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whats to come of 5th spoilers

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    Originally posted by Calicto
    But Stargate can do that. B/c Stargate is the fusion between all good scifi-ness.

    Yes. I agree. Replicarter has a new arm. A regular arm. She sees enemy approaching. She smirks. She morphs her hands into blade. More smirkness.
    Kind of like Terminator 2 and Terminator 3...

    More-so Terminator 3 because well, TX-Replicator Carter? Seem to be alot alike

    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      Originally posted by MartoufMarty
      Kind of like Terminator 2 and Terminator 3...

      More-so Terminator 3 because well, TX-Replicator Carter? Seem to be alot alike
      Except RepliCarter is a heck of alot more dangerous, I should think... then either one of them... or both combined.

      "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
      "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
      BAD WOLF!!!


        Originally posted by IMForeman
        Except RepliCarter is a heck of alot more dangerous, I should think... then either one of them... or both combined.


        Yup I agree. She's got all the whole morphy arm capabilities, can't be shot by anything, no handy little Terminator to destroy her, and has veeeeery personal reasons for killin everyone, not just being sent back in time...

        Plus, IMO, she's infinetismaly cooler Evil Sam... how could you not adore it. I love that she killed Fifth, but also really sad, I loved him. The Black Widow strikes again *sigh*
        The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

        |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


          Originally posted by MajorSam
          Yup I agree. She's got all the whole morphy arm capabilities, can't be shot by anything, no handy little Terminator to destroy her, and has veeeeery personal reasons for killin everyone, not just being sent back in time...
          And yet...She didn't kill anyone. Except Fifth, that is.
          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


            Originally posted by IMForeman
            Except RepliCarter is a heck of alot more dangerous, I should think... then either one of them... or both combined.

            Replicarter is good at typing with one hand?


              Originally posted by Calicto
              But Stargate can do that. B/c Stargate is the fusion between all good scifi-ness.

              Yes. I agree. Replicarter has a new arm. A regular arm. She sees enemy approaching. She smirks. She morphs her hands into blade. More smirkness.
              Seriously though what use is a blade against a gun/zat/replicator desintegrator?

              "Here look at my extremely inefficient blade attached where my arm used to be which is too big to be of any actual use"
              "Yeah well look at the hole I just put in your head from 100 metres away, stab me now *****".


                Right as to the topic itself.

                Dead, gone and good riddance! The whole fifth concept/character was stupid. The only good thing to come of it all was replicarter

