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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    actually i'd prefer to colonise Europa. aside from the lack of sunlight, it's pretty nice. a nuclear powerplant would provide enough energy for heat. plenty of water and all


      "Pretty nice" being a relative term and all. It's not exactly a beach resort.

      Now, maybe we should prioritize here, no? Let's finish the voting first, then get into this. That way, people can at least be writing whilst we quibble.

      The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


        just keep two ships.

        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          believe me, introduce naquahdah power and you destroy the economy. it's in the companies best interest to keep the economy as it is.
          Currently, Naquadah will only be able to replace uranium as a source of nuclear energy. And, you'll find it funny that :

          1- Uranium only represent between 5 and 10% of the final cost of nuclear energy. That's one of the lowest ratio you'll find.

          2- We know how to build naquadah reactors but not how to build nuclear plants using naquadah, which means you'll have to pay someone to design those plants and test them before starting mass production. While the current technology will cost next to nothing since we mastered it already.

          3- Who do you think will build those naquadah powerplants? The same one that are already building regular nuclear powerplant. Sorry they still got the pole to sh*ft us.

          Though the one who will suffer from the introduction of naquadah will be those mining uranium. So some african countries will just lost whatever could have got them out of poverty... again.

          also too much alien technology would level the playing field, and i doubt certain companies want that.
          If they can acquire the technology and sell it back, they won't suffer that much from the release of gate program. Unfortunately, you will only have one company in every market being able to buy the exclusivity of those alien technologies. Wasn't someone talking earlier about having only 4 or 5 companies left in the world?

          heroine class. well maybe it's me, but i don't see it as a proper ship name. there are many naming conventions. why this one. besides, we don't have a Hero class either. and again, naming a widowmaker after a person who saved lives is... what's the correct word.. hypocrite?
          If you talk to him about a Hero class, we may end up with a Battlecruiser named Gandhi!

          fusion power, well if we're lucky it'll be commercially viable by 2050, and that's the optimistic side of things.
          Same opinion. Though I believe by then we will have explored other design than ITER and find a less efficient but cheaper reactor.

          you do realise the colonies have only a limited expansion capacity? that's what i meant: the established settlements overcrowd. as i said, people go settle further on the planet.
          Sorry but I just don't buy it. "Overcrowded" means that there is not enough place or resources for anyone to settle in. By their very definition, those colonies have an excess of place and resources.

          I think that the proximity of the gate will be extremely urbanized and that only some lunatics will end up living in the middle of the woods at the other side of the planets. Well lunatics and people so filthy rich that they can afford to live alone.

          yes, that's why we have bases in the arctic. also, what do you think we can do with beaming tech AND ring technology? what do you mean remote ? give me 50 ring stations and i can ensure global access.
          Was going to ask the same question : Remote relatively to where?

          Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy
          All this in-system terraforming would be useless and impractical, given the presence of pre-terraformed worlds (since that's apparently what most of the inhabitable worlds are, thanks to the Ancients).
          Well thanks to cloaking and hyperdrive, building an empire is quite stupid in SGUniverse : you just can't protect every last parcel of your territory. This is why it's important to have a fleet that can be deployed easily to all our colonies whenever necessary.

          Earth being our major planet, we should ensure that it becomes a stronghold which means being able to monitor everything in our solar system. This is why I think :

          1- the SGC should stay on Earth.
          2- the other celestial bodies of the solar system should have bases on it or weapons platform orbiting around.

          I don't see the need yet to actually colonize Mars, Venus or Titan and Terraform them. That's just a waste of money. Build underground bases, build something sturdy that could withstand some heavy bombardment. And choose 2 locations where to put underground shipyards too and secondary stargates.

          Never forget that the Ancients lost all their colonies to the Wraith and finally had to retreat to Atlantis. Just in case it happens to us, leave something that would surprise any hostile invading force.
          La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
          L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


            Currently, Naquadah will only be able to replace uranium as a source of nuclear energy. And, you'll find it funny that :

            1- Uranium only represent between 5 and 10% of the final cost of nuclear energy. That's one of the lowest ratio you'll find.

            2- We know how to build naquadah reactors but not how to build nuclear plants using naquadah, which means you'll have to pay someone to design those plants and test them before starting mass production. While the current technology will cost next to nothing since we mastered it already.

            3- Who do you think will build those naquadah powerplants? The same one that are already building regular nuclear powerplant. Sorry they still got the pole to sh*ft us.

            Though the one who will suffer from the introduction of naquadah will be those mining uranium. So some african countries will just lost whatever could have got them out of poverty... again.
            why are you telling me?

            Same opinion. Though I believe by then we will have explored other design than ITER and find a less efficient but cheaper reactor.
            it's not about cost. it costs more power than it delivers. it has negative efficiency.

            Sorry but I just don't buy it. "Overcrowded" means that there is not enough place or resources for anyone to settle in. By their very definition, those colonies have an excess of place and resources.
            but not the means to use them. yes plenty of space. but things like water, electricity, and other things like food: there is a limit to the production, and there is a limit to the production growth.

            I think that the proximity of the gate will be extremely urbanized and that only some lunatics will end up living in the middle of the woods at the other side of the planets. Well lunatics and people so filthy rich that they can afford to live alone.

            Well thanks to cloaking and hyperdrive, building an empire is quite stupid in SGUniverse : you just can't protect every last parcel of your territory. This is why it's important to have a fleet that can be deployed easily to all our colonies whenever necessary.
            no, it's important there are proper defences in place. not just a fleet.

            Earth being our major planet, we should ensure that it becomes a stronghold which means being able to monitor everything in our solar system. This is why I think :

            1- the SGC should stay on Earth.
            2- the other celestial bodies of the solar system should have bases on it or weapons platform orbiting around.
            the gate IMO should be civillian. we can go explore and combat form another planet, especially considering the risks of dialing black holes etc.

            I don't see the need yet to actually colonize Mars, Venus or Titan and Terraform them. That's just a waste of money. Build underground bases, build something sturdy that could withstand some heavy bombardment. And choose 2 locations where to put underground shipyards too and secondary stargates.
            why bases? why shipyards? imo it's better to build an orbital or Lagrangean shipyard and slap on a Hyperdrive. should the enemy arrive, all shipyard jump away to a Main Colony.

            Never forget that the Ancients lost all their colonies to the Wraith and finally had to retreat to Atlantis. Just in case it happens to us, leave something that would surprise any hostile invading force.
            BS. any opponent would prioritize Earth and blow it up no matter what the costs. earth gone, earth empire gone. if anyone's gonna attack, they'll fly straight past all our defences, show up directly in orbit and shoot at anything that emits light.


              About the two ships, how about the people who voted for them already leave their votes where they are, and the people who did not vote for either the Valkyrie or the Heroine class get to move their vote to one of them.

              And 'killman's right about in-system defenses: they're useless. Why would anyone waste time hopping around the solar system?

              The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                About the two ships, how about the people who voted for them already leave their votes where they are, and the people who did not vote for either the Valkyrie or the Heroine class get to move their vote to one of them.

                And 'killman's right about in-system defenses: they're useless. Why would anyone waste time hopping around the solar system?
                Agreed, this seems like the best option

                "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                  So the alternative vote system then

                  Also Killman, they've recently announced that they are finally making more power than they are putting in on ITER.


                    really? cool


                      Originally posted by Davidtourniquet View Post
                      So the alternative vote system then
                      God help us all

                      "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                        We haven't had a referendum on this yet, so this could be interesting lol


                          I vote to enter two ships into the fleet


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            Hold it!

                            I just went back and realized something. Lord Groovy never voted. So Groovy, you want the deciding vote? We could settle this right here and now; no fuss, no muss.

                            The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                              I'd love it if he'd NOT vote for ether of the winning ships


                              Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                                Lord Groovy vote damn it!

