's hanging around Grandmom's house.
                        You said something about Mitchell fixing breakfast and then I lost all coherent thought. Chilling are you trying to turn this into the thunking thread. Mitchell, pie, mmmmmmmmmmmm.
                        LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                          Originally posted by tcpike
                          Hi! It's "newbie" here! I joined this forum at the beginning of this season because I wanted to see how SG1 fans reacted to Browder & Black. I now mostly "lurk" because of the negativity. About the only two threads I do go to read are this thread and the Mitchell thunk thread because I've kind of gotten tired of the negative stuff said about Browder and his character. That said, I am grateful for this little oasis of kindness. Thank you! I enjoyed the banter between Cam and Daniel in this latest ep. I'd comment about other parts of the ep I enjoyed but since this is a Cameron thread, I'll stick to that. I am REALLY looking forward to next week's ep after seeing the previews. Looks like we may get to see a bit more of "Shaft!" Again, thanks for keeping this thread alive!
                          Newbie?? But I know that name - you must have made a memorable post on the Thunker thread.

                          Actually I sometimes read the negative threads just for amusement - I refuse to take them seriously so they don't bother me anymore. It is kinda like Cam/Dan banter with the prior, just don't take the prior or joyless people (how appropriate) seriously and life is much more amusing.
                          LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                            Originally posted by HirogenGater
                            I have to say that Cam is fast becoming my favorite character. I was afaird he was going to be similar to his Farscape character, and in a way he is, but I think it really works for the team dynamic. I seems like there is a friendship building between him and Danial. I feel like SG-1 is like a fresh new show now.
                            Woohooo!! Two newbies in one day. I think that is why some people are not liking the show because it does feel fresh and they are resistant to change. I love change in TV series, I love when TPTB surprise me.
                            LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                              Originally posted by tcpike
                              Hi! It's "newbie" here! I joined this forum at the beginning of this season because I wanted to see how SG1 fans reacted to Browder & Black. I now mostly "lurk" because of the negativity. About the only two threads I do go to read are this thread and the Mitchell thunk thread because I've kind of gotten tired of the negative stuff said about Browder and his character. That said, I am grateful for this little oasis of kindness. Thank you! I enjoyed the banter between Cam and Daniel in this latest ep. I'd comment about other parts of the ep I enjoyed but since this is a Cameron thread, I'll stick to that. I am REALLY looking forward to next week's ep after seeing the previews. Looks like we may get to see a bit more of "Shaft!" Again, thanks for keeping this thread alive!
                              Welcome tcpike! Delurk often and bring friends! CD is a Mitchell episode and that's a good thing just in and of itself!

                              Originally posted by HirogenGater
                              I have to say that Cam is fast becoming my favorite character. I was afaird he was going to be similar to his Farscape character, and in a way he is, but I think it really works for the team dynamic. I seems like there is a friendship building between him and Danial. I feel like SG-1 is like a fresh new show now.
                              Welcome HirogenGater! I think he's great for the team too! I'm really looking forward to how his relationships with Daniel, Sam and Teal'c develop.

                              Originally posted by jckfan55
                              Mitchell is slowly growing on me. Next week's episode looks like a Mitchell episode, but I hope to see some good interaction with the rest of the team. I think that's one of the best ways to bring long time fans along. Of course my bias is "team" episodes anyway.
                              Welcome jcfan55! The spoilers seem to trend more Mitchell and more team too as well a general shift back to more traditional old style Stargate episodes. I'm really looking forward to them spending some quality off world time together!

                              So many new handles! The rest of the season looks like it will give us a lot to talk about as we watch Mitchell go off world, bond with the team and get a chance to get a glimpse into his past and what makes him tick. So please don't be shy, pull up a key board and let's enjoy MORE Mitchell!


                                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                                Team episodes are definitely the best. Next week it looks like we might see some great interaction between Mitchell and Sam. I'm looking forward to that. And I love in the preview where it looked like the rest of the SG-1 is standing up to defend Mitchell. That might not be what is happening, but until I see the ep and am proven wrong, I'm going with that!
                                Something tells me you'll get your wish for more team in upcoming episodes! And also more off world action I think. I really wish they would have got them off world together sooner. This show is or should be about off world adventures and challenges, not hanging around the SGC. Hanging around the SGC = boring. Off world = fun.

                                I think that I am looking forward to the chance to see what kind of dynamic Mitchell and Sam have together as much as getting a peek into his past. So a lot of curiosity going into CD and really going into all the rest of the episodes. There was an awful lot of housekeeping going on in the first half of the season. It looks like maybe now we can start getting into the real heart of the story and developing some depth to the relationships.

