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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    seems like an acceptable number.

    working on the Ash'tak (haven't found a better name yet), getting a preliminary design ready.


    some spec changes:

    i'm going for a singe wide-arch thruster in stead of 4 separate ones.
    Last edited by thekillman; 05 April 2012, 06:37 AM.


      The year was 725 A.R During the the rule of Shogunate Akidaro. (1475 A.D) 25 years after the the existence of underspace had been proven. He remembered the broadcast on the com net and the excitement of the space riders. Soon, transit through the void would not take months or years and be far less costly, even with all the mining operations.(for naquadah/trinium, diamonds, iridium, palladium, germanium, gallium, tungsten, molybdenum, and other relatively rare things.)

      He remembered their expansion phase. Now, with f.t.l capacity, the blueprints for generational colony vessels could be scrapped. They could really venture out into the universe. It was something Gindoaw had not expected to happen in his lifetime. Although, it had to happen in someones lifetime he mused.

      "Gindoaw, they are waiting for you in section 12." He heard a voice come from behind him.

      He turned and saw Shakekio, his secretary. "I know. I was just enjoying the moment. Inform them I am on my way." He said.

      " Yes Karkari Gindoaw. " She replied as he walked down the corridor.

      He had made his way to section 12 of the first Seken space station. When he passed junior officers they saluted him, even superiors gave him an acknowledging nod. He was going to be the first Houjin to face the underspace disturbances that laced the edge of their territory. Years of testing the disturbance with probes had finally given his team the data they needed to build the first probe which had successfully survived two way transit through the disturbance. Refinement had allowed them to build a probe which passed the disturbance completely unscathed as well as communicate with homebase. Now, the first manned craft would be launched, with himself as the pilot. The honor for him and his clan was immense. And if he did not survive, his family would be well compensated.

      He had reached section 12. He saw his vessel, named Storm runner sitting in its birth, being looked over one last time by teams of technicians. Security forces held back eager reporters. Good he thought..he had already given countless hours to interviews. Daimyo Houjira the commander of the station, who was standing near Storm runner turned approached him.

      " Karkari Gindoaw. I know your training has been extensive and that you yourself designed much of the technology being used for this mission. But how have you prepared yourself personally for the journey ahead? " Houjira asked. He himself was unsure if he would be willing to undertake such a mission. Of course, he could not show that to this Karkari.
      (Karkari-noble, official, overseer.)

      "I have. I have offered the ritual prayers to the Sora kamigami at the temple of Kokoro. (Sky gods/aliens) I have meditated in the inner chambers of Kokoro and had my soul purged by the monks. I am prepared as I ever shall be." Gindoaw replied.

      "Very well. All the preparations are made. You have clearance to board Storm runner and begin pre-flight procedures.

      Gindoaw gave a half bow in respect and approached his vessel.

      End part one chapter one. I may be currently adding more. I will be adding more today but my lunch is ready.
      Last edited by Gormagon; 05 April 2012, 07:39 AM.
      sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

      If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)



          Looks like a mini Ha'tak. minime.jpg Mini me.
          sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

          If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


            it was inspired by one, yes. but there are plenty of differences


              Allright, we'll need numbers to see who's right here. What are typical missile speeds in SG? And what's a down and dirty formula that we can use to approximate targeting mishaps?
              What exactly are you trying to be right about?

              Not sure what meaning you could assign to missile speeds in Stargate. A deathglider can do the Earth to Jupiter trip and then get shot down by a sidewinder that might do mach 3 at best.

              I don't see the meaning in trying to use a formula for 'targeting mishaps' since the significant dependent variables are not automatically common among scenarios. A countermeasure with a success rate as low as 10% is still marketable.

              wha'cha say about the Ash'tak proposal?
              Looks interesting. Out of curiosity (for modelling purposes) what is the background information on inertialess drive nodes? Was there even any concept art released?


                Ok I am really upset.....I just lost the story I was writing because of some sort of error. The computer closed my internet windows.
                sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                  Originally posted by blackluster View Post
                  What exactly are you trying to be right about?

                  Not sure what meaning you could assign to missile speeds in Stargate. A deathglider can do the Earth to Jupiter trip and then get shot down by a sidewinder that might do mach 3 at best.

                  I don't see the meaning in trying to use a formula for 'targeting mishaps' since the significant dependent variables are not automatically common among scenarios. A countermeasure with a success rate as low as 10% is still marketable.

                  Looks interesting. Out of curiosity (for modelling purposes) what is the background information on inertialess drive nodes? Was there even any concept art released?
                  The effectiveness of laser PD against missiles. It would be nice to have some sort of quantifiable analysis.

                  As to inertia-less drives, there is none that I know of, not for lack of trying to find it.


                    Out of curiosity (for modelling purposes) what is the background information on inertialess drive nodes? Was there even any concept art released?
                    there once was an AG-drive in Stargate show. it's in Shades of Grey. other than that, no. it appears it's usually placed somewhere inside of the ship.

                    Ok I am really upset.....I just lost the story I was writing because of some sort of error. The computer closed my internet windows.
                    story or post? please do write stories in MS word, or Openoffice Writer.


                      The effectiveness of laser PD against missiles. It would be nice to have some sort of quantifiable analysis.
                      Hmm, I don't recall contesting the effectiveness of laser point defense in and of itself (goal posts got shifted somewhere?). The delivery mechanism is not the limitation in point defense as far as I'm concerned (I thought I was clear about that), certainly not to the extent that one development tree leaves all others obsolete. Lasers shooting down missiles is possible and as with any weapon system, using them buys you certain advantages and it buys you some disadvantages as well. That's why in current day systems to protect an asset, point defense ranges from short-range missiles to high rate of fire guns to low rate of fire auto-cannons that shoot fused rounds. No one relies on any one approach because no one approach is universally effective. Being exhaustive on lasers in particular is futile unless you are keen to be pedantic, but as we could sit here and rattle off disadvantages and advantages of a laser weapon system, you could do the same for every other technology and you'd have scenarios where one is better than the others and another scenario where that same one is crap. No one solution pulls ahead. As I said, the issue is more a tracking one rather than what you are using to shoot the missile down.

                      there once was an AG-drive in Stargate show. it's in Shades of Grey. other than that, no. it appears it's usually placed somewhere inside of the ship.
                      That is kind of what I was wondering, if there was ever a case where we could see some characteristic form or shape on the outside of a spacecraft that would tell us 'ah, there's the inertia-less drive node'. Currently in fashioning the Taqir destroyers, I'm taking many liberties in imagining what an inertia-less drive node might look like and what one could technically say about some chosen shape. For example: does an inertia-less drive node that is rectangular in shape perhaps produce greater 'impulse' along its length as compared to its breadth? Can their performance be quantified that way? Its not a topic to be anal about, but just in terms of trying to imagine something visually and the purpose for its aesthetic shape.

                      It's a bit like the liberty I took in the last chapter I posted about the Sons of Sobek: basically assuming that a hyperdrive might have emitters and a relay manifold of some kind. I can't recall ever seeing a hyperdrive engine, window generator and all.


                        It's a bit like the liberty I took in the last chapter I posted about the Sons of Sobek: basically assuming that a hyperdrive might have emitters and a relay manifold of some kind. I can't recall ever seeing a hyperdrive engine, window generator and all.
                        i believe we saw one in Prometheus. anyway, we saw one on Prometheus, not sure what one.

                        whenever i imagine a Hyperdrive, i imagine something inbetween a drill and a turbine. same for shield generators. except Shield Generators IMO have a whole lot more crystals.

                        (after all, when stuff spins, science happens. )

                        as to Inertialess Drives: not a clue.

                        basically assuming that a hyperdrive might have emitters and a relay manifold of some kind
                        it appears the more advanced drives are rather compact and all. however, for a less advanced or aesthetically-concerned race, it's likely that ships contain emitters and relays and such.

                        it's largely a book unwritten, so i'd say: if you have a nice idea, use it.
                        Last edited by thekillman; 05 April 2012, 12:31 PM.




                          Well? I feel like those are good examples of what go's on on this thread.
                          Last edited by Gormagon; 06 April 2012, 09:25 AM.
                          sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                          If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                            i don't.


                              sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                              If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                                We're all trying to write stories and build a world, and we're playing in TPTB's sandbox. While we all have an understanding of how things work, and what works, and while we are all creative, we're playing in a sandbox made by TPTB.

                                and while the sandbox is great, it's made of quicksand and rocks.

