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How will they write out Gen Jack O'niell?

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    I agree it is time to Colonize....even leave the Alpha Site alone and start an actual Colony. Dangerous stuff goes to the A-site. Folks to the colony. Now that would require a General to over see the effort. The A-site would be military. But a colony needs a Governor-general. Maybe we have another spinoff?
    Causality should not be taken lightly.


      Originally posted by Livi2Jack
      I agree it is time to Colonize....even leave the Alpha Site alone and start an actual Colony. Dangerous stuff goes to the A-site. Folks to the colony. Now that would require a General to over see the effort. The A-site would be military. But a colony needs a Governor-general. Maybe we have another spinoff?
      But then how will they write out Gov-Gen Jack O'Neill? The reason the character's *going* is because RDA wants time out (poss permanently ), so IMO they'll hardly start up a spin-off with Jack, only to have to write him out of that too.
      Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
      Now this one I really like; when TPTB mentioned he'd still be important to the goings-on of the SGC, many of us kept assuming that'd mean something about him getting shipped off to the Pentagon (or Alpha Site), but working side by side the Asgard would fulfill that role as well, and probably be something that Jack wouldn't be quite so bored about doing. So, yeah, this idea would be really cool, and wouldn't be a "been there, done that" that some are criticizing a few of the other ideas of being.
      I like this one too. Jack's always had a good buddies thing with Thor & RDA loves acting with the puppet - this could have legs....


        >>>>But then how will they write out Gov-Gen Jack O'Neill?<<<<

        Well, you just talk him out. "...oh, so this is what Gen. Jack was doing here...impressive. Where's he now? Oh at the Pentagon..."

        See how easy?
        Causality should not be taken lightly.


          Originally posted by Livi2Jack
          >>>>But then how will they write out Gov-Gen Jack O'Neill?<<<<

          Well, you just talk him out. "...oh, so this is what Gen. Jack was doing here...impressive. Where's he now? Oh at the Pentagon..."

          See how easy?
          I rest my case! There's nothing worse in TV than the "Invisible Character". IMO Jack deserves a something a bit more interesting than being mothballed at the pentagon & occasionally referred to, or worse still, spoken to on the phone *shudders at the thought*
          What's Plan B?


            I can see two situations that I would like:

            1.) he retires with Laira from "A hundred days"

            2.) he gets transferred to the alpha site, and we get to see him in a couple of episodes. (If RDA agrees to be in a few episodes in season 9)


              Ok so I'm sitting here at work (not actually working ) and I had a revelation. I think I know how Jack is going to here me out! We all know that the season finale for this season deals with time travel (I think thats the general concensus) Now lets say that sometime during the finale SG-1 goes back to just before the whole thing started with the Stargate Program, pre-Charlie O'Neill's death. Maybe Jack stops his own son form shooting himself and therefore removes himself from the whole equation. And when the show picks up on season 9 we are made to believe that Ben Browder's character has been there the whole time but so as to keep O'Neill in a couple of episodes they make him aware of the stargate program and sometimes just shows up as a military consultant. Not as Jack O'Neill that we know and love but as military jack from the movie. Most people may not like it that way but it's my theory of how to make all of this work out. Any thoughs???


                interesting theory, yes..

                but no one would accept it. Taking him out of the show is 1 thing, but trying to make it so he never existed in it would just annoy everyone, including myself.

                but again, its a good thought.

                I like the theories:

                A) The Alpha Site
                B) The Asgard


                  Originally posted by Crazedwraith
                  As i;ve said before there no need to Kill Jack off. Just hire Kurt Russel as Gen O'Neill for season 9. Don't mention it at all aside from a commnet from Dan/Sam/T: "Have you done something with your hair?"
                  Ok whoever neg repped me for THAT^ Needs a humour impant. Next time sign it please, or I'll be forced to consider you both an idiot AND cowardly
                  Banner By JME2


                    Originally posted by Mr Prophet
                    G-E-N...No, wait; I did that in the 'how will they write out Sam Carter' thread.

                    But what happiness is Jack going to find by going away and leaving his kids in danger? I'm really curious: Do even the most die-hard of shippers think that Jack, this character who has, time and again, been portrayed as a dedicated and selfless guardian, would ever - could ever - be at peace with himself, or the world at large, if he went off and left the fighting and the danger to the people he has devoted himself to protecting, just so he could hook up with a girl?

                    Jack has a relationship with Sam. He has a close, intense friendship with her as well as a professional bond of immense respect. This being so, what you are suggesting is that he would give up what has become his life's work in order to...what? Get laid? Even if, for the moment, I accept your basic tenet that Jack loves Sam and vice-versa, when has Jack ever been that selfish?

                    ((BIG HUG)) Mr. Prophet, I think I love you. That's the *best* reason by far that I've ever seen stating that Jack and Sam running off together would be a bad idea. And you didn't even have to tick-off anyone!!! Thank you. That's a great point.
                    - 'Mo

                    I'm a woman. "Evil" would be a demotion.

                    BM: "The ice is a fickle mistress"
                    THIEF: "Plus she appears to be a knife weilding maniac"
                    BM: "Aren't they all?"

                    #10: Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on government time.


                      Originally posted by AzMcNeil
                      Ok so I'm sitting here at work (not actually working ) and I had a revelation. I think I know how Jack is going to here me out! We all know that the season finale for this season deals with time travel (I think thats the general concensus) Now lets say that sometime during the finale SG-1 goes back to just before the whole thing started with the Stargate Program, pre-Charlie O'Neill's death. Maybe Jack stops his own son form shooting himself and therefore removes himself from the whole equation. And when the show picks up on season 9 we are made to believe that Ben Browder's character has been there the whole time but so as to keep O'Neill in a couple of episodes they make him aware of the stargate program and sometimes just shows up as a military consultant. Not as Jack O'Neill that we know and love but as military jack from the movie. Most people may not like it that way but it's my theory of how to make all of this work out. Any thoughs???
                      Won't happen because the writers already said the character "Jack O'Neill" will continue to be a imporatnt caracter to the future. I would be fairly certain RDA will come back for a few episodes here and there, maybe in Atlantis too. But not too many. RDA will be back and so will O'Neill to some degree.

                      Some ideas I have that would allow the Jam/Sam ship to occur and keep O'Neill a distant occasional caracter would be: put him in charge of the Alpha site or even a new base they possibly come up with off world, a possible long term project to have him go off with the Tok'ra (which he isn't always fond of so unlikely) so a better option is to send him off to work along side with Thor. As a side note about the Asgaurd, it's quite possible as a arc later down the road, since the Asgaurd have the ability to save Jack from the Ancients brain takeover, they can possibly work with him to translate and transfer the Anceint library that he's download into his head twice. That would require him to stay with the Asgaurd for quite some time. We know that the back half and end episodes of season 8 will have some cross overs to Ancient technology. I think if they remove the O'Neill character, he's going off world somewhere that has something to do with ancient technology (besides Atlantis). That's my thoughts. We'll only find out when they start officially anouncing their new tittles, RDA's agreements, and finnaly the airing of the Season 9 episodes. Oh that seems so far away!!!!!!!


                        Originally posted by shortiedu
                        Won't happen because the writers already said the character "Jack O'Neill" will continue to be a imporatnt caracter to the future. I would be fairly certain RDA will come back for a few episodes here and there, maybe in Atlantis too. But not too many. RDA will be back and so will O'Neill to some degree.
                        Doesn't stop Charlie from shooting himself...he has to TAKE Charlie with him into the future.

                        THAT sort of thing would make him take a leave of absence. (And the military would take nothing less as an excuse to leave...he's way too valuable to allow to resign or do anything but help Earth's defense....).

                        [OK, a little contrived, but that's the only thing big enough that would remove him from Stargate Command for such a lengthy time, yet allow him to come back occasionally...even on an assignment with the Asgard, he'd have the temptation to stick his nose in there every so often]

