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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Finally Photobucket is back up. *dances*

    Here is one of the pics I wanted to post for Thrae in celebration of her birthday...


      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      Aw... no problem, hon! I've had a few other distractions on my mind for the time being anyway (including that bunny for the AU Sam and Daniel from Ripple Effect). Got it and am looking it over right now!
      Ooh! The one you mentioned over on the social group? Nice.

      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      I managed to make a little something last night and I'd show it to you guys if I could get Photobucket to work for me... *glares at it*
      Well??? *taps foot impatiently* Where is it?
      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      Oh my.... So even though I don't ship this SJ, I liked the moral of the story. One of my biggest pet peeves when reading fic.
      Mine too. Hence the rec
      ~Amaranth Traces


        Thanks for sending my birthday wishes along Amaranth.

        I was wondering if anyone could rec a fic where Sam loves Daniel, but he doesn't love her. So Sam works up a plan to get him to fall in love with her. I was listening to 'Til You Love Me by Reba McEntire and it made me think of SD from a Sam POV. Thx.

        Banner made by Jess!


          Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
          Thanks for sending my birthday wishes along Amaranth.

          I was wondering if anyone could rec a fic where Sam loves Daniel, but he doesn't love her. So Sam works up a plan to get him to fall in love with her. I was listening to 'Til You Love Me by Reba McEntire and it made me think of SD from a Sam POV. Thx.
          Sounds vaguely familiar, but nothing specific is coming to mind. Sorry

          And now... More OT-ness because it's that kind of week!

          I am thrilled to announce that Thraesja's abdominal parasite, whom we have affectionately called Junior, has finally matured to the point where it no longer needs to live within a host!

          Junior left his host (who likes to think of herself as his mother) yesterday, and both are happy and smiling. (He looks much better in the next picture!)

          Thraesja, the ex-host, who says I should refer to as Junior's "mother" instead, is very happy to finally meet Junior. Apparently, attempts at telepathic communication while Kel'no'reeming were proving ineffectual.

          Awww... Congratulations Thrae!

          MWAH! Love ya lots, hon! Give Junior a kiss for me!


          I feel like an honourary auntie! But don't tell Thrae. She'll think that's creepy

          Hopefully, Junior won't give Thrae too much trouble and she'll be back in action with scads of free time, writing more into the fabulous Sam/Daniel WIPs I've been privvy to!
          Last edited by Amaranth Traces; 18 June 2008, 04:35 PM. Reason: :)
          ~Amaranth Traces


            Whew! Okay, I didn't realize that I haven't been on for almost a year....

            I feel like a terrible S/D shipper now, not keeping up with all the stuff happening.

            So, in other news, I don't know if any of you have read the first bits of the fix-it fic for Unending that Fishyone and I have been working on, but I've posted most of a new chapter. You can check it and all the oher chapters on our joint LJ All the warnings are on there and stuff.

            Oh, thanks to all the praise for my s/d vids. It really brightened my week (which has been rather crappy).

            I will try to keep current on eveything from now on....


              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
              Ooh! The one you mentioned over on the social group? Nice.
              Yeppers. That one. And after I got your email with the ideas of where I could start it, it got me thinking a bit more. Not going to do any *really* serious thinking about it til I have the Jello fic done though.

              Well??? *taps foot impatiently* Where is it?
              LOL. I was spacing out because it was getting a little late and forgot to upload it... Ooops. Here it is, though. In spoiler tags for vague OT-ness...


              I guess the frame rate is kind of fast at the end... I could try slowing it down a little but that's just a rough little icon. Probably won't share it much.

              Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post

              I was wondering if anyone could rec a fic where Sam loves Daniel, but he doesn't love her. So Sam works up a plan to get him to fall in love with her. I was listening to 'Til You Love Me by Reba McEntire and it made me think of SD from a Sam POV. Thx.
              I'm with Amaranth... it sounds a bit familiar, but I can't think of a fic like that at the moment. I think Meriem Clayton might have explored that idea in one of her fics, but I'm drawing a blank.... I'll see if I can find anything like that, though.

              Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
              And now... More OT-ness because it's that kind of week!

              I am thrilled to announce that Thraesja's abdominal parasite, whom we have affectionately called Junior, has finally matured to the point where it no longer needs to live within a host!


              Junior left his host (who likes to think of herself as his mother) yesterday, and both are happy and smiling. (He looks much better in the next picture!)


              Thraesja, the ex-host, who says I should refer to as Junior's "mother" instead, is very happy to finally meet Junior. Apparently, attempts at telepathic communication while Kel'no'reeming were proving ineffectual.


              Awww... Congratulations Thrae!


              MWAH! Love ya lots, hon! Give Junior a kiss for me!


              I feel like an honourary auntie! But don't tell Thrae. She'll think that's creepy

              Hopefully, Junior won't give Thrae too much trouble and she'll be back in action with scads of free time, writing more into the fabulous Sam/Daniel WIPs I've been privvy to!
              And more spoilers for a reply to your OT-ness (because it's equally OT)...

              As might say: WAY TO GO, JUNIOR!!

              er... and Way to go, Thrae!!!

              Excellent news! Big congrats to Thrae! *HUGS* for the proud, mom

              Originally posted by Beakymoose View Post
              Whew! Okay, I didn't realize that I haven't been on for almost a year....

              I feel like a terrible S/D shipper now, not keeping up with all the stuff happening.

              So, in other news, I don't know if any of you have read the first bits of the fix-it fic for Unending that Fishyone and I have been working on, but I've posted most of a new chapter. You can check it and all the oher chapters on our joint LJ All the warnings are on there and stuff.

              Oh, thanks to all the praise for my s/d vids. It really brightened my week (which has been rather crappy).

              I will try to keep current on eveything from now on....
              ((((Beaky)))) it's okay, we forgive you! Great to see you back! Glad you've got some more fic... I really have to catch up. Luckily I have some time this weekend.

              Your vids are awesome. *hugs* Hope you have a great weekend!


                Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                Sounds vaguely familiar, but nothing specific is coming to mind. Sorry

                And now... More OT-ness because it's that kind of week!

                I am thrilled to announce that Thraesja's abdominal parasite, whom we have affectionately called Junior, has finally matured to the point where it no longer needs to live within a host!

                Junior left his host (who likes to think of herself as his mother) yesterday, and both are happy and smiling. (He looks much better in the next picture!)

                Thraesja, the ex-host, who says I should refer to as Junior's "mother" instead, is very happy to finally meet Junior. Apparently, attempts at telepathic communication while Kel'no'reeming were proving ineffectual.

                Awww... Congratulations Thrae!

                MWAH! Love ya lots, hon! Give Junior a kiss for me!


                I feel like an honourary auntie! But don't tell Thrae. She'll think that's creepy

                Hopefully, Junior won't give Thrae too much trouble and she'll be back in action with scads of free time, writing more into the fabulous Sam/Daniel WIPs I've been privvy to!

                rofl! Love it.

                CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS Thrae!!!


                Aww. Shifu did look very cute didn't he? Loved the little burnt sienna/sunset ensemble he had.

                ah, gotta go... will catch up soon. byee

                : )
                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                  Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                  rofl! Love it.

                  CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS Thrae!!!


                  Aww. Shifu did look very cute didn't he? Loved the little burnt sienna/sunset ensemble he had.

                  ah, gotta go... will catch up soon. byee

                  : )
                  Anyone done a fic where Daniel keeps Shifu? I know I've come across it once in a fic where Sha're was rescued, but the story was Sam focussed and it didn't turn out all too well. I'd love to see Daniel trying to be a father, and Sam seems like the sort of woman who would offer to help if he needed anything—it would definitely be a great friendship/bonding story if not shippy (I tend to think that Daniel would be loyal to Sha're until her death).

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    CONGRATULATIONS THRAE!! Welcome to the world Junior. ::grin::

                    Banner made by Jess!


                      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                      Anyone done a fic where Daniel keeps Shifu? I know I've come across it once in a fic where Sha're was rescued, but the story was Sam focussed and it didn't turn out all too well. I'd love to see Daniel trying to be a father, and Sam seems like the sort of woman who would offer to help if he needed anything—it would definitely be a great friendship/bonding story if not shippy (I tend to think that Daniel would be loyal to Sha're until her death).
                      Hmm. I did one once where everything comes full circle (why Oma wouldn't let him keep Shifu then in retrospect what with him being relatively green about what's out there)... but not one where he keeps him. It would be rather dangerous, 'spose, but then again 'dreams teach', and hopefully Daniel wouldn't exploit the power of the Harcesis.

                      lol. Daniel as a father sounds a very good idea... he just has that about him, esp. in eps like Birthright (how he chats to Nesa... even if she did have a crush on him afterwards)... and of course how he looked everywhere for Shifu, only to let him go for the greater good.

                      And Sam does seem to have a maternal quality to her... which could be from AT as she's been described as sisterly by CJ.

                      Hm. I agree with that... even if he did feel things for Sam, he wouldn't cheat on Sha're, but that's an opinion. Some people are in the school of thought that he could or might, but it's a matter of opinion, methinks.

                      ooh... guys... you know how you can sometimes tell the shippy politics of 'gate sites from their banners? Well, Stargate Solutions ( for a while had a banner at their top of the homepage with Daniel and Vala being closer to each other, and Sam and Cam closer together, and variations thereof (I know it sounds like nitpicking, but it can be telling sometimes). The positioning just lately's been changing and now it's a refreshable banner and imagine my surprise when I found this...!


                      ooh. I think a big squee! is in order here.


                      : )
                      (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                        Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
                        ooh... guys... you know how you can sometimes tell the shippy politics of 'gate sites from their banners? Well, Stargate Solutions ( for a while had a banner at their top of the homepage with Daniel and Vala being closer to each other, and Sam and Cam closer together, and variations thereof (I know it sounds like nitpicking, but it can be telling sometimes). The positioning just lately's been changing and now it's a refreshable banner and imagine my surprise when I found this...!


                        ooh. I think a big squee! is in order here.


                        : )
                        *muffles joyous squee* Oh, so beautiful. *happy sigh*

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          Hey guys! I just thought I'd let you all know, I posted my wedding pictures on Myspace. I have a slideshow, but it takes a while for all the pictures to load. I'm working on uploading some to photobucket.


                            Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                            Hey guys! I just thought I'd let you all know, I posted my wedding pictures on Myspace. I have a slideshow, but it takes a while for all the pictures to load. I'm working on uploading some to photobucket.
                            Awww! I love your photos! (*looks round* um, I think that made me sound like the mysterious old lady at a wedding who's only there for the buffet...). Anywho, looks like you had a great time! (not saying you

                            wouldn't and..)

                            Ok, this neurosis is getting out of control.


                            Lovely pics!

                            Just out of interest...

                            How many bridesmaids did you have?!

                            : )

                            Anyway... here's the Jackson Bunch

                            --- --
                            -- -|- --
                            -- --

                            1) Teal'c -- the perfect cousin
                            2) Sam -- Mum
                            3) Cam -- Sam's funny but sincere brother
                            4) Jack -- the funny Uncle
                            5) Jonas -- the son who does his best
                            6) Vala -- the rogue daughter
                            7) Daniel -- Dad
                            8) Hammond -- Grandpa George

                            More SD banners from Solutions


                            Last edited by DrGemini2405; 27 June 2008, 12:18 PM. Reason: I brained my damage for the eleventieth time
                            (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)



                              Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post

                              Just out of interest...

                              How many bridesmaids did you have?!
                              I had 7 bridesmaids and he had 7 groomsmen.

                              Thanks for sharing the banners


                                Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter View Post
                                I had 7 bridesmaids and he had 7 groomsmen.

                                Thanks for sharing the banners
                                Ah right... wasn't poking fun or anything... it's just quite unusual.

                                heheh. You're welcome.

                                : )
                                (you'll have to refresh the page if you click 'My FF'; there seems to be a bug on FF's part - my account does still exist!!)


