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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
    Hey everyone!


    I haven't been in what feels like years. Wow.
    Welcome back!! *hugs*

    There's a line somewhere in season 10, I think, or maybe 9, that popped up when I refreshed my Stargate quotes on my Facebook, and it pretty much albeit surprisingly considering the character shift, summed him up, and I paraphrase,

    "My life is no more valuable than anyone else's."

    It is interesting how one item can change perceptions and everything. Without the glasses, and with that weird character change, he becomes no different to the others he works with... and that's not the against-the-man guy we knew and fell in love with. He might fight like one and admittedly now think like one at times, but he is not a soldier.
    Oh, I know that line and I can't remember which episode it's from... but yeah, I think it sums Daniel up very well. Very selfless and it's one thing I've always admired about him.

    Hope ya don't mind, just doing a little snippage here...

    As for S/D being siblings... oh, that is as old as the hills... ok, maybe not that old but pretty old at least. Just ignore them -- we all know S/D makes much more sense. S/C is definitely a sibling thing going on there -- lol. I mean, come on, when has Sam joked about Daniel being naked? She's joked about Cam losing his trousers before now... [snippage]

    Daniel/Vala... act. I think it was Jess that said how similar their dynamic was/is to how Sam and McKay had to work together in season 6... both Daniel and Sam in those respective cases were fed up of and sarcastic to Vala and McKay... but had to work with them.
    I have to say the interaction I see between Sam and Cam seems more "chummy", and more in line of what I'd think of when I see siblings interacting. Some people would probably say the same thing about Sam and Daniel, but I don't see it. Yes, they do tease each other from time to time (like Daniel teasing Sam about the "crush" on Lt. Simmons in MIAB, and sorta teasing her at the end of Space Race) but I can't compare it to what I see between her and Cam.

    Yeah, I think I did say something about that at some point (re: the Daniel/Vala thing). That's definitely how I saw it in season 9 and even quite a bit in season 10. I think Daniel has gained some respect for Vala in certain situations and he's taken his responsibility of her (see Morpheus) seriously, but they still snipe back and forth and it doesn't make me think they're made for each other.

    Anywho... my original reason for coming... Continuum pics!!! (spoilery perhaps on account of them having Sam, Cam and Daniel in the same shot... *cue suspense music*)
    Hee... great captions!! I just love the look on her face in that first pic, even if it is just the actors. As for #2...oh poor Daniel

    #4 made me "awful ship disruptor"... that's great

    Lovely job, my dear!

    Got some things to do right now but I'll be back to catch up tomorrow. I'll just leave you with a pic...


      Originally posted by JessM View Post
      Cool to see this place hopping a bit more!

      Ah, very good point. I liked that scene too. And the beginning of that one ep (was it the same one? I can't remember now) where Sam was in his lab, looking at his journal and holding his glasses, like she's trying to keep a part of him close to her somehow. It's something I could really relate to myself.

      Hey SciFiFan Yeah, I have to say I see Daniel and Vala as more brother and sister. And I know Cam and Sam have a friendship but I don't see anything more than that.
      Yep, I loved that scene Jess. I think anyone who has lost a loved one could really relate.

      Oh, Daniel and Vala...they project the classic sibling rivalry scene. I've never seen their "cat fighting" as sexual tension. More like, bickering kids. Daniel has more sexual tension with Jack.

      Gawd, Cam and Vala have far more sexual tension than Daniel and Vala.

      Sam/Cam?...oh, no, no, no. They have sibling chemistry too...but Sam and Cam are the siblings that get along while Daniel and Vala are the a corner...pulling each other's hair.

      It's like SG-1 day care:

      Teal'c...the quiet kid who watches everyone and knows more than what he's telling.

      Sam...the brainy kid who gets along with everyone but seems to end up playing by herself at the end of the day. kid in day care. Everyone's buddy. Cool kid over all.

      Vala...innocent looking troublemaker who likes to get attention. Tends to focus all her attention on one person. Needs to stand in the corner for a time out.

      Daniel...brainy kid who cannot deal with being picked on. Thinks he's cool by hanging around the "cool" kids. Tends to do better when separated from troublemakers.

      Jack...the cool kid!

      General Landry...substitute teacher for the day. Let's the kids get away with everything.

      General Hammond...the principle.
      Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


        Here is a questionnaire about Sam and Vala that someone is conducting and they really want female fans to answer

        poke poke Jess I hope you fill it out you are very well spoken and I think you would help anyone else too I just know Jess better

        in my little AU Sam & Daniel are life long best friends and each other's confidant

        Some great discussion
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Okay, now attempting to do some catching up... please bear with me here. Multi-quoting and multiple posts may ensue

          Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
          The thing with Cam... I guess the SC'ers see what they want to see with that. If she'd taken to hanging out with Lee, there'd be another shipping faction. I see it as he already knowing her and just being friends... I really do like how he's like a hub, kind of, in that he holds it all together, or at least tries to. Comparing to the first time SG-1 got a new CO (Makepeace), Makepeace hated Teal'c... but Cam went out of his way to be buddies with the guy, which I thought was great.
          Heh... I have to wonder if there are some Sam/Lee shippers now, after seeing some of the eps of SGA S4 Not that I will bash them or anything - they're free to ship however they want - but your comment just made me think of that.

          Anyway, clichés. I act. think that not having an SD ship was deliberate. I've seen similar ships to SD in other shows... e.g.


          SD would have worked... and similar ships are in other shows. They just deliberately chose not to do it. Weird people.
          Yep... I mean I can understand why they didn't in the beginning, because Daniel was still married to Sha're and I don't see him as the type to really cheat on her, even if she was taken as a host and was separated from him. I think that while he carried the hope that he'd find her and they'd get her back to her old self, he would not have wanted to get involved with anyone else. Do I think he may have been attracted to Sam? Sure. He was definitely attracted to her mind, and I think it's possible he could have been attracted to more than that. But the fact that Sha're was still out there prevented him from pursuing anything. I think the UST angle pretty much works in s1-3(pre-Sha're's death).

          But why they didn't pursue it after Sha're died, I don't know. Probably by that time they were thinking of heading in the S/J direction. It is a shame.

          Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
          [COLOR="Navy"]Personally I like the Sam/Cam friendship. I just wish that TPTB wouldn't have axed the Sam/Daniel friendship for it. Seems to me that for Sam/Cam to be friends and for Daniel/Vala to be friends, they had to axe the other friendships. Near the end of the series Teal'c didn't seem to have much of a part and the friendship that had helped SG1 through the years dwindled to near nothingness. It does bother me though that Cam has taken Daniel's place in Sam's life. Cam is now like Sam's best friend, instead of Daniel as it had been for eight years! at the very least.

          Ya know Jess I'd totally tell you my SD theories if I remembered them, but I don't. ::Hangs head in shame::
          Yeah, I don't mind the Sam/Cam friendship either. It's clear they'd known each other for at least a little while by the way they chatted via video in Avalon Pt. 1. It does seem like the S/D friendship took a backseat to it. I understand they spent a lot of time on the Cam interaction (not just with Sam, but with Daniel and Teal'c) in S9 because that was pretty much his season after Vala left in Beachhead. They spent all that time trying to integrate him into the cast, so they wanted to show him interacting a lot with each of them. But they kept at it in S10, at least as far as the Sam/Cam interaction goes. Plus they were always pairing Daniel with Vala so I guess there was no other choice for Sam but Cam.

          You over think it Jess. Sam isn't in love with Cam and Daniel isn't in love with Vala. People are just saying stuff like that to get a rise out of you. Most of them don't know s***, and are just jumping on what is considered "the popular" ships, trains and theories. They want to be accepted, but they're just sheep. They see what others want them to see. I think if they had an original thought in their head it would explode. Now I think I'm over thinking it...

          They don't understand true friendship. Sure maybe in some ways SD can be considered familial, but that doesn't mean that's all it is or that it's all it can be. I don't think siblings get jealous by another person entering one of the lives. That's not the way it is between my brother and I and we're quite close. But maybe my brother and I aren't the norm. At any rate, siblings and jealously don't exactly go hand-in-hand (except in Flowers In The Attic, by VC Andrews, but that's a whole other can of worms.)

          And no Jess you're not alone. Not the only one who doesn't follow with that line of thinking. I don't either.

          Respect only matters from people that matter to you. That's how I see it anyway. You know that I'll post my review/super summary just as I did for Ark of Truth. I'm sort of afraid, but hyped about watching Continuum. It's odd. In some ways I can't wait to see it, in others I'm completely dreading it. What if it's just like Ark of Truth but with Ba'al and Jack? I promise you my SD shipper mind and glasses will be in overdrive.

          Didn't scare me away. Ranting is okay. Every now and agin you just need to vent. So may I be the first to say vent-away.
          Oh, no, Sam isn't in love with Cam at least IMHO, but a lot of the people I run into keep harping on that... and TPTB seem to love sticking them together, sharing banter, etc. Same goes for Daniel and Vala. I know, I know, I shouldn't let them get to me so much. *hangs head in shame* I was in a pretty bad mood when I posted that... everything was getting to me more than usual.

          I know what you mean about siblings and jealousy. I could see it between siblings who are in a sort of rivalry, but I never saw that between Daniel and Sam (and what's weird is that apparently MS sees it that way... he mentioned it once at a con). As for the jealousy when they're spotted with another person... Daniel seemed pretty jealous to me in The Tok'ra Pt. 1 when he saw Sam holding hands with Martouf. At first he looked a bit awkward, like he totally wasn't expecting to see it. But then the way he said "learning a lot about Jolinar?" seemed almost.... I dunno... b***hy...seemed like jealousy to me. And his little look at Martouf when he passed Daniel. But that was how I saw it.

          Thanks for the "pep talk," Kitty. And for the offer. I really appreciate it. And I'm glad I didn't scare you away. *grin*

          Personally, I don't think Daniel would do the lasik thing. Seems to me like an affront (is that the word I want) to his parents. The glasses are like a nod to his parents, and they shouldn't be taken away.

          How about this for a subtle difference? Daniel goes back to the round glasses. I'm all for that difference. ::grin:: The round one's were really defining and kept his innocence, the square one's make him seem more military, more like a soldier and less like an Archaeologist.
          Yeah, I'd hate to see the glasses taken away, too. Heh... yeah, I'm all for that difference too.

          Seems more soldier-like to me..... and then there's the whole GPS thing...

          Originally posted by MerryK View Post
          Yes, thank you! I have never gotten a S/J shipper to present me with a reasonable solution to this problem: they have nothing in common, nothing to talk about. Love could go a long way, but not if there isn't some foundation underneath. I can see why people ship Sam with Cam instead...there seems to be a friendship there that could lead to a great relationship if there was the spark of romance. I personally don't see it, though. As for Daniel, I see why they ship him with Vala, because the sparkage between them is huge. Like Sam/Cam, it could be interpreted as friendship alone, but I do see the friendship and the romance in this case. But I also see that with Sam and Daniel, and I think their relationship would be way easier and more beneficial to the both of them.
          Hey, MerryK! Nice to see you here. We don't bite, I promise

          That's how I feel about S/J too. Sure they're both military, but what else is there beyond that? I don't really see the spark of romance between Sam and Cam either.

          I know a lot of people see sparks between Daniel and Vala. And I interpret those "sparks" to sort of mean "tension", which I guess to some people makes for a more interesting, complex relationship. I'm personally not a fan of relationships like that, though, and I don't necessarily see easy relationships (such as the one Sam and Daniel have) as boring. There's the level of understanding there that I think lays down a good foundation.


            Originally posted by DrGemini2405 View Post
            That is so disappointing... I miss the boonie days. lol. He did brush on it a bit in season 9 with the Merlin is an Ancient thing, but that was kind of it. Shame. The point, or a point, of the guy was that he's a civilian in a military world, a human foil... the original line-up of SG-1 was a soldier, a scientist-soldier, an archaeologist, and an alien. I think, at some point, it was about four very different people being brought together by a common goal. They kinda lose than with the character change... I mean, what, apart from the obvious picture-porn, is the point of Daniel if he's going to be just like the soldiers? Where are the principles that he so strongly fought to hold onto?

            He just looks tired most of the time... and I sometimes think it's because he's channelling Jack 'cos he misses him. A lot of the time, I think it's frustration and him remembering how the Goa'uld were and how he doesn't want the Ori to get as big as the Goa'uld had for thousands of years before SG-1.
            It's great to be talking with people who feel pretty much the same way. I'll probably get flamed by the Daniel fans who love everything about him even in these most recent seasons and don't like to think anything negative about him - but I'm not afraid of speaking my mind about it... at least here. I know people change, and after 10 years and all he's seen, Daniel would change. But I wasn't crazy about the way he changed.

            Yes he is jaded...he's seen so many crazy things happen. But some of his irritation (and yeah I didn't like the way he was so OTT in Bad Guys, and even in Company of Thieves) and his snark was just too much for me. I think he is channeling Jack too, probably because he does miss the guy and because after being around him all those years, Jack's rubbed off on him a bit. But Daniel can't say his lines in a certain way and have them come out the same as when Jack does it. And I think that's where they missed the mark. Daniel has been snarky even in the beginning of the show, but it was usually quiet and subtle. Since Jack left it seems like they were trying to inject his humor into Daniel and have him come out with some Jack-esque lines. He doesn't have the same type of humor though, and I think it falls flat.

            Ugh I'm talking myself in circles here...and going off topic. Sorry about that... But I think you know what I mean.

            That really is an insult to her character... I mean, she's obviously not stupid. If she was, she'd be long dead, but... Ha! Maybe there would have been something if she'd stayed on for the start of season 9 'cos Daniel was kind of leading the team then...

            Ok, that was evil.
            *snerk* Yeah, it was evil... but brilliant But yeah, I know what you're saying. It's like TPTB have trouble writing women as more than the sum of their "boyfriends." Sam can be a strong character in her own right.

            Yeah... there's at least a five year age gap... current estimates (ignoring Entity) have her in May 1965, and him in June 1970. (current estimates... lol, that sounds tremendously geeky! : D)
            Heh...actually I think that's more the actors' than characters'. AT was born in '65 (I want to say around August? but not sure...), MS in Dec. '70. I think canon has Daniel's birthday July 8th, 1965. I'm not sure about Sam's. I don't see the one in Entity being correct either. I'd say she's at least 2 or 3 years older than him, although I know some people actually say Daniel is older than her. lol, and now I sound geekier than you

            Originally posted by Jackie View Post
            Yep, I loved that scene Jess. I think anyone who has lost a loved one could really relate.

            Oh, Daniel and Vala...they project the classic sibling rivalry scene. I've never seen their "cat fighting" as sexual tension. More like, bickering kids. Daniel has more sexual tension with Jack.

            Gawd, Cam and Vala have far more sexual tension than Daniel and Vala.

            Sam/Cam?...oh, no, no, no. They have sibling chemistry too...but Sam and Cam are the siblings that get along while Daniel and Vala are the a corner...pulling each other's hair.

            It's like SG-1 day care:

            Teal'c...the quiet kid who watches everyone and knows more than what he's telling.

            Sam...the brainy kid who gets along with everyone but seems to end up playing by herself at the end of the day.

   kid in day care. Everyone's buddy. Cool kid over all.

            Vala...innocent looking troublemaker who likes to get attention. Tends to focus all her attention on one person. Needs to stand in the corner for a time out.

            Daniel...brainy kid who cannot deal with being picked on. Thinks he's cool by hanging around the "cool" kids. Tends to do better when separated from troublemakers.

            Jack...the cool kid!

            General Landry...substitute teacher for the day. Let's the kids get away with everything.

            General Hammond...the principle.
            Heh... good analogy!!

            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            Here is a questionnaire about Sam and Vala that someone is conducting and they really want female fans to answer


            poke poke Jess I hope you fill it out you are very well spoken and I think you would help anyone else too I just know Jess better


            in my little AU Sam & Daniel are life long best friends and each other's confidant

            Some great discussion
            Thanks for popping in, Erika! *hugs* and thanks for the link... I did fill it out and thank you for the kind words, you are very sweet


              Sam: "What do you mean the hotel is over booked? I made the reservations months ago. There were two rooms reserved. One for myself and one for Daniel Jackson."

              Daniel: "Wouldn't cha' know it! Must be a computer glitch. I got us a room at the Omni..downtown. They only have one left, so we will have to share. Sorry, best I can do."

              Sam: "Who canceled our rooms? Daniel did?"

              Daniel: "Um..."
              Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                Hee hee...

                tsk... naughty Daniel! Course you know this means Sam will have to punish him somehow.

                Edited my caps so I could have some new(er) ones to share...

                (you just know Teal'c caught the two of them doing something interesting, and Sam is trying to explain it away. Daniel doesn't look too confident in her ability to pull it off though )


                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  Hee hee...

                  tsk... naughty Daniel! Course you know this means Sam will have to punish him somehow.

                  (you just know Teal'c caught the two of them doing something interesting, and Sam is trying to explain it away. Daniel doesn't look too confident in her ability to pull it off though )
                  Must be trying to cover the punishment...lo.

                  Sam: "Teal'c, on Earth we have certain rituals. Daniel and I were expressing a ritual that requires a man and a woman...."

                  Daniel: "Sam, let's not explain how I kept you up all night."

                  Teal'c: "I am familiar with human mating rituals, Capt. Carter. I have greatly expanded my knowledge of humans and the subject of mating."

                  Sam: "Well, that's great. You've been researching human behavior?"

                  Teal'c: "Indeed! Television is very informative. The programming broadcast during daytime hours is most inquisitive."

                  Daniel: "Watching Oprah again?"

                  Teal'c: "Indeed."
                  Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                    Apparently no more "What is an Oprah?" from Teal'c.

                    Don't think I've posted this hear yet... but I found a pretty cool fic thingy. It's Four Times Daniel and Sam Didn't [ know] and One Time They Did
                    (yeah, I "bleeped" myself here because I'm not sure if the actual part of that title is allowed here). It's good stuff though.

                    And speaking of fics, our own Amaranth Traces won a Stargate Fan Award for Tortured Soul! Woooo! Congrats, hon And congrats to everyone who was nominated!

                    Back to pics...


                      2008 Stargate Blue Moon Awards

                      Hey people, let's get nominating. I know there are people out there reading fanfic. When you find a good one, nominate it at


                      Parsippany NJ Twilight Creation 2013** ~~~ NYCC 2010/11/12** ~~~ Wizard World New York City Experience 2013* ~~~ Los Angles CA Xena Creation 2014? ~~~ Los Angles CA Grand Slam Creation 2014? ~~~ Cherry Hill NJ Star Trek Creation 2012/ 13** ~~~ Philadelphia PA Wizard World 2009/11/12/13** ~~~ Las Vegas NV Star Trek Creation 2014? ~~~ Orlando FL Star Wars Celebration 2014? ~~~ Parsippany NJ Supernatural Creation 2012/13* ~~~ Parsippany NJ Vampire Diaries Creation 2013? ~~~ Chicago IL Stargate Creation 2009/12/ 13* ~~~ Dragon*Con 2011/12/13* ~~~
                      (* planned) (** booked) (? maybe)
                      Vancouver BC Stargate Creation 2008/09/10/12 ~~~ Parsippany NJ Star Trek Creation 2009/11 ~~~ Los Angles CA TriCon Stargate/Farscape/Firefly Creation Con 2010 ~~~ New York NY Fangoria Creation 2009 ~~~ Cherry Hill NJ Supernatural Creation 2009 ~~~ Cherry Hill NJ Stargate Creation 2008 ~~~ Secaucus NJ Stargate Creation 2007 ~~~ Cherry Hill/Philadelphia/Valley Forge Star Trek 1977-1988


                        Just bringing some pics. Jess once sent me a manip like this and I thought "Hey, I think I'll try that." Here's the fruit of my labour. Mine is HUGE! From Enigma.


                        Now these are just captures I put together. Not sure what they count as, because they're not really manips. They're pretty long. From Cold Lazarus, The Enemy Within, and Emancipation.


                        Last edited by Kitty Carter-Jackson; 11 May 2008, 09:59 AM.

                        Banner made by Jess!


                          Oookay. So, real life went a little crazy for a while there, but I think it's all under control again. I hope, anyway...

                          Lots of activity here - always nice to see! Too much to catch up on right now though

                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          And speaking of fics, our own Amaranth Traces won a Stargate Fan Award for Tortured Soul! Woooo! Congrats, hon And congrats to everyone who was nominated!
                          Heh. Thanks, hon. I was surprised to be nominated, and I certainly didn't expect that story to win - even though it's officially nothing more than SD friendship, there's a bit of foreshadowing for the SD 'ship that the rest of that triology uncovers.

                          Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Let's all start compiling our nomination lists for the next round of the awards so that Sam/Daniel has an even bigger showing!

                          I have several announcements. In spoiler tags to save space:

                          First... The Skiffy Awards - Voting is OPEN

                          Snurched from the Skiffy Awards Live Journal:

                          Hello all!

                          Several days ahead of schedule (okay, five--but let me toot my own horn a little bit, wouldja?), voting for Round 1 of the 2008 Skiffy Awards has OPENED!

                          How do you vote? Well, go to the Techiedom forum, select the Skiffy Voting sub-forum, scroll down (past the 'archives' sub forum, please) then choose the category you want to vote in. Read the stories, choose which one you like the best and vote in the poll.

                          REMEMBER! You only get ONE vote in each category! There's no way around this, so make sure you're certain of that vote!

                          We've also opened a poll to help decide which universe we should include in the next round of the awards, so vote in that as well.

                          If you're a nominee and haven't yet picked up your nominee badge, you can do so at either the Skiffy site or at our Live Journal (just look for the entries tagged 'badges'!)

                          Also, if you frequent any sci-fi/fan-fic centric boards or communities, have a website or a blog, if you'd like to mention the awards, that'd be great! We need all the votes we can get! Without you, there are no awards, so pimp us all you can!

                          Enjoy the Skiffys and all the great stories that've been nominated!

                          Second... is in danger of being closed.

                          Modified from

                          The person running that site has been getting a lot of hits - resulting in costs that are going above and beyond what the the owner can handle. She's asking for donations to keep the site going.

                          As of now, she says the website's going to be shut down at the end of May. She says: "Please consider donating if you can. Right now, every little bit will help to keep the site online [...] If you have enjoyed this site and would like to support it, Donations are greatly appreciated. It will help keep the site going. All donations go to keeping this site online."

                          To make a donation, click the "Donate here to keep this site running" button at the bottom of

                          Third... FIC!


                          I've made two additions to my StargateFic100 collection since I last posted here.


                          Genre: Angst
                          Pairings: Sam/Daniel UST
                          Spoilers: Fallen
                          Season: Seven, missing scene from Fallen
                          Rating: K


                          Genre: Romance
                          Pairings: Sam/Daniel established ‘ship
                          Spoilers: The Serpent’s Lair, Meridian, Fallen
                          Season: Future season
                          Rating: T

                          I think that's it for now! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers and mothers-to-be out there!
                          ~Amaranth Traces


                            I was thinking about Stargate, well mostly Sam and Daniel (big surprise) and wondered a few things. 'Course they're not all SD ponderings.

                            We're always talking about the lack of SD in S10, which is lacking but it still has some. I just watched Flesh and Blood and Morpheus. Morpheus is the only episode in S10 that's has a lot of SD (as we all know). In Flesh and Blood Sam is quite concerned for Daniel. After Cam spoke to Sam she asked about Daniel. Then when they showed her that someone used the rings she believed it was Daniel. She told Emerson that he didn't know Daniel they way they did. (I think she was more referring to herself and Teal'c, than SG1 in general. Cam doesn't know Daniel as well as they do.) Then when she made radio contact she was almost, dare I say, gleeful that Daniel was alive. And Daniel was even happy to hear from her, though he was kind of terse, but that's probably because he was in enemy territory.

                            The sad thing is the SD in Flesh and Blood is similar to the SD in The Torment of Tantalus. But in S10 we don't have episodes like Singularity and Bloodlines to make up for lacking SD. Even with the SD in Morpheus, it's not strong enough to counteract the rest of S10.

                            Why did Hathor have a bigger thing for Jack in S2 then she did for Daniel in S1? I like to think it was because Hathor knew how Daniel felt towards Sam. Just think of how even when he was invoked with "the great roofie spirit" he asked Hathor to not kill Sam. It's harder to control someone when they're in love-- well maybe it wasn't all-out love yet, but still...

                            I wonder who had more "roofie" power Qetesh or Hathor. Qetesh is the goddess of sacred ecstasy and sexual pleasure whereas Hathor is the goddess of Beauty, Sensuality, Fertility, Music, Inebriety (sex, drugs and Rock n roll.) Hathor seems to be a lot like Dionysus of Greek mythos. Course I don't think Suanne Braun is beautiful, but that's just me.

                            I had an idea of what Coop and his producers talked about before Morpheus. It's not nice.

                            Producers: Mr. Cooper are you sure you want to do this episode?
                            Coop: Yes. Why wouldn't I?
                            Producers: Well, Mr. Cooper there's a lot of interaction between Sam and Daniel in the episode.
                            Cooper: How did that get in there?
                            Producers: Since you've been going out of your way to keep Sam and Daniel apart, you might confuse some viewers and upset some others, especially since there's almost no Daniel and Vala interaction.
                            Cooper: No Daniel and Vala? I'll have to remedy that. (Then he started work on Unending.) To self: I can make it canon.

                            Like I said not nice, but kind of funny. Morpheus wasn't written by Coop though it was written by Mallozzi, which is weird because isn't he a self-proclaimed Vaniel fan?

                            I think I kind of went off on a tangent, and I don't remember what SD ponderings I was having except for the one I mentioned. Bugger it all.

                            Banner made by Jess!


                              Woohoo. Lots of good discussion going on here.

                              (Oh, yeah, btw, I'm not dead... but the planet and I seem to be having a disagreement as to whether or not I can stay on it. )

                              My two cents: Yes, I could see Sam/Cam, and I like their friendship, but I don't ship them. I see Daniel/Vala as more the one night stand kind of thing... And since I don't think Daniel is really the type, I guess that means I don't see it at all.

                              Congratulations to winners of awards.

                              More fanfic for me to catch up on... Well, when the world stops spinning, maybe I'll get a chance to finally catch up... Maybe.

                              The pygmies abandoned me in my hour of need, so I haven't gotten anything new written. However, this weekend they came back and viciously attacked, demanding that I make vids.

                              Here are the links:

                              Somethin' Stupid

                              Time After Time

                              La Vie en Rose
                              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                                Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much lately. RL has been crazy for me. I knew I'd find my way back here eventually, though.

                                Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                                Just bringing some pics. Jess once sent me a manip like this and I thought "Hey, I think I'll try that." Here's the fruit of my labour. Mine is HUGE! From Enigma.


                                Now these are just captures I put together. Not sure what they count as, because they're not really manips. They're pretty long. From Cold Lazarus, The Enemy Within, and Emancipation.

                                Wow, I love the Enigma manip! Very nice job (and I love 'em huge ). I'm so tempted to use it in a wallpaper or something... if I have the time, anyway...

                                I can't see the others, though. It says something like "this file has been moved or deleted." Aw... I really wanna see them

                                Originally posted by Amaranth Traces View Post
                                Heh. Thanks, hon. I was surprised to be nominated, and I certainly didn't expect that story to win - even though it's officially nothing more than SD friendship, there's a bit of foreshadowing for the SD 'ship that the rest of that triology uncovers.

                                Congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Let's all start compiling our nomination lists for the next round of the awards so that Sam/Daniel has an even bigger showing!

                                I have several announcements. In spoiler tags to save space:

                                First... The Skiffy Awards - Voting is OPEN

                                Snurched from the Skiffy Awards Live Journal:

                                Hello all!

                                Several days ahead of schedule (okay, five--but let me toot my own horn a little bit, wouldja?), voting for Round 1 of the 2008 Skiffy Awards has OPENED!

                                How do you vote? Well, go to the Techiedom forum, select the Skiffy Voting sub-forum, scroll down (past the 'archives' sub forum, please) then choose the category you want to vote in. Read the stories, choose which one you like the best and vote in the poll.

                                REMEMBER! You only get ONE vote in each category! There's no way around this, so make sure you're certain of that vote!

                                We've also opened a poll to help decide which universe we should include in the next round of the awards, so vote in that as well.

                                If you're a nominee and haven't yet picked up your nominee badge, you can do so at either the Skiffy site or at our Live Journal (just look for the entries tagged 'badges'!)

                                Also, if you frequent any sci-fi/fan-fic centric boards or communities, have a website or a blog, if you'd like to mention the awards, that'd be great! We need all the votes we can get! Without you, there are no awards, so pimp us all you can!

                                Enjoy the Skiffys and all the great stories that've been nominated!

                                Second... is in danger of being closed.

                                Modified from

                                The person running that site has been getting a lot of hits - resulting in costs that are going above and beyond what the the owner can handle. She's asking for donations to keep the site going.

                                As of now, she says the website's going to be shut down at the end of May. She says: "Please consider donating if you can. Right now, every little bit will help to keep the site online [...] If you have enjoyed this site and would like to support it, Donations are greatly appreciated. It will help keep the site going. All donations go to keeping this site online."

                                To make a donation, click the "Donate here to keep this site running" button at the bottom of

                                Third... FIC!


                                I've made two additions to my StargateFic100 collection since I last posted here.


                                Genre: Angst
                                Pairings: Sam/Daniel UST
                                Spoilers: Fallen
                                Season: Seven, missing scene from Fallen
                                Rating: K


                                Genre: Romance
                                Pairings: Sam/Daniel established ‘ship
                                Spoilers: The Serpent’s Lair, Meridian, Fallen
                                Season: Future season
                                Rating: T

                                I think that's it for now! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all those mothers and mothers-to-be out there!
                                Wow, thanks for all the heads up! I have to get going on the Skiffy Awards. So many stuff to choose from. I'm guessing you have to register for the forum before voting? Not that it's a problem, just wondering...

                                As for the SG Fan Awards, I know what you mean. I was so puzzled that my worst (IMO anyway) fic got nominated for them. Not surprised I didn't win, 'cause it's so, so bad. But was still shocked to receive the nomination. I guess one person's junk is another's..... not-quite-junk.

