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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    So what did everyone think of 200? I thought it was very good.

    Is it me though or does it seem like Daniel was really keeping his distance from Sam
    in the briefing room scenes? In the beginning there were one or two shots of the the two of them sitting together, then the rest of the shots were him and Vala. Then Daniel fell asleep as Sam was talking about the "invisible Jack" stuff. In the scene where they're pulling Cam's leg about 1969 and Jack being his father, Daniel seemed to totally ignore Sam and pay attention only to Vala. Whenever Sam talked, he wasn't even looking at her - only at Vala.

    I think he even seemed annoyed at Sam when the gate malfunctioned. Like it was her fault?

    I dunno - the impression I got from this one was that Daniel and Sam had a huge fight or Daniel is no longer interested in Sam's friendship. Either that, or tptb really really want to show Daniel and Vala attached every chance they get. I think it's making Sam and Daniel drift apart. I really hope this won't be a trend for the whole season. I think it's hard to write feel-good fics when he ignores her onscreen or seems annoyed. I don't know if you can reconcile that in a fic unless you make it AU and say that the ignoring/disrespect didn't happen. *sigh* I am depressed now.

    Any thoughts?


      Samaniel,I told you to wipe that lipstick off your lips!
      Daniel:Oh come on,I love the taste of your lipstick sam.
      Sam:Oh really?well we can finish it off later then Daniel.
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        Originally posted by JessM
        So what did everyone think of 200? I thought it was very good.

        Is it me though or does it seem like Daniel was really keeping his distance from Sam
        in the briefing room scenes? In the beginning there were one or two shots of the the two of them sitting together, then the rest of the shots were him and Vala. Then Daniel fell asleep as Sam was talking about the "invisible Jack" stuff. In the scene where they're pulling Cam's leg about 1969 and Jack being his father, Daniel seemed to totally ignore Sam and pay attention only to Vala. Whenever Sam talked, he wasn't even looking at her - only at Vala.

        I think he even seemed annoyed at Sam when the gate malfunctioned. Like it was her fault?

        I dunno - the impression I got from this one was that Daniel and Sam had a huge fight or Daniel is no longer interested in Sam's friendship. Either that, or tptb really really want to show Daniel and Vala attached every chance they get. I think it's making Sam and Daniel drift apart. I really hope this won't be a trend for the whole season. I think it's hard to write feel-good fics when he ignores her onscreen or seems annoyed. I don't know if you can reconcile that in a fic unless you make it AU and say that the ignoring/disrespect didn't happen. *sigh* I am depressed now.

        Any thoughts?
        I personaly really liked 200. Exsept for that one skit.

        As for what your saying with the normal scenes, well... I'm not seeing what your seeing. When I'm giving someone a hard time I usually watch their reaction even if a friend of mine is helping. That might have been what he was doing. I don't think he was annoyed at Sam when the gate messed up. He might have just been annoyed in general.

        One more thing. I think part of your problem with this season in general is you think that Daniel and Vala are going to be paired together so you find them all. Every single scene they are in together. If you tell yourself before you watch an episode that you are going to find as many S/D moments as possible then I can almost garentee you you will find at least one. This works with a lot of things. If you go in with the mindset that you are going to injoy it if it kills you. You will more then likely enjoy it. If you think you will hate every minute. You will more then likely hate every minute.
        Thanks Jess for the Sig!


          Here are some pictures of Sam and Daniel from the 200 episode.


            Hi JessM

            I have just watched the 200th episode and was thinking about your concerns in regards to Daniel’s behaviour towards Sam and I just wanted to comment on what I thought about their relationship and what their interactions could mean in this episode.
            In the scene were Daniel and Sam are teasing Mitchell about Jack being his Daddy, I also noticed that Daniel did not look at Sam and you what? Sam didn’t look at Daniel either, but I don’t think this is a bad thing. I feel that after all these years that they have become so close, comfortable and familiar with each other that they don’t need to focus on the other to know what that person will do or say, just like an old married couple and I get the impression this is how the actors feel as well:

            This is part of an interview with Michael Shanks in the recent Stargate Magazine:
            After 10 years, dose Shanks have a unique working relationship with his fellow Stargate cast veterans? “I would say with those guys, there’s an unspoken understanding. It’s the kind of thing that happens when you know someone well enough that when they hear a piece of information, you know how they’re going to react to it. You don’t need to say something to them – you can just look at them and they look back at you and there’s an understanding there. That happens with people who are very familiar with one another it’s all shorthand at this point. There certainly a very easy approach to working with people – it’s almost unnecessary to call it ‘work’ at this point. It just flows without too much friction or conversation or debate.”

            I guess my point is although the TPTB are not openly shipping Daniel and Sam, it’s still easy for me to see the trust and easy camaraderie between them which has resulted in a deep and comfortable bond, exemplified by the fact that neither needs to question that (by making sure they are looking at each other all the time). I think that kind of relationship is very special.

            I don’t know if I’ve made you feel any better about it but it’s just the way I view their relationship.
            Last edited by Sprinkles; 20 August 2006, 04:23 PM.


              Originally posted by Rottie
              Samaniel,I told you to wipe that lipstick off your lips!
              Daniel:Oh come on,I love the taste of your lipstick sam.
              Sam:Oh really?well we can finish it off later then Daniel.
              Funny Which pic is it for?


                Originally posted by debbycake
                I personaly really liked 200. Exsept for that one skit.
                Would that be the wedding skit?

                As for what your saying with the normal scenes, well... I'm not seeing what your seeing. When I'm giving someone a hard time I usually watch their reaction even if a friend of mine is helping. That might have been what he was doing. I don't think he was annoyed at Sam when the gate messed up. He might have just been annoyed in general.

                One more thing. I think part of your problem with this season in general is you think that Daniel and Vala are going to be paired together so you find them all. Every single scene they are in together. If you tell yourself before you watch an episode that you are going to find as many S/D moments as possible then I can almost garentee you you will find at least one. This works with a lot of things. If you go in with the mindset that you are going to injoy it if it kills you. You will more then likely enjoy it. If you think you will hate every minute. You will more then likely hate every minute.
                I watched it again and yeah I guess you could be right as far as that's concerned. So you mean he was looking more at Mitchell for his reaction when they were teasing him?

                Yeah, that is most of what bothers me I think. I guess the reason I didn't go into the episodes telling myself that I was going to find as many S/D moments as possible was because I didn't want to get my hopes up. I went into season 8 not thinking I was going to find many because of the Sam/Pete situation. It was a pleasant surprise when I found how much was there, like Avatar, Sacrifices, Endgame, etc. So I wasn't expecting to see it and I came out of it feeling better, I guess. I did go into season 9 (well after Sam came back anyway) trying to find as many S/D moments as possible in the episodes and I'd just come out feeling disappointed that there weren't many or any.

                So that pretty much explains why I've been going into the episodes as I do now. I worry that if I say that I'm going to comb the episodes for S/D moments and will find them, but I find none and instead find tons of Daniel/Vala moments, I'll feel worse. I guess that doesn't make sense and my logic is screwed up somehow.

                I'm sorry that I'm bothering you so much with this. All the D/V pairing up and little interaction between him and Sam just kind of gets me down sometimes.


                  Thanks for the pictures MasterPower!


                  Pic 1...

                  Daniel: Hey, ready to go, Sam?
                  Sam: Yep. Boy it's going to be exciting picking out our wedding cake, isn't it, Daniel?


                    Originally posted by Sprinkles
                    Hi JessM

                    I have just watched the 200th episode and was thinking about your concerns in regards to Daniel’s behaviour towards Sam and I just wanted to comment on what I thought about their relationship and what their interactions could mean in this episode.
                    In the scene were Daniel and Sam are teasing Mitchell about Jack being his Daddy, I also noticed that Daniel did not look at Sam and you what? Sam didn’t look at Daniel either, but I don’t think this is a bad thing. I feel that after all these years that they have become so close, comfortable and familiar with each other that they don’t need to focus on the other to know what that person will do or say, just like an old married couple and I get the impression this is how the actors feel as well:

                    This is part of an interview with Michael Shanks in the recent Stargate Magazine:
                    After 10 years, dose Shanks have a unique working relationship with his fellow Stargate cast veterans? “I would say with those guys, there’s an unspoken understanding. It’s the kind of thing that happens when you know someone well enough that when they hear a piece of information, you know how they’re going to react to it. You don’t need to say something to them – you can just look at them and they look back at you and there’s an understanding there. That happens with people who are very familiar with one another it’s all shorthand at this point. There certainly a very easy approach to working with people – it’s almost unnecessary to call it ‘work’ at this point. It just flows without too much friction or conversation or debate.”

                    I guess my point is although the TPTB are not openly shipping Daniel and Sam, it’s still easy for me to see the trust and easy camaraderie between them which has resulted in a deep and comfortable bond, exemplified by the fact that neither needs to question that (by making sure they are looking at each other all the time). I think that kind of relationship is very special.

                    I don’t know if I’ve made you feel any better about it but it’s just the way I view their relationship.
                    Hi Sprinkles. I can really see your reasoning and I think you're right about that. I just don't want the fact that Daniel is comfortable with his old friends to be an excuse for him not acknowledging or interacting with them. I don't think they need to look at each other all the time, but some gentle reminders that they are friends would be nice...not the impression that, "eh, yeah these guys are friends and we've played that up enough over the past 9 years so no need to show it anymore."

                    Maybe I'm misunderstanding or something and if so I apologize. I do thank you for coming to this thread and stating your view on it though.


                      Originally posted by JessM
                      Would that be the wedding skit?
                      Yes it would.

                      I watched it again and yeah I guess you could be right as far as that's concerned. So you mean he was looking more at Mitchell for his reaction when they were teasing him?
                      Yeah. I've only watched it once so I'm not positive. He could have been looking at Vala and Mitchell, looking for both of thier reactions.
                      Thanks Jess for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by debbycake
                        Yeah. I've only watched it once so I'm not positive. He could have been looking at Vala and Mitchell, looking for both of thier reactions.
                        Yeah, I think you're right about that.

                        In other news, I guess everyone has heard that the show has been cancelled? Can't say I'm totally surprised - but didn't think they would announce it so soon after the 200th ep aired.

                        But there is also an article that says it's not all over yet. MGM is looking for someone else to pick up the show. And there's always the possibility that Sam, Daniel and Teal'c could make guest appearances on Atlantis. There might also be a movie. So all is not lost.

                        And after the show is over, we can still write fics and talk about what we think Daniel and Sam are now doing!

                        Here is a cute pic to cheer everyone up (if you need cheering up):


                          Thanks Jess, I do need cheering up I'm kinda surprised that they announced to cancel it now...I mean they're only 6 episodes into the season, and the 200th ep. got the highest ratings of the'd think they'd wait until at least mid-season, but what do I know?

                          You're right Jess, if and when the show ends, we'll have fics to keep us least they can't take that away from us...


                            You're welcome Col.Samantha. Yeah I think it was a little too hasty... they should have waited a few weeks.

                            Oh well...that's right, they can't take fanfic away from us. And we have the old episodes to watch, too. We can still discuss our favorite moments from those (speaking of which, where did we leave off in that discussion? That was forever ago...). And if it does end, we might have a movie or miniseries to look forward to.

                            To take our mind off it, here's a pic that I think may need some captioning



                              I agree. I was so ... well distraught is way to powerful of a word, but more like very numbed by the anouncement. It kind of was a total "O-K...." moment when I read the article, and then the other articles... but now that I have had a night to sleep on it... well still a tad numb, but am ok.

                              I just don't see the point cancelling it, like you said Col. SamanthaCarter, 6 eps into the season. I understand the logic that if ratings are low, then ergo it may mean that no one is watching... but Atlantis was also low.

                              OK... sorry... this is a S/D thread, not the gushers ally... so I'll stop. *sigh* Now Sam and Daniel can have all the kids they want.... mmmm the fic possibilities!!
                              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                                Originally posted by JessM
                                To take our mind off it, here's a pic that I think may need some captioning

                                Daniel: What? You think we should both cut our hair?
                                Sam: Your not serious are, you?
                                Thanks Jess for the Sig!

