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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread

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    so look at the 10th photo down...

    btw, there's spoilers for s5 of sga and the 3rd sg1 movie




      Hi there everyone . Just dropping off this new YT vid I made yesterday, I already posted it Samanda yesterday too, and now I'm posting it here . This vid is all about-

      The Amazing, Awesome, Cool, Dark, Funny, Lovely, Unapologetic, and Smart.
      The one and only:
      (((Helen Magnus)))
      (This is the link ^)

      PS: You'll also notice that I've been promoted to Major, and I have a new custom avatar.


        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
        Before I hit the hay here in Vangroovy at...oh gee...2:43am on Monday morning, I wanted to post the linkie to my pix, for anyone interested. You'll find MS and AT pix here, and links to the other LJ posts with the rest. Enjoy!

        P.S. Jumpy jumpness Jumper, I still owe ya that zippy of the CC pix! I will get to it eventually, I promise!


        P.P.S --- Amanda is SSSSooooooooooooooooooo a J/S shipper. HEH. *whistles*


        for Rocky...

        P.P.P.S....check out the little note about her dogtag. She's the best. Seriously.

        *misses Amanda muchly*
        Wow, wow, and some more wow , those are amazing, in every sense of the word . Thanks an extra thanks for putting all the pics into a zip file, that makes it so much easier to download . I love what yo said about Amanda and Michael on your website-
        I love her I love her I love her

        And Michael was such a sweetheart too. Damn him. *sigh*

        I was totally only doing the Amanda photo op today (since I bought it before the convention). But...I just...couldn't...resist...


        I mean...seriously? *glares at Michael Shanks* I'm supposed to dislike him. He's a brat. Bratty brat brat. Usually.

        And he looked all adoringly at me, too. Right after the photo. Just...kept his arm around me and gave me the sweetest look. *huffs and folds arms...twitches*

        And I rubbed Amanda's back. *blinks* I just...rubbed her back. Like you would do when you're comforting someone.

        *blinks again*

        And...and...she let me. o_O

        And as we walked away from the group photo she thanked us for the lunch earlier. AW.


        Though I do find it amusing that Amanda and Michael are both cuddled all over me...while Jeff is...over there.

        *giggles all fangurly and feels more speshuuuullller* HEH

        My other photo ops will be posted once I get home and scan them. These two would have been available online on the 20th, but there was NO WAY I was leaving without them, so we bought the JPG's. They're now my property to use as I please, per Creation. YAY. Not that I wouldn't have used them ANYway...

        and I laugh when because of the I also really liked those pics of MS, he looks so cool . Just one more thing, when will you be making a write-up of the pics? You know, like you did for AT3 and CC? Oh, I did look at your archive for April, and I found this - Amanda Tapping - Up Close
        I really...really...have no words to describe what I'm feeling right now. I have never known such an amazing person, and have never met someone who could make me laugh and make me cry so often within an hour.

        I already knew Amanda Tapping was amazing. I did. And I knew how much I loved her. Or, at least, I thought I knew.

        And then I discovered, on an even stronger and deeper level, that she's...perfect...and why she's everything to me.

        We all chatted in a very polite manner, everyone got a chance to speak and discuss and be involved in very deep, very personal, intimate conversation. She talked about Liv (Olivia), her amazing fairy-loving, artistic, incredible, accent-using, intelligent little girl. And she talked about Alan. And she told us of an experience not long after her brother passed, and knowing he was there watching out for her, in physical form - a Native man who looked identical, in only Native. (Alan saw him too.) It was...beyond touching, and I am still crying every few minutes.

        I got to stand with her for several minutes while everyone's camera was used for a group photo (though mine isn't great...I'll deal...), and after got the biggest, tightest squeeze hug from her, telling me how good it was to see me, etc.

        *cries again*

        I adore you, Amanda. And yes, you and I share a common thought on energy, karma, the after-life, and positive thought.

        Thank you so much for everything you are, and for knowing exavtly what is needed at the right moment.

        Those are incredibly beautiful Jenni , just by reading all that, all your love and admiration for Amanda is genuine, pure and real . The third line is the best IMO, and I fully believe you when you say Amanda's everything to you . Oh, and yeah, she's so perfect .

        Congrats on taking even more amazing pics of this amazingly beautiful woman . You always do a great job in taking Amanda pics Jenni, you're every bit talented as you are beautiful .

        Btw, I went to the link, and I read what you said about her dogtags, OMG, that is the sweetest, most cutest thing . But what was even sweeter was when you said this- [
        I]We all chatted in a very polite manner, everyone got a chance to speak and discuss and be involved in very deep, very personal, intimate conversation. She talked about Liv (Olivia), her amazing fairy-loving, artistic, incredible, accent-using, intelligent little girl.[/I]

        Did you say that, or did Amanda say that? That's so sweet .

        PS: You're right about one more thing, Amanda is like a breath of freash air .


          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
          Oh wow, that's are awesome, thanks .

          I'd like to thank you're the leader of his pic thread, but Amanda's the leader of everything else .

          Damn stright .

          For someone who hardly slept back then, she looks great .

          Yeah .

          Ouch .

          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i'm currently looking at lilferret's amanda vancouver con photos... my gawd, that woman is gorgeous!!

          ~fangirl moment~

          ~goes back to looking at photos~
          *Sighhhhhhhhhhhh* I know, isn't she awesome?

          *fanboy moment*

          *goes back to looking at photos*

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          Just been mucking around in my photobucket and thought I'd drop this off...night all...have a great Easter!!

          Thanks so much for that Chelle, God, she's is gorgeous .


            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
            Okie dokes...1st and foremost...*waves at the crowd* Hi everybody! I'm baaaaack.


            *taps mic*


            2nd, Jumper! Finally made the zippy! Of course, it uploaded while I slept as it's HUGE! Might take forever and a day to download, but here are all my Amanda Comic Con 08 pix in HQ.


            Although......might just call them big. HQ makes them sound...good...

            They're pretty ick in that size. Hence the reason I take them that big. They can be sized down.
            Don't worry Jenni, I was cheering for you .

            OMG, thanks so much for that second zip file of your CC pics . I already have a whole bunch saved, but this is much better, because now I have them all in order . You're too cool for this place hon. But I didn't say you could leave .

            Well, judging by what AT said at the con...oh never mind... *giggles inanely*
            Oh please, tell us .

            Yes...yes she is.
            She'll always be gorgeous/perfect forever and ever .

            © LilFerret (Jenni Cole) - Creation Vancouver 09

            © LilFerret (Jenni Cole) - Creation Vancouver 09

            © LilFerret (Jenni Cole) - Creation Vancouver 09

            I have to say...her crooked grin will ALWAYS be my favorite. I just adore her.

            OMG! *pets* So pretty!
            OMG, those pics are way too cool . You take some of the greatest AT pics ever Jenni, you and Amanda look so beautiful together ... One day I hope to have a pic taken with you, Sally, and what's her name?.... oh, Amanda . I'll be in the middle, surround by three pretty, awesome ladies .

            One more thing, will you make a zip file for AT3 pics?
            Last edited by Bagpuss; 26 December 2009, 03:22 PM. Reason: tags changed


              Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
              That woman has the awesomest face EVER!

              Everyone knows she's awesome .

              yeah I know, I am pretty awesome. j/k

              If you say so .

              She always takes great pics .


                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                Sam in Search & Rescue Part 1

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                Sam in Search & Rescue Part 2

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                Sam in Search & Rescue Part 3

                Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                Sam in Search & Rescue Part 4

                Aw S&R, I'll admit, I've never seen the episode, but by looking at these caps, and wow, she looks absolutely stunningly beautiful in those caps . Wow, these have to be HD caps, because she looks amazing .

                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Yeah I know . I hated that part of the episode, I had so much hurt when I saw that part, but I was so happy when she was back in Continuum, and in EatG. I like to think that all was put well/right with her .

                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post




                If you like that, knowing you, you'll love this-

                Originally posted by Alan View Post
                Definitely! She is absolutely amazing and hot and beautiful and then some!
                Oh, soooooooooooooooooooooooo much more .

                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                and i also loved that it came in a zip file, so it was all automatically saved to my computer right from the bat.
                All AT pics should come with zip files .

                Originally posted by NormaN View Post
                I didn't use those images, I found them hard to use. But here is a Sam Carter signature nonetheless.


                The pictures didn't really blend cause I added it after I worked on the stock for a while.
                Great sig .

                Originally posted by NormaN
                Love this picture, may use it in the future.
                What about this?-


                  Originally posted by NormaN View Post
                  Double posting for the win! Here is a new Sam signature, I followed a tut made by Luci.

                  Oh, very nice .

                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  Aw, thanks guys. *blinks* Er...guy...and gal.
                  They're right hon, all your Amanda pics need to come in zip files .

                  Still breathing. Although, after that next pic...OY!
                  Yeah, hot, eh?

                  Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                  You and Jumper have inspired me to make yet another sig. I made the one I'm using to match my banner on LJ...but I've just made this one:


                  Oh, look at that, you even made a sig about that .

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  thanks, jumper, for doing the early sam episodes. it's like revisiting eps i've not seen in quite a while. hmm, maybe i should buy all the seasons of the show, eh?
                  While you're at it, why don't you buy S1 of Sanctuary?

                  Ooh .

                  OOOOOOOOOOOOOh .


                    I'll post this, thank you.


                      That's a good pic too.


                        Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                        Yeah I know . I hated that part of the episode, I had so much hurt when I saw that part, but I was so happy when she was back in Continuum, and in EatG. I like to think that all was put well/right with her .
                        Yeah, I know continuity wise that Sam's alright and doing ok...but none of that helps the fact that she isn't part of my weekly TV experience anymore. Sure I get to see Amanda in Sanctuary...but Helen ain't no Sam.

                        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD,THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                          Originally posted by Alan View Post
                          Yeah, I know continuity wise that Sam's alright and doing ok...but none of that helps the fact that she isn't part of my weekly TV experience anymore. Sure I get to see Amanda in Sanctuary...but Helen ain't no Sam.
                          Amen. I watch the show to support AT, you say, Helen ain't no Sam.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."




                              Sam in Seth Part 1


                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                                Aw S&R, I'll admit, I've never seen the episode, but by looking at these caps, and wow, she looks absolutely stunningly beautiful in those caps . Wow, these have to be HD caps, because she looks amazing .
                                you should, S&R is one of my favorite s5 eps

                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                Amen. I watch the show to support AT, you say, Helen ain't no Sam.

                                Originally posted by major davis View Post

                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

