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Stargate fans obsessed with sex? (Spoilers for Prometheus Unbound)

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    I started the thread because I thought Vala was operating on a few other levels that most people were overlooking. (I still think they are ) She wove a nice tale about refugees about to be discovered by Ba'al, subtly manipulating Daniel. Unfortunately, that was smothered by the sexual innuendo, which was as subtle as a two-by-four to the head.

    Which is probably why I noticed it. I am notoriously thick-skulled, and am used to taking blows to the head and operating just fine afterwards. (I'm 6'6", I hit my head on everything.)
    Ahhh... okay... (Now, I'm the one who is thick )
    Well, it's human nature afterall... at the mention of "sex"... people's attention perk up immediately. I don't think it's just Stargate fans...
    I blame TPTB... it is they who allowed the whole sexual innuendo stuff to overwhelm the story (if it can be called that). UST would have worked well enough. I think Daniel was a tad *cough*gullible*cough*... she was as believable as a shark turning vegetarian.
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Originally posted by Hatcheter
      I started the thread because I thought Vala was operating on a few other levels that most people were overlooking. (I still think they are ) She wove a nice tale about refugees about to be discovered by Ba'al, subtly manipulating Daniel. Unfortunately, that was smothered by the sexual innuendo, which was as subtle as a two-by-four to the head.

      Which is probably why I noticed it. I am notoriously thick-skulled, and am used to taking blows to the head and operating just fine afterwards. (I'm 6'6", I hit my head on everything.)
      I don't necessarily think Vala was trying to seduce Daniel. I think maybe she was just trying to keep him off-balance. She succeeded in that admirably (watch his confusion with her through most of the ep), just not enough to accomplish what she was trying to do. She'd have done better just to stick with the sob story, but she couldn't have known that going in.
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      An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
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      Now, there's this about cynicism. It's the universe's most supine moral position. Real comfortable. If nothing can be done, then you're not some kind of **** for not doing it, and you can lie there and stink to yourself in perfect peace.
      -Lois McMaster Bujold, "The Borders of Infinity"


        Originally posted by Easter Lily
        I don't know that we should necessarily blame fans for this episode Shouldn't we be asking the question... "are TPTB obsessed with sex" instead? Either way I don't think the episode itself begs the question.

        I don't think I'm that much of a prude... but I thought the episode in question was quite silly. It was largely a filler: cheeky on the outside and hollow on the inside... I agree with Osiris the whole thing smacked of a poorly developed slapstick comedy. Plus I am really finding this Daniel the Stud thing increasingly tiresome. It seems like every Mary, Elizabeth and Susan is giving him the once over lately.
        I think maybe they did lay it on quite thick in PU.
        And it did come off as silly.

        It just seems that if they wanted to do this they could of had a more enthralling episode with all characters instead of just Hammond and Daniel.

        Hammond was a very nice surprise and I have to say him being there made it feel like how it used to be. Which is a nice feeling.


          I sure wish I was Daniel Jackson during that episode.


            I'm coming to this thread from as a new viewer to SG-1. Frankly, I'm very surprised at how much people get upset about anything sexual in relation to SG-1. I've heard numerous complaints about the new sexy outfits, from Daniel's black t-shirt to Carter's t-shirt to Replicarter's shirt. And every time I see a complaint about an outfit showing too much skin or being too revealing, my jaw drops open. We're talking about bare arms here. Arms! Compared to any other show in TV, Stargate has to have the most covered up characters ever.

            And then there are a lot of complaints about the sex in PU. Like the original poster, I totally agree that vala used sex to distract Daniel and gain the upperhand. She tried other things too, but no one is focusing on those. I've even heard people call PU soft porn. Do you believe that? I actually feel sorry for whoever thinks PU is anywhere near porn. They've clearly been missing out!

            So I wouldn't say Stargate fans are obsessed with sex. I'd say they're obsessed with keeping the characters pure and virginal. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but as a someone new to the show and this board, I've found the complaints about sex to be a little fuddy duddy-ish, something the Church Lady would complain about.

            Even scientists and military officers have sex, don't they? And I bet aliens do too.


              Originally posted by LordAnubis
              Sex isn't bad if u can get it
              I must concur.

              "We'll keep the light on for you."


                Get a room!
                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                  Originally posted by ShardsofGlass
                  I'm coming to this thread from as a new viewer to SG-1. Frankly, I'm very surprised at how much people get upset about anything sexual in relation to SG-1. I've heard numerous complaints about the new sexy outfits, from Daniel's black t-shirt to Carter's t-shirt to Replicarter's shirt. And every time I see a complaint about an outfit showing too much skin or being too revealing, my jaw drops open. We're talking about bare arms here. Arms! Compared to any other show in TV, Stargate has to have the most covered up characters ever.
                  I don't think the issue is about sex per se... but how sex and skimpy outfits take away from the quality of the sci-fi element of the show. Fans aren't too keen in TPTB using sex as a filler in what is supposed to be a sci-fi show. There are many shows that cater to that side of things but when fans tune into Stargate, they want to see Stargate not Starsex/Starsoap... Granted that some people do get a bit obsessive about the degree of clothing coverage, I still think the basic argument stands: sex appears to be used as a cop out or marketing tool when it is irrelevant to the overall story of the episode... In the case of PU I am convinced more than ever that it was a tool to tighten the budget in preparation for the big bangs that are coming up.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    o'neill: a thousand years?

                    whoa i just had a vision of an asgard doing it. freaky
                    "I was just looking at the sky, Trying to figure out how many stars we'd actually been to."


                      Originally posted by Easter Lily
                      I don't think the issue is about sex per se... but how sex and skimpy outfits take away from the quality of the sci-fi element of the show. Fans aren't too keen in TPTB using sex as a filler in what is supposed to be a sci-fi show. There are many shows that cater to that side of things but when fans tune into Stargate, they want to see Stargate not Starsex/Starsoap... Granted that some people do get a bit obsessive about the degree of clothing coverage, I still think the basic argument stands: sex appears to be used as a cop out or marketing tool when it is irrelevant to the overall story of the episode... In the case of PU I am convinced more than ever that it was a tool to tighten the budget in preparation for the big bangs that are coming up.
                      But the outfits aren't skimpy. That's my point. They're not anywhere near skimpy. And yet people complain about them as if this is the Victorian age. I just don't get it. If a character shows bare arms, there are lots of complaints. I'd understand it if everyone was walking around in bathing suits suddenly. But they're wearing T-shirts, for goodness sakes!

                      As far as sex being used as a cop-out or marketing tool, I guess I haven't seen enough Stargate to have ever seen that. But it seems to me that sex is a natural part of life, and I don't see why it can't also be part of these characters' lives too. Just because these people are in the military and on a scifi show doesn't mean they stop having sex. I'm not saying that this show should turn into Sex and the City, but by not allowing the characters to have full rich lives, including sex lives, the characters can't become real, fully developed people.

                      There's a happy medium between a show like Baywatch, where sex appeal was used to get ratings, and Stargate, where everyone is in the military and doesn't get to bare their arms and talk about sex ever.

