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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Awww, shucks.... This pic was begging to be used in a sig..

    QUEST 2


    Yeah, I know, a repost, but in my defense, it's a cool pic.

    And I found a different pic I wanted to use...


      Originally posted by CKO View Post
      nice sig scifi fan..

      great job on it Kate
      Thank you, all credit goes to kate


        Originally posted by SylvreWolfe View Post
        Cool, thanks for the heads up SciFiFan
        Your wellcome, I love this story.


          Okay, so I was inspired by that Q:2 pic and decided to make a banner for it. Feel free to use it

          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Okay, so I was inspired by that Q:2 pic and decided to make a banner for it. Feel free to use it
            Love it Stef.


              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
              Uh, didn't you get your fix yesterday????

              Ok, so help me out here. What's a ficathon and why doesn't C/V have one? Could we start one?
              Someone may have answered this already but I'll fill it anyway In a ficathon, people sign up to write fics and they also say what they'd like to see in a fic - various prompts (like "bananas", a dance marathon, etc.), ideas (like smut, future fic, other pairings, etc.). After they get those in, the people in charge of the ficathon give out the "assignments" to those who signed up. So you'll get someone's prompt/idea requests and you have to write a fic including them. I just got my "assignment" for the s/d one last week and the deadline is in May. There's a whole LJ comm dedicated to it. But if we could do a c/v one I'm sure we could host it at the comm (unless we start a new one just for that).

              If anyone wants the url of the s/d ficathon just to get ideas and see how it works let me know and I'll post it


                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                not nearly enough smut yesterday....

                anyway... theres a new CV smutty fic up


                Unimaginalble Torture
                CV SMUTish
                Thanks for the link CKO I liked the C/V smut although I had huge issues with the Daniel stuff (personally cannot ever see Sam thinking of Daniel as an annoying younger brother - I know many say she sees him like a brother esp. early in the show but I've never seen her viewing him as incredibly annoying... and I wouldn't see her as being extremely traumatized being tied up with Daniel... but then again what do I know... sorry for getting o/t ). Also the author was arguing with me big time so I can't really say anything about it - other than the smut was pretty nice lol

                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                Oy, CKO (and anyone else intersted)

                Chap 22 is posted........

                Where's Home?

                Soo... now I got mine updated, your turn CKO.....
                Great job Kate, I'm catching up on ch 21-23 and will leave you a review shortly.


                  psssssssssst chp 23 is up.



                    Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
                    Hey, that's my fic! Heh. A friend told me it had been recced so thanks.

                    it's definitely a WIP and may change a lot but have at it. there's a LOT more coming.

                    and thanks again for the rec
                    I've been following along with it and I've been enjoying it so far. I like the interaction between Vala and Sam, as well as Sam and Teal'c's interaction w/Aeryn. Great job!


                      Oh wow... just loving all the pics... I love that scene from MM too, I really hope both CB and BB will be doing the commentaries on that one!

                      Love the banner, Stef


                        Originally posted by JessM View Post
                        Oh wow... just loving all the pics... I love that scene from MM too, I really hope both CB and BB will be doing the commentaries on that one!

                        Love the banner, Stef
                        Myself, I'm crossing my fingers for CB and BB to do commentaries for either "The Quest Pt.2" or "Bounty" (maybe "Bad Guys"). I think MM would be more of a MS/CB commentary, if any pairing. Although, I'd be happy to see CB comment on that episode, regardless of who she's with!


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Myself, I'm crossing my fingers for CB and BB to do commentaries for either "The Quest Pt.2" or "Bounty" (maybe "Bad Guys"). I think MM would be more of a MS/CB commentary, if any pairing. Although, I'd be happy to see CB comment on that episode, regardless of who she's with!

                          Good points - It would be cool to see a CB/BB commentary for Bounty or The Quest Part 2 as well... looking forward to them!


                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            Myself, I'm crossing my fingers for CB and BB to do commentaries for either "The Quest Pt.2" or "Bounty" (maybe "Bad Guys"). I think MM would be more of a MS/CB commentary, if any pairing. Although, I'd be happy to see CB comment on that episode, regardless of who she's with!

                            I think you're right on the MM commentary. I bet it would be CB and MS, but I'm sure that CB will make some comment about BB loosing his pants...... I really hope that BB and CB do the commentary for Bounty
                            as it was mostly their ep. I know there was some of the rest of sg-1 in it, but I only remember the C/V bits.... *sigh* great ep.

                            Did CB or BB do any of the commentaries for Season 9? What about the Farscape series? The dvd's are really difficult to find up here so I have to order them online so I haven't seen or heard what's on them. Are there any good commentaries? ( I know that they would definatly be good with BB and CB but sometimes the commentary is not done by actors, and can get a little tedious to listen to how they lit the shot etc....)


                              I don't think they did any season 9 dvd commentaries. They did do a lot of Farscape commentaries and those are fun.



                                new wp..

                                for size and one pic from The Quest pt2

                                enojy and as always free for snurching.

