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Stargate SG-1 Rewatch!

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    The Broca Divide

    I love this episode cause it's the first time we see Janet and I totally love her.

    But beyond that this one's definitely one of my favorites. I mean, they go out there and something's bound to bite them in the butt, and this episode shows for the second time in just three episode (counting COTG as one) that stuff can go wrong real fast.

    The whole base under lockdown, and characters reverting back to a primal stage. We're doomed!

    I'm kind of disappointed they didn't bring more ancient civilizations into the stories, but the Minoan touch was nice nonetheless. I really liked the set.
    I loved how through the mission in this episode, they starting looking at the science behind the missions. Culture is important and that is another reason I love Stargate. They show you ancient ruins and have stories that are from ancient myths. I love this episode because of the fact that Daniel Jackson won an argument. =D And Janet ROCKS!


      I did not know that in the early days they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate. How did I miss that?

      I liked the end of Emancipation but the beginning of it was just embarrassing.


        Originally posted by min min light View Post
        I did not know that in the early days they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate. How did I miss that?

        I liked the end of Emancipation but the beginning of it was just embarrassing.
        Where do you get the idea they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate? I thought they only did that in Children of the Gods, and one or two others in Season 1.


          Originally posted by bradjohnson View Post
          The Enemy Within

          One thing that I wasn't happy with this episode is how fast Kawalsky died. I felt like I was just getting to know him.
          He was in the film so technically speaking we knew him before now. However, I feel that Jack granted Charlie's wish that if the surgery failed he didn't want to wake up at all, so when he has Walter shut down the gate he's more or less aiding in Kawalsky's suicide. He didn't want to live with that thing in his head. I feel it was a good ending for the character. Of course, it would have been better if TPTW hadn't turned him into a host, but it does make for a good story.

          Originally posted by bradjohnson View Post
          Apparently it was working for Jack =P lol
          It was most certainly working for all of them. Especially the look on Teal'c's face when he's glancing between Daniel and Jack as they try not to talk themselves halfway down to China.

          Originally posted by bradjohnson View Post
          I loved how through the mission in this episode, they starting looking at the science behind the missions. Culture is important and that is another reason I love Stargate. They show you ancient ruins and have stories that are from ancient myths. I love this episode because of the fact that Daniel Jackson won an argument. =D And Janet ROCKS!
          General Hammond definitely looks amused when Daniel realizes he's already won the argument before he finishes.

          Originally posted by min min light View Post
          I did not know that in the early days they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate. How did I miss that?
          Yup, I didn't remember that either.

          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          Where do you get the idea they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate? I thought they only did that in Children of the Gods, and one or two others in Season 1.
          When an inbound traveler happens, not outbound. And they did it for sure in The Enemy Within. I haven't watched other episodes yet that have inbound travelers.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            The First Commandment

            Definitely not a favorite episode. Jonas is one freakin' headcase, and Carter not able to shoot him, not even in the leg (if she couldn't bring herself to kill him) was somewhat surprising. However, she does mention he liked to be in control and considering they were nearly engaged, I reckon she and him were a couple for a fairly long time. I don't think it was a very healthy relationship though... good thing she didn't go through with it. She can do better than Jonas (no, not Jack).

            However, the episode does bring up the notion how the locals look upon the SG-teams and how teams respond to that. Connor did say that Frakes went with it when Hansen let the people believe they were gods. So, when did they cross the line? When Jonas saved that little girl? Or when they decided against telling the people they weren't gods? Interesting ideas to explore... which they sorta did in this episode.

            I did wonder why the other teammember followed Jonas in his newfound godhood... what did Jonas promise him? Too bad it was never touched upon. Maybe they were black-ops buddies who stuck together, no matter what they had each other's backs. Or the radiation fried his brain.

            And a new piece of Goa'uld technology, which will be re-used in Stargate Atlantis in season 1 as ... you never guess... a shield generator to protect a bunch of kids from being culled by the Wraith.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              Where do you get the idea they set off the self-destruct every time they opened the gate? I thought they only did that in Children of the Gods, and one or two others in Season 1.
              I got the idea in this thread, where someone posted it, and I did say "early days."


                Cold Lazarus

                Ugh, the episode that "inspired" Atlantis PTB to write the horrendous Doppelganger...

                Sam and Daniel are hilarious in this episode, like two kids in a candystore. Permission to fire Teal'c's weapon... err... sure...
                Teal'c watching TV -- he's no rocker for sure. Sadly the images displayed are still very accurate to this day. Not much has changed -- we're still a strange world.

                Not really a fan of the episode, but I guess it's good they touched upon the death of Charlie and Jack's family, and get it over with.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  I'm not going too fast in my rewatching, right?

                  The Nox

                  The Nox are by far the fluffiest, most cutest race ever invented in the world of Stargate. Who wouldn't have taken Nefreyu home...

                  It's rather amusing how the secretary wants others to share technology that he would not share himself. They obviously do not live by the same rules, so it's refreshing to see that the Nox teach them that the young do not always do as they are told, and that patience is a true virtue. You need to learn first, before you can obtain.

                  And you just know the moment they decide to switch from chasing the fenri to chasing Apophis, the team's in for some trouble.

                  I really like the colors of this episode, rich green of Vancouver forests. The humidity gives it an extra feel of pure nature. I also really like the setdressing of the Nox huts.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    I really am going too fast here, aren't I? -- I'm starting to have abandonment issues here...

                    Brief Candle

                    Those were the days that not all gods were Egyptian-inspired. Anyway, a rather standard episode in which nothing much happens except for Jack getting married without knowing it, and we learn that some Goa'uld was fluent in nanotechnology. Daniel gets to deliver his second baby and shows us his translating skills. Carter and Fraiser play with nanobots (the computer disk made me giggle -- those were the days )... but beyond that a rather tame episode.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Thor's Hammer

                      Norse mythology - yay! I love it!

                      Not much to say here except that I really like this episode cause you know norse mythology.

                      First time we hear of Thor and the Asgard. And it's rather ironic that it's Daniel who destroys Thor's hammer, the one thing that at this point could save Sha're and Ska'ra.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                        Emancipation -- SG1 meddling in other people's affairs, and Carter kicking butt. Pretty much how I see this episode. The old laws, always there when you need them, just in time to safe the day.

                        Carter's dress - please don't do that again or she really will have to eat that headdress. Whoever came up with that idea should be shot. So not flattering... ...and as Carter mentioned, not comfortable either.

                        And I fully believe her when she says she can't cook. Did see that poor attempt at chopping -- her fingers wouldn't survive even one meal. Besides she has far better usage for the knife anyway.
                        While we didn't see any evidence of it, I wonder if that chief actually did beat Sam for defying him. I don't think he's the kind of guy to let something like that pass by. I doubt that any of the other women get a second chance when he gets offended. I've read a couple of fics that have that happen and Sam still beats him in the contest and doesn't say a word about it until Janet discovers the injuries back at the SGC.

                        In spite of how forgiving Sam is, I think there would be a few trust issues between her and the guys after this mission, since they pretty much abandoned her (regardless of the tribal rules, Jack should not have left her alone). She often says she can take care of herself, but this showed one time when she couldn't. There are others in later episodes as well.


                          The Torment of Tantalus

                          Young Paul McGillion, the first man to walk through the gate in 1945... which brings me to the following issue of sorts. We learn later on that the gate remains open for 38 minutes if there's matter keeping it open, which the line attached the Ernest is, and yet the gate closes and cuts him off the moment he walked in (and out the other side). Either 38 minutes passed, or this is somewhat of a plothole. Now, my vote is on the first seeing as how they dialed manually so I reckon they kept the gate open for too long, cutting Ernest off.

                          When exactly did Carter and Catherine meet? That didn't happen on screen... kinda weird moment.

                          Anyway onto Ernest Littlefield, all alone and very naked... Carter's "Oh boy!" is hilarious.

                          Heliopolis holds the answer to life, the universe and everything (not the supercomputer build on Magrathea). Five races of which one we'll never actually meet. Still peeved about that one, after all this time. Daniel being all excited, and Carter playing MacGyver again. Jack at least remembered Ben Franklin. First time they dial the gate manually... many more of those yet to come.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1



                            So, Teal'c has a wife and son... well, that certainly was a surprise to the rest of the team.

                            More icky Goa'uld knowledge to be learned from this episode, like the Prim'ta and coming of age.
                            I think Carter knew Daniel would fire at the tank anyways, and agreed with it, although she does have a valid point that shooting the infants as it were makes them no better than the grown-up Goa'uld... If she hadn't she'd taken the MP5 away sooner.

                            Master Bra'tac... yay seeing him, totally kicking Jack's butt. But now I still wonder what hashak means...
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Well, I won't be here tomorrow so I'm hoping that I won't have to talk to myself again when I get back later in the evening. It's kinda lonely here, on my lonesome.

                              Fire & Water

                              Psychological whump, physical whump... as a whumper this one caters all. This episode is sooooo one of my favorites. I totally love it!

                              Fraiser pretty much ordering General Hammond how to proceed next with SG1.

                              And I must say that I really miss the diversity in historical references -- so far we've had Egyptian gods, Norse mythology, Greek mythology, ... now Babylon and akkadian cuneiform. They'll loose that over time, so I'm going to cherish the moment.

                              Also, Daniel's apartment is a museum -- no need to build a new one for his collection. Reminds me a little of the Petrie Museum in London before they moved that stuff to the newly build museum. It had the same kind of atmosphere as that apartment.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                The Torment of Tantalus

                                Young Paul McGillion, the first man to walk through the gate in 1945... which brings me to the following issue of sorts. We learn later on that the gate remains open for 38 minutes if there's matter keeping it open, which the line attached the Ernest is, and yet the gate closes and cuts him off the moment he walked in (and out the other side). Either 38 minutes passed, or this is somewhat of a plothole. Now, my vote is on the first seeing as how they dialed manually so I reckon they kept the gate open for too long, cutting Ernest off.

                                When exactly did Carter and Catherine meet? That didn't happen on screen... kinda weird moment.

                                Anyway onto Ernest Littlefield, all alone and very naked... Carter's "Oh boy!" is hilarious.

                                Heliopolis holds the answer to life, the universe and everything (not the supercomputer build on Magrathea). Five races of which one we'll never actually meet. Still peeved about that one, after all this time. Daniel being all excited, and Carter playing MacGyver again. Jack at least remembered Ben Franklin. First time they dial the gate manually... many more of those yet to come.

