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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Hey guys I hope to be back soon but I have been having problems logging into, I'm sure why but if you don't hear from me soon thats why, I haven't left but I will soon have my first story up soon and I hope you guys like it and Mcoy did you get my pm?
    Vote Anubis for President in 2012
    A Face you Can Trust
    So whats the worst that could happen?
    Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
    It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


      No, fugiman, I didn't.

      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


        This is copied vebatum from my Intro to the Captives series, but I thought we could use some of it.
        Footnote on Jaffa: The Jaffa nation in the aftermath of the Ori incursions, has now splintered into three main groups.

        The Free Jaffa: They have achieved complete and total democracy, ruled now by a parliament, with two houses similar to the British model and an elected President, as head of state; the government being held by the Jaffa Democracy Party and the opposition the Alliance Party, there are two hundred and sixty seven seats. They are true and genuine partners of the Tauri alliance (that includes many worlds in the galaxy and some in the Pegasus galaxy as well), with a large number of their people serving with Earth s forces and their allies. In many ways they have come to emulate their Earth friends, adopting a lot of the technology (TV, Radio etc and some clothing fashions). The Free Jaffa Military is now arranged in a manner much the same as it is for us. Uniforms, code of conduct, rank organization and discipline. Their people now reside on many settled worlds, having shed their old ways, but retaining some of the traditions important to their chosen paths. A large number (several millions now) have populated a world, once visited by SG1, where Teal c was bitten by a bug that had destroyed that entire planet s animal life. But having no other food source, the bugs eventually died out completely, leaving a modern infrastructure complete. It was later discovered that the Goa uld Nirti was responsible for the bugs, this planet has been named, Taurina , in honour to the people of Earth, whom most Jaffa acknowledge, had led them out of slavery from the Goa uld. Some of the Jaffa believe though, that their mimicking of the Tauri is losing too much of their identity; but for the most part it is widely and gladly accepted, as it is consentaneous that the Goa uld had suppressed the Jaffa into a medieval society for centuries, making them their virtual slaves and subservient to only the Master. It was through the efforts of the Tauri the Jaffa have gained their long sought freedom and they now acknowledge them as brothers and sisters (In fact Teal c went through a mind numbing ritual recently, adopting Jack O Neill as his own brother).

        The Kat kem; (meaning apart or separated) Neutral Jaffa, who wish to live out their lives in peace and away from all their former military and warring ways. They still have contact with their brethren, mainly in trade, and many have devoted their time to the arts of healing and science. A number of former priests have devoted themselves to a new path of enlightenment, much like Earth s Buddhist religion.

        The Rishek; (meaning faithful) Mostly those from Jaffa worlds that still held strong ties to the old ways, believing their former Goa uld masters will someday return (God s cannot die). A great number still serve what few Goa uld remain and they have become even more warlike than ever before.

        The Goa uld; though a great deal of them have fallen, there were still a lot of minor Goa uld unaccounted for. The Ori took out many, yet how many survived is unknown. Some it is believed may have fled to the Pegasus galaxy, being aware that Earth only has a small contingent there on Atlantis. None though have been detected in that sphere. Intelligence has also found that Baal may yet survive, though at this time it is uncertain. The number of clones he made, was never truly established. Rumour has it also, that Nirti has been sighted again. On hearing that, the SGC sent a team to the planet where she was supposed to have been killed. The people there assured the SG team she was indeed dead, but to allay fears they allowed the team to exhume the body from where she had been laid. When the grave was dug and the coffin retrieved, it was found to be empty. The locals could not explain it, as indeed SG1 witnessed her dying, yet one small boy claimed he saw Jaffa, digging up the grave on the night it was buried and the corpse placed in a large gold casket (a sarcophagus?). Watch his space!

        The Tok ra; After the Ori battles (which had utterly devastated the Tok ra ranks) the Tok ra rejoined in alliance with the Tauri and Free Jaffa, both accepting them as equals. But the Tok ra now number possibly less than two thousand in total and unless some miracle takes place, they will be extinct as a race in the not too distant future. Yet hope is held for them, since SG9 discovered a tablet on one of Apophis s old planets, that further describes Egeria s fate. The tablet indicates that Egeria had a daughter, a true queen s heir that had also been placed in stasis for eternity. The search for the Tok ra s survival had begun. The Tok ra had also gained the trust of the Free Jaffa, by refining tretonin into a one shot inoculation that was having a tremendous success. Tok ra personnel also serve aboard the 310's and Free Jaffa ships. Another rumour was also being circulated that one Goa uld queen may have converted to the Tok ra ideology much, in the same way Egeria did thousands of years ago.

        The People of the Ori Galaxy; For the most part with the help of Tomin, there is a fragile balance. Still recovering after thousands of years under the yoke of the Ori, the worlds of the Ori galaxy are weary of us, but there is regular contact with them. They have allowed us to study a lot of technology left behind by their former masters, in exchange for us helping them come to terms with the departure of a whole belief system and a society that is for the most part, still very middle-ages. A single Super-Gate is still operational, though closely watched from both sides.
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          I actually used some of that when I sketched the Jaffa Nations.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            Ya did, great where is it? So, where are we at now, I've been away a bit lately
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              It's sort of mingled in with everyone else's ideas in the back-story. I couldn't pick out which thread came from whose head if I tried.

              What's the last thing you remember? Basically, we've had some work done on models, and people are starting to write stuff (hence the quiet while people are working on their stories). I know for sure that Fugiman's working with another clone of Anubis (Khalek's older sister, Kebechet) I'm writing something with the Aschen and my Shrin'yar (the Grace aliens), and Tom's writing with his Tko-tka-tko (the Foothold aliens). The others are working on stuff with Jaffa, Lucian Alliance, Goa'uld, etc. It's a big universe.

              That about sum things up?

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                It does very neatly, thanks. I'll try and get my head around a little civilian industry history that will be needed for the colonies.
                My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                  This is copied vebatum from my Intro to the Captives series, but I thought we could use some of it.
                  i'm skeptical about copying stuff from other works.

                  The Free Jaffa Military is now arranged in a manner much the same as it is for us. Uniforms, code of conduct, rank organization and discipline.
                  they already had that, mind you.

                  A large number (several millions now) have populated a world, once visited by SG1, where Teal c was bitten by a bug that had destroyed that entire planet s animal life. But having no other food source, the bugs eventually died out completely, leaving a modern infrastructure complete.
                  nah i disagree on this one. bugs appeared to be around for many years. they wouldn't "just" die. i prefer gassing the major cities. and i doubt everything is THAT pristine.

                  this planet has been named, Taurina , in honour to the people of Earth, whom most Jaffa acknowledge, had led them out of slavery from the Goa uld.
                  Imo that's going too far. remember that the Jaffa, even when they were in the Nation and during the ori etc etc never liked us THAT much. i think the jaffa still like to believe it's mostly them that did it. and i would like to keep it that way.

                  but i'm updating the jaffa pages anyway

                  The Free Jaffa: They have achieved complete and total democracy, ruled now by a parliament, with two houses similar to the British model
                  many have two houses. there are dozens of countries with two. we dutch have the First and Second chamber as we call it, the First being a House of Senate and the second a House of Representatives.

                  and we have a Head of State too

                  They are true and genuine partners of the Tauri alliance (that includes many worlds in the galaxy and some in the Pegasus galaxy as well), with a large number of their people serving with Earth s forces and their allies.
                  partially, yes. i think the Jaffa Republic will combine the best of Jaffa and Tau'ri culture, ideas and military. i do believe the Jaffa will continue to hold honor high, and there are things that won't change.


                    The main difference between the British system is that our second chamber is not elected (at the moment). As Killman rightly said many democracies have a two house system, the difference is whether they have a president (so a republic) or a monarch as the head of state. Britain and the Netherlands are the most famous two "monarchy democracies".


                      ok, so I've got a bit more work done on the dropship. Also I'm thinking about an arc, but I'm just not sure about it right now. I'll write something up soon.

                      From the 11th to the 18th of August I won't be online, at all.


                      Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                        The main difference between the British system is that our second chamber is not elected (at the moment).

                        we elect our Second Chamber (which makes laws and controls the country) while the First Chamber basically keeps it in check.

                        or so my limited knowledge of politics tells me.


                          Originally posted by thekillman View Post

                          we elect our Second Chamber (which makes laws and controls the country) while the First Chamber basically keeps it in check.

                          or so my limited knowledge of politics tells me.
                          Our first house (house of commons) is the house that controls the power. The second house (house of lords) is unelcected and can only delay a bill (they have to let it through the third time)

                          "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."



                            ok i had this interesting idea *and yes, i follow Caprica*


                            since the Jotnar stole the asgard technology and blocked it from the mind of Thor's asgard, the Asgard have been working on regaining most of their technology.

                            the Asgard have discovered something called Ragnarok: a Virtual Reality world, designed by the ancestors of the Asgard. it is essentially an Armageddon-proof databank which stored not only the original Asgard DNA sequence, but also all asgard technology and knowledge of that time. the asgard believe there might be even more in there than they currently know.

                            but there is a problem: to get to the database, one has to win a game. a nigh-unbeatable game, namely surviving a digital Ragnarok. the game follows the rules of real life: once a person dies, that specific mind is blocked out from the game from eternity. no magic tools, superpowers or anything: once in there, you're the person you are, without tools (although they can be acquired in-game).

                            the Asgard contact earth about this game. all Asgard have failed but one: only Thor has not attempted the game, since he was monitoring the game as it played and attempted to hack. the other asgard are banished from the game. Thor has arrived with one goal: assemble a new team and go back in to win the game. considering earth's track record, Thor's confident humanity will succeed.

                            Humanity decides to assemble a team of the greatest experts, but not just human ones: an SG-team will be sent, along with a few Hebridans, Jaffa and Tok'ra, and Thor himself. in total there are 10 spots to log in, to prevent cheating by numbers.

                            but the game is not easy, and the journey is hard.


                              Originally posted by thekillman View Post


                              since the Jotnar stole the asgard technology and blocked it from the mind of Thor's asgard, the Asgard have been working on regaining most of their technology.

                              the Asgard have discovered something called Ragnarok: a Virtual Reality world, designed by the ancestors of the Asgard. it is essentially an Armageddon-proof databank which stored not only the original Asgard DNA sequence, but also all asgard technology and knowledge of that time. the asgard believe there might be even more in there than they currently know.

                              but there is a problem: to get to the database, one has to win a game. a nigh-unbeatable game, namely surviving a digital Ragnarok. the game follows the rules of real life: once a person dies, that specific mind is blocked out from the game from eternity. no magic tools, superpowers or anything: once in there, you're the person you are, without tools (although they can be acquired in-game).

                              the Asgard contact earth about this game. all Asgard have failed but one: only Thor has not attempted the game, since he was monitoring the game as it played and attempted to hack. the other asgard are banished from the game. Thor has arrived with one goal: assemble a new team and go back in to win the game. considering earth's track record, Thor's confident humanity will succeed.

                              Humanity decides to assemble a team of the greatest experts, but not just human ones: an SG-team will be sent, along with a few Hebridans, Jaffa and Tok'ra, and Thor himself. in total there are 10 spots to log in, to prevent cheating by numbers.

                              but the game is not easy, and the journey is hard.
                              Hmm defently a interesting idea, but i'm going to make a few modifcations.

                              Intsead of a virtual reality, make it an actual loaction. A vault protected by the Asgards most effective defence systems (Time dialation, Beaming tech ect.) Only a true asgard is able to open it (Those really old asgard) but because of the genetic degradtion of the Asgard, thor and co. can't open it. Anyone who fails to open it then they are killed.

                              "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                                nah i disagree on that.

                                Ragnarok is located in the Void between Galaxies: a massive, multi-kilometer, old asgard space station. orbiting a rogue star, it's nigh-indetectable by starships. only though the asgard's advanced sensors and knowledge of where it once was, did they find it.

                                the Ragnarok Station contains a massive database hundreds of meters long, wide and high, plus hundreds of linked supercomputers which maintain the game: using the Mind as a weapon (like against Replicators) therefore does not work: even with the focused effort of Asgard they can not overcome it.

                                the Database is fully protected by 6 meters of pure Neutronium and 120 meters of naquahdah/trinium alloys. along with it are dozens of NIGs plus 14 shield generators, to shield the massive station. the Database is encased in a perfect sphere with no doors or any form of access, asgard beaming is impossible and Stargates do not work in the vicinity. with other words: no access whatsoever. the only way in is via the game.

                                the Game revolves around a simple concept: reach the representation of the Vault, and the prize is unlocked. defending the vault, however, are powerful shields, energy weapons, and even natural phenomena. the digital security is massive.

                                upon asking why Thor requires the knowledge is a simple answer: the Jotnar's attempts to extract their knowledge and technologies have resulted in a total lockdown of those memories, as a part of defences built into memory storage. for all intents and purposes, this really is a Mind Game. since the Asgard require their technology to defend themselves, and since their base won't protect them forever, they need the technology in this vault.
                                in fact, the asgard have been looking for it for ages, as whatever means they used to prevent enemies from getting it (including the replicators), also ensured other generations of asgard couldn't access the Ragnarok Station's location that easily. although the Asgard still remembered the existence of this station from their "childhood", they only recently figured out where it had been when it was built, and by extrapolating the locations of stars, they were capable of deducing the current location: soaring through the Void at high speeds following a Rogue star.

                                and now Thor requests humanity to enter the digital world on the Ragnarok Station to retrieve their precious technology.

