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The best way to finish SG-1?

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    Originally posted by Sam fan
    I personally always thought that Jack would die in the end and i think they could do that really beautifully!! Dying to REALLY sacrifice himself for his team. Of course I'd wanta shippy moment before hand, lol but yeah sacrificing himself for the whole team.

    If not jack dying then I liked theidea someone had of them kind of asking each other a question and walking away just with Jack's voice over saying "And yo'll never know what we chose." lol.

    Or! A nice happy ending with everyone being happy, Dnaiel and Tael'c with laydee's and hopefully Sam and Jack together- maybe the birth of a baby or something? I duno just something nice.
    That would be hella sad though!


      well, there already is an "end" for SG-1

      Remember episode 2-21 - "1969"
      - especially the part in the end, when they accidentally go too far in the future. We meet an old Cassandra activating the stargate with an wrist-device, no visual gate-vortex, only Nox style gate activation... well this points to some conclusions:
      1) ueber-advanced technology
      2) no military presence (gate room deserted) - no threat present
      3) no need for stargate travel anymore
      ... well lets hope the writers stick to their own time travel consistency rules and do not "**** up" like Paramount did in Enterprise.
      Fry: "Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"


        No, that is an alternate future because SG-1 hadn't reurned yet. That future will probably never happen.

        For those of you that don't like how thin end in my version, I've modified it. Jack figure out how to accend before the explosion. Afterword he desends to stay with Sam. Happy.


          Originally posted by SG-1
          No, that is an alternate future because SG-1 hadn't reurned yet. That future will probably never happen.
          Well I somehow disagree.
          They only jump too far on a timeline they have created (with the first jump to 1969). And as far as I can remember (old) Cassi mentioned that Carter instructed her what to do when they meet in the future. So when this future will never happen the whole time travel thing would not work. My god this is confusing...
          Fry: "Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"


            Originally posted by Bart
            Well I somehow disagree.
            They only jump too far on a timeline they have created (with the first jump to 1969). And as far as I can remember (old) Cassi mentioned that Carter instructed her what to do when they meet in the future. So when this future will never happen the whole time travel thing would not work. My god this is confusing...
            Moebius Part 1 (8.19) really throws a spanner among the works in this regard don't you think?

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              Well, I've only seen through S7, so I may be a bit behind here, but...

              I like the idea of humans (particularly the SGC) becoming the Fifth Race. But I don't think it can happen, not if the writers want to be consistent. We're still much too young, remember?

              I also like the idea of the gate becoming public, but I sincerely hope the series doesn't end with this. There's so much that can be done with that!

              I have a rather strange outlook on Stargate, because I believe in fate, and I see fate playing out in Stargate all the time. So I have a number of possible (if vague) scenarios that all kind of play into this idea. Here are some of the big current concepts that I'm playing with as an idea for a fanfic, and theoretically might fit into an end-of-series story...


              Note: this scenario is Daniel-centric, the way I perceive it. If I were to see something like this in an actual episode, of course, I would expect to have more direct involvement from the rest of the team. But that would be for the writers to figure out. Also, there should probably be some sort of threat introduced in this story at some point... Another note: a few elements of this plot are variations on a fic by Sideburns.

              SG-1 travels to a "red" planet. They find a race there which appears humanoid, but with some significant differences indicating that they are not human. Not sure what the physical differences should be... really doesn't matter. They live in a city. The city is fortified with armed guards at the walls. However, when SG-1 approaches, the guards simply let them pass, and a man approaches them, and tells them that he would be honored to guide "such fine strangers."

              When Jack asks about this inconsistency ("what are the guards for?"), the person who greeted them tells him, puzzled, that the guards are there to ward off any "attackers" who might come. This does not apply to SG-1, because SG-1 are not "attackers." When asked to describe attackers, they are told that attackers are those who would come to attack. Much confusion ensues.

              Things become a little clearer when it's shown (somehow) that these people don't perceive the world in the same way humans do. Among other differences (which become apparent later), they don't see a person's outward appearance - instead, they see the soul. They perceive people in terms of their "aspects" - when asked for details and an example, their guide proceeds to give a very accurate description of Jack and who Jack is, including what they call his focussed aspect (protector) and relaxed aspect (playmate).

              Daniel is fascinated, of course, particularly when their guide starts to write how he perceives Jack. He asks to learn more. Their guide says that he would be honored. Daniel, after much discussion with Jack, finally gets his permission after pointing out that the writing he'd just seen is very similar to that of the Furlings. Daniel leaves with the guide, to go to what the guide indicates is their version of a library.

              About 24 hours later, with still no sign from Daniel, Jack is starting to get a little worried. He goes to the library, and finds Daniel inside, unconscious. A number of the locals are surrounding him, and appear to be meditating. Jack interrupts. The locals insist that they are not harming Daniel, and in fact would never dream of harming "the giver," but that this must be done. Jack attempts to intervene, but is stopped (somehow. Forcefield? It should be by a peaceful method, however it's done).

              After an hour or so, Daniel wakes up. He's tired. Jack is angry. The locals, OTOH, are elated. Several, in fact, hug not only Daniel, but Jack as well, before skipping off to go spread the wonderful news.

              Jack is very angry, and over Daniel's protests that they really should stay, he herds everybody back to the gate, ignoring all of the celebrating people. It isn't until they're back on Earth that Daniel is able to fill them in on what was going on.

              The people on that planet are, in fact, the Furlings. This colony of Furlings - the only one to survive - have basically been alone and stranded for the last several millenia. Their ship crashed into this planet and was unsalvageable. The planet itself is largely limestone and silicon - almost no harder metals at all - so they couldn't get the raw materials to build another. They can't use the Stargate because they don't perceive the universe in even remotely the same way the Ancients did, so the Stargate simply makes no sense to them.

              None of the other three races could reach them. The Nox aren't explorers. The Asguard's sensors can't sense Furling cities, because one of the Furlings basic defenses are set up to hide the city from all known sensors. Even if the Asguard had any clue that any of the Furlings had survived, they would have had to search every planet in person, and the Asguard simply didn't have those kinds of resources. The Ancients...

              The Ancients could theoretically have known where the Furlings were, but ever since they ascended, they've been unable to communicate with any of the other three races, at all. Ascended beings communicate with humans by creating a controlled hallucination, kind of like Urgo. But they can only do this with those whose minds are kind of similar to their own - basically, they can communicate with humans, and that's it.

              So... Oma developed a plan (note: I'm getting into backstory here. None of this should be known to anybody in SG-1). Basically, the plan was, find a select group of people on Earth who are both intellectually gifted and ethically advanced. Arrange for them to have access to a Stargate. Arrange for them to be introduced to the Asguard and Nox, and the fact of the four races. Arrange for them to have a bit of a "training period" of a few years, to get them advanced enough ethically and intellectually to play the role that she needed them to play. Then she found (created?) an opportunity to ascend the one that she had picked for this particular role in the fate of the universe (I think she had vital roles picked out for each of them... Daniel's is just the most clear).

              (Now, here's where we get into my favorite theory which I've never seen posted anywhere else (although I'm fairly new to the forums). I don't think Oma ever had any intention of Daniel staying ascended, at least not until his job was done. I think Daniel's ascension and descension were part of her plan from Day 1. I think she got Orlin in on it, to create this myth of The Others and The Rules. I think ascended beings are actually governed by their own consciences, which dictate that they not interfere with the natural development of younger races, but to impose that restriction on others doesn't make sense, because it goes completely against their philosophy. But since Oma had been watching SG-1 from before the first trip to Abydos, she knew what made Daniel tick. She knew he would never be able to stand by for long while people he cared about - or even total strangers - got hurt. So she created this myth as an excuse for the time when she would eventually have to descend him.)

              When Daniel was talking to the Furling guide, the guide perceived (or maybe it came up in discussion) that Daniel had once been an ascended being. But he isn't anymore, so the Furlings are able to communicate with him. Through him, they are able to contact and communicate with Oma. (this is the part that's taken directly from a Sideburns fanfic). That's what the unconsciousness was about. Of course, they're still at square one because the Ancients can't communicate with the Asguard or the Nox... but SG-1 can.

              At this point, I don't know where the plot leads, except that Oma's entire plan was for the alliance between the four races to be re-formed. And since the only non-ascended (and good) beings that the Ancients can communicate with are humans, that would require the involvement of humans in the newly formed alliance. Specifically, it would involve the SGC, if only because Thor is so very smitten with Jack

              Many thanks to blingaway for the sig pic.


                Originally posted by Katerine

                I also like the idea of the gate becoming public, but I sincerely hope the series doesn't end with this. There's so much that can be done with that!
                You make an excellent point. There's a series in itself, although the writers would have to be careful to stay true to the genre of sci-fi, and no delve off into the world of political intrigue too much (a little bit is great). Personally I think that every political sg-1 episode so far - be it, the government wanting to close down the sgc or the trust trying to take it over - has been executed really poorly.

                The 5th race thing might be a little ambitious on second thought. Perhaps there could be a new spin off series set in the future, with Earthlings as the fifth race.

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                  You know, I dont particularly like the idea of the Stargate program baing made public. To me one of the biggest appeals of Stargate is the fact that somewhere, there could be an actual Stargate program running and we have no idea. But for it to be revealed in the series and not in the real world, it would sort of ruin that appeal.

                  What are your thoughts?


                    Originally posted by timmotheus
                    You know, I dont particularly like the idea of the Stargate program baing made public. To me one of the biggest appeals of Stargate is the fact that somewhere, there could be an actual Stargate program running and we have no idea. But for it to be revealed in the series and not in the real world, it would sort of ruin that appeal.

                    What are your thoughts?
                    "SG1" and "SG1 Atlantis" are only cover ups for the real Stargate project?
                    I KNEW IT! Fortunately they last longer than "Wormhole Xtreme!"
                    But I don't think that the SG project would go public, anyway not in the next 4 or 5 seasons. These "SG project gone public, we need a crazy cover-up story" - episodes are always fun to watch and if the writers had no more ideas they can fill en entire season with these...
                    Fry: "Why am I sticky and naked? Did I miss something fun?"


                      Originally posted by Bart
                      But I don't think that the SG project would go public, anyway not in the next 4 or 5 seasons. These "SG project gone public, we need a crazy cover-up story" - episodes are always fun to watch and if the writers had no more ideas they can fill en entire season with these...
                      This is true, but I would almost rather at this point see a significant change from the norm. If, say, the President did decide that it was time to go public, then this would introduce a whole new set of issues for the SGC to deal with. Specifically, how would they deal with the media? How would SG teams deal with the sudden unasked-for fame? How would they convey the true threat to a people that had previously been unaware that any threat existed? How would they deal with the crazies? How would Jack appear on Oprah?
                      Last edited by Katerine; 17 February 2005, 05:45 PM.

                      Many thanks to blingaway for the sig pic.


                        Originally posted by timmotheus
                        You know, I dont particularly like the idea of the Stargate program baing made public. To me one of the biggest appeals of Stargate is the fact that somewhere, there could be an actual Stargate program running and we have no idea. But for it to be revealed in the series and not in the real world, it would sort of ruin that appeal.

                        What are your thoughts?
                        You make a good point. It adds a certain dramatic tension and we can relate to this more. That's why it might be a good way to "end" the series.

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