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Stargate SG-1 Rewatch!

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    I am the exact opposite. This episode is all about being humorous. I didn't like the jokes so its hard to like this episode
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I am the exact opposite. This episode is all about being humorous. I didn't like the jokes so its hard to like this episode
      One man's paradise is another man's hell.


      One man's ceiling is another man's floor.

      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1



        I loved watching people react to them - all the double-takes and raised eyebrows. And is this the first time we see the tall glass dishes of jello, or do I just notice them here because they're lit in such a way that they practically glow from the inside?

        From the wiki: According to the Stargate SG-1: The Illustrated Companion Seasons 3 and 4, very few scenes include Teal'c, since actor Christopher Judge couldn't keep a straight face.


          I believe they had also more meters of film that could only be described as blooper reel, since they were constantly screwing up their scenes. Dom had them in stitches most of the day.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by min min light View Post

            I loved watching people react to them - all the double-takes and raised eyebrows. And is this the first time we see the tall glass dishes of jello, or do I just notice them here because they're lit in such a way that they practically glow from the inside?

            From the wiki: According to the Stargate SG-1: The Illustrated Companion Seasons 3 and 4, very few scenes include Teal'c, since actor Christopher Judge couldn't keep a straight face.
            I liked watching the background characters to see how they managed not to laugh. Particularly the guy in the infirmary scene that's standing in the doorway during much of that scene. He kept looking up and down and sideways, and I just knew he was trying hard not to laugh.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              I liked watching the background characters to see how they managed not to laugh. Particularly the guy in the infirmary scene that's standing in the doorway during much of that scene. He kept looking up and down and sideways, and I just knew he was trying hard not to laugh.
              I wonder how many times he failed.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                A Hundred Days

                Edora - nice name for a planet... too bad they pass through and asteroid belt every so often. And every 150 years or so, some of them even make it down to the planet...

                Okay... we established that. And then one has to hit the space where the stargate stands and Jack gets left behind.

                Laira's a bit of an annoying woman but there are worse ways to be stuck on a planet, I guess. Jack seemed to like her.

                Sam works day and night to fix the problem, and when they rescue the colonel she totally seems to forget he just spent 3 months off-world without any hope of returning home. Very considerate of you, Carter.

                When Fraiser brings Carter coffee... she so totally lost at drawing straws.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  A Hundred Days

                  Edora - nice name for a planet... too bad they pass through and asteroid belt every so often. And every 150 years or so, some of them even make it down to the planet...

                  Okay... we established that. And then one has to hit the space where the stargate stands and Jack gets left behind.

                  Laira's a bit of an annoying woman but there are worse ways to be stuck on a planet, I guess. Jack seemed to like her.

                  Sam works day and night to fix the problem, and when they rescue the colonel she totally seems to forget he just spent 3 months off-world without any hope of returning home. Very considerate of you, Carter.

                  When Fraiser brings Carter coffee... she so totally lost at drawing straws.
                  Jack was even more inconsiderate, especially to Sam, but to all the team when he just up and walked away when she was talking. Very rude, in my opinion.


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Jack was even more inconsiderate, especially to Sam, but to all the team when he just up and walked away when she was talking. Very rude, in my opinion.
                    He just spent 3 months on Edora, not expecting to go home any time soon if ever, bonding with local population, bonding with Laira.
                    Daniel, Sam and Teal'c should have known he might have settled into his faith of being stuck. I felt they expected him to just drop it all and go home, like he hadn't just spent a 100 days cut off from them. Seemed a little short sighted, albeit Daniel got it.


                    Shades of Grey

                    Hello Maybourne, what have you been up to lately?

                    He started a new hobby -- collecting alien technology.

                    Not entirely sure about this one and Maybourne seemed to fall way too easily for Jack's sudden fall from grace.

                    It's always nice to see the Asgard, not so fond of the Tollan.

                    The way the three look at the end when Daniel confesses they drew straws and he lost.

                    Random side notes:
                    * Fraiser's moved up in the ranks, from Captain to Major -- happened in between episodes
                    * when Jack leaves for Edora, Hammond, Carter and Fraiser salute him -- all three having their hands in a different position ... must not have been paying attention when they were explained how to salute.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      New Ground

                      Nyan is the off-world version of Daniel Jackson. He probably would have gotten the same treatment Daniel did on Earth when he presented his wild outlandish theories. The Bedrosian scientist community would have had him excommunicated.

                      Interesting story idea though... what would happen if we meet a people whom are convinced they didn't come from anywhere else but from the planet they are on, to whom the Goa'uld aren't any longer aliens but actual gods, and not aliens that come to harm and enslave. And who are so convinced about that believe that anything threatening that believe must be a trick from the enemy.

                      That commander obviously fought in the war and lost a bit of leg by the way he moved around, a little on the stiff side. I can understand completely that he wouldn't take kindly to learning that what he fought and got injured for, is a lie. I think, though, that part of him was also afraid to admit to the truth. He made a fairly good point when his medic informs him that our team is human and possibly not from around their parts.

                      Interesting weapons. Teal'c being vulnerable, which he obviously didn't like. Junior in trouble -- not good.

                      Too bad though that we never hear from Nyan again.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        New Ground

                        Nyan is the off-world version of Daniel Jackson. He probably would have gotten the same treatment Daniel did on Earth when he presented his wild outlandish theories. The Bedrosian scientist community would have had him excommunicated.

                        Interesting story idea though... what would happen if we meet a people whom are convinced they didn't come from anywhere else but from the planet they are on, to whom the Goa'uld aren't any longer aliens but actual gods, and not aliens that come to harm and enslave. And who are so convinced about that believe that anything threatening that believe must be a trick from the enemy.

                        That commander obviously fought in the war and lost a bit of leg by the way he moved around, a little on the stiff side. I can understand completely that he wouldn't take kindly to learning that what he fought and got injured for, is a lie. I think, though, that part of him was also afraid to admit to the truth. He made a fairly good point when his medic informs him that our team is human and possibly not from around their parts.

                        Interesting weapons. Teal'c being vulnerable, which he obviously didn't like. Junior in trouble -- not good.

                        Too bad though that we never hear from Nyan again.
                        In a way we did. He turned up on the 1st season of SGA, with a new name, and as a scientist. Sadly, he didn't survive the episode.

                        As to how Jack behaved at the end of "100 Days", we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          I liked watching the background characters
                          OH yeah, I made a point of it this time!

                          100 Days

                          What bothered me was the shift in established mentality. In any other situation Jack would have been certain that people were working to rescue him, and that he would be rescued. And there were other ways to be rescued besides the gate - they had alien buddies like the Tolan, Nox and Asgard. A lot more time would have to go by before he accepted that nobody was coming for him.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            -- oh, I love that one.
                            Thank you for the green in appreciation my silly sense of humour!

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Arrived at one of my all time favorite SG1 episodes, and even after all this time it's still brilliant!


                            Even after the nth time watching this, I still have tears rolling over my face from laughing so hard. Watching it in the middle of the night makes that even harder, cause my neighbors can hear me giggling.... so loud laughter is entirely out of the question.

                            Dom DeLuise is just brilliant!

                            Lots of brilliant lines in this one, and moments. Totally insane... and totally cuckoo! But brilliant nevertheless.
                            The episode I feel the same about as you do with 'Demons'! I've only rewatched once since it first aired for the GW rewatch. Boy was it hard to do, and one I will never watch again.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            A Hundred Days

                            Edora - nice name for a planet... too bad they pass through and asteroid belt every so often. And every 150 years or so, some of them even make it down to the planet...

                            Okay... we established that. And then one has to hit the space where the stargate stands and Jack gets left behind.

                            Laira's a bit of an annoying woman but there are worse ways to be stuck on a planet, I guess. Jack seemed to like her.

                            Sam works day and night to fix the problem, and when they rescue the colonel she totally seems to forget he just spent 3 months off-world without any hope of returning home. Very considerate of you, Carter.

                            When Fraiser brings Carter coffee... she so totally lost at drawing straws.
                            I like this episode, great use of location filming to create a lovely idyllic scene before all hell breaks loose with a meteor strike! Love the music score as Jack paddles down the river in the canoe, at least he got stranded in a nice place!

                            This is always nice to watch and be reminded again how hard things were for the team and how they had to work to solve problems. Here they had no way to get to Jack, no ships, Tok'ra or Asgard turning up at the 11th hour! Here was the reality that Jack was stranded light years from home, feeling his pain of losing the life he loved and then the gradual acceptance of his new life was great to watch.

                            Great Stargate team work in this epiosde!


                              Originally posted by min min light View Post

                              100 Days

                              What bothered me was the shift in established mentality. In any other situation Jack would have been certain that people were working to rescue him, and that he would be rescued. And there were other ways to be rescued besides the gate - they had alien buddies like the Tolan, Nox and Asgard. A lot more time would have to go by before he accepted that nobody was coming for him.
                              I don't disagree with your analysis.

                              But! to play devil's advocate (or fanfic writer trying to make sense of character behavior):

                              1. Jack doesn't actually know who / how many / if anyone got through the gate. He headed for the caves when the others were trying to get the villagers ready and to the gate.
                              2. He does not actually trust any of the allies to be there for them when they really need them.
                              3. He has no idea how long a rescue will take. So he can either exist in a state of limbo for an indeterminate amount of time or he can try to live the life he's got. He's done the limbo thing before...


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                In a way we did. He turned up on the 1st season of SGA, with a new name, and as a scientist. Sadly, he didn't survive the episode.
                                Oh right... completely forgot about him. *face!palm*

                                Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                                Love the music score as Jack paddles down the river in the canoe, at least he got stranded in a nice place!
                                Which reminds that my sister and I pretty much said at the same time that the way he got out of that canoe, he would have splashed into the water as it slipped away underneath him, or would have to go look for the boat on the other side of the river as it didn't look like it was attached to anything keeping it from drifting away.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

