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Red Eyes - how did they do that!

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    Red Eyes - how did they do that!

    I was looking at the images at gateworld for Reckoning, Part 1. One shows a pretty banged up fellow with really blood-shot eyes. See:

    My question is how did they get the eyes like that? I can't imagine contacts that big would be confortable - in fact wouldn't they be dangerous? Puzzling magic there.

    Originally posted by Lord You
    I was looking at the images at gateworld for Reckoning, Part 1. One shows a pretty banged up fellow with really blood-shot eyes. See:

    My question is how did they get the eyes like that? I can't imagine contacts that big would be confortable - in fact wouldn't they be dangerous? Puzzling magic there.
    The actress who played Leta Alexander in Babylon 5 used to wear complete eye contacts, looked quite painful but damn they was cool.


      That's nothing difficult:

      Can't see the one Anubis used though, or maybe it's the Ebola one? I've been thinking about buying Ebola


        They are contacts. If they are the type that have a high oxygen exchange (like extended wear) then they shouldn't be painful at all.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Theres no reason to be painful, most contacts can cover the whole eye like that, most only focus on a specifica area


            It still freaks me out. I've never needed them, but frankly I'd rather wear the most dorky glasses rather than contacts (if I ever needed to). I just can't stand the thought of anything touching my eyes besides my eyelids.


              Looks like he has Quicksilver madness.

              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
              BAD WOLF!!!


                Originally posted by IMForeman
                Looks like he has Quicksilver madness.


                great reference. i loved that show. then i found out that the Alex lady was a porn star back in the day. Then I loved that show even more
                "I've been called ugly, pug-ugly, fugly, pug-fugly, but never ugly-ugly." --- Moe Szyslak


                  Originally posted by Lord You
                  I was looking at the images at gateworld for Reckoning, Part 1. One shows a pretty banged up fellow with really blood-shot eyes. See:

                  My question is how did they get the eyes like that? I can't imagine contacts that big would be confortable - in fact wouldn't they be dangerous? Puzzling magic there.


                    They used a flash on the camera



                      They have used them on Farscape. I remember watcing something and I dont remember who it was. But they said when they wore it they couldnt see anything and it was blurry and made their eyes water.
                      ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                        I believe that was Chiana while she was seeing the future. She wore a lens that covered the whole eye with color, not just the iris, and as a result no light got through.


                 problem doing red eyes...use specialcontact lenses..have some cool moddels at home....Also red, UV blue and UV yellow...Just cool to use with appropriate light. immagine your eyes glowing blue or yellow.

