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    Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
    Obviously, I don't know. I keep going back to see if "maybe it's post 807!"

    They're keeping it secret to make us yearn...

    Everybody, what were your favorite episodes from season 9?

    Mine in order of preference:

    Ripple Effect
    The Scourge
    Avalon 1

    I so wanted to like Off the Grid :sigh:



      I just ignore the fact that Landry told them to keep a low profile and it all works out...


        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
        I just ignore the fact that Landry told them to keep a low profile and it all works out...

        Actually that and the way Cam was written aren't my main reasons for not liking it. I really dislike it because of the directing and other basic cock-ups - the lack of narrative focus, poor pace, poor representation of relative time etc.


          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
          Ya know, the only reason I was excited about the 800th post was that I heard there would be more avatars available to pick from - more Mitchell pics - but... not so much.

          Dang bad intel.

          So much for truth in advertising!


            In OTG I think they should have let it be a serious episode like the last 30 minutes or goofy like the first 30 minutes. It seemed like 2 partial shows put together. I liked the first half because it had some funny stuff in it. I liked the tag scene and felt like it belonged with the first half. Did that make any sense at all?



              Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
              Obviously, I don't know. I keep going back to see if "maybe it's post 807!"

              Everybody, what were your favorite episodes from season 9?

              Mine, in order that they were on the show:
              Avalon, Part I
              The Ties That Bind
              The Powers That Be
              The Fourth Horseman, Part II
              Ripple Effect
              Off The Grid [Yep, I actually liked this one]
              The Scourge
              Arthur's Mantle

              I liked them all [maybe Crusade not so much], but these stand out in my memory. I could change my mind when I watch them again.
              From these choices, I know I don't represent the average person.
              My ranking from best to worst:

              A tie for best episode between RE and CD.
              (RE for writing and multiple Cams and CD for acting that rises above and beyond the star trek plot retread. )

              3. Avalon Part I (Fun all the way through, best Mitchell/Sam scene when they are not in the same room)
              4. Camelot (Mud! Nuff said! And what do you know, they actually do know how to do an actual cliff hanger.)
              5. Babylon (cool fight scenes and I still love the Mitchell/Teal'c exchange in the beginning. So sue me! )
              6. Arthur’s Mantle (Best Mitchell/Sam scenes when they are both in the same room.)
              7. Scourge (Tree Ferrets!)
              8. Ethon (Great Chair Scene in the beginning, Best Mitchell/Daniel scene.)
              9. TPTB (Best Mitchell/Vala scene.)
              10. Avalon Part II (Great sword fight, but lack of Mitchell in three quarters of it knocks this one down the ranks)
              11. TTTB (Fun when it's a scavenger hunt. Not so fun when they drag us back to the dull SGC and please let's not even talk about the senate subcommittee hearing. That was horrifyingly bad!)
              12. Beachhead (Basketball and "earth minutes")
              13. Prototype (Allen M. should be locked in a room and forced to do nothing but push buttons all day.)
              14. Stronghold. (Mitchell/Teal'c tag keeps this up higher than it should be with the "hothead" crap.)
              15. FH Part II (Mitch and Dan have fun with a prior)
              16. Crusade (Great towel scene then what Vala did on her summer vacation. Note to Vala, next time just send a post card.)
              17. FH Part I (Fun hallway scene and the rest is like watching the air go out of a balloon. Worst scene of the season – briefing room discussion with Daniel/Sam/Orlin and Landry where the big reveal is that the Ori are really a meaner version of Tinker Bell! If only you believe! Second worst scene of the season – the Landry/Lam/Sam exchange over Sam’s past relationship with Orlin.) Cliff hanger? More like speed bump.)
              18. Origin (Like watching paint dry, when it’s damp out. Ori establish themselves as snori zzzzz)
              19. OTG (Mitchell in uniform me likee, Cornfield Mitchell - not so much!)
              20. EDM (whoa, what a mess of an episode. No one and I mean no one does anything even remotely interesting here.)

              Anybody else want to weigh in?


                Originally posted by shester
                In OTG I think they should have let it be a serious episode like the last 30 minutes or goofy like the first 30 minutes. It seemed like 2 partial shows put together. I liked the first half because it had some funny stuff in it. I liked the tag scene and felt like it belonged with the first half. Did that make any sense at all?

                Makes perfect sense and you’re right the tag did feel like it belonged with the first part of the episode. I think the director was trying to bridge two very mismatched halves into a whole here. It really did feel like it was written by two different people, very schizophrenic episode. Mitchell in uniform both at the beginning and in the second half worked for me, the tag somewhat less so.

                Nothing about the rest of the episode made sense. Why would you send them on this mission to begin with, they don’t seem suited to it? Why does the guy who wanted to be so sure that they’re right before dropping that bomb in CD and takes what he is doing so seriously there just cavalierly take off here? Why is the same guy that was so devastated by what happened in the gulf in CD (even though he was clearly not at fault ) that he nearly resigned his commission show barely any reaction to the fact that he almost got himself and everyone killed? Basically this whole episode is one big:



                  Hey, y'all. I'm new to this thread, so nice to meet you. First of all, I DEFINITELY think that the addition Mitchell is an improvement over S8's team activity, and second, I think that Ben Browder is a great actor. I hope you will hear me out

                  Great Sig by Bella


                    Originally posted by Mr_Fantastic
                    Hey, y'all. I'm new to this thread, so nice to meet you. First of all, I DEFINITELY think that the addition Mitchell is an improvement over S8's team activity, and second, I think that Ben Browder is a great actor. I hope you will hear me out
                    Hey y'all back! And welcome to the thread! So totally agree with you on the addition of Mitchell and that Ben Browder is a truly great actor!


                      Hey Mr_Fantastic! Glad you are here. Ben is a wonderful actor. We will be happy to "hear you out".

                      I agree with you Dream a little about Mitchell's character. They really don't stay consistent with him. I don't mind his goofy side. I love his leadership style. I love that he takes responsibility for his actions even if it is not his fault. Maybe the goofy doesn't need to be so extreme. I know Ben said he wasn't through fleshing out the character yet. So maybe in Season 10 they will let Ben do what he needs to for the character. I am going to trust Ben he has good instincts. He knows how to act. I fell in love with John Crichton within minutes of watching him.

                      He is bound by the writers' words. So if Mitchell seems abit off it is the writers. But Ben will be blamed for whatever happens with the character.

                      I am kind of new to reading on forums. I have mostly stayed on Farscape boards. Kansas and Terra Firma mostly. I don't ever remember there being threads that started out with "I Hate (fill in the blank)..." So I was taken aback when I came here and read so much meanness against a character. It is okay if you don't like a character but to start "I hate" threads is a bit much. For me anyway. But if you love a show you should support all the characters that make it what it is. At least they didn't cancel it. Sikozu is my least favorite on Farscape. But I would never start an "I hate" thread about her.
                      Daniel is my least favorite character on Stargate but I would never consider going in and lambasting him. He is a part of the show and necessary. I want Stargate to be renewed for Season 11 so I will support all the characters. I can't imagine what must go through Ben's mind when he reads all the snotty stuff. He says he is an eternal optimist. I hope he stays that way. I am certainly going to support him.
                      Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there. I had to get up too early this morning. Ha!

                      Have a nice day!


                        I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet -- Formerhost has transcribed and posted the DVD commentary for Avalon, Pt.1. It is in the Season Nine folder. The commentary is by Andy Mikita and Rob Cooper and they have some interesting things to say regarding Ben's addition to the cast and his portrayal of Mitchell as well as some nice things to say about Claudia.


                        As always, Ben's initial instincts on how to play the character were right on target. Sounds as if even he was not too sure about the "enthusiasm" insisted upon by TPTB. Like everyone who posts this thread, I truly enjoy the Mitchell character. Ben has made him multi-faceted and unpredictable, and I am enjoying every minute he is on screen.

                        Always enjoy reading this thread.


                          Thanks Zelda and many thanks to FormerHost for going to that trouble. An excellent read and I loved the fact that Ben has such instincts to instinctively feel what is right and to question some aspects already. I really hope they take even more note and allow him to go with his instincts more in S10, as he gets more of a feel of how his character should develop.

                          Dream-a-Little... my S9 listing in virtually identical to yours and I agree that for me the second half of the season was stronger/more enjoyable than the first although I really did enjoy S9 very much. The only thing that I would change would be to move TPTB down and Prototype up (disregarding the button pushing... I thought the background story with Daniel and the guest actor were excellent. And I loved the ramp scene)

                          I also enjoyed Stronghold, at least the background Cam story... thought Reed Diamond and Ben were absolutely wonderful.

                          The less interesting episodes for me were definitely Origin, Forth Horseman 1 and 2.


                          Welcome to the thread MR. Fantastic...


                            There was one scene in "Ripple Effect" that bewildered me...

                            Evil Cam: And when the time comes, cut the green one

                            Now I didnt get to see the end of S9 (due to various things), did that play out already or is it still a mystery?

                            Great Sig by Bella


                              Originally posted by Mr_Fantastic
                              There was one scene in "Ripple Effect" that bewildered me...

                              Evil Cam: And when the time comes, cut the green one

                              Now I didnt get to see the end of S9 (due to various things), did that play out already or is it still a mystery?
                              At this time, it's still a mystery. People have various ideas but I tend to think it was for real and that we may see something play out next season. They seemed to be the team closest to our reality but slightly in front... there may be differences between them and our earth but I just feel that Black Cam was being genuine here... Of course, I could be totally wrong


                                Originally posted by Kas
                                Thanks Zelda and many thanks to FormerHost for going to that trouble. An excellent read and I loved the fact that Ben has such instincts to instinctively feel what is right and to question some aspects already. I really hope they take even more note and allow him to go with his instincts more in S10, as he gets more of a feel of how his character should develop.
                                It almost sounds from this commentary that Cooper basically wanted him to play or wants him to play a version of a Stargate Fan who won a “get in the gate contest.” Cooper seemed to be sort of coming at it that the audience would love that approach because Mitchell is basically a version of them. Cooper seems to be paying more attention to trying to manipulate the long term audience rather than creating a realistic character. I agree Ben had a way better a feel for what to do with the character than Cooper. Hopefully they’ll trust Ben’s instincts a lot more going forward

                                Dream-a-Little... my S9 listing in virtually identical to yours and I agree that for me the second half of the season was stronger/more enjoyable than the first although I really did enjoy S9 very much. The only thing that I would change would be to move TPTB down and Prototype up (disregarding the button pushing... I thought the background story with Daniel and the guest actor were excellent. And I loved the ramp scene)

                                I also enjoyed Stronghold, at least the background Cam story... thought Reed Diamond and Ben were absolutely wonderful.

                                The less interesting episodes for me were definitely Origin, Forth Horseman 1 and 2.
                                Yeah, I know, I have button issues! I agree the ramp scene in Prototype was great and so were the performances of the guest stars. I think what I liked about TPTB is the opening sequence seemed to establish a relationship that I thought was rather intriguing between Mitchell and Vala. It’s a direction that I’d like to see them take that relationship in season 10. Unlike Daniel, Mitchell didn’t let Vala push “his buttons”. (Oh there we’ve got button issues again! ) Button pushing is something Vala uses to push people off balance, it lets her get the upper hand. It didn't work for her here. I think it would be interesting to see Vala come up against someone that she can’t play, someone that she can't throw off balance. I think it would make for an interesting dynamic between both characters. This first hint of a possible character dynamic is what intrigued me about the episode. Writing wise the episode falls apart for me as soon as we hit Vala’s trial, still the possibilities hinted at in the first part wins it brownie points in my book.

                                Interesting to note in terms of Vala/Cam, Beau Bridges supposedly mentioned at the con
                                that there is an episode that Ben and Claudia spend quite a bit of time together. So maybe we have gotten past the "you can't put them together in the same scene for very long" phobia that they were suffering from. Mitchell's got enough he can'ts to deal with. He doesn't need can't interact with another season regular to the list.

                                I agree Stronghold did have some great moments between Ben and Reed and I really loved the vending machine scene. But I have real problems with the "hot head" exchange and the fact that this is the kick off of some character continuity issues.
                                Last edited by Dream-a-Little; 31 March 2006, 07:07 PM.

