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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
    Hi, I don't know you but I wanted to say Welcome Back. ::grin::


    Thanks so much!


      Welcome back, Rotster.



        Okay, folks. I’ve got a bit of a challenge for you. It’s not about writing. It’s about reading.

        I’ve been dying for the Stargate Fan Awards to release their nominees, because I want to read some of the fic out there that other people think is the very best around. I know there’s a lot of work for the organizers to do before they’ll open the floodgates, but I’ve never been known as a patient person (shush, Amaranth), so I want to know what you guys love.

        What is your favourite S/D fic of all time? Which was the first story you really loved? What made you love it? Did it make you laugh or cry? Why?

        This isn’t about inundating everyone with bunches of links. This is about really taking the time to figure out what fics you loved the most and why. Try to keep it to a maximum of three, preferably just one or two.

        I’ll start...
        Pretty much the first S/D fic I read that really made me love the pairing was: Body Language by Azar

        It’s short. It’s beautiful. It’s poetic. It’s about everything that is and has been difficult in Sam and Daniel’s lives and how it has formed a love and a bond between them.

        It’s somewhat suggestive but isn’t in any way graphic, for those of you who have more tender sensitivities to sexual situations.



          Originally posted by Thraesja View Post
          Okay, folks. I’ve got a bit of a challenge for you. It’s not about writing. It’s about reading.

          I’ve been dying for the Stargate Fan Awards to release their nominees, because I want to read some of the fic out there that other people think is the very best around. I know there’s a lot of work for the organizers to do before they’ll open the floodgates, but I’ve never been known as a patient person (shush, Amaranth), so I want to know what you guys love.

          What is your favourite S/D fic of all time? Which was the first story you really loved? What made you love it? Did it make you laugh or cry? Why?

          This isn’t about inundating everyone with bunches of links. This is about really taking the time to figure out what fics you loved the most and why. Try to keep it to a maximum of three, preferably just one or two.

          I’ll start...
          Pretty much the first S/D fic I read that really made me love the pairing was: Body Language by Azar

          It’s short. It’s beautiful. It’s poetic. It’s about everything that is and has been difficult in Sam and Daniel’s lives and how it has formed a love and a bond between them.

          It’s somewhat suggestive but isn’t in any way graphic, for those of you who have more tender sensitivities to sexual situations.
          *stumbles onto thread, muttering over shoulder* Okay, Thrae, you don't have to push! I'm here already.

          I don't know if it's my all-time favourite fic or not, but for all of the dozen or so minutes I've had to think about it, this one came to mind:

          Scraps and Scribbles by LJ's Rigel_7 is a Sam/Daniel friendship piece told in notes passed between our two favourite scientists. It's the only story I've seen told in graphic format like this, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And look! It's been updated with a third part! WOOHOO!

          Warning: It's a graphic-intensive story. Not for dial-up users.

          ~Amaranth Traces


            Thanks for the welcome guys

            Hope you're all doing well.


              That's a really good question Thraesja. I'm not sure what fic got me into SD or what my favourite is, (hell I don't even know how I fell into SD, but I'm glad I did ) but I know of a few I really enjoy. I like Jess' "A Tale of Spilled Coffee"
              and Maureen Thayer's "Alliance of The Heart."
              ( Maureen also has an R version, but I posted the PG13 one.
              Pretty much anything by Jess or Chris really stands out to me.

              Banner made by Jess!


                Originally posted by Jackie View Post


                Jack off camera: "So, you two are up for the fishing trip at the cabin?"

                Sam: "Daniel and I both have important research to do this weekend--Sorry, Sir."

                Jack: "What kind of research?"

                Sam: "I'm helping Daniel research the side effects of gate travel on human physiology. We a theory I have on the mononuclear science and fusion reactions between two independent and stand alone subjects."

                Jack backs away slowly with a confused look.

                Daniel: "That mean were going to the new and exotic Japanese place tonight?"

                "You know it is."


                Sam: "Daniel--there is no way I will grow my hair that long and wear that outfit."

                Teal'c: "I believe that man had breast."

                *lol* love it, Jackie

                Hey guys, I was just thinking... apparently in the Commissary section (Fun and Games I believe) there's a thread for the 'Top Ten Daniel/Vala Moments'. I only peeked in there because the link was in someone's sig, but apparently they've got a huge list of moments along with graphics for each, and they're voting on them. I was wondering, should we make a similar thread for top Daniel/Sam moments? Or would that look like we were copying them? Would any of you guys have any interest in taking part in something like this?

                I mean I guess we could do something like that here in this thread (not sure why the D/V shippers didn't do it in their ship thread, but I guess they can do whatever they want) but I bet a lot of the other ships (S/J, Shep/Weir, Teyla/Ronon, etc.) have things like that too. I dunno, I just thought I'd throw the idea out there.


                  Originally posted by Rotster View Post
                  Heee a mini fic!

                  I need to get some S/D pictures!
                  I've lacked them for months and months!
                  *grin* Yes you should, you should!

                  Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                  Love the art. You're so good at it. ::smiles sweetly::

                  Could you make an SD Enigma wall without using that scene? You said you're gonna do another for Enigma are you going to use Heroes and Angels like I suggested? I think it'd really work.
                  Aw thanks hon Oh yes, I am going to make another Enigma wall. I love your suggestion so I have that one all planned out. I should have it done soon.


                    *reads Thrae's post*

                    Ooh that's a very good question. My all-time favorite S/D fic... that's a bit of a toughie. I have quite a few. As for the first one I ever read, I started out with the S/D friendship ones. There was a nice little one on the site that I think may have been the first ever one (I started out reading gen fics). It was an episode tag for Solitudes:

                    Failure of Perfection

                    Some really nice hurt and comfort in that one. The last scene I thought was just a lovely image.

                    Another one I read was at the Stargate Novel Archive. Again it was friendship, but there were some really sweet moments between the two of them and I believe a bit of UST.

                    Beware Greeks...Especially When They Bear Gifts

                    Coming from the Novel Archive, it's a very long story. But I downloaded it and read it at my own pace and I honed in more on the Sam and Daniel parts. Which again were quite nice IMO.

                    Originally posted by Kitty Carter-Jackson View Post
                    That's a really good question Thraesja. I'm not sure what fic got me into SD or what my favourite is, (hell I don't even know how I fell into SD, but I'm glad I did ) but I know of a few I really enjoy. I like Jess' "A Tale of Spilled Coffee"
                    and Maureen Thayer's "Alliance of The Heart."
                    ( Maureen also has an R version, but I posted the PG13 one.
                    Pretty much anything by Jess or Chris really stands out to me.
                    *blushes* Aw you are too kind, hon. But thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it


                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      *blushes* Aw you are too kind, hon. But thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it
                      Only telling the truth darlin'. ::grin::

                      Banner made by Jess!


                        Heehee... thanks. I guess I should post the wall now. Finished it last night and I'm not totally happy with it, but I think it isn't *too* bad...


                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          *grin* Yes you should, you should!

                          Aw thanks hon Oh yes, I am going to make another Enigma wall. I love your suggestion so I have that one all planned out. I should have it done soon.

                          I know, I know


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            Heehee... thanks. I guess I should post the wall now. Finished it last night and I'm not totally happy with it, but I think it isn't *too* bad...

                            I think it's nice. But I like some of your other one's better. Like your Emancipation one.
                            Last edited by Kitty Carter-Jackson; 21 September 2007, 03:58 PM.

                            Banner made by Jess!


                              ROTSTER!!! *tackle hugs* Welcome back hon. Please stay!

                              Oh dear, ya'll are putting pressure on the brain with thinking of fav/first S/D fics.

                              I'd have to say Jess's site was the one of the first I remember seeing when I was looking for Stargate/Sam Daniel Fic. Hon, you are like... queen among fandom!

                              Callea Veda was my second stop for all things S/D. I was deeply, deeply honored when she made a manip challenge inspired from one of my works.

                              My gosh, the insergence of so many awesome writers - like ya'll - are making it so much fun to be a S/D shipper and read so many awesome fics!
                              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                                My other fav author (who I have had the honor meeting several times, and working with also) is the OneRing - sadly all the links i have for her site are no more. Her memo series inspired my first fic - the Gen Coffee, Toxins and Emails. Just had to add that! Carry on.
                                Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!


