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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    we don't have to be helpless. but its' not easy to make a story idea without more detail. basically it's "we kick goauld ass and the goauld start resisting". but isn't that the story idea behind SG1 as wel?

    One nuclear missiles at the end of SG1 season 1 didn’t we nuke the shield of a ha’tak and it did nothing and the nukes was enhanced with raw Naquadah and we do have energy weapons now lasers

    And normal nuclear warheads that the US military use are 375 kilotons. With that you have to factor in kinetic force of it hitting the shields and it is not going to be nowhere near a megaton. The Naquadah would bring it up to maybe 700-750 kilotons max but no more the only substance that could bring it high enough is Naquadria but it is only on two planets so far. Given the nearest one is 21 light year away.
    missiles hit the shield. we never saw the nukes blow.

    second, lasers as STS weapon is a big no.

    third, MT warheads are viable, and using naquahdah very viable.

    fusion is almost instantly MT range


      Lasers definitely don't have the energy to even scratch Goa'uld shields, and their big, bulky, and required either cooling or toxic chemical ammunition.

      The nuke's yield was 1 MT, as stated int the show, and that was only a small amount of raw naquadah. Imagine what would happen if you encase one of those missiles in a naquadah shell and fit them onto a bigger missile equipped with inertial dampeners? there's also doubt whether the Goa'uld Buster missile actually exploded or went splat on the shields before it could initiate. Given that Earth was not forced to suspend all spaceflight until the radiation in the Van Allen belts dissipated, I think it's a fair bet it didn't explode.

      OK, can we all agree on where we start the fleet? I vote we start with the beginning of the show and do as we please form there. Extra time off world with only a few bases isn't going to give us a significant advantage, and railgun tehcnology would still be pretty useless without compact naquadah generators we get in season 2 or three.


        third, MT warheads are viable, and using naquahdah very viable.
        i don't see it geting multie MTs like i said 700 KT but if you say MT it is not going to get multi MT

        fusion is almost instantly MT range
        Pure fusion weapons give lower yealds


          the god of all nukes Tsara Bomba was 50MT. it was originally designed to be 100MT but it would become too heavy and bulky. the Millitary only uses practical nukes: the type that blows up a city, not hundreds of kilometers of space.

          pure fusion is impossible since the explosives needed for ignition would make it way too big. instead, you use a small fission nuke to create the fusion part. using a brick of naqahdah and a cup of D/T or D/H-3 you'd easily get MT range. far megaton range.

          Tom, railguns are somewhat useful, primarily to kick deathgliders into hell. think SGU "air" i think Alkesh could be equipped in many ways. some goauld would have shields, others bigger guns, etc. so they could be somewhat effective.

          i'd like to see some energy weapons being fitted at some point, either through some interface or through reverse-engineering, preferably the first.

          still, the primary component of our little fleet would be goauld ships
          Last edited by thekillman; 15 April 2010, 01:30 AM.


            Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
            OK, can we all agree on where we start the fleet? I vote we start with the beginning of the show and do as we please form there.
            Start at the s1? ok fine with me.
            La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
            L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


              The point is, we don't need to go back before the show, an anchor point from which we can diverge would be best, the same way the initial fleets started form the Ori war, we need some place we can nail down and then do our own thing.
              Completely agree, we need an anchor that provides a balence between everyone, i think the S6/7/8 period works, and we can juggle the various storylines in that period about to get the best mashup of storylines, i think anubis becoming the all powerful system lord and then radically changing the goauld, by creating the kulls he basicly undermined the entire jaffa/goauld relationship, if that was done on a larger scale a Jaffa uprising and joining forces with Earth and the tokra against Anubis and the goauld might work. Perhaps it does end with him attacking and we finding the drones but it doesnt have too. its one option we can keep in reserve. I think anubis has alot of potential that was not shown, he was only around for 2 seasons and i think he needed about 5 in order to realyl be the threat that for along everyone never wanted, a single all powerful intelligent and advanced goauld.
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                a powerful goauld which cannot be killed by any means but ascended beings


                  if we remove that part, it'd be better.

                  Obviously you need to be able of defeating your enemy, just increase the brains and remove the ascended being thing thus making it, he was fully descended but retained a bit of ancient knowledge anyhow. Also not all other Goa'ulds should be killed, lets say Anubis takes Ra's position and limits the power of the other System Lords. Keeps them on a tighter leash and manages to do what happened here on Earth in the middle ages. Centralize the rule of the one Supreme System Lord and decrease power of those under him.

                  On another note, I think the gate should go public faster and we start to colonize other planets in our solar system (that seems like the smart thing to do, after all one system can be more easilly defended than allot of them). Using relay satellites ringing from Earth to Mars etc would be possible. (also remove the damned visible beaming from ring to ring, it was done inconsistently anyway)


                  Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                    actually rings have matterstreams. so that should be left in.

                    as to anubis: interesting thought. he's a mortal being, essentially a human-goauld hybrid. his goauld has fused to his host completely, making his body a human with partially-goauld organs, goauld brains, and has the increased strenght etc that comes with being goaulded. his memory of ascension has been subconsciously stored, and like Daniel he can't access it. however, memory recall technology does allow him to remember bit by bit, but it's painful and slow, and does not allow him control of WHAT he remembers. could be trivialities or meaning of life stuff.

                    On another note, I think the gate should go public faster and we start to colonize other planets in our solar system (that seems like the smart thing to do, after all one system can be more easilly defended than allot of them). Using relay satellites ringing from Earth to Mars etc would be possible. (also remove the damned visible beaming from ring to ring, it was done inconsistently anyway)
                    i never really understood colonizing immediately after the gate goes public. why would you want to live on a by-far-not-so-safe planet as earth? in fact, there's always been chaos after going public, so i think that should be taken into account, and i think that it shouldn't go as smooth as other fleets and stories did.

                    yes i think the goauld should be picked off one by one and be killed. of course the worst of the worst, IE the most powerful remain alive the longest, which is also why we're going to have an ever increasingly tougher time killing them. Anubis is the "God of Death", a name you wouldn't get with shooting flowers at people. Sokar is basically the Devil, so that's a goauld which sticks around longer as well. i mean, you don't pick the position as the Devil for fun.

                    i think the FJN should form earlier, be small, and be made of jaffa that truely wish to be free and well, it's essentially a bigger resistance that formed a nation. preferably using a traveller-like fleet as a home.

                    i also would like to have a kind of Traveller race around, you know, jerryrigger type, patch and fix, and customize.

                    lastly, i think SGA can be eventually included somehow. still, i think ZPM's are too much of a plot device and need big time tweaking. so do the Lanteans, as they're swiss cheese of plotholes. so are the wraith.

                    again, there's nothing wrong with the goauld aside from the eternal "i am your god" and the goauld merging into apparently a similarly-dressed, similarly-looking and similarly-powerful empire. i like the differences between goauld and i would love to keep them. i would like to see missions where we'd have to prevent goauld from getting another goauld's tech, to prevent the rise of an ubergoauld due to his weaknesses being gone.

                    also i do not see why mars would be colonised. (the moons and rings of) jupiter is much more interesting. lots of easy-access minerals, presence of D and H-3 for fusion power, and what not, and Titan has a massive supply of hydrocarbons, for plastics etc.


                      Well there is some room to play in terms of anubis, i like the idea of being a pure human/gouald hybrid, what i like even more is that perhaps he was the origional harscis child, and thats why he was benished by Ra (perhaps Ra's child) he wasnt helped by oma though, and instead went in to hiding, using the knowledge and technology to the goauld in radically new ways, along the lines of what daniel would have been if he had not been inthe dream. So anubis would be alot more advanced and powerful. Twist the anubis tale and instead of making him about the ancients worst mistake, he can be the goauld's worst mistake and the source of so much taboo around harsisis children.
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        as for mars, that was simply meant to illustrate the need to go to other planets in our system, simply because we need more places to grow food and house our people. Moving to another planet out side our system poses a far harder place to defend and to keep properly secure, securing Sol is easier, as we'd only have one gate to keep safe, some ships to prevent people getting out or in etc.

                        Personally I would like to see Mars fully terraformed and colonized. We'd just have so much more room for our civilizations.

                        The Traveller race for in MW would be great, seems only logical to get out of the Goa'uld their way and to keep reasonably safe. Perhaps a Tollan offshoot race, a former colony that got attacked by the Goa'uld forcing them to flee. SO in general, tech wise, less strong than the Goa'uld but in some areas of science and tech more advanced. Could be a great all or burden.


                        Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                          Originally posted by immhotep View Post
                          Well there is some room to play in terms of anubis, i like the idea of being a pure human/gouald hybrid, what i like even more is that perhaps he was the origional harscis child, and thats why he was benished by Ra (perhaps Ra's child) he wasnt helped by oma though, and instead went in to hiding, using the knowledge and technology to the goauld in radically new ways, along the lines of what daniel would have been if he had not been inthe dream. So anubis would be alot more advanced and powerful. Twist the anubis tale and instead of making him about the ancients worst mistake, he can be the goauld's worst mistake and the source of so much taboo around harsisis children.
                          that is a radical new way, but it does seem more logical and dangerous. The biter evilness of the Goa'uld and the intellect of the humans with knowledge of all Goa'uld tech (derived from Ancient tech anyway) would be cool.


                          Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


                            I agree with the colonising Mars (also, Venus could be colonised easily aswell.) It gives us extra space for industries and vital space for people (it would solve the overpopulation problem.) It also gives us extra space to grow food and feed ourselves. Outposts could the placed on jupiters and neptunes moons (i don't like the idea of mining saturn. its too beautifull ) to mine He-3 and Hydrogen.

                            After the program goes public, people would find the idea of colonising attractive (similar to how the colonising of the America's went)

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              food can be massproduced by hydroponics farm. by investing more into better artificial suns, sunlight becomes unnecessary . then, build massive hydroponics factories. mass-produced food. meat can be made in the lab.

                              stargates and hyperdrives make interstellar distances mere inconveniences, no immense barriers. it's also why i'd like an offworld SGC. the current SGC has threatened the earth 100x over.


                                Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                                food can be massproduced by hydroponics farm. by investing more into better artificial suns, sunlight becomes unnecessary . then, build massive hydroponics factories. mass-produced food. meat can be made in the lab.

                                stargates and hyperdrives make interstellar distances mere inconveniences, no immense barriers. it's also why i'd like an offworld SGC. the current SGC has threatened the earth 100x over.
                                They may do, but the average civilian wouldn't think about that. As far they are concerned, if there is no ships in the system, then they think they are defenceless.

                                "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."

