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Cameron - Discussion and Appreciation

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    The Ben Browder interview is up. Yay!!! It's rather a long one. But one thing I found interesting was that when they asked Ben about being the leader, he never mentioned co-leading. He talked as if he was the sole leader on SG-1. So go, Ben!


      Just read and listen to the interview. It was great.

      David mention that there was a S10. Ben asnwered
      BB: Yes, I'm still waiting to find out whether I'm alive or not.

      And we know the answer to that.


        Just watched the interview. Some good stuff in there, but on a more humorous note, I loved this part [clipped from GateWorld's write-up of th interview]:

        GW: ...last week I came across a keychain for sale on the Internet. It had a picture of you and underneath was the caption, "When God created Ben Browder he was just showing off."

        BB: That's a reasonable balance to "the most wooden actor in the history of the universe."

        GW: First of all have you seen this keychain --

        BB: -- No, I haven't seen this keychain.

        GW: Or others of it's kind? And two, how does that make you feel?

        BB: It's baffling. It's a baffling question. I hope that my mom kind of feels that way. Maybe my mom made the keychain. I've got to give her a call. "Mom, what are you doing with those keychains?" God bless my family. And the people I pay to do that stuff. I've got a little factory producing "Ben Browder is God" artifacts. It'll be on sale immediately following this video ...
        First, I love the sentiment that God was showing off when he made Ben!
        Next, I love how Ben laughs it off, attributes it to his mom and then that he has a factory making this stuff.


          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
          Just watched the interview. Some good stuff in there, but on a more humorous note, I loved this part [clipped from GateWorld's write-up of th interview]:

          First, I love the sentiment that God was showing off when he made Ben!
          Next, I love how Ben laughs it off, attributes it to his mom and then that he has a factory making this stuff.

          That was hilarious Chillin,

          What a great interview that was... and I LOVE this guy... so unassuming and down to earth. A real working actor who loves his craft, the developing and telling of a real story and is not in it for the superficial side of things. He's just so bright as a button and quick-witted you've got to be on your toes. Real eloquent replies to all the questions... RESPECT!


            It was a great interview, Kas. I did think the interviewer [David?] dropped the ball one time when Ben mentioned the 8 inches of mud. I really thought Ben wanted to discuss it more. The only reason I can think of for David not pursuing the topic is that he was told beforehand not to discuss anything not aired yet. I still think he could have asked what Ben was referring to [especially since I think Ben discussed this in vague terms before] and backed away if Ben said it was off limits. But, then, I can also understand that if you were told not to talk about something that you would want to stay on good terms for future interviews, if that is what happened.

            On the other hand, another great exchange...

            BB: The catering is very good. Actually we did have a day, the final day of shooting ... There's the other thing: donuts. Mmmm.

            GW: Donuts?

            BB: Yes. Michael, Chris, and I asked for donuts and we sat down with, oh, probably 20 boxes of donuts and milk and shared them all with the crew. But we sat down and had a donut feast on our final day of shooting. [Laughter]

            So I guess I'd request another Donut Day, yeah. One Donut Day a year. That was actually my whole contribution from Stargate for the whole year. Donut Day. "What did Ben Browder add to the show?" "Donuts." Donut Day. They had donuts before ... but they never had Donut Day.

            GW: Did you have Donut Day on Farscape?

            BB: No. No no no, every show gets a new thing.

            GW: Next year it's going to be ice cream.

            BB: "It's Beer Day on Stargate! You can always tell when they're shooting [on] Beer Day." [Laughter]
            --even though Ben said every show gets a new thing and David changed it to every year gets a new thing.

            But, it was worth it for the line, "You can always tell when they're shooting Beer Day."

            and I thought this was cute - that he said Mitchell's name, along with call sign...
            GW: Is there any aspect of Cam, you or the writers --

            BB: -- Cameron Mitchell?

            GW: Cameron Mitchell.

            BB: Lieutenant Colonel "Cam Shaft" Mitchell?


              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
              It was a great interview, Kas. I did think the interviewer [David?] dropped the ball one time when Ben mentioned the 8 inches of mud. I really thought Ben wanted to discuss it more. The only reason I can think of for David not pursuing the topic is that he was told beforehand not to discuss anything not aired yet. I still think he could have asked what Ben was referring to [especially since I think Ben discussed this in vague terms before] and backed away if Ben said it was off limits. But, then, I can also understand that if you were told not to talk about something that you would want to stay on good terms for future interviews, if that is what happened.
              I think this may well have been the case Chillin. Here's what David wrote in the written extract whilst introducing the interview:

              Because Ben does not like to add to the spoiler and rumor mills, we stuck mainly to the first half of Season Nine and some of the broader strokes that made it what it was.
              Every interviewer does have some indication given to them as to what the subject is prepared to discuss and Ben never gives away any upcoming details on what hasn't aired. He believes in the actual telling of the story in its artistic whole. I expect that he just would have elaborated on having the chance to do 'boys stuff' if David had've pursued the point - all in general terms of filming - not in terms of episode specifics. But I expect David was told that the unaired part of the season was off-limits.

              On the other hand, another great exchange...

              --even though Ben said every show gets a new thing and David changed it to every year gets a new thing.

              But, it was worth it for the line, "You can always tell when they're shooting Beer Day."

              and I thought this was cute - that he said Mitchell's name, along with call sign...
              Beer Day *snort* - agree, another great pickup. This was a very well done piece and covered aspects that are definitely original. Mostly mag interviews are all the same but David managed to ask some great things and receive well thought answers. Gives a real insight into Ben the person.


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor
                Me TOO!!!
                Yeah, but I like the Prototype scene ("hey, new guy!") and the Ties that Bind stuff, too! LOTS! It's fun to watch them play. (And I think it irks MS that Ben has so much fun when the camera's NOT rolling, too!!!)
                My fave line fr Cam so far:

                "Don't let me have to separate you two." to Daniel and Vala at yet another squabble in Avalon pt.1

                Just sayin'.
                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                  Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                  Just watched the interview. Some good stuff in there, but on a more humorous note, I loved this part [clipped from GateWorld's write-up of th interview]:

                  First, I love the sentiment that God was showing off when he made Ben!
                  Next, I love how Ben laughs it off, attributes it to his mom and then that he has a factory making this stuff.
                  I so want that keychain


                    Also from the GW interview

                    GW: Some fans have observed that, as a leading man, we haven't seen many episodes in the first of the season that are especially Mitchell-heavy. What are your thoughts on this? Was it just a matter of the storylines, and you didn't necessarily get the chance to be in the foreground the entire time?

                    BB: I think that's a Rob Cooper, Brad Wright, writer question. I don't frame the stories. I believe that they did certain things with a purpose, but I can't speak for them as to what their purposes are. Even if I knew what their purpose was I wouldn't want to speak for them in that regard. I have more to do as an actor and Cameron Mitchell has more to do as a character later in the season.

                    Great interview, BB's always are, but of course I like that last line here the best! Whatever RC and BW's purpose was at the beginning of the season, I hope that it's been accomplished and that's the end of it. Otherwise, I think sword fighting Mitchell needs to pay a visit to the writers' room!


                      Originally posted by gbbarb
                      I so want that keychain
                      Me too!


                        And also from the GW interview:

                        GW: Would you like to eventually write for [Stargate] ?

                        BB: That is not a question that I'm entertaining at the moment. They have a long-running writing staff. The guys up there are doing their job and if I was to write for SG-1 it would be because the writing staff wants to engage me in that fashion, so ...

                        GW: But if they come to you and say, "Would you be interested in this?"

                        BB: Then we would talk about it at that point.

                        GW: Is that what happened with Farscape?

                        BB: Yes. With Farscape David Kemper and Rockne O'Bannon asked me if I wanted to write a script. I did not approach to write a script.

                        It's a hell of a lot of work, writing a script, and to see it through from beginning to end. I'm a stickler for finishing what I start, so on Farscape every word which appeared on a page was written by me. I was doing rewrites in the middle of the night. I was writing scripts while I was shooting -- shooting during the day and writing at two or three o'clock in the morning.

                        You do it because you love the show and you want to be that far engaged in the show. But I don't know that I'm comfortable with letting someone else finish what I start, so in order to do it it'd have to be something that I really want to do and, quite frankly, the writing staff really wanted me to do. I don't know whether that would happen or not.
                        So probably never any BB written Stargate eps. These writers seem far too territorial to "invite" an actor to write something. Oh well, I guess we can't have everything.


                          Ben also said that he doesn't want anyone else to finish writing something he starts, and I know Joe Mallozzi has said that they end up rewriting a lot of stuff that they get from writers. I can't help but wonder if they told Ben, sure you can write, but we're not going to guarantee that we don't rewrite some or all of your script. It could be a case of Ben deciding not to write for them.


                            Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                            Ben also said that he doesn't want anyone else to finish writing something he starts, and I know Joe Mallozzi has said that they end up rewriting a lot of stuff that they get from writers. I can't help but wonder if they told Ben, sure you can write, but we're not going to guarantee that we don't rewrite some or all of your script. It could be a case of Ben deciding not to write for them.
                            That's true. And if we can't have a BB script straight up and uncensored then I'd rather not have one at all, especially with these writers doing the rewriting.


                              Originally posted by Dream-a-Little
                              That's true. And if we can't have a BB script straight up and uncensored then I'd rather not have one at all, especially with these writers doing the rewriting.
                              Hee, I had the exact same thought.
                              LONG LOST TWIN SISTER OF PURPLE


                                Originally posted by Kas
                                Beer Day *snort* - agree, another great pickup. This was a very well done piece and covered aspects that are definitely original. Mostly mag interviews are all the same but David managed to ask some great things and receive well thought answers. Gives a real insight into Ben the person.
                                Loved the Beer Day comments, too. But what I appreciated most (about the video) was that they credited the questions to the people who asked them. The credits at the end listed everyone who sent in questions for Ben, whether they actually used them in the interview or not. Plus... they used two of my piccies with him.

                                Only 24 more hours!!!

