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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by CKO View Post

    new wp..

    for size and one pic from The Quest pt2

    enojy and as always free for snurching.
    Love it, as always. Thanks!


      Thanks for the wallpaper

      As for the commentaries, I know that CB didn't do any for season 9. I'm not sure about BB. And although I don't have many of the "Farscape" discs, I know they've done quite a few commentaries for that.

      I was actually discussing the whole commentary thing in another thread *cough*Daniel/ValaShipThread*cough* and someone brought up the idea of the whole team doing one commentary, for like "Unending" or something. Ha! Wouldn't that be fun! At least there wouldn't be a lull in the conversation But yeah, the two things I want the most are MS/CB and CB/BB commentaries. I think she has just such wonderful banter with both of them, and it would be nice to see/hear that in some season 10 commentaries

      And you're right..."Bounty" is pretty much their episode. Although, for my money, I enjoyed their scenes in "Bad Guys" more...but half of the focus of that episode is on Daniel/Teal'c/Hostages.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        knew you;d like it Kate... you got the sneak peak at it before i actaually posted it up to this thread

        glad ya like it Stef


          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
          Did CB or BB do any of the commentaries for Season 9? What about the Farscape series? The dvd's are really difficult to find up here so I have to order them online so I haven't seen or heard what's on them. Are there any good commentaries? ( I know that they would definatly be good with BB and CB but sometimes the commentary is not done by actors, and can get a little tedious to listen to how they lit the shot etc....)
          CB and BB didn't do any commentaries for Season 9. They did many commentaries for the Farscape Starbust DVD edition and these are priceless. Sometimes it's more fun to listen to the commentaries than to watch the show. The interaction between Ben and Claudia is so interesting that it's worth buying the full DVD collection just for the commentaries.


            Originally posted by OfficerAerynSun View Post
            CB and BB didn't do any commentaries for Season 9. They did many commentaries for the Farscape Starbust DVD edition and these are priceless. Sometimes it's more fun to listen to the commentaries than to watch the show. The interaction between Ben and Claudia is so interesting that it's worth buying the full DVD collection just for the commentaries.
            Is that available in North America? I can never find the Farscape DVD's in stores (I'm in Canada) and usually resort to buying online. Any links?


              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
              Is that available in North America? I can never find the Farscape DVD's in stores (I'm in Canada) and usually resort to buying online. Any links?
              I'm in Europe and I ordered mine from Now I've got the American and the European (French) versions, but the American one looks and is much better.

              I haven't seen the Peacekeeper Wars in the Starbust edition and I don't know if it will be release some day. But in the meantime, the best version is the UK one (with making off). I hope they will release a Starbust edition with commentaries (Ben and Claudia and David Kemper hopefully).


                Love the wp, CKO

                Stef - I think it would be kinda cool to have them all do commentary for Unending, especially on all the different little scenes here and there.

                And I wouldn't mind commentary with BB and CB for Bad Guys either I guess it would probably be more likely to have MS and CB do the one for MM, although it would be interesting to hear what CB would say about her scenes w/BB, esp.
                chained to the bed and the Twinkies scene!


                  yea it would

                  glad ya liked the wp Jess


                    Originally posted by OfficerAerynSun View Post
                    CB and BB didn't do any commentaries for Season 9. They did many commentaries for the Farscape Starbust DVD edition and these are priceless. Sometimes it's more fun to listen to the commentaries than to watch the show. The interaction between Ben and Claudia is so interesting that it's worth buying the full DVD collection just for the commentaries.

                    Completely agree.
                    I bought some Starbursts that I already had in the original set just for the
                    new commentaries.

                    A team commentary for season 10 would be so much fun.


                      Beautiful WP CKO




                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          Someone may have answered this already but I'll fill it anyway In a ficathon, people sign up to write fics and they also say what they'd like to see in a fic - various prompts (like "bananas", a dance marathon, etc.), ideas (like smut, future fic, other pairings, etc.). After they get those in, the people in charge of the ficathon give out the "assignments" to those who signed up. So you'll get someone's prompt/idea requests and you have to write a fic including them. I just got my "assignment" for the s/d one last week and the deadline is in May. There's a whole LJ comm dedicated to it. But if we could do a c/v one I'm sure we could host it at the comm (unless we start a new one just for that).

                          If anyone wants the url of the s/d ficathon just to get ideas and see how it works let me know and I'll post it
                          Is there any interest in doing something like this??? I'm in!


                            soudns interesting... btu that would mean myy damned bunnies would have to bite


                              Originally posted by CKO View Post
                              soudns interesting... btu that would mean myy damned bunnies would have to bite
                              *stares in wonder* You mean... there is no bunnies bitting at the moment? Ok so no bunnies are bitting me in the mitak atm... but i am working on an original fic, which i am going to dudifully follow through, and then most likely change it all. :-D the main thing is finishing something none fanficcy ....

                              but if a fanfic does bit, and of the C/V kind, i will hed it and let it pull me in...perferably something insanely smutty... but of course!!!
                              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                                *tosses CV smutty bunnies towards Chris.* htere ya go.. have fun.. *grins*

