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Watching SG-1 for the first time! Plus a blog!

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    So I heard you guys wanted another review?
    Well, even if I heard wrong, have one anyways:
    "One False Step" (2x19)

    Okay episode. Not super-fantastic. I still think that the unnamed race of aliens (I should just call them the URA... Ura... hey, that's got a nice ring to it) were in general pretty adorable, especially the one that was often hanging around SG-1 (the first they saw). I don't know why, I was just like, "Awww!" the whole time. Lol.

    Also, some good development on the whole "consequences of barging into other cultures" thing. I'd been waiting for more and I'm glad I got some. More thoughts on that in "Final Thoughts". (:


      Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
      So I heard you guys wanted another review?
      Well, even if I heard wrong, have one anyways:
      "One False Step" (2x19)

      Okay episode. Not super-fantastic. I still think that the unnamed race of aliens (I should just call them the URA... Ura... hey, that's got a nice ring to it) were in general pretty adorable, especially the one that was often hanging around SG-1 (the first they saw). I don't know why, I was just like, "Awww!" the whole time. Lol.

      Also, some good development on the whole "consequences of barging into other cultures" thing. I'd been waiting for more and I'm glad I got some. More thoughts on that in "Final Thoughts". (:
      Oh yeah...I remember that episode with the nekkid aliens! Its a good episode, but not one of my favorites.


        I liked the idea of what happens when you inadvertently interfere, but overall I found this episode somewhat "meh".


          This is kind of random, but I started reading that "Aftershocks" which was mentioned as a recommended fanfic... I love it! Pleasantly surprised! A few grammar things are bugging me to no end but I can look past them. The writing's really quite good and everyone's so well in-character. Ah, it's beautiful.

          And the best part?
          I can actually read it. It's largely spoiler-free.


            Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
            This is kind of random, but I started reading that "Aftershocks" which was mentioned as a recommended fanfic... I love it! Pleasantly surprised! A few grammar things are bugging me to no end but I can look past them. The writing's really quite good and everyone's so well in-character. Ah, it's beautiful.

            And the best part?
            I can actually read it. It's largely spoiler-free.
            Rachel is from England, so there might be some English terms, but she's one of the few fanfic writers that has a great insight in all SG-1 characters be it Jack, Sam, Daniel and even Teal'c which I find it's the most difficult to write in-character


              Originally posted by siles View Post
              Rachel is from England, so there might be some English terms, but she's one of the few fanfic writers that has a great insight in all SG-1 characters be it Jack, Sam, Daniel and even Teal'c which I find it's the most difficult to write in-character
              Part of what I love best about her little afterthoughts (or "Aftershocks", rather) is that she gives pretty much equal attention to each character, and that's something we don't always get even in the series. That's the beauty of fanfiction, but often I've noticed there aren't an overwhelming majority of "team fics". Really one of the best parts of SG-1 is the group dynamic and I love how.. Rachel, you said?.. capitalizes on that.

              Even this early in the series I see an entirely platonic, and yet intricately intimate, connection between the four. I mean, you can only go through so many life-or-death situations before you can't be anything other than that close. Will/could romances surface? Sure. But there's so much more to write about.

              Can't wait to read the rest of Aftershocks I and then the other volumes as I complete the series. I was skeptical but now I can't thank you enough for sharing.


                Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                Part of what I love best about her little afterthoughts (or "Aftershocks", rather) is that she gives pretty much equal attention to each character, and that's something we don't always get even in the series. That's the beauty of fanfiction, but often I've noticed there aren't an overwhelming majority of "team fics". Really one of the best parts of SG-1 is the group dynamic and I love how.. Rachel, you said?.. capitalizes on that.

                Even this early in the series I see an entirely platonic, and yet intricately intimate, connection between the four. I mean, you can only go through so many life-or-death situations before you can't be anything other than that close. Will/could romances surface? Sure. But there's so much more to write about.

                Can't wait to read the rest of Aftershocks I and then the other volumes as I complete the series. I was skeptical but now I can't thank you enough for sharing.
                Glad you're enjoying Aftershocks. I am constantly amazed that she's still plugging away at it 3-4 years after cancellation. I have my own WIP opus and I know how much of a challenge it is to see it through to the end.
                Over the weekend I got sucked into one of her other works...a crossover between SG1 and SGA and while I enjoyed it for the most part (once again character voices are spot on) I did notice a grammatical error that I hadn't noticed before(and it instantly told me she was British because I've never come across any other English speaking writers doing the same thing.) She(and so many other British writers) don't seem to know how to use the different variations on "sit".

                Where I(and I believe the majority of other English writers) would write:

                "He was seated(or was sitting)

                The British writers compose the sentence:
                "He was sat"

                And it's got nothing to do with the commonly held belief that quality of education has been slipping in the last 10 -20 years because the first person I came across doing this was educated in the 60s like I just seems to be British writers...and it DRIVES me bananas,lol
                It's so weird considering that all other English speaking countries originated with Britain.
                And that's been my rant for the day.


                My Fiction:


                  I read all of Aftershocks. It was so good, I might do a little special review blog thing on it when I finish this season... which I'm very close to doing.
                  Also, I'm going home this weekend so I won't have my DVDs. (I haven't even picked them up from the library yet for Season 3.) So I might do a couple specials on fan-fiction or fan art or something.

                  Speaking of:
                  "Show and Tell" (2x20) right there.
                  Good episode! Loved seeing Jacob Carter again. You'll see my little AWESOMENESS RAMBLE in there about him, haha. Aahh, that guy is just so bra'tac! I love him! Great addition to the recurring guest cast.
                  I'm not quite sure what to think of the Re'tu. The concept is really cool, though, and I'm looking forward to possibly seeing more of them in the future. (:

                  Hehe... "1969" is neeeeeext!


                    Unfortunately, I don't recall ever seeing that particular character "Charlie" again...he was a cute kid.


                      Aww! Well, I don't expect to see Ally again, either. Though that would make me a very, very happy girl indeed...

                      More blogging fun of blogginess continues with "1969" (2x21)!!
                      Loved this episode. Classic? Not really. Extremely exciting? Mmm... no. Very funny and extremely entertaining? You know it. This was just a fun, goofy little episode that, for what it's worth, isn't one I'll soon forget, but not one I'll really remember forever. It's not that exciting to watch but it's a very fun episode. That's really the best I can describe it as: "Fun".
                      And I really dug O'Neill's leather jacket. B)

                      For those of you who don't remember this one, here's a cast promo shot...



                        Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                        Aww! Well, I don't expect to see Ally again, either. Though that would make me a very, very happy girl indeed...

                        More blogging fun of blogginess continues with "1969" (2x21)!!
                        Loved this episode. Classic? Not really. Extremely exciting? Mmm... no. Very funny and extremely entertaining? You know it. This was just a fun, goofy little episode that, for what it's worth, isn't one I'll soon forget, but not one I'll really remember forever. It's not that exciting to watch but it's a very fun episode. That's really the best I can describe it as: "Fun".
                        And I really dug O'Neill's leather jacket. B)

                        For those of you who don't remember this one, here's a cast promo shot...
                        What I love most in this episode is Teal'c stopping the engine from firing and how he stopped that van


                          Originally posted by CMWriter View Post
                          Aww! Well, I don't expect to see Ally again, either. Though that would make me a very, very happy girl indeed...
                          You will, yet you won't...
                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by siles View Post
                            What I love most in this episode is Teal'c stopping the engine from firing and how he stopped that van
                            Haha! I loved that, too.
                            O'Neill: "How'd you know that would work?"
                            Teal'c: "I did not."

                            The season finale blog is a work in progress.


                              "Out of Mind" (2x22) review there... season finale!!

                              Okay, how do I put this nicely.
                              As a season finale, I did not feel that this was really the right storyline to go by. Well, let me correct that: So far, I am not impressed. I feel like we ran around for 35 minutes and gave away military intelligence and THEN the bad guy makes her appearance.
                              Uuugh creeper.
                              It had its moments but I would've expected a little more for the season finale leading into what, for everyone else, would've been a cliffhanger followed by a hiatus.

                              On a completely unrelated note:
                              IT'S CHRIS JUDGE'S BIRTHDAAAAAAAY!!!!
                              I mentioned it at the end, lol.

                              We should celebrate with water guns and cake!


                                You have to watch the season 3 premiere "Into the Fire", because "Out of Mind" was in great part an exposition, a set up for the greatness that is "Into the Fire"

