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Cameron Mitchell/Vala Mal Doran Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    greetings everyone..

    kate, loved chp34.

    the rest of ya...

    I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      Uh oh... careful, CKO's back... hide the clones *giggles* joking... Have a good trip? Going to get your book tonight or tomorrow? If I'm still up at midnight here I might, but I have to be up at 5am to work... New HP book + working at 6am = no sleep = grumpy me... lol


        most likely tommorrow or a few days after... dunno yet... and yeah had a blast... got sunburned.. AGAIN, took a chair lift ride in Keystone, (a ski resort) lovely views... got some altitude sickness... not bad... just a few headaches and some nausea, but i had fun.


          so fics, anything... hm,mmm... ficy w/drawl here.


            Originally posted by CKO View Post
            so fics, anything... hm,mmm... ficy w/drawl here.
            In a week or so there'll be tons, besides, don't you have some HP reading to do? Someone else has to finish that book soon otherwise I'm gonna go mad trying to be careful of what I say/

            Reposting the list of prompts:

            dog tags
            talking parrots
            Fast Food
            Hot Chocolate
            Fleece blanket
            red silk nighty
            Reality TV
            video games
            broken washing machine

            We've got till July 31st to create something with a prompt. Anything... fic/vid/manip/pic/banner/avatar.... There's a ton of talent out there so have at 'er!!!!

            Fics must be a minimum of 100 words (drabble) and posted here (under spoiler tags),, lj or wherever it is you post them. I can't remember the max.. perhaps it was 5000 words? When posting link/fic, please make sure you put the appropriate rating (PG, Teen, R etc) and any spoiler warnings.

            Any pics/manips/avatars must be within GW's forum rules if you're posting them here.

            You can pick as many prompts as you choose, only try not to pick your own. On July 31st we'll start posting what we have done.

            Anyone and everyone can participate... it can be Cam/Vala friendship, romance, angst or whatever it is that you feel like doing.

            The more the merrier (and if anyone is looking for help with a fic, I'll be glad to offer assistance, just send me a PM)


              Haven't been in here in awhile but I just wanted to let everyone know that the H&H Vala Pairings game is still going on, Cam/Vala and Tomin/Vala are the only couples left. It seems as if there are only one or two other people than me voting at this point. My Cam/Vala voting is being nullified by one other Tomin/Vala voter. It's a stalemate at this take a moment to vote


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Hey guys, hey Stef

                Here's my dilemma, I adore both Ben and Claudia and am a fierce fan of them as John and Aeryn, but I can't seem to understand this ship (Cam/Vala), so rather than just ignore it or put it down, I'm wondering if you guys could possibly tell me what brought you to ship these two characters together.

                Personally I just don't see it. It's not even a matter of not wanting Ben and Claudia in a relationship again, it's that I just see no chemistry what so ever between these two characters. A one night stand perhaps back in early season 9, but that's as far as that goes. Frankly I think Cameron bores Vala to bits and even in her new and improved? form (season 10), I don't think Vala could put up with his little quirks.

                Cameron is loud, sometimes obnoxious and a little goofy, but so it Vala and because of that I think both need to be the outrageous one in their relationships (i.e. Vala/Tomin, Vala/Daniel, Cam/Carolyn, Cam/Sam).

                Anyway, this post is in no way to speak badly of Ben or Claudia, as I said before I adore them and sincerely hope they spend the rest of their lives making romantic comedies or sex tapes (oops did I say that ouloud? ), but I can't see these two characters together. So I implore you to enlighten me on the wonders of shipping Cam/Vala


                  Hiya iheartvala. I'm going to attempt to state my reasons why I ship cam/vala but I have a tendancy to have unsuspecting and sometimes alarmingly rapid cases of foot-in-mouth-itis so please forgive me if I do just that. I'm by no way speaking for anyone else here, only me and my opinions and I'm not going to bash any other ship/pairing.

                  Cam/Vala.... It's not my primary ship. For me C/V ship is a chance for me to play with characters in fics. I love to write C/V and that's where I do most of my shipping. There have been moments in Season 10

                  Bounty, loved the entire ep, Bad guys, Quest 2, Dominion and even a smidgen in Unending, where Cam and Vala have had some good scenes together.

                  It's a pity the show couldnt' have another season or two as we might've gotten to see more friendship develop between all the team members like it did between the origional SG-1 in the first few years.

                  What made me a C/V shipper? Hmm... would have to be a fic I started and got about 3 chapters in before I began to think of having C/V ship in it. Wasn't really anything to do with any particular ep, just one reviewer I was corresponding with for help with the earlier chapters. I found it fun to write and when I eventually found my way into GW stopped by this thread and stuck around.

                  There are tons of ships in the Stargate universe and there's some I don't ship, others I don't see any evidence onscreen but still enjoy fics etc, some I ship for the pure fun and enjoyment of shipping (< that is where C/V is for me )and one or two that I support completely.

                  I'm rereading this and I don't think I'm answering any of your questions or stating my point... or am I

                  I'm just gonna go hide now, see how everyone else responds....



                    Hi Toomi, loved chp. 34. Hope your thumb is better.

                    Hi iheartvala, don't really know what to say except all I do see is the chemistry between C/V, can't really explain it, just the way I see it and feel it.
                    Last edited by SciFiFan; 23 July 2007, 10:58 PM.


                      The reason I ship Cam and Vala is because I saw something deeper with them than I did in the Daniel/Vala pairing. Daniel always wrote Vala off as just being an airhead because he thinks he's Mr. all that. Although Cam saw that side of her, I do think he saw something more under her outward appearance, what she was showing everyone else. When a situation got desperate, he got in her face and made her face some truths. Daniel pretty much just rolled his eyes at her all the time. So basically, in a nut shell, Daniel /Vala= surface crap .........Cam/Vala= deeper underlying emotions. Just my opinion, of course.



                        well i cant stand Daniel/Vala... it seems too forced and makes me wnat to gag, with Cam/Vala the lingering gazes and they played off of each other better.. and they seem to be more at ease with each other too.

                        alright reposting.

                        fics can start to be posted on 31 July.

                        i know we never set a cut off date for challenges.. and this much i know.. i'll be posting mine when its done... the bunnies have been biting for both fics that i'm writin... one is the challenge and the other isnt.

                        Reposting the list of prompts:

                        dog tags
                        talking parrots
                        Fast Food
                        Hot Chocolate
                        Fleece blanket
                        red silk nighty
                        Reality TV
                        video games
                        broken washing machine

                        We've got till July 31st to create something with a prompt. Anything... fic/vid/manip/pic/banner/avatar.... There's a ton of talent out there so have at 'er!!!!

                        Fics must be a minimum of 100 words (drabble) and posted here (under spoiler tags),, lj or wherever it is you post them. I can't remember the max.. perhaps it was 5000 words? When posting link/fic, please make sure you put the appropriate rating (PG, Teen, R etc) and any spoiler warnings.

                        Any pics/manips/avatars must be within GW's forum rules if you're posting them here.

                        You can pick as many prompts as you choose, only try not to pick your own. On July 31st we'll start posting what we have done.

                        Anyone and everyone can participate... it can be Cam/Vala friendship, romance, angst or whatever it is that you feel like doing.

                        The more the merrier (and if anyone is looking for help with a fic, I'll be glad to offer assistance, just send me a PM)


                          Originally posted by CarterONeill View Post
                          The reason I ship Cam and Vala is because I saw something deeper with them than I did in the Daniel/Vala pairing. Daniel always wrote Vala off as just being an airhead because he thinks he's Mr. all that. Although Cam saw that side of her, I do think he saw something more under her outward appearance, what she was showing everyone else. When a situation got desperate, he got in her face and made her face some truths. Daniel pretty much just rolled his eyes at her all the time. So basically, in a nut shell, Daniel /Vala= surface crap .........Cam/Vala= deeper underlying emotions. Just my opinion, of course.
                          Hmmm, your post made me think. I guess Daniel/Vala is the accepted relationship because they've pretty much made it canon on the show, but I think your point has merit. I don't think Daniel always rolls his eyes, but he seems to initially disbelieve her emotions. Vala has to break down before Daniel accepts her feelings and that isn't really a healthy relationship. I'm sure Daniel is afraid of being hurt, but it seems that we've seen the Vala showing interest/Daniel rejecting it/Vala hurt/Daniel finally accepts her feelings as legitimate scenerio more times than enough [maybe it really hasn't been that many times, it's just a feeling I have in retrospect].

                          On the other hand, Cameron seems to accept her feelings. He doesn't always have patience for her antics; he is too military to feel that it belongs on his team; but I don't recall seeing him shrug off her feelings [and someone can correct me if I'm wrong]. The scene that pops into my head is Cameron pulling Vala aside before they are going to possibly kill Adria and telling her that it is fine if she wants to sit this one out. I don't doubt that Daniel feels the same way, just that it would almost be a condescending allowance of her sitting it out. -- that was maybe more harsh than I wanted, but I'm not sure of what words to use to explain it.

                          Anyway, these are the lingering feelings I have about the two relationships, Daniel/Vala and Cameron/Vala, and fully admit that someone could state examples from the show that contradict what I said - but they are how I feel in retrospect.

                          I'm more of a Cameron/Sam shipper, but I can certainly see a relationship between Cameron and Vala, too, and one with more respect than between Daniel and Vala.

                          And, like Toomi said, if I'm not misinterpreting her, most of the 'ships I enjoy are more in the realm of my fantasies and fanfic than anything canon on the screen.


                            Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post
                            On the other hand, Cameron seems to accept her feelings.
                            Perhaps because he is only interested in her as a friend and therefore can step back and look at the bigger picture?

                            I mean that's fine that you folks think Daniel doesn't respect Vala but what on earth does that have to do with shipping her with Cameron? I came here asking for answers hoping I would hear something different from the Sam/Daniel thread and their ideas about Vala, but I guess maybe I was wrong?

                            Sorry if this sounds disrespectful, I don't want to be rude to anyone who loves Cam and Vala so I will simply leave you guys up to your shipping

                            Green for everyone who took the time to respond. Thanks!


                              Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                              Perhaps because he is only interested in her as a friend and therefore can step back and look at the bigger picture?
                              You are right, that is what it is on the show. As I said, I only romance 'ship them in fantasies/fanfic.

                              I mean that's fine that you folks think Daniel doesn't respect Vala but what on earth does that have to do with shipping her with Cameron? I came here asking for answers hoping I would hear something different from the Sam/Daniel thread and their ideas about Vala, but I guess maybe I was wrong?
                              Sorry if you thought I wasn't answering your question properly, but actually, I was responding to CarterONeill's post. I can't tell how you how/why to 'ship Vala/Cam. If you don't feel it, and because it's not canon, then I'm not sure anybody can make you feel it.

                              I appreciate you keeping an open mind, though.


                                Originally posted by ChillinTheMost View Post

                                And, like Toomi said, if I'm not misinterpreting her, most of the 'ships I enjoy are more in the realm of my fantasies and fanfic than anything canon on the screen.
                                Yup, ya got me right. I do love ship in fic... not all the time, but I can read and enjoy just about any kind of fic if it's written properly. Doesn't matter what characters you ship, if it's done poorly it will fall flat.

                                On another note, I don't have internet at the mo' and will be only popping by periodically. I've got a few things written for the 31st but it depends on work schedules etc if I can get them posted. I just finished moving (again) and it's supposed to be hooked up next week sometime. If I can't get here on the 31st I"ll pop by later and drop off the links/fics.

                                iheartvala... Thanks for your question. You got me thinking

