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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Yes, exactly! There was no way to make a direct comparison and I agree, it was pretty forced. Okay, I'd be curious to see what you think of them. Oh, actually there was another I just thought of. Bad Guys was so cringeworthy IMO. Amanda wasn't in that one, but it had them all at a museum on another planet and they were pretending to be bad guys and hold the people there hostage. Daniel was so over-the-top it hurt. He was acting almost like William Shatner It's well into the second half so you have time, but I just wanted to prepare you

    I was so down on that season, it's the only one I didn't buy on DVD. I recorded about half or a little more than half off TV and that was it. I didn't even record Unending. They did this nice little tribute thing to the show over the end credits (which I happened to watch while I was waiting for Atlantis to come on). It said something like "They gave us friendship, they gave us..." I don't remember the rest of the words, but at the 'they gave us friendship' part, they showed Sam hugging Daniel from The Serpent's Lair. I thought that was nice at least. I wish I'd recorded it, but it came on so quick I wasn't expecting it. But it was nice and showed a lot of the old scenes. I think the final one was Daniel hesitating with the event horizon behind him in COTG when Jack told him to go through the 'gate back to Earth while they were bringing the refugees from Chulak back.

    Okay, sounds good! Sadly that's about all I can think of. They really didn't have many close moments after that. But at least we can look back fondly on all the others Oh wait... not sure if you want to include Continuum, but there was that scene after Daniel was rescued from outside and was in the sick bay, Sam reached over and touched his arm. It wasn't so much an intimate moment though because I think Mitchell was there too.


      Aw, I like Bad Guys! It is a very random episode, and yes Daniel is way out of character, but you get some good laughs in if you take it lightly.

      Don't eyeball me.

      I wonder what Sam's role would have been had she been in this one.


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        It's well into the second half so you have time, but I just wanted to prepare you
        And I thank you for that!

        I'm prepared for there being minimal S/D interaction during S10, since i've been warned ahead of time. Which sucks! But I do want to watch the season at least once. As for Unending i might just skip any scenes i won't like. Dunno yet. *shrug*

        If you want I'll post a few brief thoughts on each episode as I finish them.

        I might add that scene in Moebius part 1 where Geek!Daniel helped Geek!Sam out of AU Jack's boat. I've been meaning to mention this but during that scene in the commissary where Geek!Sam was saying something about them wanting to split the two of them up, Geek!Daniel says something about not letting that happen and that they should stick together. It looks like he grabs both of her hands on the table cause she suddenly looks down at them for a moment. Did it look that way to you?

        As for Continuum, I'll probably wait until i've watched it before I add any scenes to fanvids. It sounds lovely though even though Mitchell is there.

        Also, one of the reasons i like Beachhead:

        Scruffy Daniel for the first five episodes of S9.

        Then Sam comes back and it's Hello, Carter! Goodbye beard!
        Sig by (x)


          Originally posted by Late2theGate View Post
          Aw, I like Bad Guys! It is a very random episode, and yes Daniel is way out of character, but you get some good laughs in if you take it lightly.

          Don't eyeball me.

          I wonder what Sam's role would have been had she been in this one.
          Yeah, I admit if you don't take it seriously at all it is good for some laughs. Like when I think of the way Daniel was acting, like his "You're supposed to be HOSTAGEZZZZZ!!" line, I start laughing at the silliness of it all BTW is it me, or did he look a bit... unnaturally orange in that episode? I almost wish that someone had made some comment about one of those planets they just visited giving him an odd tan, lol

          That's a good question. I wonder if they'd have her doing some of the things that Vala did, like with whole glass-cutter thing. Except that she wouldn't already have it like Vala did. I guess that's pretty easy though... it's interesting to think about!


            Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
            And I thank you for that!

            I'm prepared for there being minimal S/D interaction during S10, since i've been warned ahead of time. Which sucks! But I do want to watch the season at least once. As for Unending i might just skip any scenes i won't like. Dunno yet. *shrug*

            If you want I'll post a few brief thoughts on each episode as I finish them.

            I might add that scene in Moebius part 1 where Geek!Daniel helped Geek!Sam out of AU Jack's boat. I've been meaning to mention this but during that scene in the commissary where Geek!Sam was saying something about them wanting to split the two of them up, Geek!Daniel says something about not letting that happen and that they should stick together. It looks like he grabs both of her hands on the table cause she suddenly looks down at them for a moment. Did it look that way to you?

            As for Continuum, I'll probably wait until i've watched it before I add any scenes to fanvids. It sounds lovely though even though Mitchell is there.

            Also, one of the reasons i like Beachhead:

            Scruffy Daniel for the first five episodes of S9.

            Then Sam comes back and it's Hello, Carter! Goodbye beard!
            You're very welcome!

            Yeah, I remember Amanda did an interview on this site a few weeks after they wrapped up filming, and she said that Sam really missed Daniel (and she herself did) that season. That they had him paired off with Vala so much and she really missed the interaction they had, such a special friendship I think she said. It made me feel pretty sad. But at least it gave me an excuse to write fix-it fic (I wrote one called New Beginnings that I think takes place after In the Company of Thieves where I basically had Sam tell Daniel that she was unhappy that they weren't interacting much). And I was glad they had some of that interaction back in Continuum. There is a nice little scene in Unending between them, though IMO it was too short... at that point I was all "I'll take whatever they give us" though.

            Sure, I'd be very interested to know what you think.

            Aw, I loved that moment too, it was so sweet of him. Now that you mention it, it did kinda look that way to me too! And the serious look on his face when he says that to her, it just sort of goes with it.

            Ah okay, totally understandable... I forgot that you didn't see it yet. I'd actually asked Michael at the last Stargate convention I attended (it was in New Jersey back in 2007) if we could look forward to any good Sam/Daniel or Sam/Daniel/Teal'c friendship moments in the DVD movies. He basically went "Ummmmmm.... Not really.." (cue my face falling, lol) But then went on to say that there is interaction, but a lot of it is action-based and they're not sitting at Jack's place having tea and crumpets. But he said we'd see more of it in Continuum. I was a bit disappointed by his answer but he was right... there wasn't really anything in Ark of Truth, but there was more in Continuum and it was nice.

            Ooh yes, me too!! I love how he apparently shaved for Sam


              I always think S/D scenes are too short. The moment between them in Morpheus really was short though.

              I still haven't had the chance to watch The Pegasus Project yet, but when I do I'll let you know what I thought of it.

              I wish they had gone with a wide shot just for a moment during that scene in Moebius. *sigh*

              Lucky! How did it feel to meet Michael? I don't remember if you said you met Amanda or not. She looks like she would be such a sweetheart.

              I have a Cold Lazarus gifset that will be posted up pretty soon on Tumblr. I know how much you enjoy that episode, Jess. Here's a gif:

              COTG (3)
              The Enemy Within (1)
              Emancipation (1)
              The Torment of Tantalus (1)
              Singularity (1)
              Need (1)
              The Serpents Lair (1)
              Serpents Song (1)
              Deadman Switch (1)
              FIAD (3)
              The Curse (1)
              2010 (2)
              Meridian (1)
              Fallen (1)
              Chimera (1)
              Resurrection (1)
              Sacrifices (2)
              Moebius Pt. 1 (1)
              Ex Deus Machina (1)
              Morpheus (1)
              Sig by (x)


                Haha! Yeah, I think that too I was especially disappointed about Morpheus because months before, Joe Mallozzi (I think) was talking about writing the episode and said that he loved the great Carter/Daniel sequence in the episode. And then not long after that, they posted spoilers for the episode saying "there will be an angsty Sam/Daniel scene." I guess it could have counted as that, but still I was hoping for a bit more.

                Okay, cool!

                Yup, I do too. There is a scene in Continuum too where I had similar thoughts, but I'll go into detail when you're ready to watch it.

                It was great! That wasn't the first time I'd met him actually. In 2004 he was at the very first con they did in NJ. I was so excited because both he and Amanda were going, but then Amanda had to cancel because she was doing some filming. I was so disappointed. Michael was great, though. I was lined up to get back into the convention the day he was there and he was walking through to this room where they did this breakfast. He looked right at me and said "Hi!" I thought I was going to melt into a puddle, lol. Then later I had a photo op with him. He seemed kind of soft-spoken and a bit shy. He smiled and said "Hi honey, how are you doing?" I somehow squeaked out "Good" and he said "Excellent." After the picture I thanked him and he said "You're welcome, honey."

                I went again in 2006 but Michael had to cancel because he was filming that cheesy Megasnake movie, lol. So I went the year after and luckily he was still attending. I drew a picture for him that said "Thank you for 10 years of Daniel Jackson" and I drew the early season Daniel on it, and the one of him from the season 7 promo pics. When I got the photo op with him I gave it to him and he really liked it. He held it up for our picture. It was cool meeting him, I never thought I'd ever get the chance. I wish you could meet him too! I think he mainly does cons only overseas now? Sadly I never got to meet Amanda One of my friends has seen her at these GABIT cons that they do in England. She went to quite a few of them and kept telling me I should go, but I could never afford it. She had nothing but good things to say about Amanda. Amanda appeared at this Shore Leave con a few times, I can't remember where it is, maybe Maryland. I wanted to go one year, but I had too much going on at the time.

                One year a few of us wanted to try and organize a fan-run con, like a S/D one, and get both Michael and Amanda to attend, but we didn't think we had the money and all that to do it. It would've been fun though.

                Yay, I can't wait! Yup, Sam and Daniel were so adorable. The stuff about Jack's son was really sad, but the cute S/D stuff (and some funny Teal'c stuff) kinda balanced it out.


                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  It was great! That wasn't the first time I'd met him actually. In 2004 he was at the very first con they did in NJ. I was so excited because both he and Amanda were going, but then Amanda had to cancel because she was doing some filming. I was so disappointed. Michael was great, though. I was lined up to get back into the convention the day he was there and he was walking through to this room where they did this breakfast. He looked right at me and said "Hi!" I thought I was going to melt into a puddle, lol. Then later I had a photo op with him. He seemed kind of soft-spoken and a bit shy. He smiled and said "Hi honey, how are you doing?" I somehow squeaked out "Good" and he said "Excellent." After the picture I thanked him and he said "You're welcome, honey."

                  I went again in 2006 but Michael had to cancel because he was filming that cheesy Megasnake movie, lol.
                  Aw, hehe, i'm so glad you got to meet him.

                  Omg, SyFy and their movies...just when you think they'll run out of ideas. I was looking through the tv guide the other day and saw a movie on that channel called Airplane vs. Volcanoes. I don't think they try very hard when naming their movies.

                  Okay, I got a question for you. Are there any S/D fics that you had planned to write years ago but never got to?
                  Sig by (x)


                    Sig by (x)


                      Originally posted by It's A Paradox View Post
                      Aw, hehe, i'm so glad you got to meet him.

                      Omg, SyFy and their movies...just when you think they'll run out of ideas. I was looking through the tv guide the other day and saw a movie on that channel called Airplane vs. Volcanoes. I don't think they try very hard when naming their movies.

                      Okay, I got a question for you. Are there any S/D fics that you had planned to write years ago but never got to?
                      Aw thanks

                      Oh goodness, right?? LOL really?! They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Just when I thought Frankenfish and Sharknado were bad...

                      Oh wow, yes! I don't remember if I mentioned it, but there was one I wanted to do that took place after Tin Man, about the Sam and Daniel robots getting together (where Robot Daniel would first be upset that he couldn't look for Sha're since she technically would be the real Daniel's, and Robot Sam would console him and they'd get into a relationship). I don't think I even outlined it, I just came up with the idea and asked some friends for feedback.

                      I was also going to write a sequel to A Tale of Spilled Coffee that would involve Sam and Daniel getting involved with the Stargate program, and they'd actually end up in our reality and come face to face with our Sam and Daniel. I still want to do that one eventually, just have to see if some of the plot sounds reasonable.


                        Those both sound like they would make great S/D fics! Especially the sequel to A Tale of Spilled Coffee.

                        Are there any episode fix-it fics that you wish someone had written?
                        Sig by (x)


                          Aw thank you! I'd still like to do them both. Just for the Spilled Coffee one, I have to make sure it all works logically. I'd written this one little scene for it, no action in it to speak of, just a nice little one of Sam and Daniel with their son at a museum. I was inspired to write it after visiting a local museum myself. I have to see if I have it somewhere, I think I still do.

                          I wish someone had written a fix-it for Moebius, in which the alternate Daniel didn't die and alternate Sam ended up with him.


                            Ah, okay. Fingers crossed that you find it!

                            I know that would be great! I've only read two Moebius fics so far.

                            I have another question for you, if you don't mind. If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?

                            And I leave you all with a gif from The Gamekeeper.

                            Sig by (x)


                              Thanks! I think I know where it is

                              Me too. Someone who used to post in this thread way back when it was first started wrote one. I think she nicknamed that pairing DArter or something like that (for alternate reality S/D).

                              Ooh, that's a cool question! Um...there was an early one I wrote called Snowbound, that took place in early season 1 where Sam and Daniel were trapped at the SGC during a snowstorm. I put a lot of nice friendship in it, I think it would have been cool to see how it'd look on film. If not that, then Jello Is Good For the Soul. Mainly because I'd love to see them goofing around and having fun.

                              Aww I love that gif! I was always glad that Sam and Daniel got paired together in that virtual reality thing.


                                Expecting snow anytime soon, Jess? We're getting nothing but freezing rain down here. Ugh.
                                Sig by (x)

