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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
    With Jacuzzi's
    oh I csan see it now.

    Welcoem to earth, here's your keys (like at a hotel desk), the elevator is around the corner on the left,, you're on the third floor, enjoy your stay and don't try to subjectiate the maid staff...

    oh good lord that would be a good fanfic to write out wouldn't it?

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
      Right so far we have decided when we are going to start, roughly what kind of ships we are going to use, what tech we are going to have and rougly who we are going to fight. What else still has to be decided?

      Edit: the captured Goa'uld idea isn't that bad. It would be very interesting when some of the Jaffa nations find out
      I don't think they'll care; they probably have similar facilities.


        after watching some more BSG (i LOVE that show. i just watched Flight of the Phoenix) i realised that our current fleet would be absolutely frakked if anything happened to maintenance. i mean, stargates are pretty fundamental in our supply lines. when Prometheus went down, supplies were sent by gate. a Deadalus Class does not have the facilities or anything for long-term spaceflight. at best they have food for a month, and that's because 4 people are left. it barely has water recycling, it's just a ship. i think that if we're gonna do a BC-305, it should be capable of more long-term spaceflight. the BB should be capable of this too. also a potential BC-305 should have better maintenance facilities etc.


          dont we need to vote on the race other than the ones allredy on the SG unvirce the ones we have made


            which one?


              all of them it only fair that evryone as a group desides wich bonus races enter and the role they play


                Originally posted by guppy338 View Post
                all of them it only fair that evryone as a group desides wich bonus races enter and the role they play
                My vote is for:

                Multiple jaffa nations
                Locust ship things
                Halo elite race lookalikes (can't remember their name)
                Minor Goa'uld
                any other races mentioned

                "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                  If you need more information on my Canderan race :

                  - History

                  - Fleet composition

                  - More discussion about the fleet

                  - their naquadah generators

                  - And my first attempt at space stations (Don't mind the colors)

                  La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                  L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                    Halo elite race lookalikes (can't remember their name)
                    the Andrei

                    im just finishing up their tec list


                      Originally posted by bradly08 View Post
                      My vote is for:

                      Multiple jaffa nations
                      Locust ship things
                      Halo elite race lookalikes (can't remember their name)
                      Minor Goa'uld
                      any other races mentioned
                      Under the Jaffa I'd like to split them into the FJN and the Systems' Alliance, progressive and traditionalist respectively. The Minor Goa'uld I'd liek to bunch up under the SGW New Mind and Praxis, and I'd like to add the Jotnar/Vanir for the Pegasus storyline.


                        after 4 hours of work i have finshed them while i got rid of all the major spelling mistakes their are going to be some i did not see so be kind and if teir is anything you dont get plz ask me.

                        2000 BC
                        Around two thousand years ago the Andrei found their stargate one of the northern continents of their world this was the beginning of their recorded history the reason because like many primitive cultures they formed a religion around their gate and most of their society moved to dwelling near the gate.

                        While the gate was their they did not know how to work the gate and they continued to see it as a religious artefacts about 100 years after the gate was discover the gate was used a race called the Omeyocan who where building one of their crystal skull transport pods on their world this would protect them from the Goauld.

                        1400 BC
                        While the Goauld were not able to attack the world the Andrei were still able to kill each other mostly on religion because many beloved the gate religion it was called the ring of the sky gods and the people who though the Omeyocans where their gods and left tribunes at their temple because their differences they had a long and bloody war this is where their recorded stops their because they renter a long dark ages because 60% of their entire population was destroyed in the war and they came out of their dark ages about 200 years later.

                        1200 BC
                        Their dark ages ended when a strong leader emerged from the darkness and he gave them a strong military leadership and their original high council that represented all 16 Andrei tribes

                        1200 - 800BC
                        over the next 600 years the population thrived they had got their industrial revolution before a virus swiped though their population but this time was more than 60 million at the end the was called the rocampa virus 1/3 of their entire population had died while they did not go back into the dark ages if anything it drove them to improve.

                        They had discover nuclear power and had undergone a second population boom and they continued to improve until they unearth the gate by this time the Omeyocans temple had been to dormant religious artefact and this discovery led to a second war which left more of their people dead

                        Form the war they had new found religious understanding with religions and they now coincide peaceful they then got back to building and in 1000 years they had achieved much and had achieved space flight not hyperspace but hay had a very reliable sublight engine that took them to their other planet in the system within 50 years of this happing they had a colony on that world

                        70 AD
                        By this time they had colonized 3 systems they still did not have hyperdrive and the gate still could not be worked because the DHD was destroyed in the first war of that world and without the stellar drift charts and knowing what the gate was their only option form going more than a had full of systems was hyperdrive

                        200 AD
                        They had finally discover hyperdrive and it was the first time that the Omeyocan could not protect them form the Goauld but while they had hyperdrive it was very slow it made about 3 YL a day at the best it took 2 days to get to their outer colonies it would normally take 7 years to get there.

                        1000 AD
                        They had explored 30 Yls out and had made colonies in 4 of the systems it had came across they had yet came in contact with anyone

                        1200 AD
                        The Omeyocan had continued to watch but not interfere with them they had even stopped a number of Goauld trying to dial to the world this was forever changed when 40YL out of their home world they found a second gate this was a significant find and they had not yet worked out how it worked but it was close.

                        by this time they had worked out how the gate worked and had gone to 3 different worlds one was a planet was home to a primitive human population it was the first meeting between to two and the Andrei maintains a alliance with the world to this day

                        1710 AD
                        They had encountered their first meeting with to Goauld the Goauld ran into an Andrei battle curser on their way back to their home world the Goauld ship lost badly the Andrei battle cruiser obliterated them in a small number of shots after being fired upon the Goauld was Shak'ran seeing the technology and wanted it to give him a advantage against the other system lords

                        1715 AD
                        The war with Shak'ran ended he got his beaten very quickly and most of his ha’taks were destroyed in the assaults into the Andrei’s 40YL primer around their home world this left him weak when Apophis destroyed him later on in that century and with the destruction of his flag ship went any information on the Andrei.

                        1800 AD
                        While the Goauld were no longer a threat some members of their race felt they were so a 3rd civil war broke out but it was stopped without destroying their civilization.

                        1900 AD
                        Almost 2000 years after arriving the Omeyocan had come to the conclusion that they were advanced enough to know about them and they finally revealed them self’s to them and they were well reseved and they told them about why they were there and well the information about the Goauld.

                        1900-2002 AD
                        the Goauld collective once again discover them but since they were very far beyond them the Goauld left them alone out of fear of reputations they continued to prosper though they had little contact with other races how they had not met before or who had come through the gate

                        Well in 2002 all the problems earth was kicking up had repositions for the Andrei eguere to try to get a greater advantage over them and the Asgard moderate size Goauld fleet made their way into Andrei territory while they were being destroyed a number of their ships got destroyed in the posses during the rain of Anubis they again came under the attack of Anubis who wanted to have a very good Andrei weapon antimatter missiles they tore up most of the Goauld ships.

                        They weathered the Ori better than most they did loss some of their territory and many of their large battleships the Ori never beat them by the time they had found the Andrei it was late 2008 and while the ori were good ground troops they were no match for the Andrei who’s fighter and ground troops were much more superior than the Ori mainly due the armament of the fighter being more than a mach for its opposite number and while it did leave 90% of its military ships destroyed they Ori fleet pulled out to send its ships to earth they were stopped by the Ark.

                        Since 2007 they put most of their industry into rebuilding their fleet and outer colonies and trying to find out that earth is.

                        Since the name of earth was muttered of a advanced race that defeated the Goauld and the Ori the Andrei wanted to meet them while they knew how to use the gate they did not have a point of reference so they could not dial them so they sent out 12 deep space survey ships that could cover 200Yl every one of their days and use sub space communications to relay back their charts and finding to their home world .


                          hear is the next part of their fact file

                          Their system
                          Their world is arid it has a number of small sea littered around the planet it does only have three large land masses the northern land where their main centre of population with the Omeyocan temple in the center of their main it is roughly the same size as earth the main difference is that it is a binary star system both yellow and slightly older then earths.
                          Their world has no nacquda nor doses their system or any of the ones nearby they do have an abundance of Trinium on the 6th planet in their system as well as good deposits on a number of their colony worlds.
                          Unlike most worlds were can enter hyperspace in planter orbit because of the binary star you need to leave the inner star system to jump to hyperspace. This is because of the higher radiation from the duel stars it makes window unstable this was their problem when trying to create hyperdrive but the radiation is low enough to make a safe jump after the seventh planet in the system.
                          Their star system consist of 15 planets and one gas giant around the same size as Neptune there is 2 naturally habitable worlds in their system the 5th and 7th the Andrei are from the dryer 5th the 7th is allot more greener they have also performed the 6th 8th 9th planets as well as 4 of their moons there is also domed colony on many of the worlds due to the fact that they are too far from their stars to be a candidate of teraforming
                          They also have many colonies in their territory 30 within their inner systems and 40 in their more other systems all are governed form Arcadia the name of their home world.

                          Their Government
                          Their government is a tribal like government structure there are 35 tribes in the Andrei systems alliance not all on the same worlds out of them 35 they are 16 major tribes and form that is the base of their government after the tribal council they leader vote on 2 leaders from the different tribes and they run it with the same amount of power each to keep balance.
                          Other than the Andrei they are 3 affiliate worlds within their outer territory which are human and while not considered Andrei do get all the right and privileges of their citizens and even have their own regiments within the Andrei military
                          Also each planet has its own governor who reports directly to the council and the leaders every worlds apart From Arcadia and Octoroon who are led by the leaders and this includes the human world.


                            part three

                            Military and fleet
                            They have a very good military as you would expect form 7ft tall space reptiles it is mandatory for all member other their population to serve 3years in their military in some compactly they have 18 regular regiments and 15 part timers as well as 20 conscripts and 3 human regiments on top of that they have the planetary militia. They are all equipped with a Trinium ceramic body armour and a plasma rifle that is very accurate they also are equipped with a plasma cutting blade and most generally have a smaller blaster as their sidearm.

                            Their fleet consist of 6 ships of different classes and size

                            They have a fighter it is about 9m long and 15m wide it can fit one occupant within it and fire 2 15kt plasma cannons from the wings it also carries 6 anti matter missiles (someone need to give me a figure for it) its thrust is generated with 2 ion drive engines.

                            They have a small corvette size ship about 60m long and about 20m wide it has a crew of 20 and can carry 60 additional passengers it is armed by 12 200kt cannons as well as 9 tubes for their anti matter missiles they also use advanced PDLs(point defence lasers )to take out fighters they have a small hyperdrive with is capable of about 50ly per earth day it is also equipped with a 500mt shield.

                            A long range survey ship it’s about 100m long and 35m wide it has a crew of 100 including scientists. It has no offensive weapons but does have 12 PDL to take out asteroids it also possesses a strong 900MT shield for defence and a fast hyperdrive by their standards that can go about 200ly per day it does not possess a cloaking device but it is undetectable by most scanners even some of the Goauld ones.

                            The next is a missile cruiser it is built with the same frame of the survey ship but instead of it having labs and al large cavity for the hyperdrive and it has got rid of the stealth systems for missile room it carries 24 VLT and has 200 missile title pact into the ship and can fire them all inside 1.5 mins it is also equipped with 12 500kt plasma cannons and 20 PDLs it also posses a 900MT shield and a 50lya day hyperdrive it can go 75ly a day in emergences

                            The next one is their main battleship it is 600m long and 200m wide it has a 400 man crew as well as carrying 200 extras on short missions it has a considerable armament 25 1mt plasma cannons as well as 2 20mt plasma cannons they also have 30 VLT with 300 anti matter missiles and a impressive 40 PDLs and it also has a duel shield grid one 1GT shield and a secondary 400MT shield it also has a 50 LY a day hyperdrive.

                            Their largest ship is their careers a huge 1100m long and 600m wide it has a 600 man crew and 120 pilots it also has the ability to carry 800 additional passengers it has 30 500kt plasma cannons and no anti matter missile because of its launch bays it does have 60 PDL for protection with that it has a 1GT shield as well as a 400MT secondary one and it does have some rudimentary stealth systems to prevent it being picked up from distance. It has a 60ly a day hyperdrive.

                            All the ship in their fleet use ion drives for sublight as well as matter transporter (apart for fighter)
                            That run on the same lines an Asgard one the only difference being you need to wear a arm band to aid in the incretion process and standard an all ships are sub space communication and scanners.

                            Unlike almost every space fearing race thy use no Naquadah in any of their power systems due to their not being enough to use in their area of the galaxy they use three types of power fusion for their low grade power and backup power systems. Their main power for planets is souler power they use large panel like used on earth but 99.9% efficient ship also have a small panel relay to use if all other power systems fail

                            for their ships reactor they use anti matter power it is as powerful as Naquadah but is more controlled and cleaner as they are no by product apart from hydrogen and steam this is why it took them so long to get into hyperspace as the power was much greater and the calculation had to be more precise the anti matter i generated in small particle exlarators and then fed through a anti matter engines (I’m not a scientist so bear with me) and this is how they produce their power.

                            They have slow hyperdrive to the majority of the other main races out their but since they really travel outside the confines of their own territory it is of no real reason to build them faster they also do have a faster hyperdrive that can go 200ly a day but is not often used due to the larger power consumption.
                            They use ion engines for sub sublight travel their sips can travel just below realistic speed with this engine. It gives them grate speed and makes the ship default to catch if they want to make a run for it.

                            They have a large amount o advance technology form medicine to tea spoons if I was to go into it all ii would be doing this till Christmas if you want to know what else they have ask and I will tell you


                            Males stand about 7ft tall and females about 6ft 7inchs they have a thick scaly hide that can resist bullet shots for some time they have good vision for a reptile and like all reptiles the lay eggs witch hatch. The reach maturity and 13 year of age but are still not fully grown as they got through growing cycles until the age of 32 their life span is generally form 90-120 years they are a race of omnivores though there is some member of their race that cannot process anything but meat and vice versa they are genteelly incompatible with human but could still engage in interment activates. They do have very good day vision but poor night vision

                            How advanced are they

                            If you were going to be on levels one to ten I would say 8 not as advanced and the Asgard and ancients but more advance the Goauld


                              In terms of major factions we have:

                              Milky Way Galaxy
                              • Five-or-so main Jaffa Nations, including the Republic of Free Jaffa, chaired by Teal'c, and four unnamed others.
                              • The Aschen Confederacy
                              • The United Nations of Earth and her Colonies (UNE / UNEC)
                              • The "Locust"
                              • The Hebridians

                              Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy
                              • The Atlantis Expedition (under the UNEC)
                              • The Jotnar
                              • The primary Wraith faction under Todd and various surviving independent Hives.
                              • The Genii Federation (I don't remember their official name . . .)
                              • The Pegasus Coalition

                              Minor races include the surviving Goa'uld, the Tok'ra, the Unas, and the Asgard Remnant. My Shrin'yar (AKA the Grace aliens) are a background force; they probably won't play a major role in the foreground. The Orii followers are also available if need be.

                              Now, I skimmed the rest of what I missed this past week (I was out of town at a conference). Was there anything else you guys want my advice on?
                              Last edited by Lt. Col. Mcoy; 11 June 2010, 09:03 PM.

                              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                                Five-or-so main Jaffa Nations, including the Republic of Free Jaffa, chaired by Teal'c, and four unnamed others.
                                FJN: Free Jaffa Nations (all 5):

                                FJR: Free Jaffa Republic *like the FJN we saw in SG1*
                                UJF: Unaligned Jaffa Fractions * jaffa that have not chosen sides, EG the "farmers jaffa worlds"*
                                JPA: Jaffa Planet Alliance *alliance between various jaffa worlds, like a EU*
                                IR: Illac Renin *since the ori incursion is canon. Jaffa who follow Origin*
                                SA: Systems Alliance *traditionalists to the extreme who worship the Goauld as gods, but more like we worship on earth*

                                Milky Way Galaxy

