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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post

    SG already has inertialess drives, so no real application I can think of. Just wanted a second opinion, it would sure be nice if this wasn't air in the lab interacting with the test rig.
    I suppose.

    But it certainly is an interesting concept. I'd be fascinated if anything came of it. Could make trips a lot easier.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
      I suppose.

      But it certainly is an interesting concept. I'd be fascinated if anything came of it. Could make trips a lot easier.
      Heh, and if it scales as well as it hints, it could make long term jinking a viable combat doctrine in hard sf space combat. Is it bad that I immediately think of military applications?


        Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
        Heh, and if it scales as well as it hints, it could make long term jinking a viable combat doctrine in hard sf space combat. Is it bad that I immediately think of military applications?
        We have trained you well.

        The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


          Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
          We have trained you well.


            Originally posted by fugiman View Post
            I mean I am a political science major so when you guys go on about either real current science or "theoretical" sciences and use math and then throw in some big terms, I usually just skip it. So please don't make this into that again I beg you as a non-scientist/engineer please don't do it again as I know it turned me away before and I don't want that to happen again.
            Nice; I myself am a history major but I've followed thir thread a lot, haven't posted any posts in w hile tho.

            Originally posted by immhotep View Post
            2.0 was the best balance of everything. And I totally agree on the politics, I did international relations so while I can just about keep up with the science and maths im by no means an expert. Much prefer the politics and strategy debates.
            Nice; so foreign affairs. For a while I though that besides me, everyone else who posted frequently in this thread might be a natural sciences and /or engineering major. Cool that u're interested in these rather opposite disciplines of astronomy, physics, etc etc --I heard some time ago this last century 'fuzzies' (people history/social sciences background) actualyl considered it uncool for them to know and comprehend the Laws of Thermodynamics.
            If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

            RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


              Also Tep delete some of your private messages please
              message away

              Nice; so foreign affairs. For a while I though that besides me, everyone else who posted frequently in this thread might be a natural sciences and /or engineering major. Cool that u're interested in these rather opposite disciplines of astronomy, physics, etc etc --I heard some time ago this last century 'fuzzies' (people history/social sciences background) actualyl considered it uncool for them to know and comprehend the Laws of Thermodynamics.
              I have a mix of interests, politics being a major one and technological change being the other. So the fleets have always fed my curiosity for each element through a media i understand and can apply those variety interests too. I think the fleets do provide for a mix of styles and interests in a way thats very eclectic. We all bring different skill sets, knowledge and styles to the table.
              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
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              11000! green me


                Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                I have a mix of interests, politics being a major one and technological change being the other. So the fleets have always fed my curiosity for each element through a media i understand and can apply those variety interests too. I think the fleets do provide for a mix of styles and interests in a way thats very eclectic. We all bring different skill sets, knowledge and styles to the table.
                At good amount of the study of history is political history. Politics and government is fascinating. So you could really contribute well to story aspects like diplomacy establoishing the beginning of relations, multi-race coopertaive organizations, alien race governments, etc. I can' think yet of a single area of study which one can't use to develop the aspects of ideas for GWVF.
                If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                  could some people get a more solid idea of what Heliopolis is? i see it as some kind of NATO of the galaxy. it would be good if we got some better info on that.


                    Well who would be in this "Space" NATO?

                    I'm guess these would be fore sure in "Space" NATO: Earth, Tok'ra, Jaffa Republic, Hebridians

                    Possible nations: Kelownans, Jaffa Planet Alliance, Breeders, Ice World Dome people

                    Also I was thinking that each member would have to submit a certain amount of it's fleet to an alliance based fleet that could rapidly respond to an attack on a member nation. Think that a fleet would compose of Earth, Tok'ra, Jaffa and Hebridian ships that could react immediately without going through their chain of command to their race but can instead cut through red tape and be sent where needed without coordinating with all races

                    Now I was thinking that along with a NATO their could be a trade organization that didn't just have the "Space" NATO as members but all races could be in it. That way civilizations could still use trade and diplomacy without having to worry about getting involved in a war however lose protection from other members of NATO. Pretty much the use of trade could be used for these nations as diplomatic tools.

                    Think of a galactic senate from Star Wars without military power but with trade power. It allows for a full embargo or limited trade to be used on worlds that don't follow the rules. So this place allows for trade to happen between interstellar races as well as set grounds rules for trade such as no slave labor and other conditions.

                    So their would be the NATO part and a World Trade Organization located on the world that way it could be the center of diplomacy in the Galaxy.

                    Just an idea I had.
                    Last edited by fugiman; 28 March 2012, 02:52 PM.
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                      Originally posted by fugiman View Post
                      Well who would be in this "Space" NATO?
                      Nato ? Nah, I prefer UNSC myself

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                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
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                        it would simply be called Heliopolis [insert something].

                        Now I was thinking that along with a NATO their could be a trade organization that didn't just have the "Space" NATO as members but all races could be in it. That way civilizations could still use trade and diplomacy without having to worry about getting involved in a war however lose protection from other members of NATO. Pretty much the use of trade could be used for these nations as diplomatic tools.
                        i don't think everyone would necessarily want to be in there, nor do i believe everyone would be allowed in there. The LA has no part in Heliopolis.

                        Think of a galactic senate from Star Wars without military power but with trade power. It allows for a full embargo or limited trade to be used on worlds that don't follow the rules. So this place allows for trade to happen between interstellar races as well as set grounds rules for trade such as no slave labor and other conditions.
                        i consider Heliopolis to be some kind of interfaction regulation organ. Heliopolis is kind of like :

                        -the Geneva conventions (dictating how wars can be fought and how not),

                        -Europe (a "walled" trade market, protecting from possible outside influence, maintaining a level of quality and steering the markets, trade routes and in this case, perhaps even providing the necessary materials to trade),

                        -NATO (military relations).

                        yes, under Heliopolis, a race can come to the defence of another race without red tape. Like how in my story, the Jaffa come to aid the Langarans.

                        which reminds me, the Langarans are probably on Heliopolis. although i think that their relations with it were not very warm. (i consider the Langarans to be a bit isolationist since Earth's little stunt in Seizure).

                        So their would be the NATO part and a World Trade Organization located on the world that way it could be the center of diplomacy in the Galaxy.
                        yes. the problem is that Heliopolis is quite close to Earth. since i consider the galaxy to be split in 3 generic groups (Earth-allied, Unaligned/uncaring, Lucian-allied), and i consider the 3 groups to be of roughly equal galactic size (ie, territory/planets, not population), that would be the main problem for all not in Heliopolis.

                        i must note that the 3 groups is really a sliding scale, from Earth and colonies (most Earth-aligned), to Earth allies, to Earth-sympathizers (like them more but not allied), to uncaring, to Lucian-sympathizers, to Lucian siders (not real allies, just helpers), to members of the Lucian Alliance.

                        Heliopolis would thus count mostly for the Earth side of the sliding scale. i mean, i'm not a political person, but from what i know, the Lucian-minded side of the galaxy would consider Heliopolis an Earthly idea, and thus bad.

                        As to Allies and Sympathizers:

                        we might need some kind of list or so, where we give planets one of those sides. Langara would be Uncaring, with a mild bias to Earth. Not sure about the rest. some of the Jaffa are clear Earth-minded (Republic). not sure about the JPA. the Systems Alliance would likely be Uncaring to Lucian-sympathizing. the Holy Empire will likely be utterly uncaring.

                        Heliopolis would likely be a system to secure trade, and relations on a bigger, more structural scale than just alliances.

                        oh and on the rules and regulations side of things:

                        i had a thought that somewhere between the end of the Stargate show and the beginning of the Fleet, there have been a series of Heliopolis conventions, where various things were regulated.

                        number 1 would be the establisment of Heliopolis, who brings what, who pays what, and what it's goal is.

                        number 2 would likely establish protection rules, generic trade rules, etc.

                        some others, not sure what would be determined.

                        anyway, up to about number 6.

                        Number 6 would be the outlawing of Replicator technology, and the structural cleaning of the galaxy of remnant replicator cells and blocks. it would specify the collection, and smelting of the blocks and cells. Most of the forges required would be on Heliopolis itself, and the resulting material would've been used to construct the city, it's defences etc.
                        Earth would likely buy the -by Heliopolis- unsmeltable materials, namely the Asgard alloys and Neutronium.
                        Last edited by thekillman; 29 March 2012, 12:55 AM.


                          Check the story thread: chapter 7 is up. The LA is onboard Destiny


                            Very, very nice. I'm fascinated by all these leads you're giving. The bit with Varro in particular intrigues me.

                            The one note I'll give is that if you have the Jaffa, the system I'm using has them referring to what we call "fleets" as "squadrons", more in keeping with ancient Egyptian terms. So the "6th Fleet" would officially be something like the "6th Attack Squadron". I have a whole system of terminology written somewhere ...

                            Anyhow, calling it a fleet from the LA's perspective is not an error -- don't get me wrong, that's fine, 'cause that's how they think of it -- I just wanted to let you know if you chose to do a Jaffa POV.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              OK that was a really great read! Whatever they stole from the destiny must be important in the war, but they have a ZPM recharger!? Love it, but can of worms! And im intruiged by the white soldiers. Ancients?
                              You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                              Stargate : Genesis |
                              Original Starship DesignThread
                              Sanctuary for all |
                              11000! green me


                                "Wallace" implies they're the descendants from Novus.

                                The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database

