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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    MM 15...

    Right then the fake agent dude….jumps out and shoots Cam….yes he takes one for her….he once again risks his life for her….because he loves her…..OUCH that had to hurt….Oh Cam honey….that’s got to hurt….we’ll have to fix you right up…and kiss it and make it better! And Damn they ruined a perfectly good leather jacket!

    Cam: Owwww Son of a…..mother…..(Ok can we just pause for a few moments to enjoy a writhing in pain CamPicSpam?? Here I’ll provide the buckets this time….) *distributes drool buckets*

    Mmmmmm she has a wonderful view here…. Yes she is getting some ideas…. Wheels are spinning….honestly do you blame her??

    Totally wish I worked for the EMS right about now!!

    Cam: *Vala baby….I need help….mouth to mouth…something…..I’m helpless here….I’m on the ground….what more do you want??*

    So Vala gets resourceful….she realizes in order to pull off her plan she has to get the gun… she goes for it….
    Vala: *I’m borrowing this for a moment….mmmmm….your gun….I’ve always wanted to fondle a gun….
    Cam: *You can fondle my gun anytime baby!*

    Vala: *Ok….I’ve got plans for you… don’t go anywhere….but I’ve got to get us a ride….hold on….*
    Cam: *mmmmm I like this…except for I’m in pain here….and it may be a bit hard to play along at the moment….*

    Vala: *No seriously....the pain....screaming...writhing in agony...that adds to the deliciousness of me*
    Cam: *Oh God.....oddly that turned me on a little....damn she did it again!*
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      Originally posted by CKO View Post
      hmmm nutty i suppsed ya behaved well enough... i'll post most nick pics sometime to keep ya happy *grins*
      mmmmm like nakey post away!!
      Originally posted by jelgate
      This brings much pain but SQ is right


        MM 16......
        Vala: Throw me your keys…. (guy tosses keys to Vala) Now run away….. *cuz you really don’t want to mess with a woman who has handcuffs and a plan*

        Vala: (Fakes leaving to see if the mystery man calls for her…..she wanted to see if he really knew her and was interested….)
        Cam: Vala wait!!

        Cam: *Honey….don’t leave me here….my heart bleeds for you….literally!*
        Vala: What did you call me?? *OMG…he does know me…. This is going to be fun….Hee*

        Cam: Vala!!

        Cam: *You are my girl….I love you….you can’t leave me…..again….I can’t take it.*

        Vala: *What?? Why don’t I remember this?? Figures….somebody finally loves me and I don’t remember it! This sucks royal*

        Vala: Get up!! *Come on….I’ve got the hand cuffs….I’ve got the keys….the car….the gun….we can go do some kinky stuff!!* GET UP!!

        Cam: *You’ve got to be kidding me…..finally I get Vala to agree to the kinky and I’m busted up….this is gonna hurt…. Ugh!*

        OK we must stop for a moment….to observe the beautiful….nekkid hairy belly Campicspam…. Mmmmmm

        Mmmmmmm OMG….can I just stand here and look for a moment…… *drool*drool*drool* Feel free to move on when you’re ready….I’ll catch up…. And just keep in mind…Vala was standing over him while he was flashing her….no wonder she was in a hurry to get to the hotel!*

        So they get in the car….. and he looks hot hot hot… and you know he could have easily overtaken her….with all the training he’s had….but I think down deep he wanted to go with her…he was enjoying this little game…
        Cam: Where are we going? *Mmmmm ok….this could be fun….I just hope I don’t pass out from blood loss*

        Vala: Just Drive….*don’t ask questions mister….I’m in charge here….*
        Cam: *Gee do you have a whip too??….I can dig this dominatrix bit but can I see you in that leather outfit you wore the first day I met you??....I'm still not over that one! Mmmmm*

        Cam: You know I’m bleeding here….. *I’ve been bleeding for you like a mofo…but this is for real….I may not make it to the hotel…..*

        Vala: Shut up!! *Letting you pass out may be part of my plan….so get a move on….*

        Cam: *Oh God….I love it when you talk dirty and take control….. Damn that turns me on!*

        Vala: *I know….I think I wet myself… hurry damnit!*
        Cam: *Hot Damn…..I’m on it!!*

        Originally posted by jelgate
        This brings much pain but SQ is right


          ok I know you guys are anxious to get the next part....but seriously...I'm whooped and I couldn't do it justice.....way too overwhelming for my pea brain at this I'm headin to bed early.....I will post more tomorrow.....night all!
          Originally posted by jelgate
          This brings much pain but SQ is right


            sleep well nutty...


              MM 17....
              Now this is a transitional fic...because you know this just had to happen.... PG13 Click for Part I

              Cam manages to pull into the hotel parking lot….his eyesight is fading as the blackness approaches he grips the steering wheel and swings haphazardly into the parking space slamming into the curb bringing them to an abrupt stop. “Damn Vala….I’m losin’ it here….” As he shifts the car in park he collapses over the steering wheel allowing his head to rest on his good arm that is draped there.

              Vala struggles to shove her hand down inside his pants pocket to locate his wallet…she fumbles around groping….getting a hand full of firm arse in the process but finally retrieves it. She makes her way to the office and checks in as Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Mitchell…..and she giggles to herself while forging the credit card receipt with her name as Mrs. Cameron Mitchell….relishing in the fact he would take great pleasure in knowing she did that.

              She returns to the car…..and noticing that he’s still passed out over the wheel…..she nudges him…. “Come on….don’t die on me yet….I gotta get you in here…..” She prods him and he is not happy…..She flings open the door….leans in to help him….

              He moans and tries to resist but she continues….he pulls the last bit of strength he has to scoops himself up and land into her waiting arms…and together they stagger into the room. Once inside….it’s almost as if he gets a second wave of strength as he realizes that he and Vala are alone ……truly alone inside a hotel room….and he’s in her arms again….and his heart begins to race. Now this probably isn’t a good thing with the bleeding and all but he can’t help it. His head begins to swirl the room furnishings around in a circle as he dances on the edge of consciousness. “Damn I wish I could be awake for this….” He whispers out as he makes a dive for the bed and ends up face down and unconscious.

              Vala groans as she now has to manuever him on her own...and it won't be easy...but her adrenaline and emergency med training kicks in. She doesn’t know where it came from …but she just knew what she had to do. She quickly goes to work….struggling to move him properly on the bed.....rolling him over on to his back and dragging him up so that his head lands onto the pillow. She carefully removes his shirt….peeling it gently from him as not to aggravate the wound….celebrating the whole time that his unconscious state was sparing him from the pain.

              Once his chest and arms are exposed….she delights in his gorgeous physique and she just has to lean down to deliver one quick kiss to his neck…the place that she is drawn to….she doesn’t know why….but she wants to nuzzle there…it feels familiar to her….down to his smell…she knows down deep that they have been intimate…because she would never forget his smell. That Cam smell of his cologne spice and lime….sweat and gun fire all rolled into one…..and her body rumbles for a moment as a wave of excitement comes over her. “God you’re beautiful” she whispers as she decides she has to snap out of it and fix up her sexy mystery man.

              She runs to the bathroom to collect towels and grabs the ice bucket to fill with water. She scrambles around for some implement to use for surgery…she can’t find anything ….so she runs back out to the car and thank goodness the kid had a pocket knife lodged in the dash. She returns to Cam…and he looks so peaceful….she hates to cut him but knows it’s necessary…so she works her magic and carefully as if she’s done it before….starts to dig the bullet out.

              He moans at her working….as he goes in and out of consciousness…but he allows her to do it because he knows it needs to be done….

              “Owwww…..son of a b!tch…..what the hell…… are you trying to kill me woman???” he rumbles and flails around half lucid….

              “Shut up….I’m trying to help you….just lie still and try to quit moving…..” she continues her careful surgery…

              “Oh yeah….well you try being the patient….and then we’ll see how you like it….” He retorts in an almost childish manner….

              “I’m not the one with the bullet….now come on big boy….surely you can take it…..big tough guy…..doing the daring motorcycle chase….wielding a gun at my kidnappers…..Didn’t think a little bullet would bring you to your knees so quickly…” She teases as she locks eyes with him…and at that moment she realized this man is special to her…the way he looks at her….she knows he can see into her deep and he wants her….and begs for her…it is so evident in the blackness of his eyes…that constant flood of desire for her. The gaze is so intense…she has to look away…so she can continue….”There….all done….now…..let me hold this rag on here for a moment to stop the bleeding. She pushes down with force on the wound…..applying a steading pressure….

              Originally posted by jelgate
              This brings much pain but SQ is right


                Transitional Fic Part II PG13

                She is so close…he can smell her and he shifts a little to allow for his body to fully melt into the mattress…because he is buzzing now….he feels no pain as his eyes traverse her…remembering every curve of her and recollecting the times they’ve made love…. He returns to her eyes….and he knows she knows…but he stays nothing…. He muffles out with a relieved sigh…”thank you!” As he continues to undresses her….with his eyes…again

                She smiles and leans down….close to him….just to drive him wild…she realizes the effect she has on him and it becomes a game to her…..she’s thinking…I’m just going to have fun with this. She delivers a light kiss to his cheek and returns to that familiar place…the crook of his neck…it calls to her…and she goes there….as she sprawls out next to him in bed.

                He can feel her smiling on his neck…it is tender and her breath is hot and he feels a wave of excitement zig through his groin and he knows its expanding and has no control of it at this moment. Too weak to really move effectively….barely conscious…he just allows her to torment him….”You know….I could use some rehabilitation here….” Trying to be witty in his partially lucid state…. “why don’t you do the honors….”

                Now giggling but trying not to trust him too quickly…she lays kisses along his neck and down his chest and takes delight in combing through his course chest hairs knowing that she’s been here…because it’s all too familiar….and she uses her blood stained hand to pinch one of his nipples…just to see if he is still awake…

                He jumps and shudders just a little as his head drills back into the pillow clanging up against the headboard…. “Owww…Ok…..what was that for?? You’re supposed to be healing me….here!” he flashes an annoyed….but damn do that again look at her….as he tries with his good arm to pull her into him.

                She gets frightened of his freedom…after all what if he is one of the bad guys… aside…he could be luring her into a trap just to capture her again and she can’t take that chance….so she pulls the handcuffs out of her pocket and before he could bat an eye….she has him cuffed to bed. She leans back and marvels at her catch and gets a wicked idea….

                Now wondering what she could possibly be doing….he wants to play along as long as he can stay awake…so he tries not to sound too irritated….”Hey….what the hell?? Ok….now that really isn’t funny….where do you think I’m going to go?? I’m still bleeding….barely conscious and now you want to treat me like a prisoner….Oh good one!” He looks at her with pleading…..wanting….and passion….he so desperately hoped the situation was different…because he would be all over her in a heartbeat if they were themselves and he wasn’t bleeding and in pain.

                ”It’s ok…I just have to be sure….” She informs him while investigating his body…filling her eyes with him…because he quite possibly could be the most gorgeous creature she’s ever captured.

                “Sure of what???” he quizzes….

                “Sure that you’re not going to hurt me….” She knows he’s harmless…..but something inside wants to play with him….because he’s so fun to mess with.

                “Vala….I would never hurt you…..on purpose….granted we’ve hurt each other….a lot in the past…but I hope we can change that….in the future….”

                She interrupts him….by slipping down to his belt….and taking her sweet liberties at unbuckling it….and grinning from ear to ear in the process…she gently tugs it …freeing it…allowing the buckle to fall to the side and make that sexy clink sound…the sound reminding you that you’re almost home free toward your prize…she slowly unbuttons his jeans….and unzips his fly…..careful not to disturb the tight bulge there that is crying for release…..this makes her giddy as she brushes past him….further torturing him…

                “Oh God…Vala….what are you doing to me….??” His mouth is dry and he is probably dehydrating at that very moment…..but he desperately wants her on him….anywhere…so he smacks his lips in an attempt to stay with her…..just a little longer…because she is down there and he can feel her on him and he curses the man who shot him….because his wound is quite possibly ruining the whole thing….
                He tries to stay with her…but he is fading fast…

                “Oh I’m just having some fun here….” She flashes him that smile…he’s all too familiar with…the one that teases him….and burns into him like fire…..She quickly moves to his boots and pulls them off one at a time…noticing the big size of his feet and how there is most definitely a connection…because as far as she can tell…he isn’t lacking in the size department anywhere on his body. She whimpers at the thoughts of seeing him….completely naked…but thought she better not push it….so she pulls off his jeans…exposing his hard muscular legs and tight black boxers that fit snuggly in all the right places…and well yes…it’s confirmed….there is definitely a link between big feet and big dicks….because he is mighty well endowed in that area…..She licks her lips as some wild ideas run through her head…and something just pulls her to his body….and makes her want to mark him….because he is her prize and it seems like her lips have been on him before….so she leans down and begins to suck….on that place that he will find exciting because it is both ticklish and sexy all at the same time and it’s in between his eroginus zones…not too close to his dick and not too close to his nipple…just in the middle on his ribs so that it drives him absolutely insane.

                He flails and bucks as much as he is able…but he is weak…and he curses that….he loves her lips on him and he just pushes into her….giving her leverage so she can finish the deed….he loves it when she marks him….and he knows she just has to remember that night….the first night she left her mark…and it had been a constant reminder to him that she was on him…..until it faded….just as she had disappeared from his life. He was so grateful to have her back…that Daniel was right….again. He holds onto that thought as he crashes and burns for her….this time literally….

                She completes her task and pulls away to marvel at the purplish red bruise she made in the perfect shape of her mouth…..but as she comes up to meet his eyes….she notices his lips now parched have turned a pasty white….she panicked…. “OMG he’s going to die on me!” She now realizing that with all the movement and his apparent excitement….his bleeding had resumed …she gets serious and returns to apply pressure to his wound…

                “Hold on….stay with me….you’re important to me...I can tell…so don’t you dare die on me….you hear me?” she gets worried that maybe he did lose too much blood so she leans down to whisper to him….”If you pull through this….I have a surprise for you….” And she licks him….right there in the ear….it just happened….it was a spontaneous thing….like a knee jerk reaction…and she knew….it was her special ritual she did to him….because it affected him….in ways that she just knew….down deep.

                His heart quickens….again….not a good thing when bleeding…..but if anything it may have given him the strength to pull through this….and he manages to whisper out….in a raspy breathy….shallow voice….”Vala baby….I love…..” and he passes out cold again.

                She goes to get ice….and creates a make shift ice pouch with wash cloths…..and presses it there….hoping the ice will constrict the wound enough to stop the bleeding and it works…and when she realizes that his breathing slows and he falls deep into a comfortable slumber…. that his body is truly relaxed and stable…that she has saved him….she feels that familiar tug in her heart. So she curls down beside him and sleeps there because he feels right and they just fit together.

                Several hours pass…and she startles awake…she had some memory flashes that involved him…and it freaked her out…not sure if it was a good thing. All she can remember is him roughing her up…..and she beating on him…and causing blood to trickle down his face…that vision burned into her propelling her away from him with a renewed fear of him…cautiously wondering what his role truly had been in her life. Was he the good guy afterall?? Gee maybe not. She disappears into the bathroom to retrieve some clean cloth to make a more permanent bandage….
                Originally posted by jelgate
                This brings much pain but SQ is right


                  MM 18....
                  Now we pick up the ep outside as we scan past the parked car and into the room…

                  We find Cam….sleeping….it’s obvious he has re-cooperated a little and the color has returned to his face and other parts of him…so with the bleeding stopped and his rejuvenating rest….he seems to be out of the woods….
                  We scan up his body….and can I just say…that he has the hickey there….on his ribs! That purplish red bruise…in the perfect shape of a mouth….I’m just sayin…the proof is there!!

                  He wakes up…..

                  In a fog….confused and trying to sort out what events were real, imagined, dreamed or hallucinated…

                  He’s both annoyed and delighted….because he knows down deep she has done something to him…and that thought turned him on…..he looks around to size up the situation. He tries to move and realizes his hand attached firmly to the headboard…..

                  He welps and winces just a little and with a hoarse voice decrees…. “Oh boy…..” *Damn I wish I could have been awake!* Thoughts raced through his mind at the possibilities at what she could have done to him….and it excites him…

                  So he holds onto the thought…because the only thing he really remembers before he got shot is that he’s found Vala…but she’s not the same….something has happened….and she for some reason doesn’t know him. And this freaks him out…..

                  He sizes up his wound….realizing she patched him up….but also left him a little present…and at the sight of this…..his heart leaps in his chest…because he knew that it was Vala remembering….remembering how she liked to mark him….and he wanted it….and she knew it!

                  But he wrestles against the restraint….because apparently she’s not here….and he starts to get worried that she’s run away again….

                  Mmmmm Cam’s full nekkid hairy tummy you’ve got to love it…..*stares…..droolz……droolz more…*

                  Originally posted by jelgate
                  This brings much pain but SQ is right


                    MM 19....

                    Here comes Vala cuz she wants to get back into the action…and watch Cam flail around half naked….mmmmmmm must have been a sight!! *dreams*
                    Vala: What are you doing??

                    Cam : (looks around to answer….)

                    Cam: Checking to see if I have both of my kidneys…. *and making note of other things you’ve done to me while I was unconscious….mmmm that’s a good one baby!*

                    Cam: *what else did you do to me??*

                    Cam: *Damn I wish I had been awake….*

                    Cam: Vala…what the hell is going on here….

                    Cam: *why still the handcuffs….don’t you remember me by now??*

                    Vala: You know me?? *How do you know me??? I had some weird flashbacks to us apparently fighting and I got freaked….*

                    Cam: Yeah….Of course… *you’re my girl…hey…listen those flashbacks…forget about them…our’s complicated…*
                    Vala: *Why is our relationship complicated....??*

                    Cam: Why?

                    Cam: (He takes a moment to draw her into him…he loves to look at her…and he is so happy she is alive and here with him….but he doesn’t let on…because….he realizes she is more withdrawn than before and seems to be preoccupied and scared….so he doesn’t push it….)

                    Cam: (she starts to wrap his wound and he flinches….) Ahhhh….you don’t remember me….
                    *Vala baby… could you not remember me?? It’s

                    Cam: *It’s Cam….your stud….your stallion…the one you like to frak and kiss and suck…..and sometimes beat on….remember??*

                    Cam: *Oh yeah baby….I have scars to prove it….and I could tell you of some of the great times we’ve had*
                    Vala: *Yeah I’m sure you could….but how do I know to trust you??*

                    Cam: *Trust has always been sort of a stumbling block for us….you really don’t remember me?….*

                    Originally posted by jelgate
                    This brings much pain but SQ is right


                      MM 20...

                      Vala: I don’t remember much of anything…..
                      Cam: *God I had forgotten how beautiful you are…. I wish I could kiss you right now*

                      Vala: Least of all who I am or….
                      Cam: *I love it when you touch me…even though it hurts like a mother….I still love your touch*

                      Vala: ….why everyone is after me….that’s why I brought you here…. *I do have wicked plans for you….*
                      Cam: *Oh God those lips….how I would kill to be able to kiss those lips again….*

                      Vala: You’re going to supply me…..
                      Cam: *Oh I can supply you all right….don’t you worry about that!!.....Yep…I’ve saved up plenty of supplies…*

                      Vala: With some much needed answers….. *and other things that shall remain nameless at this point*

                      Cam: *OH God….she’s doing it again….I may not be able to control myself*

                      Vala: *I can see I’m exciting you….so we must have some sort of connection…what is it??*

                      Cam: *Like I said it’s complicated….but if you un cuff me….maybe I can show you and help you remember….*

                      Vala: *Yeah….I bet you would….and then grab me and throw me back in the car….*
                      (she pulls the bandage tight….on purpose….to cause him pain…because she knows he likes it….because he always hurts so good when it comes to her.)

                      Cam: AhhhhOwwwww *God Vala….only you know how to hurt me so good!*

                      Vala: *you like that….I can arrange for more….*
                      Cam: *Yeah…..give it to me…baby*

                      Cam: *YES!! Oh God….that felt good…….ok what were we talking about?* Yeah maybe we should call in the rest of the team….they’re generally better at answers…. *I’m just your stud muffin remember??*

                      Vala: *NO…I don’t remember that is the problem…help me Cam…tell me…*

                      Cam: (She doesn’t have to plead long…because there is one thing Cam Mitchell cannot resist and her name is Vala…and her wiles bewitch him and he is powerless to do anything about it.)

                      Cam: Ok alright… it goes… *Damn I hope she can hurry up and remember…I desperately want to make love to her right now!!*

                      Originally posted by jelgate
                      This brings much pain but SQ is right


                        oh goodie... lots to catch up on i see... outstanding!

                        sig by DJgirl


                          woohooo..... hmmm wha... sorry nutty... slept in today.. and just got home ect.. you'll get your pixz sometime *smirks*


                            MM 21.....

                            Cam: You’re name is Vala Mal Doran *ever since you have come into my life….I have been totally and utterly crazy in love with you*

                            Cam: You’re a member of Stargate Command, *where I’m your boss so we can’t have an open relationship and it’s killing us*

                            Cam: A top secret facility located beneath Cheyenne Mountain *so we’ve been having a secret affair…underneath everyone’s radar…*

                            Cam: It’s the command center for a military organization…*but because I’m subject to military laws and could be court-martialed if we are caught….you wanted to break it off….*

                            Cam: (pauses….and his breath hitches…because she leans down…and looks at him…and he can barely concentrate…let alone remember the words he was trying to say…. ) *Oh God…don’t do this to me….you know how tortured I am right now….having you this close and not being able to touch you??*

                            Cam: (He tries to continue) responsible for off-world exploration and reconnaissance….*and then there is the whole Daniel thing…that you wanted to explore and while I tried not to do reconnaissance of you….I still manage to watch you…..because I can’t help it….*

                            Cam: *….and it hurts like a mofo and I can hardly stand seeing you two together…*

                            Cam: By means of a device know as a Stargate, *So I can literally travel to any planet I want to instantly....but I can’t have the one thing in life that means the most to me….and you're right here within my reach*

                            Vala: :sniff: *God that’s beautiful….I'm crying inside*

                            Vala: (In a desperate attempt to try and remember him….everything…because she is now tortured at the thoughts that this man who loves her deeply seems to have slipped from her grasp…and she just can’t let that happen….so she reaches for his dog tags to look at his name and information….maybe that will help jog her memory….)
                            Cam: A portal (an excited jolt runs through him when she picks up his tag and his breath hitches)

                            Cam: ….which allows near-instantaneous transport between…… *talk about instantaneous…my jockeys seem to have instantaneously gotten tighter at the moment….*

                            Cam: ……planets…..*God….Vala....Kiss me...hurt me....something....anything.....I want you right now….*

                            Originally posted by jelgate
                            This brings much pain but SQ is right


                              Originally posted by Denali View Post
                              oh goodie... lots to catch up on i see... outstanding!
                              Hey Denali....long time no see...hope all is well with you.....what ep are we up to over at TF?? I have fallen down in my re watch...ran out of time!! Plus I don't think I can watch TJohn dying again....*sniff*

                              Originally posted by CKO View Post
                              woohooo..... hmmm wha... sorry nutty... slept in today.. and just got home ect.. you'll get your pixz sometime *smirks*
                              no problem....I'm getting ready to head out I'll be back on later....
                              Originally posted by jelgate
                              This brings much pain but SQ is right


                                (waving) Hi Squiz.... i havent had any internet connection at home (should be back on today - please god!!!) so have to catchup on everything........ in between working that is

                                sig by DJgirl

