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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread

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    Sam in The Quest 1 Part 3


    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          It should be said tho, Pol...the photo ops are WELL worth the money and time, even tho they're short. *nods*

          14 days!


          Oh...and some icons...From a few of my Vancouver pix:

          01 02 03 04

          05 06 07 08

          ...more next post...
          Last edited by LilFerret; 18 April 2009, 06:00 PM.


            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              ...icons continued...

              From the recent SyFy Up Front photo booth black and white pix:

              01 02 03 04

              05 06 07 08

              09 10 11 12

              13 14 15 16

              17 18 19 20


                Sam in The Quest 1 Part 4


                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    Awesome pics as usual Jumper One!


                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                        Um, you did buy at least a general admission ticket for Saturday, right? You need a con ticket to use your photo op you purchased.

                        And no, you have to leave all your things on the table at the head of room before you enter, and only pick them up after. You get just a few seconds of her time, but it's enough to say hi, and how are you, etc. Then you take the picture, thank them, and move on. It's very quick.
                        Thanks Jenni.

                        Yes, I did buy a gen admission ticket too. I'm still grinning and can't wait. Thanks for the info.
                        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                          Originally posted by Pol View Post
                          Thanks Jenni.

                          Yes, I did buy a gen admission ticket too. I'm still grinning and can't wait. Thanks for the info.
                          By an autograph tickie too and you'll get a bit more time with her. *nods*

                          *grinning herself*

                          Two weeks! OMG!


                          It feels like...forever...

                          And it was just 13 days ago. *sigh*


                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            By an autograph tickie too and you'll get a bit more time with her. *nods*

                            *grinning herself*

                            Two weeks! OMG!


                            It feels like...forever...

                            And it was just 13 days ago. *sigh*
                            DONE!! I didn't even look to see that the option was there! Cool beans! Are you going to be there? What sort of thing should I bring for signing? Can I buy an AT pic there for her to sign?

                            Oh, gosh, now I'm really gonna just keel over!
                            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                              Originally posted by Pol View Post
                              DONE!! I didn't even look to see that the option was there! Cool beans! Are you going to be there? What sort of thing should I bring for signing? Can I buy an AT pic there for her to sign?

                              Oh, gosh, now I'm really gonna just keel over!
                              oh, pol, you are so cute with your excitement!


                              have a super great time, hon, and take MILLIONS of pictures of amanda to share!



                                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                                Yeah, I know continuity wise that Sam's alright and doing ok...but none of that helps the fact that she isn't part of my weekly TV experience anymore. Sure I get to see Amanda in Sanctuary...but Helen ain't no Sam.
                                I know how you feel, sorta. You see, now I know I've said this before but, I'll always regret that I wasn't around when SG-1 was on, I had seen bits of it here and there, but I was more into power Rangers and stuff, so I never sat back and watch it, and that I didn't really get into it until near the end of S10. I mean I was aware of the show, and I'd seen it here and there over the years, and I never thought much about it. then I bought the whole series set, and watch every episode in just 2 weeks. As for SGA, I had to watch S4 on my lap-top, I didn't have TMN back then. And came to Atlantis, I felt great because I could see Sam again in a new season of SGA, and watch a whole live episodes of the show. Watching those episodes when they were new, I felt like how I should have been when SG-1 was going on, but then it was over too. I missed out on 10 awesome years of live SG-1 adventures, and I missed all the action and fun when it was new, and I missed watching Sam grow up . But thinking of what my life's been like these past 12, years, I feel like how Amanda did after the last episode of SG-1 when she, Michael, and Chris went up to the briefing room, and looked down at the Gate I'm like "Well, that happened" (She said that in the Unending commentary)

                                But that WILL NOT be the case for Sanctuary, so far I've seen EVERY episode live on Friday nights, I record them too of course , then I come here and talk about it, and I will keep doing that as long as Sanctuary's around . As silly as it may sound, I want to make up for all those years I wasn't around for SG-1 . Which is why I want to continue to watch every episode live (the actual day it comes out) and I want to be there to see Helen in action every week on my big screen TV. This time, I'm gonna do things right, so it's kinda like a new beginning for me . Heck, I even have my own little season set on tape, actually it's 2 tapes, and I'd NEVER tape over them. And not just that, but I have another tape that Amanda related, you know her guest appearances on The Circuit, and I cherish each tape .

                                In fact, here's some pics of my AT collection . In this first pic, are my 4 video tapes of a whole bunch of Amanda TV appearances I've taped. The first 2 tapes are S1 of Sanctuary, you can tell what's on the tapes because I've labeled them. Btw, mind my hand-writing -


                                Here's a close-up of the first tape, you can see the titles of the S1 episodes-


                                Here's tape 2, with the last of the S1 episodes-


                                Here's tape 3, with a whole bunch of Amanda's TV appearances (carefully labeled )-


                                And last but not least, tape 4 with-- well, take a look-


                                Again, mind the hand-writing. HEHE

                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                Amen. I watch the show to support AT, you say, Helen ain't no Sam.
                                I was a little nervous at first about seeing Amanda play Helen, because I had never seen the webisodes before, so I didn't know what to expect. But I fell in love with Helen right from the start . Sam's still my #1-- actually she's #2, Amanda's #1 , but I can definitely say, Helen is one of my all time favorites .

