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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    I don't think the Alesians are terribly necessary, but they might be interesting to have as a small faction in a couple of story arcs. I do think they should be from an alternate universe, and given their description they could come through and try to use us a couple times like the alternate SG-1 did. Though I think this should be limited to one or two ships at a time.

    'killman's list of Jaffa Nations seems good, though I called the Free Jaffa Republic the "Republic of Free Jaffa". Still, even in reality you would expect alternate forms of the name like that, so I think we can use both RJF and FJR relatively interchangeably.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      I was not saying they are necessary but they are interesting, if you read the Golden Dawn spin-offs you'd see alternate universes are possible and could even be fun, and perhaps limiting it to a few of their planets coming throe, but not their entire military, just enough to bring chaos to order (hope you see the reference). So, limit it to keeping their space a 'no fly zone' but such that they cannot expand.

      I know I have been away for quite some time from this thread, but has the fate of the Asgard been sealed yet?

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        Yeah, we voted on back-stories a couple weeks ago. If you look back you can find it; basically we used a refined version of my Jotnar idea to get rid of the Asgard tech and revive a few Asgard, but they won't play a major role.

        EDIT: You can find it here. This is just the main back-story; we've done other details separately, like available technology.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Ashen Weapons:
          The use of device to device teleportation technology and the manipulation of an object’s momentum when transferred from one to another would lead to the conclusion that kinetic based particle accelerators and mass drivers (terms not applicable except in end result) based on imparting velocity on an object while dematerialized would be the logical choice.
          Such turrets can be placed all around the ship to provide excellent coverage, and all turrets, no matter the orientation, may be used as a phased array to transfer kinetic energy to the particles before being fired in order to reduce stress on individual components.

          Other applications include: instantaneous transport to a planetary beachhead, sharing supplies and personnel among a battle group, nanoscale manufacturing.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          FJN: Free Jaffa Nations (all 5):

          FJR: Free Jaffa Republic *like the FJN we saw in SG1*
          UJF: Unaligned Jaffa Fractions * jaffa that have not chosen sides, EG the "farmers jaffa worlds"*
          JPA: Jaffa Planet Alliance *alliance between various jaffa worlds, like a EU*
          IR: Illac Renin *since the ori incursion is canon. Jaffa who follow Origin*
          SA: Systems Alliance *traditionalists to the extreme who worship the Goauld as gods, but more like we worship on earth*

          I think 5 is a bit much. The JPA and the SA in my idea are the same thing, they do not worship the Goa'uld, but they would not like to see all the traditions and culture they have built up disappear, so they follow a similar hierarchy as the System lords of the past, but exclusively Jaffa. I'll have more details later, but Exam week is coming, so I can't do much for the next week and a half.


            seems like a great back story, however, does this removal of core related tech also include hyperdrive and shields for I can see tje Jotnar do that too, just to take a key player of their back.


            Also with the Alesians, the Asgard Remnant might have a chance for survival, also, the Alesians might prove a valuable ally and dangerous foe. I'd allow them with planets and a fleet, IF they are to be kept like they were in Golden Dawn before the start of the various wars and all, slowly expanding their sphere of influence but not inflicting too much problems for the Interstellar Community.

            Essentially making them a powerful nation, imperialistic and expansionist, yet incapable of really inflicting damage to the rest of the universe.

            Edit 2

            I could see the Alesians using politics to make it safer for them, so creating unrest in certain Jaffa nations, uplifting Earth slightly like the Asgard had done because the Asgard Remnant was pushing for them to do that. But to keep Earth from becoming über, I'd suggest the weapons equal in strength to that what Apophis used on his flagship in s4 and perhaps a few other technologies like cloaking devices. Thus keeping Earth on its feet and allowing them to survive, but make them no real threat for the balance of power like they were before.

            Also what about the Jotnar, would they see Earth as an enemy/threat or see them as a the 5th race, but still too immature?
            Last edited by locutes; 12 June 2010, 10:26 AM.


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              I think it's up to McKoy to decide what he wants to do with the Jotnar. IMHO, they think that we have a huge potential (Thor and Loki said we look like them at an earlier state of their evolution) but need to achieve 5th race status on our own. And they may also want to give a chance to other races from the Protected Planet treaties or even other planets (like the Jaffa, Reetu, Hebridans, ...).

              I don't like either the Alesians. Just because they still use Auroras 10 000 years after the end of the Wraith war. I fear that they have reached a technological plateau and since they are Ancients too, everyone else will just want to be only as good as them. They may be the Alpha of stargate but certainly not the Omega.

              Too much Jaffa factions : the Unaligned (UJF) and the Jaffa Planet alliance (JPA) could just be merge in a single faction, the UJF. The JPA could be made from the most powerful nation among them and nearly everyone else just want to get in.

              Having the SA and IR based on religious preferences kinda bothers me. I think we just should stick with Free Jaffa Republic (FJR) were every citizen is able to freely choose its religion and the IR becomes a political party that opposes Teal'c faction.

              And the System Alliance (sounds too much like the Lucian Alliance?) has all the Traditionnalists who are not happy with the changes made in Jaffa society and the friendly attitude towards Earth and the Jaffa who bowed down to the Origin.

              Therefore it's the Good (FJR), the Bad (SA) and the Ugly (UJF who just look at where their interest lies).
              La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
              L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                I rather like the 5 Jaffa factions, remember, there are over 200 nations on Earth and I do not know how many planets, why can the Jaffa not have that also, after all, they did come from 'nations' before and unification like the German Unification does not always go as smooth as said unification.


                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                  Originally posted by locutes View Post
                  I rather like the 5 Jaffa factions, remember, there are over 200 nations on Earth and I do not know how many planets, why can the Jaffa not have that also, after all, they did come from 'nations' before and unification like the German Unification does not always go as smooth as said unification.
                  the UJF are the equivalent of our 200 nations (if you take out the major ones). Whenever someone has a good story, he could pick among those nations instead of having people always fighting against the mighty FJN.

                  And about the other factions, it would be like putting Israel, Iran and the Vatican in the same room. We may suffer from their quarrels but the rest of the galaxy won't even notice. And this is why I think we should forget about the religion classification. Keep all this internal.
                  La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                  L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                    Just like Earth politics will all stay internal. Great thinking.. I think not.


                    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                      Well, I was just going to leave the specifics of the other Jaffa nations up to writers. After the Republic of Free Jaffa, we can decide on what the other nations are as we need them. Five-or-so "major" nations is what I feel would likely result, along with (of course) unaligned systems. To put this in perspective, the Goa'uld domains spanned at least half a galaxy. Five nations is perfectly reasonable, in my mind, but the number can of course be tweaked as we need it.

                      We could let anyone who wants to write about Jaffa pick a particular nation and elaborate on it, if they want.

                      As to the Jotnar; my perspective is that they don't seem to care much about humans now that they've solved their cloning problem. They might find us mildly interesting, but not threatening. Their current objective is to take revenge on the Wraith for the millenia they spent trapped on a toxic world.

                      And the Jotnar left us shields and hyperdrives, though without the Core they might be lesser quality models. The Jotnar just dismantled the directly Core-related and derived technologies.

                      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                        Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                        Well, I was just going to leave the specifics of the other Jaffa nations up to writers. After the Republic of Free Jaffa, we can decide on what the other nations are as we need them. Five-or-so "major" nations is what I feel would likely result, along with (of course) unaligned systems. To put this in perspective, the Goa'uld domains spanned at least half a galaxy. Five nations is perfectly reasonable, in my mind, but the number can of course be tweaked as we need it.

                        We could let anyone who wants to write about Jaffa pick a particular nation and elaborate on it, if they want.

                        As to the Jotnar; my perspective is that they don't seem to care much about humans now that they've solved their cloning problem. They might find us mildly interesting, but not threatening. Their current objective is to take revenge on the Wraith for the millenia they spent trapped on a toxic world.

                        And the Jotnar left us shields and hyperdrives, though without the Core they might be lesser quality models. The Jotnar just dismantled the directly Core-related and derived technologies.
                        Uh it seems to me that the beams weren't linked to the Core since they were installed successfully on other ships. Maybe we should just keep all the upgrades put already on the Prometheus and the early 304s and improve them with the knowledge gained from the core.

                        I am sure the tech guys from the SGC/Area 51 and Daniel Jackson made written copies of the Core knowledge. Maybe not enough to keep mopping the floor with everything launch at us but still be able to protect Earth from the average MW goons.

                        Someone suggested it before. I think Killman.

                        So what about the wiki idea? Is there one already?
                        La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                        L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                          There's the old wiki, but nothing new.

                          And if we want to have copies of some of the Core stuff tucked away, that's fine. But I think everyone agrees that it must be of far lower quality.

                          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                            Originally posted by lord groovy View Post
                            Uh it seems to me that the beams weren't linked to the Core since they were installed successfully on other ships. Maybe we should just keep all the upgrades put already on the Prometheus and the early 304s and improve them with the knowledge gained from the core.

                            I am sure the tech guys from the SGC/Area 51 and Daniel Jackson made written copies of the Core knowledge. Maybe not enough to keep mopping the floor with everything launch at us but still be able to protect Earth from the average MW goons.

                            Someone suggested it before. I think Killman.

                            So what about the wiki idea? Is there one already?
                            those beam weapons are core related tech. They after all only appeared after the core was given, so they are core related tech.


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                              i dislike the thought of asgard tech. i'd prefer if -after some 15 years of research- most of the technology is built by us. inferior quality but we can manipulate, use and repair it properly.

                              Tom you know how much i hate too much technobabble. just because something works in theory doesn't mean it can be engineered that way. a Railgun is perhaps one of the simplest technologies around. theoretically extremely simple. but we can barely use them because our material science can not produce sufficiently strong materials. same idea with your ideas. just cause it works in theory does not mean we know, or anybody knows how to use it or do it. if theory was the same as practice then our world would be a whole lot simpler.

                              as to 5 jaffa nations: i think that the jaffa have a MUCH bigger population than earth, and i think the total human population is also far bigger than earth. earth is 1 planet. we have found various advanced worlds, which -given their technology- would have several billion humans. also the rate at which Jaffa are expended suggests a high jaffa population.

                              as to estimates, i'd think some 20 billion jaffa. spread over the entire galaxy, that is.


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                i dislike the thought of asgard tech. i'd prefer if -after some 15 years of research- most of the technology is built by us. inferior quality but we can manipulate, use and repair it properly.

                                Tom you know how much i hate too much technobabble. just because something works in theory doesn't mean it can be engineered that way. a Railgun is perhaps one of the simplest technologies around. theoretically extremely simple. but we can barely use them because our material science can not produce sufficiently strong materials. same idea with your ideas. just cause it works in theory does not mean we know, or anybody knows how to use it or do it. if theory was the same as practice then our world would be a whole lot simpler.

                                as to 5 jaffa nations: i think that the jaffa have a MUCH bigger population than earth, and i think the total human population is also far bigger than earth. earth is 1 planet. we have found various advanced worlds, which -given their technology- would have several billion humans. also the rate at which Jaffa are expended suggests a high jaffa population.

                                as to estimates, i'd think some 20 billion jaffa. spread over the entire galaxy, that is.
                                probably way more jaffa than 20 billion......probably a few trillion anyway. The galaxy is big with millions of worlds


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