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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    no they do not go murder natives, but they will suppress and exploit... VOC/WIC/East India Company and so on and so on....

    the free jaffa, jaffa free of oppression (goa'uld)?!?! The jaffa will have problems LOADS of them. Just think about it, their way of life is gone, as are there gods, even to those who really still believe, Earth ideas and concept will come in and so will corruption and all, Jaffa warlords will rise...

    The Free Jaffa Nation is DOOMED

    Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


      i just said there's most likely no natives so how could we exploit them

      also the FJN isn't doomed. please lighten up


        well with the gate network exploiting natives gets rather easy, exploit those on other planets

        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


          why would they? what for. this is 2010, not 1200 AC


            ehh, exploitation happens even now, are you THAT ignorant, it is quick money


            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


              The idea of other nations overthrowing the IOA nations is simply laughable. What would they do? Launch Scuds at Russia? Fly MiGs at China? It's absurd.

              The biggest political maneuvering will come from within the IOA, not outside of it. I'm thinking more like "which IOA nation comes out on top of the pile" rather than "somebody just blew up the pile".

              And while the Free Jaffa Nation may have problems, it's hardly doomed. I do see the Lucian Alliance as a threat, though.

              Incidentally, for all the worry about the Aschen, we've no evidence that they even have spaceships, much less hyperdrives.

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                they probably do have ships. i mean, they had some pretty sick tech, they surely have ships. hyperdrives too probably. but not very fast. besides, if you don't know where to seach, you're flying into a 100 000 LY haystack. so they probably never even tried to go further than a few hundred LY's tops.
                ehh, exploitation happens even now, are you THAT ignorant, it is quick money
                not by the average joe.


                  I think a good thing about this colonial idea is the different ship variations we'll have.


                    well i think most of our colonies would simply use existing ships, as i doubt they could invest billions of dollars into research. however the Prime Colony most likely will have it's own ship class. i doubt the need for really small ones, though, i for one think earth will scale up.

                    what sizes do we put our ships at? cause i think a 304 should be 200 meters. that's the official number. the idiots at CGI can't scale it right, but that's their problem. it allows us to design a much wider range of ships


                      actually i think a common Colony Ship would be a missile "destroyer"

                      essentially a 100 meter or so ship, packed with missiles. capable of unleashing immense amounts of missiles in a No Mans Land fashion. has a deceptively strong shields as main power is put through the shields since it doesn't have any powerhog plasma guns or so. has some railguns.


                        Each colony could have it's own currency. Plus shipbuilding will be cheaper to build around the colonies rather than on Earth because of transportation costs for a start.


                          the ships themselves will be expensive. i bet you can't build a spaceship using just a pinch of trinium, a cube of naquahdah and a few thousand tonnes of iron.


                            If we are going to go colonial my question is how many planets are there because I have a few ideas about planets

                            Also I think Keb might be a great enemy for this version of the fleet which could lead to the Jaffa having a civil war, one that wants the republic to work and one that follows Keb as a god

                            Also the IOA will not fail it has to much tech, armies, money etc... to even come close to falling to any nations
                            Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                            A Face you Can Trust
                            So whats the worst that could happen?
                            Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                            It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                              who's Kheb?

                              also the colonies aren;t completely set in stone.

                              i have a name though: Teneria/Teneras/Tenera


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                i've seen that story before....

                                anyway what is their purpose?
                                Your joking right? I honestly thought i was coming up with an orginal idea.

                                Anyway, their purpose is to generally upset the galactic situation. After years of fighting the goa'uld they really distrust the Jaffa. They are more interested in their own small bubble (In which some goa'uld may have survived) so they do everything they can to upset the balance of power (After the fall of the goa'uld their people want to explore the galaxy, but the government want to continue expasion in their own network. So they secretly upset the balance of power by funding pirates and criminals so to make the galaxy appear dangerous. They are basicly your North korea and Iran of the galaxy

                                "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."

