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Why?!? (Spoilers)

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    Why?!? (Spoilers)

    Ok, so those of us who have read the things about the new enemy in season 9 know that they're supposed to be super powerful and all that. But here's my problem: We have one, maybe, and I stress maybe two seasons left, and they want to bring a whole new enemy to the show? It doesn't seem like there will be much more time for this new enemy to develop, unless the cast of SG-1 is willing to sign contracts for several more years. In my opinion, it took about the first 3 seasons for the Goa'uld to become a thouroghly developed race, with a good backstory and things like that. And one more thing about this new enemy, are they going to defeat it just a few seasons, or are they going to end the series with this great enemy still out there? Is anyone else bothered by the onset of this new enemy, because I certainly am.
    ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!

    Perhaps it would be interesting if the new enemy were a cross between the enemies we already have. Eg goulded Asgard, or even someone we know about already, eg the Furlings, the Aschen. I think then the new enemy would hold enough interest.


      Maybe they play on continuing the show for more then 2 years, the addition of new main cast members and a new enemy show that they want to see if the show can continue on with some of the original main cast, and if it can i see no reason why it will not go on for 3 or ever 4 more years.


        Originally posted by lionel_pendergast_rocks
        Ok, so those of us who have read the things about the new enemy in season 9 know that they're supposed to be super powerful and all that. But here's my problem: We have one, maybe, and I stress maybe two seasons left, and they want to bring a whole new enemy to the show? It doesn't seem like there will be much more time for this new enemy to develop, unless the cast of SG-1 is willing to sign contracts for several more years. In my opinion, it took about the first 3 seasons for the Goa'uld to become a thouroghly developed race, with a good backstory and things like that. And one more thing about this new enemy, are they going to defeat it just a few seasons, or are they going to end the series with this great enemy still out there? Is anyone else bothered by the onset of this new enemy, because I certainly am.
        Well, even if they don't get any seasons beyond this (which may very well be unlikely, the way the popularity is still growing), they could always continue to develop the new enemy in the feature film(s).



          LPR brings up a good point. I think they should wrap up three things.

          1. The Replicators. The uber baddie besides the Goa'uld so far. If the Goa'uld are to be dropped, they should be slowly replaced, they need to be kind of still hanging out there. Nothing is ever really tied up but at least let us still be able to talk about it afterwards.

          The Replicators human and not, should either be wiped out or made into the newset ally, if that's possible, or they should appear to be gone, but then we'll be left a memento that, yes, they're still out there.

          2. The Jaffa freedom movement. I suggest a few things be taken from real life and a kind of civil war that leads to a peace treaty or document being signed or candle being lit or something be made. I'm getting sick of it, really, and it's a loose end that needs to be tied up before the end of the 8th season and possible beginning of 9.

          3. THE FURLINGS!!! IF YOU ARE A FURLING, PLEASE, STAND UP ALREADY!! We have been dragged through the mud with this. Please, Powers That Be, show me the mystery behind these Furlings!! I need to know!

          That should be the second focal point of the last possible season for the show and then the big finish with the question - will the good people of earth ever know about the StarGate, or will the cloth cover the wormhole to the universe forever?
          TEAM SG1 LIVES


            I don't understand why people are saying it's the last season. Has their been any official word?

            Because with all the new characters and new beginnings, its quite possible they can carry on for longer.

            So are people saying it because they think it's going downhill?
            Or is it that other popular scifi shows ended at about the 9th season (X files)?


              YEah but i think that because it took a while for everybody to sign on again ( i know its no excuse) that why people are saying its the last one . that or something like it.
              Try and have as much fun as you can ... you'll never know how long it will last


                Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                Well, even if they don't get any seasons beyond this (which may very well be unlikely, the way the popularity is still growing), they could always continue to develop the new enemy in the feature film(s).

                Exactly what I was about to say it could continue in to films or even cross over to Atlantis.
                "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                  Originally posted by Jonzey
                  I don't understand why people are saying it's the last season. Has their been any official word?
                  Well, hasn't the last three seasons might prossibly have been the last season? 'Cause as I remember it, season 6 was possibly the last season, season 7 was possibly the last season, and then season 8 was possibly the last season.

                  *Insert something really cool here*


                    Well, hopefully the ratings will be good... and the story will continue


                      spoiler!!!!!!!!!well 2 things that already happened the jaffa rebellion already is increased greatly because of reckoning, and the replicators are well poof because of reckoning. So a new enemy must come and this will brig more fans
                      sooner or later the day comes when you cant hide from the things that youv'e done anymore-BSG adama

