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Why do you think Jack has such a distaste for Russians?

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    Perhaps he only gets hangovers from Vodka.


      Originally posted by SF_and_Coffee View Post
      Not that ducking under their desks would've helped.
      The Department of Education really underestimated schoolchildrens' intelligence, or at least I hope they did! They were maybe unrealistically attempting to reassure them that they could survive when the Russians decided to release one of their nukes.
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      RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


        Originally posted by StargateWatcher View Post
        The Department of Education really underestimated schoolchildrens' intelligence, or at least I hope they did! They were maybe unrealistically attempting to reassure them that they could survive when the Russians decided to release one of their nukes.
        Exactly. I think it might have been an attempt to give kids some peace of mind, however unrealistic, so that they could get through the day without worrying so much about it as to prevent them from being able to function.

        By the time I entered school, the idea of nuclear war and what it would really do to people had been around in the public consciousness for so long that I think all pretense had been abandoned. I do remember the existence of public fallout shelters at schools and other public buildings, though.

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        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
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        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


          I was born a bit later, in 1981, and don't recall being aeare of any bomb shelters in the schools and other public buildings at that time. I guess by then no one in the US thought the Soviet Union would dare launch any nuke on the country.
          If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

          RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


            Most of the fallout shelter signs were gone by then. Every now and again you still see one over an obscure door on the street somewhere, but they were far more common in the Seventies, especially the early Seventies, and even then they seemed to be largely a relic of the Fifties and Sixties.

            But in the early Eighties, people still worried about a nuclear war. The thought cropped up regularly in song lyrics, in films (ever seen "War Games", for example?) and in literature and television shows. The Cold War was not yet over, and in fact seemed to gain momentum at times, especially as the Soviets pursued expansionist agendas in places like Afghanistan (where I suspect Jack O'Neill, in the Gateverse, may well have spent some time helping to train mujaheddin fighters to counter Soviet-backed troops) although as the decade progressed beyond its midpoint, there began to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

            Mikhail Gorbachev, who came to power in 1985, introduced perestroika and glasnost, which helped to open up a broader dialogue between the Soviets and the West and accelerated detente between the USA and the USSR. The Kremlin made a series of political and military concessions, including entering into a bilateral arms reduction agreement designed to scale back both nations' nuclear arsenals. From 1989 - 1991, the Soviet Union teetered on the brink of collapse and the Communist governments of the Warsaw Pact nations were losing power. Component republics of the USSR were declaring autonomy from Moscow. The Russian Republic was one of the most notable to threaten secession, and by the end of 1991 the USSR was dissolved. People breathed a sigh of relief at the prospect of disaster averted.

            (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
            Sum, ergo scribo...

            My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
            now also appearing on DeviantArt
            Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


              It's very simple. The Russians were the red shirts, and were therefore a cliche. RDA and Jack HATE cliches, unless they're the one using them.
              Todd: Fish in a pond, busy busy, lots to do, here and there. Dry as a desert outside, no place to go. Eat up, get stronger, think and hope, think and hope. Don't look now! Oh, keep dreaming. There must be some other reason for your existence. Defiance tastes like life itself. No river. No water. Die in the desert. Dirt is all around. The harvest moon is rising. Wraith are never-ending. I know the future. Come inside. I'll show you your Destiny... John Sheppard.

