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The Friendshippers Thread

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    LMAO good one yasureubetcha
    I always wanted to see what happend when Sheppard shot him when he had that little sheild of his


      The camaraderie and genuine affection and respect between Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c is what kept drawing me back to SG-1 when I first started watching it. There is a beautiful "family-ness" between them that's very rare.....

      I tend to think that the combination of their traumatic backgrounds and the unique, secret nature of their work has had some effect on their friendship. They're all such different people deep down inside (and I think someone has already touched on this) who would most likely never have clicked with each other in more superficial situations. But, because they've often had to rely upon each other in intense life-and-death situations, they've learned to love and trust each other in ways most people haven't had to......

      I can't pick out just one particular friendship to comment on because I see it so strongly in all of their relationships with each other. It comes across in different ways depending on who is relating to whom, but the great thing is that it's always there (even in the not-so-obvious episodes).

      I know many will disagree with me, but I don't think that the Jack/Sam relationship is going to change any of that. (I'm a Jack/Sam shipper.) I think their bonds with each other run deeply enough to allow a change in group dynamics without any damage being done to their "family-ness"......

      (Sorry for running on like that!)


        i'm a big fan of the sam/teal'c friendship on the show. how he's always there for her, not judging or criticizing, but simply there. I think that he is her one strength. with jack, jack's her boss. plain and simple. she will never be totally at ease or comfortable with him in a certain way

        sam and daniel, they're friends yes, but i don't think as close as her and teal'c. Daniel is her counterpart in a scientific way, while teal'c will see her military side. and i think caty was right, teal'c is her big brother in a way

        the other one i enjoyed was sam and jonas. i think with jonas she could relax a bit. i think with daniel sam was always a bit aware that he was jack's 'old friend' and maybe not totally comfortable with him. some of this i even attribute to Jolinar. Sam was blended and survived, while shau'ri was and didn't. and it may have been true that jols knew where shau'ri was and sam couldn't remember.

        but with jonas, i think that sam could be his big sister. she had someone to tease and be at ease with.

        i also agree that the jonas/teal'c dynamic was a fun one. teal'c got to stop being the token alien and got to be a mentor to jonas. they were a lot of fun to watch.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          This would probably be the Daneil/Sam ship. Yep. Not really a romance but a very good freindship. Awwwwwww!!!
          TEAM SG1 LIVES


            Do you know what I found strange...I think Jonas got along better with Daniel than any other member of SG1.
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Do you know what I found strange...I think Jonas got along better with Daniel than any other member of SG1.
              jonas and daniel had great camraderie. i thin kthat's the biggest shame about the character leaving, i really think he could have fit in well, especially as rda cut back his time
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                I guess my personal favorites for friendship would be Sam/Jonas, and Teal'c/Jonas. Jonas brought a new dynamic that was so much for for both veterans, you couldn't help but smile. I also think he and Daniel could have been great together (as friends) if they'd had the chance. Even what we got to see was fantastic. Jack and Teal'c are the best in friends, and I can see them being such no matter what happened in the future. Nothing could break that friendship.

                I'm not a huge Daniel fan, but I really, really, really never got the idea that there's that much of a Jack/Daniel friendship. They work together and yes, they care for each other. But if they had to be in the same room alone together, without Sam or Teal'c to referee, I think they'd kill each other. Their friendship seems to be the most vague, to me. Kind of like those people you're incredible friends with when you work together, but after one of you leaves his/her employment, you never talk again. That's how Jack and Daniel strike me.

                And, of course, Jack and Sam are great friends, but went on to something more, so I won't expound too much on that here. <g>
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  I'm not a huge Daniel fan, but I really, really, really never got the idea that there's that much of a Jack/Daniel friendship. They work together and yes, they care for each other. But if they had to be in the same room alone together, without Sam or Teal'c to referee, I think they'd kill each other. Their friendship seems to be the most vague, to me. Kind of like those people you're incredible friends with when you work together, but after one of you leaves his/her employment, you never talk again. That's how Jack and Daniel strike me.
                  Thank you Buc for saying that. I feel the same way regarding Jack and Daniel friendship. I think they get along well because they both like conflict. I've never been the one who understands friendship where everyone is bickering.
                  Sometimes I wonder if Jack really missed Daniel in season 6 or rather verbal conflict.
                  Kingdom of Samanda : Hic Comitas Regit


                    Sam/Barrett I thought was a great dynamic. Ok, maybe not 'friends' but defiantly good at working together


                      Originally posted by SimilarCadence
                      The camaraderie and genuine affection and respect between Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c is what kept drawing me back to SG-1 when I first started watching it. There is a beautiful "family-ness" between them that's very rare.....

                      I tend to think that the combination of their traumatic backgrounds and the unique, secret nature of their work has had some effect on their friendship. They're all such different people deep down inside (and I think someone has already touched on this) who would most likely never have clicked with each other in more superficial situations. But, because they've often had to rely upon each other in intense life-and-death situations, they've learned to love and trust each other in ways most people haven't had to......
                      I can't pick out just one particular friendship to comment on because I see it so strongly in all of their relationships with each other. It comes across in different ways depending on who is relating to whom, but the great thing is that it's always there (even in the not-so-obvious episodes).

                      I know many will disagree with me, but I don't think that the Jack/Sam relationship is going to change any of that. (I'm a Jack/Sam shipper.) I think their bonds with each other run deeply enough to allow a change in group dynamics without any damage being done to their "family-ness"......

                      (Sorry for running on like that!)
                      (RE: bolded part above) And learning to appreciate their differences enriched their lives in so many ways, not just those different skills and strengths that they brought to the team, but also on the personal level. (Jack teaching Teal'c to loosen up, Dan making Jack rethink his self-worth (watched Abyss today... ), Janet being Sam's sounding board & friend...)

                      I agree with you that the Jack/Sam ship didn’t change anything in the general friendships of the team. If anything, it would be the natural changes and progression in their circumstances (careers/interests/etc.)… (General S8 & S9 spoilers)
                      Jack becoming base commander in S8 & having to pull back from each of them in order to maintain professional integrity (those fraternization regs that applied to S/J ship applied just as equally to his friendships)… Sam in S8 heading SG1… In S9, with Jack off to Washington, there most definitely won’t be any day-to-day face-to-face contact like there was before. And with Teal’c’s involvement in the Jaffa movement and Daniel recovering again from ascension/rethinking his place in the program and life… things will be different as they’re all growing and reaching in different directions…

                      But like with all of us in RL, they would be able pick right up where they left off the last time they saw each other like there hadn’t been a lot of time in between contacts, so…..
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        I started watching the show for Daniel. Then for the Jack and Daniel friendship. And, as far as their fighting being evidence that they aren't close friends, I think it was quite the opposite. What made their friendship so special was that they did push each others buttons. If friendship only means getting along all the time and being chummy chummy, than I can see where people would say they weren't really friends. But, that's only one kind of friendship. I've read books and watched other tv shows where two characters never seemed to agree, and argued all the time, but it was clear that they were best friends. Sean and Christian on Nip/Tuck have had some huge misunderstandings/battles/betrayals, but I don't think they love (and I'm not a slasher, so I don't mean it like that, although others have seen it) anyone more than each other. Bayliss and Pembleton on Homicide also on the surface at times seemed like they couldn't stand each other, but they were my favorite pairing on the show. And, in the literary realm, the friendship of Emily and Ilse in LM Montgomery books was defined by fighting. There was a chapter where Emily knew there was a rift between them because they weren't fighting. No, to me, fighting has never indicated that people weren't close. And, think about it. Would someone get into fights as big as in Menace (which I think was one of the best friendship episodes between them) with someone you were only a little close to? It's the people you care about the most that can hurt you the most. Also, Jack and Daniel are just argumentative people, and putting them together means they get ample opportunites to exercize that trait.

                        Maybe it's also because I personally do a lot of arguing myself with people I care about. My family argues a lot, and you'd think we hate each other but we don't. Some of it is serious, some of it is just heated debates, because I love a good debate. And, I know I'm comfortable with a person when I can fight with them. I don't fight with casual aquaintances.

                        I don't think Daniel would have broken down like he did in Need with anyone but Jack. And, although he was high as a kite, I think there was some truth to what he said about him feeling Jack didn't respect him (just to make sure there's no misunderstanding of my post, I'll emphasize that there was truth that Daniel felt that way). And, I don't think it would have mattered as much to him if he had perceived a lack of respect in anyone but Jack. He trusted Jack to let him go in Meridian. Daniel may not see eye to eye with Jack in most things. They may have battles to blow the roof off the SGC. But, I don't think Daniel loves anyone more than Jack.

                        And, Jack was completely distraught in Fire and Water when he thought Daniel was dead. He was ready to retire. In Abyss, even after he knew Daniel wasn't going to kill him, he still gave up after he thought Daniel had left. The complete sadness and resignation when he told Daniel, "you were gone," said to me that he had lost all will to fight, even internally.

                        And, although they fight (and there haven't to me been that many cases of real fighting, sometimes it's ribbing each other and banter) they also understand each other. They believe in each other. I forgot what episode it was, but I liked where Jack said he might not always believe Daniel, but he always believes in him. And, even though it was a dream/hallucination iirc, I think the sentiment was true.

                        So, no, the friendship isn't easy. It's not a friendship that springs naturally between them, where they go off to ball games together and are buddy buddy. Daniel was right in Shades of Grey when he talked about this this friendship that they were working on. I think to most people, a friendship that does require actual work doesn't seem like a real friendship compared to ones that come easy. But, what makes this friendship so interesting to me, and so strong to me, is the fact that are wiling to work at it. (except when tptb get it into their heads that they barely know each other) If they didn't care, they'd take the easy way out.

                        And, I always thought that the first season at least there should have been more tension between Daniel and Teal'c, and it would have made their friendship even stronger. I guess I'm drawn to friendships that work not because if, but in spite of.
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          I agree that friendship can't be measured by agreement.

                          My current roommate and I have never come into direct conflict over the past year, though there are many things on which we disagree. I think we both know that what relation we have would quickly grow strained if we got into religion, politics, or even Stargate vs. the Real World. She has her life, I have mine, and the two only superficially interact.
                          Meanwhile my best friends and I can disagree on (and debate) everything from the Sam/Jack situation to theology without it ruining our friendship.
                          I don't necessarily think disagreement builds a friendship, but that the freedom to disagree is a part of a strong friendship.
                          That seems to be Jack and Daniel's situation; they work closely together in a way that often brings their philosophies into conflict, but they have "watched each other's backs" often enough to know that those differences won't stop them from looking out for each other. By working through their disagreements they have built a relationship that conflict doesn't break.

                          Regarding Sam/Jack's effect on SG1's friendship dynamic...I don't think the 'ship in itself shuts out the other friendships, but I do feel, as in my last post, that friendship is sometimes shoved aside in favor of 'ship in an episode, when it shouldn't be. That's more a complaint against the writers' priorities than the 'ship itself, though.

                          I do feel that Sam and Jack's friendship has suffered as a result of the 'shippy awkwardness that has ensued since Divide and Conquer. My favorite Sam and Jack scene is the bit in Nemesis where he teases her about not leaving and invites her fishing. I would have liked to see her accept his invitation then, as a friend. But after D&C, any sweet potential friendship-moments between them became muddled (in my mind) by the is-it-friendship-or-is-it-'ship dilemma. Personally, I would rather have seen their relationship grow stronger as friends from that point in Nemesis than blossom (or wither, depending on your viewpoint ) into 'ship.


                            I don't think Jack and Daniel are friends because they argue, more that the fact that they argue isn't evidence that they aren't friends, imo. I would say the way they acted in season 7, hardly any interaction, no emotion between them was better evidence that they were only coworkers than the fact that they fight. Fighting indicates two things. You hate each other or you care maybe too much. Not indifference. Not a mere work relationship.SG1 has always been categorized as a real team. A family. So, I can't go with they hate each other. Ergo, they love (platonically) each other.

                            And, besides the many many reasons I hate J/S ship, I always valued the friendships among all the teammates. And, I don't want friendship 'and' whwn friendship was always enough. It's why it always gets my goat when someone says Sam and Jack have to get together so they won't be alone (or Daniel needs a girlfriend). Written and acted correctly, no one on SG1 is ever alone. Wuthout any romantic attachments whatsoever, each one has three people who love them. Everyone should be so lucky.
                            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                              As much as I'd love S/J ship to continue...If it's going to affect the friendships within the team...then I'd prefer it to stop and to focus on the friendships...IMVHO I don't think S/Js been to the detriment of other character relationships, and I actually think it's given up some really touching moments, particularly with Teal'c and Sam in Paradise Lost.
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by Dani347
                                I guess I'm drawn to friendships that work not because if, but in spite of.
                                The friendships that beat the odds, you mean? The ones that overcome all obstacles and differences because they're worth the trouble?

                                I like those, too. Probaly because I see my relationship with my best friend mirrored in them. He and I are in the same line of work and have similar tastes in movies and travel destinations but, apart from that, we disagree on just about everything except that we love each other and would do anything for each other. I'm allowed to be my difficult, obstinate and occasionally peevish self with him and there are no words for how much I treasure that.

                                I always thought that the first season at least there should have been more tension between Daniel and Teal'c, and it would have made their friendship even stronger.
                                I think so, too, but it might have been a bit dangerous for the writers to go there. Jack and Daniel's differences were philosophical (to put it simply), not personal. They could argue the leaves off the trees and never give the impression that there was it was game over and no coming back, and you could agree with one or the other in that argument without feeling like you were taking sides.

                                Things were very personal between Daniel and Teal'c, and I don't know how much increased tension the situation could have taken without either Daniel seeming too cold and unforgiving or it seeming wrong or cruel or whatever for "the poor kid" to be made to work alongside the man who hand-picked his wife for her awful fate. I was okay with them achieving the level of peace they did as soon as they did, I just perhaps wish there had been a little more attention given to the process.

                                Although that's probably what you're saying.

                                The friendship that has developed between them is one of my favourite things about the show now. That scene of theirs from 'Avatar,' the "Yes it is, that's why I'm here" scene, is far and away my favourite "between team members" scene in all of Season 8.


