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time-travel question (spoiler for it's good to be king)

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    time-travel question (spoiler for it's good to be king)

    so now you're aware, there's some spoilers about it's good to be king here

    So now we're fix, they have studied our race in our own galaxy AND in the pegasus one's ... so there maybe many other galaxy .

    In the "it's good to be king" episode, we see that a man has used the "time-travel puddle-jumper" to study the history of this planet ....
    But How is it possible that when he was in his present, he has been able to take the ship [So he was no-longer here !] and go to the future, and see SG-1 destroying a goa'uld ship with this same ship that he is in ... shouldn't have we discover an another time-travel pudle-jumper in orbit around the planet ?

    Because some1 said in the serie that when we go in time it creates a "second you" so you create a new person, and your original body stay where you came from ! isn't it ?

    Sorry if i'm hard to follow but I don't really understand their time-travel's theory. If someone can clarify it to me it would be appreciated

    ps: for the modos: don't moove my post, because I talk about a thing that concern all Stargate episode ... thx.

    pss: spoiler for SG-a episode before I sleep: When weir and his team went 10 000years in the past, did their body remained in the city and that a "copy" went in time ? Because I think the timetravel and the alternate-universe are similar in some ways...
    Last edited by po134; 08 January 2005, 08:45 AM.
    - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
    - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
    - The Nox

    Ok. I tried to come up with a 'every time he jumped he created a new universe in the multiverse' explanation, but it got rediculously complicated.

    let's go with:

    Puddle Jumpers can Cloak.


      but you missed something wraith can sense puddle-jumper cloaking true ? so an ancient ship should also sense a cloaked ship ! So Carter (don't ask me how she could have say that there was a ship if all ship's command are mentals , ecept if the ship was visible ... mmm) would have notived 2 ship, a big one and a cloaked one ...

      But it doesn't explain how a man could be in the ship, He see in the future ... because if in the past he left with this ship, it is not here in the future right ?
      - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
      - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
      - The Nox


        Maybe this Time Traveler (Jonus?!? Or did he make a few of them and sell them at Crazy Jonus's Used Jumpers!) wasn't there watching it, maybe he had visited a point in the future of Maybourne's world, and heard the story from villagers, or read a written account of it. That could be why it was so fuzzy on the details.

        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
        BAD WOLF!!!


          Originally posted by po134
          so now you're aware, there's some spoilers here.
          So now we're fix, they have studied our race in our own galaxy AND in the pegasus one's ... so there maybe many other galaxy .

          ps: for the modos: don't moove my post, because I talk about a thing that concern all Stargate episode ... thx.

          pss: spoiler for SG-a episode before I sleep: [snip]...
          You put a spoiler in the subject header. I'm sure there are people who wanted to watch "It's Good To Be King" without any foreknowledge that time travel plays a role.

          And just because something might concern other SG episodes doesn't make it right to put episode specific spoilers here rather than in the episode section.

          To compound the spoiler problem, you also placed significant Atlantis spoilers for a recent episode in an SG-1 section. In case you're not aware, there ARE people who don't have the benefit of watching both series concurrently as SG-1 is airing in the UK ahead of everyone else while Atlantis is airing in Canada ahead of everyone else.
          To Infinity And Beyond!

          O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


            When is it sopposed to air in canada? Cause I cant seem too find it.

            Doesnt matter though cause I do the unmentionable thing instead.

            The Egyptian Cat God .


              it's good to be king spoiler
              Bast > Me eaither I don't care when it's air in Canada

              Buzz Lightyear >You don't understand. I'm not talking about it's good to bne king only ! i'm referring to that episode, to create a theory about time-travel for both show. if they don't wanna read it so they just don't have to come here. When I say spoiler for ... doesn't mean it only talk about it ... I just say some stuff from that episode ! OK ? anyway I mdofied my post to "spoiler for SG-1"

              IMForeman > perhaps you are right ... perhaps not But I really don't know if you make a clone of you, or the real you from the point of origin, just disappear to transport himself ... but if you transport yourself and your body disappear, it would mean, in the future nothing could have happen in relation with that puddlejumper !!!!! So There has to be a "clone" ... so even Jonas has been cloned by his own machine, because he couldn't have just make himself disappear in the past togo in the future, without modifying the future by deleting the ship from his old present, so the planet wouldn't have a ship in the past ... so there would have no ship when sg-1 would come !

              I don't know what to think
              - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
              - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
              - The Nox


                I agree with whoever it was that said that Ancient ships can cloak and whoever said that Janus might have heard the tale after the deed was done.

                The Timejumper would have detected another jumper, even cloacked in the visinity but do we know the range of the jumper's sensors? Maybe Janus moved far enough away not to be seen. Also, it was the first time Sam was in a jumper, maybe the data was there and she just didn't see it. The jumper wouldn't have made it prominent since it was ancient therefore friendly. And of course
                Janus was not allowed to continue his experiments on time travel as we learnt in Before I sleep. Therefore he must have been working illegally on it so, genius that he is, he might have fixed his ship so that it wouldn't be detected by jumper sensors.
                May our transmatter beams cross again...

                Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                  Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
                  I agree with whoever it was that said that Ancient ships can cloak and whoever said that Janus might have heard the tale after the deed was done.

                  The Timejumper would have detected another jumper, even cloacked in the visinity but do we know the range of the jumper's sensors? Maybe Janus moved far enough away not to be seen. Also, it was the first time Sam was in a jumper, maybe the data was there and she just didn't see it. The jumper wouldn't have made it prominent since it was ancient therefore friendly. And of course
                  Janus was not allowed to continue his experiments on time travel as we learnt in Before I sleep. Therefore he must have been working illegally on it so, genius that he is, he might have fixed his ship so that it wouldn't be detected by jumper sensors.
                  I'll continue to talk about spoiler for before I sleep so don't read it if you don't wanna know more about ...
                  Sure, he was afterall, a member of the ancient concil (We can assume , but i'm not sure !)
                  As answer to your little theory about hearing the story after it was done, I entirely disagree once aigain! According to time travel theory, when Jonas would have go in future, the ship would have no longer be in the past, so sg-1 couldn't have use the ship in planet's past history ! So they would have been unable to tell Jonas their damn story about sG-1 saving them because the ship wouldn't even have been there the whole time !!!! the only explaination is that parralel universe and time travel are in relation together ... and that you create a "clone you" when you make time-travel, as I suggested before.
                  Last edited by po134; 05 January 2005, 06:33 PM.
                  - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                  - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                  - The Nox


                    Originally posted by Bast
                    When is it sopposed to air in canada? Cause I cant seem too find it.

                    Doesnt matter though cause I do the unmentionable thing instead.

                    Atlantis airs in Canada on Monday nights on The Movie Network, a pay tv channel.
                    To Infinity And Beyond!

                    O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                      Originally posted by po134
                      Buzz Lightyear >You don't understand. I'm not talking about it's good to bne king only ! i'm referring to that episode, to create a theory about time-travel for both show. if they don't wanna read it so they just don't have to come here. When I say spoiler for ... doesn't mean it only talk about it ... I just say some stuff from that episode ! OK ? anyway I mdofied my post to "spoiler for SG-1"
                      I understand exactly what you're trying to do but you still don't seem to realize you placed a spoiler for "It's Good To Be King" right in the subject header which people cannot avoid seeing when they enter the main part of this forum. No one needs to read this thread to be spoiled. You've already written "time travel question" as part of the subject line. That is a spoiler.

                      A lot of people want to go into watching a new episode without knowing any of the plot points. It's like if you wrote the following subject header after the S7 finale aired - "Ancient outpost question (spoiler for Lost City)".
                      To Infinity And Beyond!

                      O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                        Originally posted by po134
                        As answer to your little theory about hearing the story after it was done, I entirely disagree once aigain! According to time travel theory, when [*snip*] would have go in future, the ship would have no longer be in the past, so sg-1 couldn't have use the ship in planet's past history ! So they would have been unable to tell [*snip*] their damn story about sG-1 saving them because the ship wouldn't even have been there the whole time !!!! the only explaination is that parralel universe and time travel are in relation together ... and that you create a "clone you" when you make time-travel, as I suggested before.
                        Btw, this point has been well-discussed in the official episode thread for "It's Good To Be King" here .
                        To Infinity And Beyond!

                        O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"


                          Jack and Sam don't know how to use a puddle jumper, it was their first time
                          Maybe it indicated the presence of another jumper without they see it.


                            Buzz Lightyear > I said it twenty times now ... I DON'T CARE OF THE 5-6 SUBJECTS YOU DISCUSS IN A SINGLE THREAD ! I WON'T READ 10 PAGES OF TEXT JUST TO FIND WHAT I WANNA SEE. starting a thread about a theory for the whole 2 show is a better idea.

                            nikolaikondom > Maybe, but still, it is my point here, I wanna know how can Janus saw Sam and Jack in the future, or heard of them ... because when he left with his ship, it wasn't in his past anymore ... so the whole story couldn't have happen !

                            ps: I posed here 6 days ago but someone deleted it i dont know why ... i'd also modified my subject header to spoiler for sg-1 .... anyway seems the modos don't like me or firefox sux ...
                            - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                            - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                            - The Nox


                              Originally posted by po134
                              Buzz Lightyear > I said it twenty times now ... I DON'T CARE OF THE 5-6 SUBJECTS YOU DISCUSS IN A SINGLE THREAD ! I WON'T READ 10 PAGES OF TEXT JUST TO FIND WHAT I WANNA SEE. starting a thread about a theory for the whole 2 show is a better idea.
                              For the last time, don't post spoilers in the subject header and no one will come down on you. Can't you understand that simple concept?
                              To Infinity And Beyond!

                              O'Neill: "Do we know this... shrub?"

