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Baal/Sam Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    hey, i haven't even started!


      Yeah, I know. NO MERCY!!!!
      'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


        you're evil....

        but seriously, i have a songfic in mind, and i have a sort-of-plot planned, so hopefully it'll turn out ok!!


          chat was fun last nite too... we should do that more often


            Oh yeah, thanks for the chat invite.

            What's this about a songfic?
            TEAM SG1 LIVES


              See, now i feel left out. Chat? I didn't get an invite. ::goes to cry in a corner somewhere:: Ok, now that that's over with back to writing the story. Does anyone else want anther teaser?

              PS: This thing is going to take forever cause it's gonna be longer then what I normally write.
              'Nou ani anquietus' - 'We are the Ancients:’ teachers of roads and builders of the 'gate.


                Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
                See, now i feel left out. Chat? I didn't get an invite. ::goes to cry in a corner somewhere:: Ok, now that that's over with back to writing the story. Does anyone else want anther teaser?
                You where invited! I invited the whole Ba'al thread not long ago... You should come to the next one!

                It's Friday, I have no idea what time for you, but it's on MSN IM you can go here to get it. You don't have to D/L it, just need a MSN email, then just add me([email protected]) or Emily to your contact list and you're all set!

                So, where are we going for the blackout? I heard or stargate Intel where good places.

                The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                  I usually chat or roleplay during these horrible times. 'course i could get around to writing the second chapter of my story. SGC Chat network's pretty good ... it's mostly just chat though. not message boards. I roleplay there mostly ... anyway. Any other idear's?
                  TEAM SG1 LIVES


                    blackout = MSN and fic writing time

                    i'm glad to see it's not down QUITE yet...

                    and yes WT, i just started writing my fic this morning and you WERE invited


                      Well, I registered at Stargate Intel, want to move there?

                      The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                        where is that??? link??

                        also anyone want a snippet of story so far (not close to finished)??? i only started a few hours ago, but i'll share as one last present before the blackout


                          Originally posted by emily_reich
                          where is that??? link??
                          Stargate Intel
                          also anyone want a snippet of story so far (not close to finished)??? i only started a few hours ago, but i'll share as one last present before the blackout
                          Yes! Share!

                          The Brane: Bringing the evil, freaking people out, taking their sanity since 2005


                            okie.... i'll do what WT does and put it into spoiler tags don't worry angelique, PG13 is the worst this story's gonna get

                            here's a chunk out of the middle of what i've got so far... if it seems weird and bizarre, that's cuz it's supposed to...



                            "You won't find anything," a voice told her. It sounded very familiar, but she couldn't place it.
                            At first she found herself frozen and unable to speak, but she forced herself to ignore the eeriness in which she stood. "Who are you?" she asked nervously, circling herself around, trying to find the unknown speaker. "Where am I?"
                            She sat in total silence again, receiving no response. She wondered for a moment if she'd imagined the voice, but she quickly shoved that thought out of mind. There had been a voice. She was sure of that. Yet still she heard no response from the unknown speaker. Getting frustrated at her disorientation, she yelled into the darkness, spinning in circles as she did so. "Where am I?!" she shouted, "What is this place?"
                            Suddenly she felt chills crawl down her spine. Instead of words, in response she got a laugh. Not a laugh of happiness or amusement, but of sadistic pleasure. She felt chills again, and simultaneously felt her skin begin to crawl. Even once the laughing ceased and there was once again silence, something didn't feel right.
                            Before she could figure out why, warm air blew across the back of her neck and she heard the nearly-silent sound of breathing. A chilling voice whispered into her ear, "Wherever you want to be."
                            Fighting the urge to remain frozen stiff and fighting the fear of what she might see, she turned her head to look behind her toward the voice. She couldn't stop the chills from returning any more than she could stop her heart from beating faster and faster. She'd felt someone behind her. Now there was nothing but darkness. Fighting her fear again, she reached out in a vain attempt to find the source of her fear.
                            "Who are you?" she whispered, mostly to herself. She still coudn't place the voice, but she knew it from somewhere. And that alone made her more wary than anything else at that moment.
                            "Do you really want to know?" This time it was a whisper, but not in her ear. It was coming from somewhere in the darkness behind her, yet the fact that the whisper sounded so close yet so far away was less disturbing only than the fact that someone had heard her question.


                              good so far


                                Originally posted by Angelique
                                okie i signed up!!! and there's a SHIPPER forum!!!! start up a thread!! goodie!!

