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whats to come of 5th spoilers

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    whats to come of 5th spoilers



    What happens to fifth in Gemini, i hope he didnt die at the end hes cool, hes really evil but not as he loves Sam, i hope that he just wanted Rep-Sam to think he was killed and get her army up then killer her or something as i dont like her. I no shes coming later in the season - with one arm lol. Any ideas?


    He died. Simple. Replicarter would have sensed and detected him in the system if he didnt die. Remember? Replicaters are connected by thought. They can sense eachother as well as see what they see.

    He's a dead one.

    I disagree. I think Replicarter is tres cool. Please dont give me negative rep for stating my opinon.


      Well... not that she didnt detect him. She tricked, he came. Then they hit him with a weapen that we KNOW kills him. No way around it. Too bad.

      Well, thats women for ya....

      Spoiler free since Jan 3 2005 (It's getting harder each day)


        Plus Replicarter could probably grow back her arm.


          Severe spoiler for Reckoning:

          Picture from Reckoning


            *drools over picture*

            Replicarter is my hero.


              That reminds me of Terminator 2.


                Originally posted by Lozza-SG1


                What happens to fifth in Gemini, i hope he didnt die at the end hes cool, hes really evil but not as he loves Sam, i hope that he just wanted Rep-Sam to think he was killed and get her army up then killer her or something as i dont like her. I no shes coming later in the season - with one arm lol. Any ideas?
                Rep-sam? REP-SAM?!?!? Replicarter please

                I give green for signatures with ancient in them


                  Originally posted by D.C.
                  That reminds me of Terminator 2.

                  Also, when Replicarter is walking dramaticly into the Alpha site gate room, the music in the background sounds very similar to the Terminator theme tune, well atleast i think so, but its cool, someone should make a Terminator Music vid!

                  I give green for signatures with ancient in them


                    ...First thing that popped into my head... I had to:

                    It's big enoug to be used as a LiveJournal icon, so if you want to you can use it, just give me credit!

                    Also made this one a while ago because I... had to:

                    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                      Originally posted by dpgiffin
                      Severe spoiler for Reckoning:

                      Picture from Reckoning
                      Hmm. That particular picture smells rather strongly of 'crew of SG-1 mucking about and winding up the spoiler-hounds'.

                      And with that hair, clearly Fifth went back in time and became one of The Professionals.
                      Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                      - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                        Originally posted by dpgiffin
                        Severe spoiler for Reckoning:

                        Picture from Reckoning
                        "Broke your arm."
                        "Got another... I've been upgrading."

                        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
                        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
                        BAD WOLF!!!


                          Actualy, you may be right, why would she change to that kind of arm? She probably wouldent, why would she have that arm when shes in that room? I dont think any of SG-1 will have somehow got aboad and into that room and she changed her arm into that to fight them, shes stronger then all of them and is imune to bullets. Also Smallvile had someone with that sword arm on in episode 2 or 3, so it is a blatent copy! lol

                          I give green for signatures with ancient in them


                            Originally posted by Replicarter
                            Actualy, you may be right, why would she change to that kind of arm? She probably wouldent, why would she have that arm when shes in that room? I dont think any of SG-1 will have somehow got aboad and into that room and she changed her arm into that to fight them, shes stronger then all of them and is imune to bullets. Also Smallvile had someone with that sword arm on in episode 2 or 3, so it is a blatent copy! lol
                            It's a whole big rip-off of Terminator 2. All of it is

                            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                              But Stargate can do that. B/c Stargate is the fusion between all good scifi-ness.

                              Yes. I agree. Replicarter has a new arm. A regular arm. She sees enemy approaching. She smirks. She morphs her hands into blade. More smirkness.

