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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    They would probably be stammering that wouldn't be possible!
    Haha true, but if they hadn't killed off Joe Faxon a nice plausible angst-ridden storyline would already be in the making. They cut their own throats with that one. The Pete storyline was cutting off their nose to spite their face.
    Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
    If you want something in life, you have to work for it

    Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
      True, very true. I've seen some fanfics where SG1 gets crossed over with JAG. Rabb fits that bill, at least I think so!
      I disagree: I used to love JAG when it was first on TV (in my country) but last year or so I did a complete rewatch in a few weeks' time and came to the conclusion that Rabb was actually quite a, eh, jerk. Also very immature and he didn't really treat the women in his life very well. Not to mention how old he was 'suddenly' looking towards the end and it didn't help that he'd gained some weight and the buttons on his suits looked like they were ready to pop!

      Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
      Haha true, but if they hadn't killed off Joe Faxon a nice plausible angst-ridden storyline would already be in the making. They cut their own throats with that one. The Pete storyline was cutting off their nose to spite their face.
      Yes, very true. However, I'm not sure if keeping Joe would have been a good move either; with Sam and Joe being married (and him turning out to be less than concerned about sterilizing people without their knowledge) in 2010 a growing relationship between them post 2001 might have divided fans even more. Some Sam/Jack shippers would probably feel a sense of foreboding and fear she would actually marry Joe and still end up miserable as we know she still loved Jack at the cabin in 2010, while Sam/Joe shippers would probably fear he would turn out to be a not-so-nice-man in this timeline too! It also may have been a tad too much angst for me! My shipper heart can't take that much and I fear they would have changed Sam's personality too much as well, to make her the politician's wife (she wasn't really our Sam in 2010, in my opinion; not until she went to the cabin)...

      Still, it would probably have been better than the Pete thing...
      Last edited by fems; 02 July 2013, 05:41 AM. Reason: my language got censored - oops!
      Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
      Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
      On FFnet or AO3

      My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


        I'm still convinced (even wearing my delusional ship glasses) that they could have pulled it off - of course, this is said in hindsight. SG-1's not the Sam and Jack show after all, so if they just got them together without it being too saccharine or too overly domestic, then focused on the team and the whole shebang about invading aliens, I thought it would have been okay.
        Fics | Art | Tumblr


          Could I ask someone to bring up the rewatch schedule?
          Fics | Art | Tumblr


            Bringing it forward:

            Season 3 Rewatch
            May 19 - Into The Fire - SGSuzi
            May 24 – Seth - RamonathePest
            May 29 - Fair Game - hlndncr
            June 3- Legacy – neverendingimagination
            June 8 - Learning Curve – meredithe5
            June 13 - Point of View – Selene0789
            June 18 - Deadman Switch - SaraBahama
            June 23 – Demons – Sparky She-Demon
            June 28 - Rules of Engagement - LCJS
            July 3 - Forever in a Day - selene0789
            July 8 - Past and Present - Ikorni
            July 13 - Jolinar’s Memories / The Devil You Know – Sparky She-Demon
            July 18 – Foothold - LCJS
            July 23 – Pretense – meredithe5
            July 28 – Urgo - SGSuzi
            August 2- A Hundred Days - hlndncr
            August 7- Shades of Grey - selene0789
            August 12 – New Ground - LCJS
            August 17 – Maternal Instinct – Selene0789
            August 22 – Crystal Skull - neverendingimagination
            August 27 – Nemesis - ikorni


              i didn't know i had two more (Foothold and New Ground) lucky me.


                Originally posted by fems View Post
                Yes, obviously she was referring to her and Jack getting together and him not dying anymore! Nah, just kidding: I don't know exactly what AT said to TPTB at the time and if it's the exact same thing she mentioned at that con, but in my opinion she wasn't wrong to either ask for a love interest (one Sam actually wanted a relationship with, opposed to all the aliens fawning and dying over her) or one that didn't die. Perhaps she should have been more specific and request a credible storyline to go along with it too?



                  Originally posted by fems View Post

                  Yes, very true. However, I'm not sure if keeping Joe would have been a good move either; with Sam and Joe being married (and him turning out to be less than concerned about sterilizing people without their knowledge) in 2010 a growing relationship between them post 2001 might have divided fans even more. Some Sam/Jack shippers would probably feel a sense of foreboding and fear she would actually marry Joe and still end up miserable as we know she still loved Jack at the cabin in 2010, while Sam/Joe shippers would probably fear he would turn out to be a not-so-nice-man in this timeline too! It also may have been a tad too much angst for me! My shipper heart can't take that much and I fear they would have changed Sam's personality too much as well, to make her the politician's wife (she wasn't really our Sam in 2010, in my opinion; not until she went to the cabin)...

                  Still, it would probably have been better than the Pete thing...
                  the one plus side to pete, and the way he was written/acted... there are NO sam/pete shippers!!



                    I don't understand why they didn't just have them be together after S8 and in a long distance relationship. RDA was no longer there and the show was more focused on the newbies (Cam and Vala) and the Ori.

                    Why not have a little tidbit for us die-hards? Like Daniel saying to Sam, "How is Jack?". No big fuss, just a subtle confirmation.

                    *sigh* So many years later... and I'm still disappointed.

                    Oh well, in my universe, they got married when Sam was in Area 51 and they were together (and happy) in the later seasons!


                      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                      Oh well, in my universe, they got married when Sam was in Area 51 and they were together (and happy) in the later seasons!
                      I like your universe


                        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                        I don't understand why they didn't just have them be together after S8 and in a long distance relationship. RDA was no longer there and the show was more focused on the newbies (Cam and Vala) and the Ori.

                        Why not have a little tidbit for us die-hards? Like Daniel saying to Sam, "How is Jack?". No big fuss, just a subtle confirmation.

                        *sigh* So many years later... and I'm still disappointed.

                        Oh well, in my universe, they got married when Sam was in Area 51 and they were together (and happy) in the later seasons!
                        joe mallozzi said they (brad and rob, basically) weren't on the same page on what to do (i'm paraphrasing). so it was left with hints and vagueness...




                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          joe mallozzi said they (brad and rob, basically) weren't on the same page on what to do (i'm paraphrasing). so it was left with hints and vagueness...

                          And since RCC was the Exec. Producer/Show Runner for SG1 in Seasons 9 and 10, and Brad Wright was the same for SGA, RCC overruled Brad and got his way (sadly).


                            Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                            I don't understand why they didn't just have them be together after S8 and in a long distance relationship. RDA was no longer there and the show was more focused on the newbies (Cam and Vala) and the Ori.

                            Why not have a little tidbit for us die-hards? Like Daniel saying to Sam, "How is Jack?". No big fuss, just a subtle confirmation.

                            *sigh* So many years later... and I'm still disappointed.

                            Oh well, in my universe, they got married when Sam was in Area 51 and they were together (and happy) in the later seasons!
                            YES! *this*....*this*....SO MUCH ^^ *this*!!!

                            <3 Lucy!!

                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            And since RCC was the Exec. Producer/Show Runner for SG1 in Seasons 9 and 10, and Brad Wright was the same for SGA, RCC overruled Brad and got his way (sadly).
                            *sticking out tongue at people who blow holes in my ship*

                            stop blowing holes in my ship!!
                            sig by Ikorni

                            "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                            "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                            SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              And since RCC was the Exec. Producer/Show Runner for SG1 in Seasons 9 and 10, and Brad Wright was the same for SGA, RCC overruled Brad and got his way (sadly).
                              I was gonna say, I always had Brad pegged as one of TPTB on our side!

                              @sarabahama - lol! I like it!
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                                Oh well, in my universe, they got married when Sam was in Area 51 and they were together (and happy) in the later seasons!
                                I like that universe as well!
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

