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Facts on the Stargate Timeline

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    Facts on the Stargate Timeline

    Right... so here it goes. Since we all learned of the Ancients and more of the history of earth and the Stargate, everybody has tried to come up with a timeline on what events happened and in what order.

    I have seen some very good theories and interesting timelines but still a lot is speculation, so what we have to do is keep track of the facts. The main problem with a proper timeline is that the writers didn't have one in mind when writing stories. For example when solitudes was written (the one when we found out about a second gate on earth) they didn't have Atlantis in mind, at the time they hadn't even come up with the concept of the ancients we know now. So a lot of the gaps in the timeline can be blamed on the writers but they have tried to fix the problem...

    **I'm going to talk about Moebius now but only about a small spoiler,
    nothing major. But now is your chance to look away.**


    In Moebius, Ra created the new timeline when he took away the Stargate... this stopped Sam and Daniel joining the SGC and Jack retiring and Teal'c not joining up with earth. So with that in mind alternate timeline Teal'c said earth was without a Stargate (because of what Ra did), which is, proof the Goa'uld never used the Stargate in Antarctica because from what Teal'c said they never knew about it. I have seen some timelines where people think the Antarctic gate was used after Egypt was buried. The Jaffa can be explained in the same way as Sam and Jack ended up there... an accident. And the cultures moved from earth after the gate was buried in Egypt were moved by ship.

    Little things like this should be noted so that we can all try to come up with a complete and solid timeline even if the witers didn't make one!
    Last edited by Legend; 24 February 2005, 03:36 AM.

    Yeah but didnt they find a jaffa buried in the ice in ANTartica?
    If the goauld never used it how did he get there and why didnt they take that gate too?
    jake o'niel ".......bite me"

    Mythbusters....."I reject your reality and arbitrarily substitute it with my own"


      Well we know that when a DHD is connected to a gate, if there is 2 that gate becomes the dominant gate on the planet. Sam had to reset the DHD that was connected to that gate. Perhaps whatever trouble it was having was causing that gate to be intermittently connected to the DHD, making it the dominant gate on the planet. If somebody was to gate to earth during that time the wormhole would connect to the antarctic gate not the giza one, they would end up in Antartica with no apparent DHD to dial back with since it was burried under the ice. The jaffa would end up dead and then be found later when Jack and Sam were.
      Before this day is done, I will feed on your buttery defiance


        I get why Daniel and Jack are where they are in the alternate timeline, but why would Sam not be in the Air Force at all? The Stargate brought them all together, but shouldn't they otherwise be the same people essentially?


          It was jsut a quirk. To see sam as a geek rather than just like normal.
          DJ is as he was due to no Catherine.
          Jack is as he was due to no Abydos mission.
          The Corps is Mother, The Corps is Father


            Originally posted by sgafansam
            Yeah but didnt they find a jaffa buried in the ice in ANTartica? If the goauld never used it how did he get there and why didnt they take that gate too?
            Like i said:

            Originally posted by Legend
            The Jaffa can be explained in the same way as Sam and Jack ended up there... an accident.
            The Jaffa may have been under attack, they jumped gates and couldn't get the DHD working and froze to death.


              Originally posted by Legend
              Like i said:

              The Jaffa may have been under attack, they jumped gates and couldn't get the DHD working and froze to death.

              seems a bit too........i dont know what.

              Too trite.....Just doesnt seem right but its a minor point anyways.
              jake o'niel ".......bite me"

              Mythbusters....."I reject your reality and arbitrarily substitute it with my own"


                I don't know, i think it adds to the seriousness of Sam and Jack's situation in Solitudes that others who came out through the Antartic gate didn't make it.

                It was also likely that the hole that Sam uses to get the surface of the glacier was carved out by Jaffa staff blasts.

                Moebius spoilers


                I've been thinking about Sam and the military for a bit. In two parallel dimensions that are almost identical to ours, Sam wasn't in the military but she did have the job at Stargate command. In Season Three, Sam traces her decision not to hate the military (and hence, leading to joining it) from Jacob's consoling her after her mother died. If he didn't, then she wouldn't be in the AF.

                Now, when time is altered, Sam isn't in the Air Force any more. It occurred to me the other day how removing the Stargate could cause that. In 1945 experiments were been conducted on the Gate by the military (presumably the Air Force). I'm not sure, but i think the episode was during WW2, not after. If those experiments weren't conducted, then USAF personnel assigned to it would be somewhere else, possibly getting killed in WW2. Which means wherever those guys were sent to serve, the personnel from the original timeline would be somewhere else, and so on.

                The point been that eventually Jacob Carter's assignment history is changed. Either his new experiences cause him to have a different world outlook or perhaps he is even killed in the line of duty. Either way, he doesn't talk to Sam, so she hates the military and doesn't join up. Perhaps if Jacob was killed when she was young, the fallout from losing both her parents might have caused her to become more introverted and shy, hence why she allows others to take credit for her own genius.

