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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    I hunted down Yusagi's Cam/Vala rp today because i was absolutely desperate for something to read! Hopefully she'll pop back in soon... but since I'm sure you guys are just as eager for new C/V as I am... here's the link:
    la vita nuova (fic journal)



      evil! DV above us


        we always need more CV


          what the heck... my subscription for this thread was removed again... and not by me! whats up with that

          sig by DJgirl


            mmm dunno... did ya talk to the mods or see whats goin on... (you can ask in the 'ask the mods thread' )


              and some pure naughty smut i dont think ive read before,

              sig by DJgirl


                Mmmm smutty


                  Lovely smut but damn I wish half of the C/V out there didn't have D/V undertones to it. I hate reading about Cam as the replacement for Daniel.
                  la vita nuova (fic journal)



                    I can't get to photobucket to grab pictures, so I'll post a question instead.

                    Do you think Cam and Vala would ever have kids? Or is their life a little too crazy and dangerous, would they opt not to?
                    la vita nuova (fic journal)



                      i would like to see C/V have a child, not too many. obviously Vala will have to sort out some of the Adria/motherhood issues but a baby would help her with that. having Cam's baby would ground her but in a good way - if Cam tries to tie her down she will bolt but a child will give her reason to stay/settle down.

                      as far as their lifestyle, Ori gone, Cam ranking means hes heading for a desk job sooner rather than later and i can see Vala taking over the kiddies P&C and in charge of fundraising with some very scary ideas... i can see the teen boys doing a carwash and Vala promoting it to the cougars

                      and look at these two...... their baby will be def pretty

                      sig by DJgirl


                        Mmmmmm yup they would.


                          Some kid fic.... You knew it was gonna happen.


                          Vala sits at the kitchen tables, her hands and arms smeared with red. There's even a streak of it on her cheek, one she keeps meaning to wipe off before it dries.

                          "Come on, darling. Doesn't this look delicious?" She spears a bit of ravioli with her fork, a corner of a large bit cut off, and waves it around. "Dripping with yummy sauce, you want to eat now, don't you darling?"

                          The front door slams and Vala slumps back, relieved. "Come feed your child!"

                          "What?" Cam walks in. He looks exhausted, the lines around his eyes a little more noticeable than normal. Vala knows he's been working hard but she has no sympathy. She's been house-bound with an irate and ill four year old, and had to deal with more disgusting bodily fluids and more temper tantrums than she ever remembers having done in her life. "He won't eat?"

                          "Not a bite in at least a day." Vala says, a little bit of worry showing through the irritation. Cam catches it and frowns, walking over to her and kneeling beside the chair their son is sitting in.

                          "What's the matter, buddy? Chef Boyardee not doing it for you?"

                          The little boy sniffles and shakes his head.

                          "You want some ice cream?"

                          That gets a wide-eyed look and a hesitant nod.

                          Vala's jaw drops. "What? You never let him have ice cream before a meal! You never let me have ice cream before a meal!"

                          Cam laughs and gets to his feet, leaning over the table to kiss Vala. He uses this thumb to rub away the tomato sauce. "Tonight, how about we all get ice cream for dinner? And maybe if the ice cream does it's healing trick we'll order something in later."

                          She smiles and nods at him. "All right."

                          He kisses her again, longer this time. "Hey. Missed you."

                          Her smile widens and her voice goes a touch deeper. "Missed you, too."

                          Their son makes an impatient noise. Cam pulls away and laughed. "Oh yeah, he's definitely on the road to recovery. Come on, Momma, let's go raid the freezer."

                          la vita nuova (fic journal)



                            oh new ficcie and I agree Dena....your ideals of Cam/Vala and a baby make perfect sense
                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              awwww *squee* lovely fic


                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                awwww *squee* lovely fic
                                Indeed *sigh*
                                Originally posted by jelgate
                                This brings much pain but SQ is right

