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Baal/Sam Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    "Forgive me, my lord," she said, bowing her head submissively.
    "Dad, what's the blowhole for?"
    "I'll tell you what it's not for, Son. Then you'll understand why I can never go back to SeaWorld." ~ Peter Griffin, Family Guy


      Unconciously, she looked up slowly, into his eyes which were brimming...
      (mind my two cents? This is great stuff! I actually was forced to read back a few dozen pages! whoot, keep it up!)


        with tears, realized that she had come back to him


          with need, and a passion she could barely remember. Gently,
          "Dad, what's the blowhole for?"
          "I'll tell you what it's not for, Son. Then you'll understand why I can never go back to SeaWorld." ~ Peter Griffin, Family Guy


            she lifted her lips to his and kissed him softly.


              at first he could barely believe it, but then as his arms slowly...
              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                went around her and pulled her closer to him.


                  Okay guys, I have the fic version so far, but it's too big for 1 post:


                  Title: Folie a Deux

                  Disclaimer: Weā€™re just borrowing them. Donā€™t sue.

                  ~ Folie a Deux ~


                  Before she was even properly awake, Sam Carter knew she was in trouble.

                  The atmosphere surrounding her was sticky and humid, the kind of sensations that you only ever experienced onā€¦a Goaā€™uld mother ship.

                  Ah, crap.

                  She didnā€™t open her eyes. She could imagine the scene that would greet her. Four dank, dark walls, closing in on her, a small window of light through which she would be able to see the jaffa marching closer, ready to drag her to torture and death whenever their master or mistress decreed it.

                  How had she ended up in this situation?

                  Still she kept her eyes closed, her breathing steady.

                  Ordinary mission. Daniel looking at rocks, Tealā€™c frowning, Colonel bored. She had been a distance away from them, studying the usual suspects - mineral deposits, climatic readingsā€¦then the all-too familiar sound of approaching ships.

                  Her hand went instantly to her radio. Before she could press the button to speak with the Colonel, she felt stars exploding at the corner of her eyes, a heavy throbbing pain in her head, and thenā€¦.nothing.

                  Which left her sitting in a darkness of her own making, eyes closed, body still.

                  Her reverie was broken by the sound of heavy footsteps, coming closer. Ironically, she still had no need to look - sheā€™d been through this a thousand times before, she knew every move, every line, and every shout. As she heard the sound of a key being turned in a rusty lock, she finally saw.

                  And it wasnā€™t what she had been expecting.


                  The quartet of dirty, sweaty and usually angry jaffa did not stand guard in the doorway, their staff weapons pointed inward. Instead, it was just one man before her, which she noticed as he carefully but firmly shut the door behind him.

                  She warily raised her eyes to meet his, and found deep, dark pools gazing back at her with the intensity of a supernova. Something sparked between them - but was it purely fear? Quickly, she dropped them again.

                  ā€œI have waited, so longā€¦ā€ he said, his voice low and soft, as he took a step forwards, closer to her.

                  She declined to comment. Until he addressed her directly, she would not address him, trying to hold off the punishments for as long as humanly possible.

                  ā€œWhy do you not speak to me?ā€ He asked, an amused lilt in his voice as he lifted her face to meet his once again, his fingers curled beneath her chin.

                  She bit nervously at her lip, taking the opportunity to get a proper look at him. His hair was short and dark, allowing clearer definition of his cheekbones and strong jaw, which was covered with a smattering of the same dark hair.

                  His mouth twisted in a smile that Sam did not much like, his thumb brushing her cheek as he spoke again.

                  ā€œYou will soon talk, my love. I have not waited all these years for a silent bride.ā€

                  Bride? Sam thought with fear, trying not to concentrate too much on what he had just said, to put the blind panic she felt rising in her gut at bay. The Colonel, Daniel and Tealā€™c would be here before she knew what was going on, andā€¦

                  ā€œYour Colonel cannot help you now,ā€ he sneered, as if reading her thoughts. ā€œAnd I will not willingly return something that has been promised me.ā€

                  ā€œPromised you?ā€ she asked. ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€

                  ā€œAll in good time,ā€ he said smoothly, extending his hand to her, ā€œNow, come. We have much to do.ā€

                  She stared at his outstretched hand, and paused. Her gaze moved back to his eyes. Somehow she needed to get her bearings. Her military training told her to only give her name, rank and number. She took a deep breath but something in those obsidian eyes - boring into her soul - made her think of Rhett Butler, Ba'al licked his lips. She thought to herself, "I don't give a damn anymore."

                  She let him kiss her. She kissed him in return but her mind was on other things, her hands searched and found her strange romancer's zat'nikatel. Jack would be disappointed unless she could get them out. On the other hand, if the others weren't even there, she could be wasting an opportunity.

                  Sam cursed her indecision as Ba'al grabbed the zat "Too bad, how can a woman with your beauty and intelligence be such a trial, I offer to make you my Queen but first you must renounce the ways of the Tauā€™ri and forget O'Neill, he is not for you, you deserve better.ā€

                  At the mention of her commanding officer, Sam stopped and pulled away from him again. What was she thinking? If she kept him away longer, she would have more time to figure out how to escape. But then, she decided that perhaps letting him think he was getting his way would be smarter; after all, she might be able to figure a way out or get a message to Jack. She placed her hands on either side of his face and pulled him closer, only half-paying attention as she scanned the room for more information regarding her mysterious captor.

                  As she had planned, he was suitably distracted. Smirking, he kissed her again, oblivious to the fact that she was adjusting her stance so she could raise her knee to "distract" him. However, before she could carry out her plan she felt the short, sharp stab of a needle in her arm. She felt herself folding to the ground, her last thought, the creepily smug expression on his face as he watched her fall.

                  She woke up to an odd sensation that started at her feet and worked its way up toward her head. She lay still, evaluating her situation, her eyes still burning, her hands and feet tingling, and her arm sore. After concluding that she wasn't in any imminent danger, Sam tried to move her head and take in her new surroundings.

                  A vague picture of a dark eyed stranger floated in to view. Sam closed her eyes, hoping it would go away but something was telling her that knowing his identity was pointless, she knew who he was, she didn't need his name.

                  Instead she watched him like a hawk, her eyes followed him from the door to the chair, he sat and watched her for a moment before he spoke, the phalange of his voice suddenly overpowering in the small, dark room.

                  "Good morning. I hope you slept well," he said, eying her with his piercing gaze.

                  She instinctively pulled back, despite her intrigue. His eyes narrowed at her resistance. The mind control he'd attempted appeared not to be working as well as
                  he had hoped. She must be stronger than he'd anticipated.

                  Suddenly she found herself no longer pulling back, even as he was thinking of ways to make her more pliable. He moved cautiously as he inched toward her, making sure this was not another escape attempt. Her capability for deception was even better than he'd expected. However she didn't attempt to move, didn't even flinch as he cautiously brushed her leg as he moved forward to kiss her again.

                  Instead, she responded willingly. Instead, she responded willingly. He was surprised at the intensity with which she kissed him back this time. It seemed though time was standing still for the former enemies, but then without warning, the ship shook and an alarm sounded, startling the couple from their moment. Checking her restraints he stood up and ran out of the room in a rage.

                  Sam was dazed. Her response puzzled her. Sure Ba'al was good with ropes, and leather.. but why did it make her feel so good? Despite the mind control, she was suspicious. The last man who'd tied her up in a bed wasn't exactly a goa'uld. She lie still, trying to remember how she got there and trying to determine why Baā€™al was doing all this. Why, all of a sudden, was he showing interest in her, a human, from earth no less...?

                  The room shook and she prayed for his safety. He'd made her happy and she didn't want him to walk into danger now.

                  Meanwhile, back on the bridge, Ba'al was otherwise occupied. The Tau'ri had somehow managed to locate his mother ship, last of his fleet. They demanded the prisoners' release. His eyes narrowed, and he cut the communication, not responding. They would not take from him the most intriguing woman he'd met. O'Neill, they did not seem to have with them, at least. Instead, they sent a rookie, not versed in Ba'al's accomplishments and very clearly terrible at negotiation. Mitchell, his name was?

                  Even with O'Neill, at least he had witty banter. This new man seemed completely incapable of understanding Baal's position. Pity.

                  "I should've captured them all," he thought, his acid catching the light of the panel in front of him. He missed the good ol' days when his acid struck fear into people with T-shirts advocating the spread of coffee flavoured coffee beans. With the Jaffa free, he was relegated to doing everything on his own, which gave him little time for dealing with these irritations. But he had his Sam and unfortunately, SG1 wanted her back with them as well.

                  "Dad, what's the blowhole for?"
                  "I'll tell you what it's not for, Son. Then you'll understand why I can never go back to SeaWorld." ~ Peter Griffin, Family Guy



                    Well, Jaffa or no Jaffa, she belonged to him now. These humans of the Tau'ri were not going to take his love. Gone were thoughts of galactic domination. His goal , now that his role as system lord was gone, had changed. For the moment, his only conquest was the woman lying in his personal quarters, filled with brainwash-drugs, awaiting his return. At that thought, his eyes lit up, but the Tau'ri still needed to be dealt with. He glanced around the bridge, searching for a solution. Would they destroy the ship, even fire upon their own comrade, Mitchell paused as he looked toward him, communications connected again.

                    "So, ya gonna let her go?" Mitchell asked, gauging his opponent.

                    "I think we should let her decide.ā€
                    Mitchell nodded, "I agree to that. where the hell is she?"
                    Ba'al's eyes narrowed. "I will return shortly." As he turned he smirked, knowing this Mitchell had no idea what he asked. He couldn't wait to see the look on his face when Sam asked to stay with Baal and not them.

                    When he got to the room where Sam was being held safe, he walked over to her and undid her restraints.

                    Sam looked over at Ba'al; "Where are you takin' me?"

                    She knew she would follow him anywhere, but he wasn't , on the other hand, going to stop being wary JUST yet. She squeezed his hand, as if to reassure him that she would follow him anywhere, she gazed at him, wondering why he looked so pensive. They arrived at the bridge and Ba'al hailed Col. Mitchell.

                    "I have Col. Carter here..."

                    Mitchell nodded, "Good," he began and paused, "You okay Sam?"

                    She nodded, "I uh.. yeah colonel, Iā€™m fine, never better."

                    "Good!" Mitchell smiled cheekily. "Now Baal here tells me you that you were taken against your will to be his.. companion."

                    Sam looked at him, dumbfounded. "Against my will?"

                    Mitchell blinked, "Are you sayin' that you're willingly staying with him.." Mitchell questioned.

                    "Why wouldn't I?" she said, confused by his reaction. "He loves me..."

                    To Mitchell's utter shock, she leaned over and kissed Ba'al, Mitchell's jaw dropping more each second the kiss lasted.

                    Mitchell pinched himself on the arm, hoping it was all one big, crazy dream.

                    "Oh God.. I'm not seein' this." Mitchell stated as he blinked in shock.

                    Sam broke the kiss and gazed adoringly up at Ba'al. Baal, now entranced by the beautiful woman, cut off the communication.

                    The Tau'ri could wait. The woman of his dreams was here with him now, and the humans would not take her. As he pulled her back into his arms, his thoughts strayed to his personal quarters, and how much softer his bed was than the console next to him, especially with his love in his arms and his sore hip from earlier, which he didn't want to agrivate but before he could take that thought further, the ship shook again, and he and Sam tumbled to the ground.

                    Despite his enjoyment of this new turn of events, Ba'al knew better than to relax.

                    **other ship**

                    Mitchell commanded, "Fire again, break the shields down and get our missing team mate back"

                    From his position on the floor, Ba'al's emotions were confused to say the least, yes he enjoyed where he was but he would cease to feel anything if his ship was destroyed.
                    Reluctantly, he placed a final kiss on her cheek, and silently told her to return to his room while he took care of the Tau'ri ship.

                    Turning his attention to the ship controls, he fired all weapons available at the Tau'ri ship. Multiple blasts rocked the other ship as the shields held. Meanwhile, some of the fuzziness in Sam's mind was beginning to clear.... or so she thought but the drug still was in her system. But through the fog, she remembered her friends and her family, but they were like a distant memory. She suddenly felt dazed, the last few hours like a waking dream.

                    As much as she loved Ba'al, her friends had stood, watching her with a former enemy... or so memory told her. She was confused, and didn't know what to do. She had to stop Ba'al from killing them, but didn't want to at the same time. She wanted to stay with Ba'al, though, so she headed back to the bridge to help Baal find the other ship's weaknesses and hopefully "convince" the others that she was really where she wanted to be, so she could stay and maybe let them live.

                    However, by the time she reached Ba'al, the battle had already begun, and she could see smoke and flames coming from the ship with her former team mates. Torn between the desire for no bloodshed and her love, she stared into the flames briefly before joining Ba'al at the weapons console. She watched as the flames engulfed the whole ship, secretly hoping that somehow her friends had escaped, but knowing that the chances were slim, she tried not to wish too much that something bad had happened.

                    Instead she watched the flame-ball in space and looked up. Her grief flashed across her face momentarily, but then Ba'al leaned down and kissed her and she completely forgot about everything except the man in front of her. The rest of the world disappeared around her as she melted into his arms. Finally, she had found the love of her life.

                    In a trance, she followed him away from the bridge and back to his quarters, where he waited for her to lie down on the bed. Finally, the moment he had been waiting for since the moment he first laid eyes on her. But first, he had some business to take care of. The drug should be fully wearing off soon, and he wouldn't want her to regret staying with him... so he grabbed a new dose from the acid cabinet in his room and slid the vial up his sleeve for easy access.

                    He then walked over and sat next to her on the bed, gently caressing her arm, pushing her loose sleeve up to her shoulder. As Sam watched his fingers run up her arm, her mind suddenly beginning to focus on what was happening. She glanced toward his other hand, which was now holding the syringe while his other hand slowly moved over her soft arm.

                    Sam's mind raced as she tried to figure out why Ba'al was holdin' a syringe and how she could keep him from injecting her. She slowly moved over towards him and gently placed her hand on his chest, holding his gaze. As she noticed his growin' love for her.

                    He faltered for a moment, lost in her eyes. He noticed she looked more lucid than before, so quickly she took advantage of his hesitation and grabbed the syringe and jabbed it into him. Ba'al was shocked, he had thought he had at least another hour left before she was lucid enough to know what was goin' on.

                    He stood up, he stumbled as his eyes glazed over and he slumped to the floor. Sam didn't know what made her do it, she was torn between helping him and making her escape. But where would she go? It wasn't as if she knew where she was, she breathed deeply and tried to quell the pounding of her heart. Then, suddenly she heard the clanking of Jaffa footsteps, she turned quickly and her eyes fell on the fallen man below her.

                    She wanted desperately to take him in her arms and hold him, to give him the comfort she sensed he craved but if the Jaffa found her standing over his body they would kill her for sure. She hobbled toward the rings she knew were in his quarters, but before she left she gave him one last, lingering kiss, then she dashed back towards the rings, but it was too late.

                    The jaffa entered and, upon seeing their master, they turned towards Sam and commanded that she halt. The air was thick with tension. From the floor, Ba'al was wondering why he couldn't move a muscle.

                    He groaned, where was his prize, why had she suddenly and without warning turned on him?

                    "Samantha," he groaned, "Samantha why did you do it when all I ever wanted was you. Nothing else matters now that it feels like you're slipping from my grasp.ā€

                    Shocked at his bold admission, but aware of the impending Jaffa, Sam gazed at him in shocked silence, clingy men usually put her right off, but something about him was different. She knew that she had fallen for him.

                    "Forgive me, my lord," she said, bowing her head submissively.

                    Unconsciously, she looked up slowly, into his eyes which were brimming with tears, realized that she had come back to him / with need, and a passion she could barely remember. Gently, she lifted her lips to his and kissed him softly.

                    At first he could barely believe it, but then as his arms slowly went around her and pulled her closer to him.


                    Lookin' good! Sorry for posting here but I no longer have a website to host it on
                    "Dad, what's the blowhole for?"
                    "I'll tell you what it's not for, Son. Then you'll understand why I can never go back to SeaWorld." ~ Peter Griffin, Family Guy


                      (good so far.. cant wait to see the whole thing.. )

                      have you ever thought of signin' up to and postin' it there. or perhaps a livejournal.
                      Last edited by CKO; 23 August 2005, 11:49 AM. Reason: add a few things


                        woooooooowww!!! gone net-less for a few days and tons more people came back to add to the ficcy awesomeness!!! and wow!!! great job putting it all together in story format!! awesome!!

                        as for posting it on i think they have a no-round-robins rule or something (or used to)... but i guess one person could post it and just list all the people who added stuff to it (somewhere at the beginning)... we could wait to post it til we've "finished" this one

                        but great idea!!

                        ok, are we gonna pick back up where the fic left off or is done already?


                          i have a account if you want me just to post it up there unless MG has an account as well...just give me a list of peeps involved and the story and i will post it up (if it would be easier and if no one else wants to create a account)


                            I have a Google site for Stargate FF it's got an 18 only cert tho


                              i have a act as well... so i guess whatever works


                                lol... i think most folks in here have accounts...

                                but whadya say we move on in the fic??

