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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    that timeline will undoubtbly need some revising to make it work in this universe

    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


      bah, I will write a very quick history....

      The Alesians are a group of Lanteans that split off from the main group some 22,000 years ago. A Lantean captain named Amann Adar was exiled along with 50,000 of his followers for trying to form a political party to militarize the Lantean Empire. So the Alesians built up their population over thousands of years, having little resources to fight. The cold Alesian winter killed off 15,000 of them in the first year alone. Since then, they built up a civilization, building up their population and forming an alliance with the native Drow population on the planet, who revealed themselves to the Alesians on the planet. Since then, they set up a colony insystem to their homeworld as they started to build up an army and research concepts of war from their neighbors. The Alesians were few in number still, but they developed a formidable intelligence network as they started to build up their fleet and army. Currently they are still very few in fleet numbers and in an army, but their fleet and army are among the most advanced in the Milky Way galaxy. They have also formed an alliance with the Pegasus Asgard since both races had a mutual interest in each other and have traded much in technology to help sustain the other.

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        note, the Pegasus Asgard are called the Jotnar, and I think that would make things really interesting, Alesians and Jotnar together

        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


          still don't like it.

          Since beam tech is pretty common nowadays (since even goa'uld ships have that tech now)
          only baal had that. also doesn't mean it's reproducable. i prefer hard work for our tech instead of just copying everything.


            Personally what I'd perfer not to use is the Pegasus Asgard, in Atlantis they were actually (to me at least) kinda heartless, not caring for those that used the stargate and the like, and the effects the device had on the gate network and such.

            Personally I like the idea of using Amann's race the Alesians, maybe even the Darrowen, the creators of their planet, Alesia.

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Vanir or Jotnar?
              After reviewing the Wikipedia articles on Vanir and Jotnar, I must restate my opinion that to the Lost Tribe Asgard are more easily relatable to the Vanir than the Jotnar.
              The Jotnar are often described as primal forces of chaos, and at least one group is prophesied as setting the Earth on fire during Ragnarok.
              The Vanir however are both more closely linked to the Aesir, that it is not implausible that errors in the retelling of history within the Stargate universe have resulted in inaccuracies over the Vanir-Aesir War.
              It is possible that the Lost Tribe are a faction of the Vanir that did not join the Aesir, which in turn became the Asgard as we know them today, but retreated to Pegasus, it is also possible that another group of Asgard split form the main body long after the war, in order to pursue more unethical research into the problem of genetic deterioration, and took up the name Vanir, as they are seen in mythology as gods of wisdom and fertility(ties in with them fixing the cloning problem).

              Personally, I'm interested in working with the Vanir and the Pegasus galaxy. But as I said, my contributions will be few over the next week.

              I've written some stuff on propulsion, more detailed articles, so to speak, on tech list stuff.


              Propulsion Options
              • Space-Time Fold: Demonstrated only once on SGA by the Runner, appearing as a biotechnological armband that teleported him and anything he was holding within a short line of sight distance. Likely a sophisticated technology designed to evade Wraith detection of advanced species, which usually use hyper drives. The limited range and the requirement for recharge period between uses of the personnel portable version are likely due to the size and weight limitations, and would likely not play a significant part for a ship mounted version.

              • Gravity Point Drive: Involves using one’s hyperspace window generator, or specialized gravity generators to project a gravity point into a point in front of the ship, thus the ship “fall into” the point, however as the point as no mass of it’s own and is projected by the ship, the point also moves forward, creating an inertia less propulsion system. In theory allows for the highest acceleration, as the ship will not experience any acceleration due to the fact that it is essentially in freefall, however it is the most visible of inertia less drives due to the exposed nature of the gravity point which will radiate gravity waves.

              • Teleported Particle Stream (If teleportation based kinetic energy correction is inertia less): Uses a teleporter to accelerate dematerialized particles to high speed before rematerializing them and sending them through a magnetic field which strips them of their momentum, accelerating the ship. The stealthiest type of inertia less drive, as no gravity waves are produced, and the engine is completely concealed within the ship.

              • Displaced Warp Drive: A powerfull reactor, field generators and antigravity generators are bundled together then the AG generators project a antigravity field around the bundle, moving the whole mass of the engine into a pocket of space time, bigger on the inside than on the outside. The fields projected by the field generators however are capable of being felt by he universe at large and thus engine can thus be anchored to a ship. The drive is particularly effective because the mass of the engine is effectively “invisible” to the outside universe, due to the nature of the warp bubble, however the drive bubble is one use only, as when the reactor runs out of fuel, the bubble will implode catastrophically, destroying everything inside.

              • Pulsed Fusion (Project Daedalus): Pellets of fusion fuel are ejected into a reaction chamber and ignited by some means (laser, electron beam, antimatter canalization, etc.), at which point the explosion is redirected out of the reaction chamber by powerful fields. Pulsed fusion drives have the most practical balance between specific impulse and efficiency, however due to heir very nature, are inherently un-stealthy. Their emissions are so energetic, that they cannot be used in proximity to inhabited spaces due to the radiation produced.

              • VASIMR: Variable Specific Impulse Magentohydrodynamic () use fields to excite fuel into plasma state and expel it to produce thrust. The efficiency of the engine can be manipulated by restricting the number of particles that are allowed to escape the engine, thus a high efficiency mode would allow only the fastest particles to escape, while a high thrust, low efficiency mod would allow almost all the particles to escape. Creating fusion within the reaction chamber is common way to boost performance. Because the engine is contained within the ship, it its stealthier than a Pulsed Fusion drive, especially on high efficiency settings, but it’s plume will still be visible against the cold of outer space.

              • Teleported Particle Beam (If teleportation based kinetic energy correction is inertial): Uses a teleporter to accelerate dematerialized particles to high speed before rematerializing them and ejecting them from the spacecraft. T.P.B. systems have the widest efficiency range of any Newtonian drive system, being capable of accelerating a few particle sot high speed, or many more particles to lower speed to provide either high delta v or high SI respectively. They are also the stealthiest as their high efficiency particle beam drive plumes are small and hard to detect. Such a system can also double as the ship’s weapon system using it’s high efficiency drive plumes as particle beams, or passing them through a magnetic wiggler to generate laser light of any wavelength. The downside of this system is the sophisticated manufacturing and computer control required to operate so many teleporters simultaneously.


                Well, if the Alesians come through from an Alternate Universe they'd have to retake Alesia in this reality, which could lead to interesting implications for the native population. Probably they'd hide that from the rest of the galaxy.

                I could see the Alesians being a small force, pretending to help the Asgard Remnant when in reality they want to contact the Jotnar and ally with them like they did in their own universe. That could be an interesting sub-plot.

                The one thing I do want to avoid is an all-powerful Lantian race like the Navo Anquieta in the original fleets. Keeping the Alesian presence in our galaxy small and vulnerable is good. Perhaps they got here by accident? For example, we could say that they were testing a new drive system and it threw them into our universe, like the Alternate Reality drive in The Daedalus Variations.

                And yes, Princess Awinita, the Jotnar are very cold and calculating. They don't really care about humans at all.

                EDIT: Tom: Loki is described as a Jotunn in some of the ancient texts. This is (in my opinion) the strongest argument for calling the Loki-esque faction the Jotnar. The Vanir were often more friendly than the Aesir, not less. Also, there's the issue (as I pointed out earlier) of Freyr and Heimdall.

                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                  technically they would be named Jotunheim or vanaheim. asgard is the name of the home of the Aesir, by that logic the other asgard would be vanaheim, after the Vanir's home, or jotunheim, name of the jotnar's home


                    I prefer to, um, ignore that little goof. A possible explanation (in-universe) is that Asgard is the "politically correct" name after the merger of the Aesir and the Vanir.

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                      Well, if the Alesians come through from an Alternate Universe they'd have to retake Alesia in this reality, which could lead to interesting implications for the native population. Probably they'd hide that from the rest of the galaxy.

                      I could see the Alesians being a small force, pretending to help the Asgard Remnant when in reality they want to contact the Jotnar and ally with them like they did in their own universe. That could be an interesting sub-plot.

                      The one thing I do want to avoid is an all-powerful Lantian race like the Navo Anquieta in the original fleets. Keeping the Alesian presence in our galaxy small and vulnerable is good. Perhaps they got here by accident? For example, we could say that they were testing a new drive system and it threw them into our universe, like the Alternate Reality drive in The Daedalus Variations.

                      And yes, Princess Awinita, the Jotnar are very cold and calculating. They don't really care about humans at all.

                      EDIT: Tom: Loki is described as a Jotunn in some of the ancient texts. This is (in my opinion) the strongest argument for calling the Loki-esque faction the Jotnar. The Vanir were often more friendly than the Aesir, not less. Also, there's the issue (as I pointed out earlier) of Freyr and Heimdall.
                      this does indeed look like a nice and interesting sub plot. I could see the Alesians even playing both sides of the Asgard. ANd as to Asgard being the politically correct name could be explained by perhaps Thor after informing us what happened with the Jotnar


                      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                        "playing both sides of the asgard"?


                          yes the Remnant and the Jotnar


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            It would certainly be interesting.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              you know, if there is a way to enter a universe, I am interested as to what universes might slowly spill into this one!


                              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                                Mckoy could you post your backstory again with all the little tidbits we've discussed? i'd like to see everything we've got so far

