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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Well I was depressed.............
    Says someone writing about two species who don't give a crap about who they kill or why, especially since in AVP it's humanity that gets it's ass kicked.

    kinda like in Mass Effect, where humanity is basically that crappy race at the backdoor.

    That is what AVP does most of the time.
    given what i've gathered by now about your project, it might not be a bad trend to continue.


      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      Says someone writing about two species who don't give a crap about who they kill or why, especially since in AVP it's humanity that gets it's ass kicked.

      kinda like in Mass Effect, where humanity is basically that crappy race at the backdoor.
      Humans fall down go boom.

      Xenomorphs for the most part are a non sentient(The queens base I.Q is 174) biological weapon developed by a race called the engineers, or Ossians. They are a biologically and structurally perfect organism and capable of existing according to real science, chemistry and biology.

      Yautja are a hunter species, their way of life revolves around the hunt, taking trophies, the thrill of the kill, earning honor. Xenomorphs are some of the most challenging prey in the universe so they hunt them.(Along with other species) Xenomorphs needs host to breed, so they capture hosts.

      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
      given what i've gathered by now about your project, it might not be a bad trend to continue.
      Cranky pants.
      sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

      If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


        Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
        Humans fall down go boom.

        Xenomorphs for the most part are a non sentient(The queens base I.Q is 174) biological weapon developed by a race called the engineers, or Ossians. They are a biologically and structurally perfect organism and capable of existing according to real science, chemistry and biology.

        Yautja are a hunter species, their way of life revolves around the hunt, taking trophies, the thrill of the kill, earning honor. Xenomorphs are some of the most challenging prey in the universe so they hunt them.(Along with other species) Xenomorphs needs host to breed, so they capture hosts.

        Cranky pants.

        Oh one thing about cloaking:

        the body-hugging field the Predators use is actually best explainable, maybe kinda like a Nanosuit..

        Anyway, are there any other big things you wanted to discuss?

        I was having an idea about a new Gateworld fleet. However, unlike ANYTHING done before.

        Basically, i want to start over again. set in 2013.

        A few important differences before i start:

        -I would add the element Maclarium ("Red Sky") as a side-product of Naquahdah refinement
        -Naquahdah is a building material, used for advanced technologies
        -Maclarium is a fuel material, used solely in reactors.

        -I would limit the range of the gates (and i do have ideas about how to expand it in the future if the need arises).
        -the range limit would be between 1000 and 5000 lightyears.

        -for the time being, forget about Trinium and Neutronium.

        One of the weaknesses of the Fleets is planning. We plan to much. We have 9500 posts of discussion and maybe 20 story posts. I would like to change this. Less planning, more writing.

        Now this is the backstory i want to do:

        The galaxy is occupied by the Goa'uld. There are many thousands of habitable worlds. The Goa'uld are parasitical, snakelike beings that can take over a human body (the "host"). A long time ago, when the Goa'uld reached for the stars, they came across Earth. They discovered many cultures and were greeted as gods in every single one of them. Drunk with power, they took the guise of the gods they were identified as. At one point, the Goa'uld discovered the Stargate on Earth, and addresses. Moving out into galaxy, Earth was hastily abandoned as the Goa'uld took some humans with them.

        Now, those humans are spread throughout the galaxy. Some of them have been transformed into Jaffa. Holy warriors of their god who fulfill their god's wishes, and maintain a base level of control. Some Goa'uld still adhere, even after all those years, to the old ways and use Unas as their hosts, and main warriors. Some are warlike, others are diplomatic.

        The Goa'uld are now in a static state. Research has to be shared, and none of the Goa'uld want to spend time to help their enemies. Their long lifespans have sucked the youthful spirit out of them, the eagerness.

        The Goa'uld empire is feudalistic. The Systemlords are the highest leaders. Each controls a spiral arm (the best way, i imagine, to use "natural geography"). The Systemlords have divided their territory among their Underlords, their generals, their commanders, etc etc etc.

        Usually, a minor Goa'uld reigns over a planet, where they have to pay a certain amount of produce to their master and keep the rest for themselves. When at war, they have to deliver troops and ships.


        Earth, 2013. The stargate has been in research since 1996. Only now has it been unlocked. Along with the gate, found in Giza, were many Goa'uld pieces of technology. A ship of unknown origins was found at Rosswell. Knowing that alien life is out there, the nations of the world have secretly created the IOA. It is an organisation tasked with overseeing all Earth activity with alien technology. One of them is Stargate Command, which is working with the Stargate.
        Now, finally, the Stargate has been unlocked and a brand-new facility is ready to embark into the universe.


          I agree on the less planning more writing part but not so much on the new backstory, maclarium is already canon, we should have used it before now tbh..
          You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
          Stargate : Genesis |
          Original Starship DesignThread
          Sanctuary for all |
          11000! green me


            Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
            Not for FF, its for real publication hopefully. Around 250 pages each iv notice for paperbacks.

            sounsd cool; I really hope to see you succeed b/c it would be cool for a Stargfate fanficiton fan to be able to do that; i feel sometimes they oput in more effort than the plotriters do

            Yupperoo, disregarding my above notes the simplest solution is oft the best.
            well, at least when you can't produce the tech lol
            If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

            RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


              I agree on the less planning more writing part but not so much on the new backstory, maclarium is already canon, we should have used it before now tbh..
              I know maclarium is canon. The question is, what should it do? Naquahdah is a horrible mess as it has a ton of extremely contradictive properties. In the new fleet case, i would rip Naquahdah's fuel properties out and put it in Maclarium. As it might be too much of a pain to produce, i would have Maclarium be found alongside Naquahdah. Maybe, 1% of maclarium in naquahdah ore. Naquahdah would be the building brick of advanced technology, Maclarium would fuel it.

              What parts do you not agree on and want to change? To me, what i wrote down is a clay ball and there's lots of room for molding it.


                I love your maclarium idea. As far as naquadah go's I do not really see it so much as a contradictory material as much as several types of material, different versions, naquadah hull would be like a depleted uranium armor or rounds, well fissile naquadah is used in reactors, ect ect. Kirotopes/isotopes. Yes different kirotopes of naqudah should be the building block of many technologies.

                However I love the idea of maclarium being used as a cheaper fuel then the fissile naquadah. Finally give it a use.

                -Fissile Naquadah

                As for taking out trinium, no, its useful. It is a good "companion" material for naqudah, strong yet light because of less density. Plus the Goa'uld use it to case main reactors.

                As for neutronium just make it an impossible material for the younger races to manipulate or utilize.

                Ancient/Asgard technology should remain the magical and incomprehensible technology it was in the early seasons, non of this humans modifying it and improving it crap. Learning to use it ok, replacing control crystals ok, making or changing the code of control crystals not ok, welding trinium plates to repair a damaged *insert item* ok, but nothing else. Heck Goa'uld technology should remain near impossible for humans to decipher.
                sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                  My Houjin would dub Thorium-tegaru-nenryou (Cheap fuel) and Maclarium one of the exotic elements (ekizochikku-Mijin) Futatsu-nenryou. (Second fuel/second grade fuel)

                  What would the Goa'uld call Maclarium?

                  P.S-I added a Maclarium page to the wikia, can you add your theories and notes about Maclarium onto the page killman?
                  Last edited by Gormagon; 01 January 2013, 10:25 AM.
                  sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                  If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                    . As far as naquadah go's I do not really see it so much as a contradictory material as much as several types of material, different versions, naquadah hull would be like a depleted uranium armor or rounds, well fissile naquadah is used in reactors
                    yea well, i think it's just messy.

                    I would rather have Naquahdah as a building brick alone.

                    As for taking out trinium, no, its useful. It is a good "companion" material for naqudah, strong yet light because of less density. Plus the Goa'uld use it to case main reactors.

                    As for neutronium just make it an impossible material for the younger races to manipulate or utilize.
                    Unfortunately, Trinium allows for all sorts of high-cheaty technologies at a low tech level.

                    I'd rather have Nanomaterials in than Trinium.

                    As for neutronium just make it an impossible material for the younger races to manipulate or utilize.
                    For the time being, it might as well not exist.

                    Ancient/Asgard technology should remain the magical and incomprehensible technology it was in the early seasons, non of this humans modifying it and improving it crap. Learning to use it ok, replacing control crystals ok, making or changing the code of control crystals not ok, welding trinium plates to repair a damaged *insert item* ok, but nothing else
                    Actually, in the new fleets i'd largely ignore those two. Just as with neutronium: i wouldn't remove any chance of it existing, i'd just not focus on it.

                    I think Goa'uld technology already is pretty high-tech. No need for super-magical dozen-times-as-strong races.

                    Audacity in size would be my decree. If it needs to be more powerful, make it bigger. Power by design, not tech level.

                    One of the things i loved from BSG, was that the tech levels were virtually the same, and that tactics largely determined the battle.

                    Now, if it were up to me, shields would be gone too, but i'm not too certain that would fare well with the rest. However, i would DEFINITELY add more projectile weapons to the fleet and i'd make far more use of armor.

                    No more "bolt hits, sparks fly". I think that BSG fairly accurately shows that (eventually they did have sparks flying, but only when under VERY intense attack.)

                    There are many more things i would change, which is why i need the fresh start. No more GT nukes. No more debatable Ton-or-megaton-weapons. I would like to put actual numbers into ship design that have meaning. not a number-crunching battle, but at least some stats to give some orders of magnitude for battle.

                    In essence, i would pull Stargate back into the realm of reality, where we can make meaningful guesses, where numbers have meaning, where armor has meaning, where everything has meaning.

                    I understand that Tep likes the Ancients, and i do too kinda. But putting a face to them is a mistake. The humanizing of the Ancients only made them look ridiculous, stubborn, stupid and very much unworthy of survival.

                    The Asgard are a slightly different aspect. I felt the Writers regretted their Four Great Races and they tried to forget about it. The Asgard went from super-powerful, godly race to just another face with fancy tech. While the Ancients suffered from ridiculing, the Asgard were significantly scaled down in power to make the ancients look better (which, IMO only made them look worse), and to make Humanity useful to their problems.

                    I like the Replicators. And by that i mean the REAL replicators. Not the Humanforms. Not the Asurans. The Replicators. I understand that in this case, it probably was a budget decision but still. I thnk they had credible, sensible strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes they were a little TOO powerful, like with the instant immunization, but it did always feel like a method of warfare and not some horrible achilles heel.

                    This is why i want to start over. Do the things we could never dream of doing before. this is why i kept the backstory quite vague and general. I really do want to start from there and just explore our little pond of galaxy. This is why i want to keep it small. A tiny portion of the galaxy already represents tens of thousands of stars and millions of planets.

                    A large portion of SG could've taken place in a bubble around Earth, a couple of hundred, maybe thousand, lightyears across. The backstory of the Ancients would've fit in a couple of thousand years timespan in stead of millions.

                    It just shows the ridicule of numbers, and i intend to change that.


                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      yea well, i think it's just messy.

                      I would rather have Naquahdah as a building brick alone.
                      It could be both.

                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      Unfortunately, Trinium allows for all sorts of high-cheaty technologies at a low tech level.
                      Not really, Earth should not have been able to manipulate trinium with such ease, we could make it far more difficult to utilize then it was in the series. With a melting point of say 12,000 F, 6648 C, could we really make use of it today?

                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      I'd rather have Nanomaterials in than Trinium.
                      We can have both.

                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      For the time being, it might as well not exist.
                      For now perhaps but I think a better term would be "it does not exist in *misc* technology right now"

                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      Actually, in the new fleets i'd largely ignore those two. Just as with neutronium: i wouldn't remove any chance of it existing, i'd just not focus on it.
                      Same here, just not focus on them but still have them. I think season 1 of SG-1 was probably the best season, and a good example for this budding new fleet, The Asgard, Tollan, and the three mysterious races of the Heliopolis were a cool, shadowy unknown enigma with godlike technology. (In fact I think the first episodes with the Tollans is called Enigma.)

                      I agree with your specific numbers, although many of the energy/damage calculations would be left unto yourself, I only have a rough knowledge of such things as I have not attended any higher up education facilities.

                      Here as it stands now in the screwed up SG timeline-
                      Goa'uld history-30,000 years
                      Human history-10,000 years
                      Asgard-stated a few times 100,000 years, even though it is contradicted by the Ancient timeline. It could be explained however that the alliance of the four great races occurred 10,100-10,500 years ago after the exodus of the Ancients from Pegasus.
                      Ancients-roughly 40 million years (Seedships)

                      New timeline?
                      Goa'uld-30,000 years (This is considered cannon btw)
                      Humans-10,000 years
                      Tollan-? (Need to figure out their origins)
                      Asgard-Keep the 100k years
                      Ancients-Roughly 1,050,000 years or so, would have to be in order for them to have planted the seeds of human life, include their technological advancement to the exodus from their original homeworld in an advanced spaceship, travel time to Avalon(MW), setting up the empire and time for the seedships to travel, time for destiny to travel and time for seeded life to develop. Plus they are the Ancients.

                      Yes keep the real Replicators, HFR kinda fail. Also, we need Asgard for fighting the Replicators.

                      What about the protected planets treaty? How does Earth survive all out Goa'uld attack?

                      Add on, Industry. Example, way more spaceships then in the show, especially Ha'tak.
                      sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                      If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                        It could be both.
                        the very REASON i want to change it is because right now it's messy.

                        Not really, Earth should not have been able to manipulate trinium with such ease, we could make it far more difficult to utilize then it was in the series. With a melting point of say 12,000 F, 6648 C, could we really make use of it today?
                        At those temperatures? probably not. Steel is already pushing the limits, 7k degrees celcius, nothing can withstand that.

                        Again: i'd rather have Nanomaterials because, well, there's limits to it. It requires a whole understanding and level of technology that for Trinium isn't really needed.

                        But again: i'd just postpone that. Mostly because the gate limitations could potentially leave a trinium-rich part of the galaxy out of view. or not.

                        We can have both.
                        Nah, i think Nanomaterials would win big-time.

                        Still, i'm far, far from convinced that Nanomaterials will be "the next big thing". It'll be a helpful tool, and an interesting material. But i very much doubt it'll revolutionize everything. Same with 3D printing. We have dozens of production technologies and all have their strengths and weaknesses. 3D printing a gun? yea if it needs to fire once. But the military will never accept such a weapon. 3D printing household replacement parts? don't be silly. design takes a lot of skill and effort. just printing a blob of plastic won't work. Granted, there might be people out there that DO have the knowledge, and share it, but that's very limited scope.

                        It's useful. 3D printing is gonna be real useful for rapid prototyping. especially for plastics and complex components. It'll be great for service engineers and such, to print quick-fix solutions for their costumers while the replacement part (if it's not already of the right quality) is ordered and placed. It's possible that in the future, the designs will be made such that the maintenance points are simply printable pieces and are easy replaced.

                        The same reasoning applies to Nano fabrication. It's a HUGE waste of time, energy and computing power to throw something in a nanopuddle and watch something come out. That puddle might be a cubic meter, the computer controlling it will be Watson-esque.

                        Nanofabricating stuff will be slow, cubersome, computation-heavy, slow, computation heavy, slow, slow, slow and expensive.

                        but again: there ARE fields in which Nanofabrication will do miracles. I mean, razorblades are cut by a micrometer-precise technique where it's chemo-electrically etched out. If you told those engineers 20 years ago that it would be used now, they'd call you crazy.

                        Similarly, such technologies will be really useful in the fields they're needed in. But i'm growing more confident that "nano" is just the successor of "quantum" as the sci fi buzzword. It can do great things. But it's simply not the next level of magic.

                        Same here, just not focus on them but still have them.
                        i think you're misunderstanding me (or vice versa). I'd just not mention it, at ALL. If at some point it becomes necessary or useful or whatever, we could mention it but i see no point in creating a ton of elements for completion's sake.

                        I agree with your specific numbers, although many of the energy/damage calculations would be left unto yourself, I only have a rough knowledge of such things as I have not attended any higher up education facilities.
                        I don't really care for extensive calculations. I just want to know rough figures of how much fuel it burns, what the generic output is, and what the rough firepower is. I wanna know if my railguns either make a dull thud when fired onto a planet or they're micro nukes.

                        New timeline
                        Again: i don't care for an exact timeline. The only things that matter are a couple of historically relevant numbers:

                        -When they first found Earth.
                        -When they left Earth
                        -Maybe when the stagnation roughly started.

                        If i remember correctly, the Goa'uld left around 3000BC in canon SG, but when they arrived has no mention whatsoever.

                        I haven't thought about those two races much, but if they go by my hands, they would not be very recognizable in tech terms.

                        Asgard-Keep the 100k years
                        I am not sure if i would even keep the rough ancient history intact........

                        I never really was satisfied by the "ancients seeded humans" thing. I never really understood...why.

                        Given my fairly limited knowledge of archaeology, the rough minimum of time i need to wipe the Ancient's mark from this galaxy is 10 000 years. Since i don't want the Goa'uld to possess a lot of intact Ancient tech, that would have to be bumped by some 5k years.

                        Again: i'm looking for a complete reboot. We have 17 years of Stargate to draw inspiration from, 4 fleets, tons of fanfic and 17 extra years of real-life advancement and our own widened horizons. I don't want to inherit the flaws of SG. This is why i want to start anew.

                        Ancients-Roughly 1,050,000 years or so, would have to be in order for them to have planted the seeds of human life, include their technological advancement to the exodus from their original homeworld in an advanced spaceship, travel time to Avalon(MW), setting up the empire and time for the seedships to travel, time for destiny to travel and time for seeded life to develop. Plus they are the Ancients.
                        Again, i would like to say: for my plan, forget all you know of Stargate for a second.

                        I wouldn't plan on having the ancients around to mess around, and i would most definitely not include any kind of Ori. What the Ancients precisely did and why, is for now not important.

                        However, whatever time they had, i wouldn't use a six digit number anyway.

                        By my above count, the Goa'uld needed 5000 years to conquer the galaxy. Given that they weren't really driven by anything, fine by me.

                        I would give the Ancients maybe 15000 years of reign over the Milky Way. That's it.

                        I need about 15k years to clean out most of their presence. That leaves their first appearance 30k years ago.

                        Now, the show makes it obvious they inspired the Romans and greek, and it's one of the things i liked about the Ancients. However, a lonely curious Ancient who puts himself in stasis would seem a more likely explanation that thousands of them surviving.

                        Yes keep the real Replicators, HFR kinda fail. Also, we need Asgard for fighting the Replicators.
                        What if there are no replicators?

                        What about the protected planets treaty? How does Earth survive all out Goa'uld attack?
                        There would not be an all-out Goa'uld attack.

                        Honor is important to the Goa'uld. That some Minor goa'uld gets opposed by a race who uses bullets would be VERY bad on their resumé and they would be too stubborn to say they're wrong and need help.

                        It would be very far into the war (which would not be fought on a galactic level, not even remotely close) that a higher-up System Lord actually starts noticing that his underlings are behaving odd and stressed and he finds out there's a small relatively low-tech race messing around with his power and making him look bad. Maybe other System Lords already knew and are laughing their asses off because of it.

                        A galaxy-spanning feudalistic empire would laugh it's ass off at one tiny planet opposing them. Earth would be underestimated (or actually properly assessed?) all the time. They might be a warlike people, but war to them would be a mostly "for the show" thing. The Goa'uld would've banned nuking eachother or using other super-deadly weapons on eachother for the simple reason that it makes no sense to use scorched earth tactics on your own empire. You make whoever's responsible pay, not the thing they're responsible for.

                        Add on, Industry. Example, way more spaceships then in the show, especially Ha'tak.
                        Actually no. Ha'tak too are a needless, complicated mess. I would class them as Baseships. Goa'uld lead operations from them. Making them fight front-line battles is a last resort, not an opening tactic. Each would carry extensive sensor arrays, CPU rooms, and CnC features.

                        I would rip most of it's warship role out (it should OBVIOUSLY have guns and shields, duh) and put it on a true workhorse ship. A cruiser (i hate using naval terms but it gets the point across).
                        The Goa'uld cruiser would be a ship that fights the battles, which the Ha'tak govern. Actual dimensions: don't know, don't care. We'll figure that out. Rough dimensions: wouldn't make it much smaller than a ha'tak. I liked the pyramid-inspired ships a LOT, and i felt it made SG much more distinguished from other shows than most ships in SG.

                        Oh and:

                        The Ha'tak'ko would be an entire class, not just some mothership. This is the Command-and-Control Battleship, which is basically a ha'tak and five Cruisers poured in a very different shape. A Ha'tak'ko would only be used by the highest ranking officers of the Goa'uld. by the way, there would be more than one First Prime (i'd use it as a synonym for general). Each System Lord would have about a dozen of them, for indication.

                        Other things:

                        Indication of ship building:

                        Ha'tak'ko: about a decade of construction time (life expectancy: infinite).
                        Ha'tak: about 3-4 years of construction time (life expectancy: i guess about a decade).
                        Cruiser: about 2-3 years a piece. (life expectancy: a year or two).

                        Al'kesh: the Al'kesh, most of all, would feature more guns. The Al'kesh would be less of a bomber (which, in SG, is a rather weird role) and much more of a Gunship (C130-esque). Each brings a couple of big guns and a couple of small guns. Designed to lay waste to stuff.

                        Death Gliders: I hated their horrible (and in some episodes: suddenly improved) accuracy and general horrible performance. The only reason they weren't instantly obsoleted (a squad of Jaffa has much more firepower) is that the Goa'uld have equally horrible anti-air.
                        To me, Gliders would mostly be a Raid ship, mainly used on planets (i think they would be absolutely worthless in space). Capable of attacking loads of soft targets while the Al'kesh lay waste to the hard targets.


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          the very REASON i want to change it is because right now it's messy.
                          True I suppose, I am fine with it being a building block for technology as long as the technology it builds can do that same things it did before.

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          At those temperatures? probably not. Steel is already pushing the limits, 7k degrees celcius, nothing can withstand that.

                          Again: i'd rather have Nanomaterials because, well, there's limits to it. It requires a whole understanding and level of technology that for Trinium isn't really needed.

                          But again: i'd just postpone that. Mostly because the gate limitations could potentially leave a trinium-rich part of the galaxy out of view. or not.
                          We never knew about trinium before the episode Spirits.

                          If we have to I would prefer to keep it in as ghost content shall we say, not mentioned in stories for now but still technically existing, but introducing it later. Yes I believe nano-materials should be utilized, but making trinium both uncommon and difficult to process even simply because of the melting point basically eliminates it as a current factor without eliminating it entirely, at least as far as Humans are concerned. Same with neutronium.

                          In my point of view, trinium is an important part of the Stargate universe being one of the primary four exotic elements. It itself could be used as a base for certain technologies. I also am not a fan of just one central super element (namely naquadah)being the building block of the universes advanced technology, makes it easier for the different races when all they need is naquadah(and scientific understanding but still). Oh we found naquadah on a planet we are set now. You know?

                          Trinium could have certain factors in its favor over nano materials.
                          -E5 energy conduits, being an exotic element itself could make conducting E5 energies possible, perhaps make it better then naqudah if you were going to use naquadah conduits
                          -As has been stated before by yourself nano materials lose effectiveness quickly once damaged, trinium might not
                          -Allow it to become much stronger then 100x carbon steel
                          -The sheer lightness is an advantage
                          -Make it required for certain technologies and technological advances

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          Still, i'm far, far from convinced that Nanomaterials will be "the next big thing". It'll be a helpful tool, and an interesting material. But i very much doubt it'll revolutionize everything. Same with 3D printing. We have dozens of production technologies and all have their strengths and weaknesses. 3D printing a gun? yea if it needs to fire once. But the military will never accept such a weapon. 3D printing household replacement parts? don't be silly. design takes a lot of skill and effort. just printing a blob of plastic won't work. Granted, there might be people out there that DO have the knowledge, and share it, but that's very limited scope.

                          It's useful. 3D printing is gonna be real useful for rapid prototyping. especially for plastics and complex components. It'll be great for service engineers and such, to print quick-fix solutions for their costumers while the replacement part (if it's not already of the right quality) is ordered and placed. It's possible that in the future, the designs will be made such that the maintenance points are simply printable pieces and are easy replaced.
                          Not sure where this came from but cool. Sounds like a process my Houjin use, sort of. In automated manufacturing plants and test prototype development.

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          The same reasoning applies to Nano fabrication. It's a HUGE waste of time, energy and computing power to throw something in a nanopuddle and watch something come out. That puddle might be a cubic meter, the computer controlling it will be Watson-esque.

                          Nanofabricating stuff will be slow, cubersome, computation-heavy, slow, computation heavy, slow, slow, slow and expensive.

                          but again: there ARE fields in which Nanofabrication will do miracles. I mean, razorblades are cut by a micrometer-precise technique where it's chemo-electrically etched out. If you told those engineers 20 years ago that it would be used now, they'd call you crazy.

                          Similarly, such technologies will be really useful in the fields they're needed in. But i'm growing more confident that "nano" is just the successor of "quantum" as the sci fi buzzword. It can do great things. But it's simply not the next level of magic.
                          Ok, so have trinium as a possible backup.

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          i think you're misunderstanding me (or vice versa). I'd just not mention it, at ALL. If at some point it becomes necessary or useful or whatever, we could mention it but i see no point in creating a ton of elements for completion's sake.
                          Ok im fine with that, as long as we are not scrapping them completely, and can use them if necessary.

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          I don't really care for extensive calculations. I just want to know rough figures of how much fuel it burns, what the generic output is, and what the rough firepower is. I wanna know if my railguns either make a dull thud when fired onto a planet or they're micro nukes.
                          Yeah same here, that is what I meant. I heard one of the railguns we have now fires with so much force its like a truck hitting the target, a little metal slug.

                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                          Again: i don't care for an exact timeline. The only things that matter are a couple of historically relevant numbers:

                          -When they first found Earth.
                          -When they left Earth
                          -Maybe when the stagnation roughly started.

                          If i remember correctly, the Goa'uld left around 3000BC in canon SG, but when they arrived has no mention whatsoever.
                          It was hinted in the series itself at the dawn of human civilization, around 8000 years ago I thought was when the Jaffa were made, and in the semi cannon movie Stargate it was 10,000 years ago.

                          I do not have time to reply to the rest of your post currently so ill catch up when I can.
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                            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                            The Asgard are a slightly different aspect. I felt the Writers regretted their Four Great Races and they tried to forget about it. .
                            Irresponsible. And wished us to too perhaps. Kind of like they tried to make us forget about the Furling.
                            If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                            RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                              True I suppose, I am fine with it being a building block for technology as long as the technology it builds can do that same things it did before.
                              As a whole, i would reduce the power levels we operate on by a few magnitudes. or not, depending on what calculation you support.

                              I would pull nukes back into the kiloton/low megaton range. Plasma weapons would be in the Ton/kiloton range. Speeds (far) below relativistic speeds (i mean low-relativistic, or .16c -ish).

                              If i could have complete control, i'd kick out Inertial Dampeners. I'm actually quite fine with shields and plasma weapons, but ID's and inertialess drives, gah. I still have the Razg fresh in my head.

                              We never knew about trinium before the episode Spirits.
                              yes, and i would simply keep it non-existent untill needed.

                              Not sure where this came from but cool. Sounds like a process my Houjin use, sort of. In automated manufacturing plants and test prototype development.
                              I never opposed Nanomaterials as being used in SG. My problem with them, is that in SG they're of a power level i am not comfortable with AT ALL.

                              Ok im fine with that, as long as we are not scrapping them completely, and can use them if necessary.
                              I am not certain why you're so fond of the material.
                              It's strength is not my concern, it's density is. There simply is no way to make it less dense without some really insane exotic physics, and i can't think of any way to make those exotic phyisics NOT work on regular materials too.

                              Yeah same here, that is what I meant. I heard one of the railguns we have now fires with so much force its like a truck hitting the target, a little metal slug.
                              The plan is to mount one on a ship and use it as a cheap missile alternative. Range of a couple hundred kilometers, accuracy down to a handful of meters and an impact force of a Tomahawk (non-nuclear).

                              It was hinted in the series itself at the dawn of human civilization, around 8000 years ago I thought was when the Jaffa were made, and in the semi cannon movie Stargate it was 10,000 years ago.
                              Am not certain about that, and i do not believe it's important to the story.

                              Irresponsible. And wished us to too perhaps. Kind of like they tried to make us forget about the Furling.
                              While i do wish to include the furlings, and focus a bit more on the Nox, i don't think it'll be anything like your Furlings or anything.

                              And yes, i believe we were sort of meant to never think of them. They probably regretted the name, as Furling sounds like something you'd cuddle and not seriously negotiate with.


                                I have been putting some more thought into this. It might be quite a read, apologies in advance. post is made in word so apologies for anything lost in the posting.

                                FTL: Any story requiring travel requires a proper engine. A story about a guy in a car requires specs on the car, because one in a Ford fiesta will bring about very different stories than a guy in a Bugatti veyron.
                                FTL in Stargate is a thorn in my eye because it’s extremely cheap, easy to achieve with 0 limitation and no regard of scale. (scale is the thing SG writers probably have NEVER heard of). Of course, I am an engineer, so I won’t ***** about stuff and not bring a solution to the table.

                                FTL and Hyperspace. About subspace first:
                                Hyperspace in SG appears to follow the idea of a multi (or supra) dimensional wormhole. Essentially a wormhole using other dimensions than the 4 we observe. Yes corridor through subspace and crap. Subspace appears to be a universe parallel to our own, essentially permeating our own in all 4 dimensions. Time appears to be shared between the two. Stargates both using Subspace(especially noticeable in SGU) and acting as if travelling through real space suggests that subspace is not all that different from our own. Notice that Gravity is the only force that works between the universes (DO NOT USE THE WORD DIMENSION HERE). This implies that Subspace is SG’s explanation to Dark Matter.

                                In the Neoverse (The universe I’m describing for a potential new fleet/just an idea in my head) Hyperspace is a type of artificial wormhole. Instead of affecting real space noticeably, it uses Subspace as a workaround for all that nasty gravitational lensing and stuff. Hyperspace travel is enacted by using twin Hyperspace gates. The difference is that Hyperspace has a significant *as in meaningful* length: travel time through Hyperspace depends on many factors (among which energy, drive tech, drive size, hyperspace size and neutral line length), but in general crossing 100 Lys takes about a day. (3 years to travel from one end of the Galaxy to another in a single crossing). Subspace technology (subtech?) requires exotic matter.

                                The hyperdrive section means that effectively, a spaceship will not have a hyperdrive. Yes this limits space travel. Exactly my point. However as I am aiming at no use of inertialless drives or Inertial dampeners or any other Magitech like that, even minor travel would become a nuisance and I don’t like that either.
                                FTL is much closer to SGU’s form. It essentially uses hyperspace-esque technology to wrap a ship in a hyperbubble. In essence, the bubble and the ship within act as a single entity. This means that one could be accelerating at 1000g for the outside observer, but anyone in the ship would not notice anything. FTL technology is limited to relativistic speeds. NOTE: acceleration is not instant. Although it can be made omnidirectional, the rule of thumb is: 1 engine = 1 direction.

                                Borrowing from SGU: Stargates. In stead of having supermassive range stargates, they are now limited. I would put Goa’uld hypergate capacity at an hour scale. (meaning: hypergates can remain active for a couple of hours). This means a range of a couple of dozen lightyears. Stargates have a range of about 1000 lightyears, significantly outranging Hypergates and definitely outranging FTL. This has not made FTL or hyperspace obsolete. I believe a limited stargate capacity will have neglectible impact on the story I want to tell but is an important brick wall against SGA-esque technological miracles and resulting weird tech singularities and assorted crap.

