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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    why dont we have the oddasy blow up on the way back evryone made it off and we still beat the ori


      I think we need to find a way to not have it introduced at all

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        I think removing the Odyssesy and the Asgard Core alone isn't enough. I'd be much happier if Earth never had it's hands on the uber beams, right now we have what 5 ships with them? Removing them completely is much easier.

        I think our main ships should be at least comparable to Ha'taks, we'll be a great disadvantage in numbers so maybe if we had better shields and comparable weapons it would be a good compromise.
        Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


          or we simply do the beams right. as in, not uber pnwing but rather acting as what they are: beams, not magical death wands


            could be done too, aslong as we do not kill the Asgard


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              on second thought: no i'd like earth to have human tech on their ships

              also i'd prefer if we simply can't reproduce asgard tech *the only reason we can now is through the ACC* so our old ships are irreplacable in terms of tech.


                well the tech in them will be irreplacable, but the ships themselves are not


                Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                  what do you mean?


                    ok idea avalance:

                    Human Ships:


                    -Earth uses the F-302 (both fitted with nukes for capital ship killing and ones for fighter/interceptor duties)
                    numbers go in the many hundreds by now.
                    -Earth uses the BC-304. the last ship to recieve Asgard technologies was the Sun Tzu. after this ship rolled off the line, 304 production was put on hold. quickly shields and hyperdrives were designed and built for the following ships. later they were retrofitted with the 3rd generation of human shields, tripling the shield power (but still being just a small amount of the asgard shield power).

                    -in 2019 design and research began for the F/A-305, BC-306 and the BB(?)-307.

                    the F-305 is intended to both replace and augment the F-302 force. gate-capable, newest generation of air-breathing engines, space engines and weapons and other technologies.

                    the BC-306 is intended to render the BC-304 obsolete, in the same way the BC-303 was rendered obsolete: the 306 is intended to fully integrate 4th generation human shield, hyperdrive etc technologies. also an allrounder.

                    the BB-307 Battleship is a new ship designed for actual warfare. sacrifices allrounding for pure firepower and defensive capabilities. a "capital ship killer" so to speak.


                    -various colonies have bought BC-304's and have a F-302 force.

                    -the major colonies are designing the MC-401 Missile Cruiser. a mid-sized ship (200-300 meters) equipped primarily with missiles. powerful nuclear warheads give this ship the ability to generate an immense amount of weaponsfire in very little time. is suspected to be able to kill ship faster than the 304, although it expends ordnance pretty fast.


                    -i think the jaffa will be stuck with old ships for a pretty long time while they're catching up on technology.

                    -i think the tok'ra would design a ship smaller than a Ha'tak but about equally powerful. actual warship, not a mothership.

                    -i expect to see the first Hebridan warship soon

                    - i think that we won't see a lot from these guys. but that doesn't mean they're not buisy.

                    How to handle asgard tech:

                    -no unending. i'm not sure if they blew up but i think it should be a case of "contact lost" and their homeworld is an asteroid field.

                    -asgard tech can't be reproduced and reverse-engineered. humans are learning what they can to build better shields and such. still we're back to basics with our technology. which i like. old ships (up to the Sun Tzu) have asgard tech, later ones have human-designed shields.


                      Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                      what do you mean?
                      verry simple the ships themselves are just the shells, the shiield generators the hyperdrives and all ar irriplacable but you can yank them out of the shell en put them in a new shell

                      One thing I want NO APBWs


                      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                        Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                        224 m or 324 m was the number I recall from an old conversation with a CGI guy from Atlantis. (I wasn't the one talking to him; I read the conversation.) So 350 m is probably good.

                        And with battlestars: remember, as length doubles (assuming other dimensions similarly increase) the volume of the ship quadruples.
                        As length doubles, volume goes up by 8, area is by 4.
                        On the asgard technology from unending, why can't we just do like we did before in 1.0. Still have the asgard not commiting mass suicide. Where the new timeline differs from 1.0 is the response to disclosure.


                          and what do we do with all that stuff? stash it away in a warehouse?


                            The Asgard should die. Or they should at least not be present for 1.0.

                            Killman, those ship classes look fine. I think there should be others though. I think some countries would try and build their own ships we can throw in a bit of variation that way if we keep it sensible. I think a smaller bomber like ship for patrols etc...something that could be fielded in decent numbers.

                            It would have the ability to maul an Alkesh and due to naquadah nukes be capable of threatening capital ships when using the element of surprise or numbers. Something inexpensive maybe something the colonies can invest in due to lack of ability to build 304's...
                            Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                              That's what I was saying about the various colonies, variations on a theme


                                Not every colony will have it's own ships, maybe the large will do and some of the others may have modified various ships but there is room for some variation.
                                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

