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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    little spanner in your cogwork : The Tok'ra have the largest known spy network. They'd surely detect Houjin.


      So? Why should the Houjin concern them? They had the Goa'uld to deal with and the Houjin were not a threat to them. I am sure they know/knew of a ton of things that they never bothered to tell the Tau'ri or anyone else. Heck, say they made a mutual secrecy treaty. "I wont tell if you wont" type of thing.

      Mikiko was on the bridge of her vessel Soul seeker. She and a flotilla of raptors were escorting a large fleet of transport vessels to a new base location. Much of the loyal Kaizoku fleet was distracting Houjin warships across the kingdom, the rest were escorting transports to new bases like her group was. The honor less traitors were in hiding, waiting for this storm to blow over. They were fools. The Houjin did not give up easily, and would never give up such a crusade as they had undertaken. The Houjin had finally lost any tolerance for the actions of the Kaizoku. They had poked the dragon one to many times. The Houjin meant to eliminate the Kaizoku once and for all.

      Mikiko had understood the need to find a way across the void, but she had voiced her concerns for the now failed mission to outpost eight at the council meeting and had been shut down by the other high ranking Kaizoku. She had known that weather they failed or succeeded to capture Storm Runners technology it would likely be the last grain of rice that broke the peasants back. And she had been right. Two dozen of their safe houses had been bombed by Houjin war fleets in the past few weeks, and one of their main bases had been assailed by nuclear ordinates until the whole moon was a molten radioactive orb.

      The Kaizoku simply did not have the direct military resources of the Houjin kingdom, and besides having fewer vessels then the Houjin the ships they possessed were designed for quick strikes and ambush tactics not grappling with heavily shielded and armored warships.

      “Alert, Houjin base ship and its escorts detected exciting underspace!” the T.O yelled.

      “All hands battle stations! Initialize combat maneuver 8. Transports initialize f.t.l escape jump, plot a course for the auxiliary site. Raptors provide covering fire and protection and prepare to jump after the transports are away. “Mikiko ordered.

      “Very powerful active scans detected. They appear to be targeting our vessels. Incoming missiles detected! Defensive tracking system engaged and I am deploying anti missile chaff counter measures. Mistress I must divert more power to our own sensors...and apparently to our com system their scans are so strong they are causing interference.” the T.O informed Mikiko.
      “Acknowledged as soon as the fleet can escape into underspace do so. ” Mikiko ordered. She was tired of running. Intel had said the asteroid they were heading towards was currently uncharted by the Houjin exploratory guild. She thought that must be far too convenient to be true but they had to try anyway. She was tired of being right.

      Gindoaw awoke in the cockpit of his vessel. Sunlight was beaming right in his eyes and he had to blink a few times before they adjusted. Odd he thought. The blast shield should be over the…exoglass. He saw that the glass was shattered and the blast shield had been ripped off and was laying a few yards away on some rock. It must have been one incredible impact to do that kind of damage. He was very thankful he had diverted all power to his internal inertial dampeners.
      “Erg….” he groaned in pain. His entire chest felt like what the exoglass looked like. He undid his safety straps and tried to stand up…and received a massive head rush. He bent over and vomited all over the consol. Hmm, red vomit was generally not a healthy thing to produce.

      He reached up and opened up the above cargo compartment and got out one of the gear bags. He rifled through it and found the first aid scanner. He activated it over himself. After a few minutes the results came back. All his ribs were cracked or broken but healing, and he had internal hemorrhaging which was also regenerating. Mine as well give his body a helping hand though he thought as he reached back into the bag and pulled out an injector. Now he thought well rummaging through the bag. Where the….ah there they are. He pulled out a cartridge of medical nanites, slipped it into the injector and dosed himself. They would speed up bone healing and help prevent infection until they all broke down. Then he pulled out a cartridge with glowing green fluid inside. Ahhh Mikipine a great painkiller with minimal side effects he thought. He gave himself a small dose.

      He looked through the cargo compartment. There were two more bags. He had only had space for standard emergency and survival supplies. Including……he pulled a hand gun out of one of the bags. My customized Hekai-45, he smiled as he regarded the weapon. He strapped the gun holster around his waste.

      Now let’s see here he thought well checking out Storm Runners control board. It was all offline. He bent over and pried the protective alloy panel off. The interior looked like the shattered exoglass of the cockpit viewport. All the crystals were broken from ether impact or power surges. He did not have enough spares of specific type to replace them all. He would have to actually redesign the software after reconfiguring the ships hardware. Programming new operating procedures would take a very long time.

      He sighed and looked upward out of the shattered view port, and saw a pillar of smoke on the horizon. Of course he thought that Kaizoku ship did not just disappear! They must be here on the planet with me. That complicates matters quite a bit….
      sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

      If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


        i loved them, but the problem i had was that the writers kind of changed their mind about the 4 great races thing. It began with "4 great races exchanging knowledge", but with especially season 8 9 and 10, it seems it would've been more like "everyone listening to the ancients".
        Yes, that whole back drop would have benefitted from an afternoon of proper planning.

        For me, the Guardian is only a minor thing. A second evolution of their kind might be very beneficial. It makes no sense for them to want to end their genetic line. Their own lives, yes. But the Ancients died and passed on the torch to Earth. If the Asgard bet everything on Earth as well, it kind of becomes a "putting all your eggs in one basket" thing. I think the Asgard would want to start over, start over their race. They should have enough knowledge about themselves by now, to create a race of Asgard without their problems, but also without their vastly superior brain power. It would not have to fit their minds, it would be the creation of a whole new range of minds.
        I dunno, that still seems kind of flaky. Even if you grew it from their unique policy of non-interference in developing cultures, I think it still clashes with how they ultimately conducted themselves. If the proto breed was a legitiamte pursuit, their mass suicide would not have happened. The philosophies aren't really compatible.

        my idea is just that: It allows us to put the Asgard to rest while continuing their story.
        What I actually advocate in the piece you quoted was doing away with them entirely. Even up to and including their technology, which between the transporters, the beam weapons and the computer core were really a collection of horrific writing crutches. The only stuff of theirs that seems legit to me are the NIG's and the trans galactic drives.

        Having said the above though I get that you are a fan of them, so I suppose that is reason enough to pursue that idea.


          What I actually advocate in the piece you quoted was doing away with them entirely. Even up to and including their technology, which between the transporters, the beam weapons and the computer core were really a collection of horrific writing crutches. The only stuff of theirs that seems legit to me are the NIG's and the trans galactic drives.
          To me, the APBW was the Asgard showing that they truly belong to the Alliance. Well, up untill the point it started crapshooting everything. Ori ships i get, since it's a specific tech base, and the shield penetration thing is not the first instance of it happening. But the moment it started killing Hives it made no sense to me anymoer.

          The Computer core was only a named reference to what already existed before. Before, the Asgard could already synthesize stuff. To me, the problem was giving it to Earth.

          The Transporter technology was fine by me.

          What i think never should've happened are the Unending Upgrades. It's also precisely the one thing this fleet reversed.

          I dunno, that still seems kind of flaky. Even if you grew it from their unique policy of non-interference in developing cultures, I think it still clashes with how they ultimately conducted themselves. If the proto breed was a legitiamte pursuit, their mass suicide would not have happened. The philosophies aren't really compatible.

          aside from not happening, how would you want to see it done?

          I understand your points and how you feel. I think they're legitimate points, and good arguments. But i think it's also something that can be discussed and viewed from many points.


            aside from not happening, how would you want to see it done?
            It's probably best if others weigh in. Ideas for the Asgard are the furtherest thing from my mind.


              Did anyone see my previous post? Because this one is a continuation.

              “Jilkar!” Kortari screamed.

              “Yes lord Kortari?” Jilkar replied looking up from the com unit he was patching.

              “I want this mess cleaned up now. I want my ship back in working order as quickly as possible you understand!” Kortari screamed at Jilkar and a group of engineers.

              “We are working as hard as we are able. If our speed is not to your liking perhaps you can request a new engineering team from Kaizoku command. The subspace com is fully operational again.” he said as he gestured to the device. “Just be prepared to wait a while for their arrival.” he finished.

              Kortari shot him a death glare. “Just get my ship working again Jilkar.” he said and he walked to the subspace com. He powered it up to maximum and directed a encrypted hidden subpsace signal towards what he figured would be the closest Kaizoku safe house but it would still take a few seconds for a reply. He had to make a report and let them know that he had not yet failed his mission and that Storm Runner was still within reach. And perhaps after he should have them let his father know he was still alive.

              Jilkar was busy patching a damaged data conduit. He knew he should not have antagonized Kortari like that because now Kortari would act more fiercely towards them but he had been unable to control his tongue. He was sick of that useless eel of a Kaizoku. But his plan was already in place and Kortari would be out of the way soon.

              A Raptor class vessel only had so much space available for its energy conduits. Conveniently there was a mid sized conduit that ran right by Kortari’s quarters. He had planned a partially controlled overload of said conduit. The damage would be a minor inconvenience to repair and well worth it to be rid of Kortari. Lady Mikiko would reward him well for this service as she always did. He just had to wait for Kortari to finish up with the com and head to his chambers. Jilkar kept one eye on Kortari behind his engineers safety mask. Patience, have patience Jilkar. Wait for wind to cause the ripe Gobo fruit to fall into your hands. Don’t climb the thorny tree to pluck it. Good things come to those with patience.

              That was odd Kortari thought. He had not gotten any response from the safe house on the boarder of the Houjin kingdom. He had boosted the power to try and reach a few others but he had not got any response from them ether. He shot a suspicious look at Jilkar and wondered if the insubordinate engineer had actually repaired the com or if he was lying. Perhaps Jilkar did not wish anyone to report to the Kaizoku….but why? Surely Jilkar could see the importance of contacting their fellow Kaizoku. Unless Jilkar thought Kortari was planning to tell higher ups of his insubordinate ways. Of course Jilkar would be correct in assuming that. Yes that could be it…

              “Hadako, get over here!” Kortari yelled at her.

              Hadako put down her diagnostic kit and walked over to Kortari. “Yes lord?” she inquired.

              “Inspect this com unit. Is it fully operational?” Kortari asked.

              Hadako looked over the display consol. Then opened up the unit and poked around inside. Then she ran a diagnostic. “Yes lord. It is operating at full capacity.” she said.

              “Then why am I unable to contact any of our bases to inform them of the situation?” he asked in an irritated tone.

              “I am unsure. Perhaps your subspace coordinates are off.” Hadako replied as she checked them. They were fine.
              “I know were our bases are Hadako.” Kortari said gritting his teeth.
              sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

              If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                “Well then, ether the signal is not reaching its destination somehow or there is no one to answer it.” Hadako stated.

                “I see. You are dismissed. Go back to whatever you were doing.” Kortari ordered.

                “Yes lord.” Hadako half bowed and walked back to her diagnostic kit.

                Kortari was troubled.

                Chapter five.
                Several days later…..

                Kokiara was glad that the war council had finally convinced Shogunate Akidaro to pursue this campaign. Kokiara was on a warship making its way towards a gathering point for a renewed purge assault on the Kaizoku infestation. Things were progressing well. They had eliminated many Kaizoku bases including several major outposts. One of the major outposts that had been discovered had been inside the massive Aoakaaka nebula, right under their noses so to speak hidden by the ionization. The battle had lasted for three days well they played games of hawk and serpent with the Kaizoku. Over two dozen transports had managed to escape however. The navy was being stretched thin…Houjin space was vast. There were thousands of convenient hiding places.

                But even if the Kaizoku managed to hide, what life was left for them? Pursued and hunted, unable to resupply or do business enough to sustain them. They would die off eventually. Perhaps they would kill each other. The Kaizoku were finished. All they had to do was pick them off scattered group by scattered group. The Houjin navy had no knowledge of the specific number of Kaizoku raiding vessels in the kingdom, but they had already encountered more then twice as many as were previously suspected to be in existence. All they had to do for an easy victory was keep them divided.

                Mikiko was onboard the Soul Seeker scouting for new relocation sites. They had a handful of new safe houses up and running but Mikiko did not know how long they would remain safe. They were being pushed and pushed. She had already overseen an operation in which five biomaterial transports had had their cargo units been retrofitted to keep Houjin alive in stasis and then were launched out of Houjin space. They would each reach their destinations at some point. The journey itself was not long enough to make a Houjin die of old age, but it was far more economic to put a crew in stasis rather then stock up enough supplies and things to keep them occupied during the journey.

                They had to survive. Houjin society had no place for the people that made up the Kaizoku Karutru. To strict and un-accepting of views on certain matters that did not agree with their own mainstream ideologies. Well, with one acception. In the scientific fields they were very open minded she had to grant that to them. But other then that…and then there was the fact that many Kaizoku saw that the Houjin had so many environmental and health regulations it made it so much harder to pull out a profit. Never mind the profits from addictives that were possible without humanitarian regulations.

                Her vessel would be arriving at a newly charted asteroid soon. Long range sensors had found it in a fluke, the Houjin did not know about it. It could make a good safe house.

                Soul Seeker sped onward.
                sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                  You know, I do believe I may be the youngest guy in this fleet. That is a little weird to think about. For me anyway. And I think PA is the only female.
                  sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                  If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                    By the way, were we going to start any sort of "systems commonwealth" or "federation" or something? With various major empires and minor powers?
                    sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                    If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                      Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
                      Yes I can, ill post it on the ship design thread.
                      sweet! I love Asgard uber-ships! I'll go three right now. :-)
                      If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                      RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                        Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
                        By the way, were we going to start any sort of "systems commonwealth" or "federation" or something? With various major empires and minor powers?
                        I don't believe so... there's Helipolis, which is the galactic UN, but it's really close to our modern day UN in terms of how much control is actually has over any member.



                          I got you guys a present.
                          sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                          If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                            Isn't that... extremely old news?


                              The sight is a lot bigger then that, they have lots of cool stuff like all the known gate addresses.
                              sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                              If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)



