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Could Stargate SG1 have gone on longer?

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    Direct to DVD I can see dying, the way internet speeds are these days it makes more sense to watch "online" in one form or another.
    I would of thought, and I dont know the costs, it would be viable to pump X amount of money into the show to make a handful of "webisodes" charge one of two amounts to watch them online, Y for 1080 no ads and then Z for 720/DVD with ad's, that way it'll show how much interest there is as well as generate revenue, then off of the back of that they can launch something else.

    Problem as I see it is these shows are made and funded in one country, if they were released worldwide at the same time then that'd cut down on piracy as well as increase the viewing numbers, win win as far as I can see it...


      Originally posted by Trig View Post
      Direct to DVD I can see dying, the way internet speeds are these days it makes more sense to watch "online" in one form or another.
      I would of thought, and I dont know the costs, it would be viable to pump X amount of money into the show to make a handful of "webisodes" charge one of two amounts to watch them online, Y for 1080 no ads and then Z for 720/DVD with ad's, that way it'll show how much interest there is as well as generate revenue, then off of the back of that they can launch something else.

      Problem as I see it is these shows are made and funded in one country, if they were released worldwide at the same time then that'd cut down on piracy as well as increase the viewing numbers, win win as far as I can see it...

      Good idea. The thing is that producers etc and which ever company would fund such a thing, must know that Stargate still has a pretty big following world wide, certainly to the point where they would still make money rather than lose it. And like you said, at least with webisodes, it's available in more than one country.


        All of it would be available globally, pay more and get it in full with other features no ads or get it free lower quality and ads that are locale based.


          Makes you wonder if anyone that is writing/directing it ever looks at these sites for any ideas. Fingers crossed lol.


            I doubt it, I would imagine they have all moved on now and as long as they are getting paid thats all they really care about, which to be fair given the industry is a fickle is understandable, I'm sure if you went to the right people with the right amount of money you could get someone interested..


              One more season to wrap everything up. Many of episodes we saw in season 10 was supposed to be multi-episode story arcs. I think a 12th season would have been a stretch.
              Hi There!


                Yes. Stargate is like The Simpsons of sci-fi, it has stories to tell for decades. However it can run out of idea quickly and if it does drag on then we could see a zombie series similar to the one we see now for The Simpsons.

                Unfortunately, price put the kisbosh on that and sci-fi is expensive to produce so yeah... I don't think it could of gone on longer.
                Back from the grave.


                  I think it could have. The story possibilities are endless. As a new comer, I wish I had found Stargate sooner.


                    Yes, it could... with creative writers
                    Fun fan fic . Check it out at or on


                      In my opinion Stargate SG-1 and SGA could both keep running for 50 years if they wanted to.
                      Sure last seasons on both were worse ,but i bet that was not cos the inspiration was gone.
                      But because they probably already had lots of scripts laying around that they wanted to make use of instead of writing [spending cash on creating] new episodes.

                      I especially hated the episodes where they came to Earth or had visions about being on Earth.
                      Like the episode with the kid and the water pistol at the end
                      And the episode where SGA cast went to the casino
                      That was cheap rip off drama not Sci Fi imo
                      Stargate should be about visiting worlds by gate or short distance jumpers imo.

                      But SG-1 and SGA could have gone on for years to come in my opinion.

                      SG-1 visited worlds and that's only limited by the writers imagination.
                      There are more planets in the universe then the amount of sand grains we have on Earth.
                      So any planet you can imagine could exist.

                      NOW may 2014 i have zero sci fi series that i can watch.
                      Falling skies is funny but no space ships in it nor in any other sci fi series atm
                      So imo now should be the time to restart SG-1 or SGA ,if it has to be ,with new cast.
                      I absolutely miss a series that gives adventure in a sci fi jacket.

                      IF they'd want to create new episodes ,then there is enough inspiration to find in Archaeology.
                      We now have

                      Gobekli Tepe [Turkey] dated to 12 500 BCE

                      Yonaguni [Japan Under water structure]

                      Sachsayhuaman [PERU]

                      And a recently new discovery at Gunung Padang, Java, Indonesia Dated to 23 000 BCE

                      There are even people testing skulls DNA atm cos they think we have Alien skulls found on Earth
                      Brien Foerster Elongated Skulls DNA results [Paracas area of Peru]

                      And there are many more of these sites ,that could be linked to an Alien race.
                      Archaeology has loads of mysterious sites around the world to fill loads of new series episodes.

                      If you like archaeology have a look at my play lists [No tube partner so no advertising income for me and not my uploaded video's ,so only shared for those who are interested in the subject ]

                      Ancient Sites ,Asia1 - Cambodia [1 of the lists there are many more on my profile ]

                      I dove into that world cos Stargate inspired me on that track.
                      And i bet the writers are also into this topic cos SG-1-SGA is filled with Mythical info-names from our history.
                      So yes the series could go on for years to come.


                        I think they needed to bring in a few more writers - especially with the two (three) (more still with the third show) - and it could have gone on and on from a story stand point. There's all sorts of stuff mentioned. All they really needed to do for new ideas is watch Ancient Aliens. *I really cannot believe I have knowledge of that aside from a good laugh*

                        I realize the financial side of it was starting to go through the roof, but I'd have loved to see Stargate go on forever!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Any show that doesnt have a prewritten arc/time limit similar to B5 needs to have writer rotation, otherwise it gets old and stale....


                            Originally posted by Trig View Post
                            Any show that doesnt have a prewritten arc/time limit similar to B5 needs to have writer rotation, otherwise it gets old and stale....
                            even a prewritten arc is not a holy grail. Sometimes you only discover what works when it's filmed, montaged and on the screen.

                            The answer to the OP is no. At least, not with the ori and the increasingly ridiculous levels of technology and enemies.


                              I don't think SG1 should've even gotten a season 9 and 10. I think SG1 should've ended at 8 and put 9 and 10 as a spin off series. People might've been more accepting of the changes if it was a spin off. If you want to continue stargate, make a spin off. That was what was great about Atlantis. New galaxy, new enemy, expands on what we already know. It's only a matter of time before we've completely combed the Milky Way.
                              Another big thing about stargate is finding new things. We want a stargate series, not a star trek series with a stargate as a gimmik. I want to see what's on the other side of the gate, not use the gate to manage the Earth Federation, the Klingon-Jaffa, and the Vulcan-Tok'ra.
                              Last edited by StargateMillennium; 21 June 2014, 03:51 PM.

                              Stargate spin off series: Stargate Millennium


                                Actually, the writers intended to re-name the series to Stargate: Command at some point, but weren't allowed by the production company.

                                However, I agree with you. They should've ended SG-1 after S08 and let SGA do its own thing and not mix it with what remained of SG-1.

                                I know this post contradicts my other one in this very thread, but I've changed my opinion about some Stargate-related things since then.
                                Last edited by Mnikolic; 21 June 2014, 01:10 PM.

