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Hypothesis on season 9's new enemy

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    Hypothesis on season 9's new enemy

    After just watching "Gemini" and listening the dialogue that took place within it, I have a hypothesis on who the big new bad enemy of S9 will be.

    Pretty serious spoilers here about some things discussed in Gemini that lead me to this hypothesis, so if you don't want to know anything about Gemini to do not read the spoiler below.

    I'm assuming the new enemy for season nine will be Replicarter. Either that or a Gau'old/Replicarter hybrid.

    Imagine combining the Gau'old and the replicators into one entity. All Gau'old knowledge (in the episode they said the replicators would go after the Gau'old first as they had most technology), tons of Ancient and Azgard knowledge (in the episode they mention the Humanoid form of replicators - now immune to bullets got a lot of ancient info from their taking over azgard ships) and now thanks to Sam, lots of Earth/SGC knowledge. Pretty potent enemy!

    i think that Season 9 shouldnt have a new enemy just yet, i think it should look more in detail into the history and evolution of the Goa'uld, into the Jaffa Origins, to try and find a way to either make peace of wipe them out completely, everything has a weekness, if season 9 is about trying to find that weakness, it can lead the way for the Goa'uld merging with the Replicators when they find defeat imminent
    Virtual Jurassic Park


      Shouldn't you put that in spoiler tags? Not everyone is aware of the potential links between those two enemies.


        I doubt that Gou'ald or little critter things are much instore for season nine. As the new Stargate comes so will an truly nasty race that needs water and humans are 98% bags of liquid.

        A tasty walking juicy-juice.
        The very young, do not always do what they are told.

        "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


          well hopefully season 9s gonna be the last, wrap up the enemies to a degree and finish em with films!
          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


            I think Season 9 shouldn't even bring in a new enemy. We have the Replicators, we have the Goa'uld, finish them off, finish the series, and thats the end. I mean, you can only bring this series out for so long. I admit I am a huge and probably obsessed Stargate fan, but some of the stories from Season 6+ have tried my patience...Grace, Prometheus Unbound, Resurrection, The Changeling, etc. I want Stargate back to the way it was - Mythology, meeting new races, exploring the galaxy. I really feel like TPTB have really taken this show in the wrong direction. The only thing I like for Season 9 is going and discovering the origin of the Ancients, their history, etc. That I like. Claudia Black's 5 episode arc I do not!


              I assume this will happen soon in S8 or maybe in S9 season pemiere ... but that takig the goauld and their way of thinking [Obviously the goauld are a very powerfull being who knows how to control almost everything so replicator may be influenced by their idea, at least the human replicator ]
              But they said NEW ENNEMY, so maybe there will be a new threat, or race that we will discover by the end of the season .. for a S10 !

              Yes they will explore the idea of replicator/goauld with us and the asgard as ennemy so maybe we will have to seek hekp from the ancient or an other race [In S8 we will see the ancient aigain so ..] and the writters said that they would explain lot of things about the ancients in S9 so !!!!
              - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
              - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
              - The Nox


                Hmm, if Replicarter has all of Sam's memories, does she also have Jolinar's memories?
                Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                  I think it is bad idea to have Replicarter as the new enemy in season 9 she should be killed off this season. I have feeling it will be totaly new enemy which the sg-1 meet when they are
                  time traveling in season final
                  "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                  “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                  “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                  “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                  “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                  “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                    You have to remember that since season 9 was announced so late, there is a good chance that the 8 finale was already filmed as a finish to the show. Unlike s5, s6, s7, where they had a chance to alter it to let the show go on.
                    I could be wrong, as they could have known about season 9 a long time and not told, but given that, i doubt we'll meet anyone new in the finale, and im pretty sure replicarter will be dead by reakoning. Writers have a tendency to wrap up story lines, and kill characters when they fell the show is about to end (see Dr Fraiser, or the Tollen)

                    My guess is that it will be something new, but probably something we've heard of earlier. Maybe Foothold aliens. I don't see the replicaters doing much with the goa'uld. other than anubis, the goa'uld have little to offer them.

                    Spoiler free since Jan 3 2005 (It's getting harder each day)


                      The new enemy will probably be introduced in the first episode and the first scene is gonna be a ship shooting at another ship(possibly a Goa'uld). We could be dealing with a species 8472 that wants to exterminate all other life.


                        'Replicarter' as a enemy in season nine? I doubt it.

                        When the 'new enemy' was announced in the interview I wasn't surprised, but kind of happy to see someone new. It has to be someone bigger and badder. Someone that has a lot of knowledge. By what Brad was saying, the new enemy will be a new enemy, otherwise why would he say that? I don't think it will be someone we've seen before, as if you've seen 'Gemini' you'd sort of know how 'Replicarter' turns out.

                        But if we've got a new enemy and we will, Brad said that the end of season eight would relate to this, so I'm guessing from 'Reckoning' and beyond will be the episode where hints are dropped. But let's hope for a brand new enemy that we've never heard of.



                          The writers have speant the last few seasons trying to show that there is a lot more going on in the galaxy than the goa'uld (The "Grace" ship, the Henebrians (sp), the weird Prometheus unboud aleins, Aschen)
                          I guess they wanted to add a little deapth to the galaxy, and have it not just be the Goa'uld and their human slaves.
                          That being said, i wouldnt be suprised it the new enemy is just something we haven't bumped into yet, but not anything super new.

                          My bet: Humans.
                          We know humans can get advanced, we know humans can be bad.
                          I'm guessing that it will be a race of humans that aren't 'evil' in the sense of the goa'uld, but just plain nasty, or greedy. Think Genni. Not evil... but def not moral.

                          hey, maybe we can even blame ourselve for weakening the goa'uld and letting these guys gain power.

                          Spoiler free since Jan 3 2005 (It's getting harder each day)


                            Wass > maybe that we will create our own new ennemy ... it is very possible don't you think ?
                            - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                            - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                            - The Nox


                              As long as we stay away from time travel / alternate universes / Human replicators(BORG+Terminator... no thanks)I'm fine

                              I'd also be nice if the race isn't patheticly advanced like the goa'uld were in the beginning, just to force SG1 to come up with some random solution everytime.

                              A race at our current level of technology, or maybe slightly less but having the benefit of their entire planet and therefore more resources would be nice. Possibly a little bit higher techwise could also work. Just so that they'd have a few tricks up their sleeves.

